Hello Good Souls,
Well, as I mentioned before, I was awaiting the results of Round Two of the everlasting book competition ... I received them this morning and it seems it is the end of the road for me on that little journey. Never mind. All is as should be! But thank you all so much for your kindness in voting. It was worth trying I thought ... and clearly so did you . Sadly the judges didn't!!
Interestingly enough I had been proudly boasting about how detached I was from the entire affair ... so I was a bit surprised this morning to find myself somewhat disappointed. Not deeply upset ... I guess a bit miffed thinking ... 'And the point of all that effort was???' Yet, we learn from everything ... and all these lessons enable us to see how much we have evolved since perhaps the last disappointment (which oddly enough had been ten minutes before when I discovered throughout all my dieting efforts I had put on a kilo!!). But am I going to chuck myself on the floor and throw a tantrum? Of course not. Am I going to pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again? Indeedy! You see, that's the great thing about this Ascending business, don't you find? It enables you to deal with life on a much 'happier' scale, because you know you have the choice. So, I chose to be happy for the 25 that made it through and to wear something loose today!!!!
It's not always easy to look on the bright side of life though is it? Sometimes we just don't seem to have the oomph to 'pull ourselves together'. And it's then perhaps that we should allow ourselves to wallow a little in our mood of melancholy ... not for too long, just enough time to take a breather ... to reassess where we are going and whether or not we want to go there. Sometimes it feels like we've missed the fun bus and got on a sinking ship!
There is a wonderful line from a play called Shirley Valentine which I was privileged to perform many years ago, and have just recently revived a little snippet of it in a project I have been doing ... She says 'Why,why do we get all this life if it can't ever be used? Why, why do we get all these feelings and dreams and hopes if they can't ever be used? That's where Shirley Valentine disappeared to, she got lost in all this unused life!'
And some days I feel like that, I feel I should be doing more ... more to make me FEEL like I'm living. Other occasions there doesn't seem enough hours in the day. Once again ... BALANCE and ACCEPTANCE. ACCEPTANCE of WHO WE ARE and WHERE WE ARE AT and OUR ATTITUDE towards every single thing that takes place from the minute we get up until the minute we lay ourselves down to sleep. Our behaviour towards another ... the smallest things count when we are not in a position to do big things, and yet those small things are huge and most important to the changing of this world we live in.
This morning, after my little disappointments, someone, somewhere, who I have never met, sent me through the link to a song by James Taylor called 'Blossom' dedicating it to me. I knew of it many moons ago. A small thing maybe to that person who took the time to send it ... but to me HUGE! Just perfect in this moment of now! So, let's not forget the little things ... If each of us made it our choice to do at least one little thing for someone else every day we could uplift this planet in no time. And it is SO in need of our Love expressing itself.
I put a blog post up the other day called I LOVE YOU and at the end of it is a wonderful video of the same name that is well worth the watch. http://blossomgoodchild.blogspot.com/
Also , many of you may have received this from someone already but it would be of such value if we could all do this everyday. Perhaps print it out and stick it on your fridge as a reminder to say it .. I would imagine everyone in this day and age has seen the photo's of water crystals and their different form depending on the label written on the jar. eg. LOVE /HATE. (Dr Masaru Emoto, )
"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings.
To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton, coral, algae, and all living creatures . . . I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.
Well, thats it for July's news. For those of you who have read this far ... well done!! Of course I shall continue to update you when a new channelling comes through. A few wrote in wondering why I would want to bring the issue of before the Oct 14th event up .. (as in, giving the link to a channelling that came up on its own). I felt I should give you that link because perhaps The Federation wanted us to re read it. I don't know why , but then I don't know much about a lot of things, I just follow my heart. So for those who were confused or wondering ... thats why!
These days upon us are so very full of questions as to how everything will work out. The answers to those questions will reveal themselves to us at the exact time we are ready to receive them. And we'll declare 'Ah yes of course!"
In every moment of breath, remember to smell the roses.
Thank you.
Absorb plenty of
Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays