Good Greetings:
I have started a new Thread with the Thrive Movie linked. I for one am supportive of the Thrive Movie.
I bless you all with Love. I bless You, brother Berry for posting this movie intially.
Show your support and help humanity rise. Please purchase the DVD and show to all your friends that do not have access to the net.
I bless Foster Gamble with Love. I bless Kimberly Carter Gamble with Love. I bless all who have given their lives so this movie could be made. I bless all who brought this movie to fruition.
I bless the Occupy Movement with Love. I bless us all with Love.
Let Light Flow to All People's Light. Let this Light Be Expanded. Let Love Fill All that is Light.
Peace On--
Youtube Movie Link
Thrive Theme Song
Thrive Movement to buy video or rent it to see online or send it as a gift (at least send one as a gift.)
Occupy Free Energy