The Truth About the U.S. Presidency

Dear Friends,


While you are mulling over the predicted collapse of the world economy that I posted before this one. Try to understand the facade that the U.S. government is – in order to realize the total ramifications of this deadly game that is being played at our expense by the world's Cabals and their over lords the Illuminati.


These are going to be times of great change and I look forward to seeing the Cosmic power that I believe will cause this huge machine of evil to destroy itself by what is taking place at this time in mankind's history in this world. Hang on to your hats, this is going to be quite a ride. In the end it is the "meek" that shall inherit the earth, not the rich and powerful.


Here is a report that just came in by Dr. Richard Boylan. It is quite revealing.


Thanks be to God,


Carl Azcar


Brigadier General Shadow offers the following insider knowledgeable assessment of how the military and intelligence agencies operate vis-a-vis the President.


- Richard Boylan,Ph.D.


 Brigadier General Shadow:


"You are correct in assuming that the "behind-the-scenes" agencies within our government still drive on, regardless of who is president. In fact, it really doesn't matter at all in this day and age. The president is merely an symbol. An image set forth by the Cabal to give the civilians the feeling that the country is indeed ran by the people. That is FAR from the case. In all honesty, most of what the CIA, NSA, DOD, DHS, and most certainly the DII do is classified, even for the president. Why does he need to know? He doesn't. He is not the king.


A huge band of men coordinating with each other to achieve their goals is more important than what one man has to say. Especially a man who isn't president because the people want him to be. Who is president, for a very, very long while, has not been our choice. It is the choice of the Cabal and the Illuminati.  Very sad." 


in the light,

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC,

Councillor of/for Earth
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd


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