![Carl-Azcar's picture Carl-Azcar's picture](http://gatheringspot.net/sites/default/files/styles/activity_avatar/public/pictures/picture-28.jpg?itok=fdpAGwIi)
My Dear Friends,
This report that I hope you will take time to read might be too long to post here. However, you can read this entire report at < http://www.drboylan.com/openltr2ufocomm.html >, which is on Dr. Richard Boylan's Web site.
I am proud to say I have been a member of Dr. Boylan's Star Seeds Team for over two years and I have learned a great deal about the tremendous work and sacrifice that many people are involved in to bring the truth of our Cosmic brothers and sisters to the people of this planet. Unfortunately, government secrecy for very selfish reason is doing all that it can to prevent these truths from being known. Knowledge is the greatest weapon we have to counteract this cover-up.
And yes, in the end, it is Love that will conquer the Dark Energies on this planet.
Please read about what is being done to bring this information to mankind. It is quite an eye opener.
God's Love to all,
Hi Carl!
I read that report at http://www.drboylan.com/openltr2ufocomm.html
Incredible. I am publishing a copy on my personal blog (http://www.afinerweb.com/blog/) just in case. I was surprised to discover that while reading the article I found myself gleefully anticipating the arrival of real honest-to-god flying saucers. Bring it on!
In joy and love,
That was indeed an eye-opening report, Carl! I don't know much about Dr. Boylan, but I found his article to be quite interesting ~ thanks for sharing it with us!
Bodhi, I too cannot wait to meet our galactic brothers and sisters!
Love & light,
Penny :-)
Hi All, Hope I don't offend anyone but have to send this. Something about this open letter is extremely disturbing to me. I’ll try to pin down what causes this. Maybe I do not see it clearly or have not studied the UFO topic sufficiently. This internet posting pulls out all my intuitive warning whistles. First of all, it sets up an atmosphere of fear. Think of all those folks who have not yet discovered the power of Love, especially when held jointly by groups such as our Transformation Team. This message, if believed, will be terrifying to people who have not yet considered that extraterrestrials are real and hold a loving intention toward us here on Earth. Another type of fear could bubble up from the information given about the Cabal and its erroneous intentions. This information is presented without any references and validation. Remember how carefully this darker material is presented in our TT Course and the Need to Know site and how itl is balanced with the messages of hope and Sacred Love. We, as participants of TT, have committed ourselves to work toward transformation of our world and ourselves through individual, spiritual awareness. We are called on to take personal responsibility for creating the world we now inhabit. We are the ones who are responsible for healing the mess we have created. I believe we will be helped in this mission by various spiritual beings, be they ETs, angels, guides, or other spiritual essences we might not yet be able to identify, if and when we ask for this help. This letter describes a rather hierarchical system that may or may not be any better than that which we are working to heal. It feels like something that is being imposed on us and we have nothing to say about it. Where is the free will Creator imbued us with? I best stop for now, and hope you all will answer with your own thoughts. With abundant Love flowing to us all, JoyAnna
Dear Penny and Bodhi,
Dr. Richard Boylan did an energy scan of the presidential candidates running for office. Out of the total he said that none save one have their spirit in the right place.
Ron Paul is OK, meaning he is a good person but does not have the highest spiritual motives.
Hillary Clinton is just another member of the Washington Cabal just Bill Clinton is. The rest are all Cabal material
Beroc Obama is the only one that is a true Star Seed. This means he is a very special Soul, that has been sent here to live in a human body for a very special purpose. If you look at the Historical figures throughout our history on earth, that have been the true movers for earth's societies, you can see that their human lives have become beacons for others to follow, thus turning points for mankind. Mahatma Ghandi was this sort of person, I personally believe that Martin Luther King Jr. was that sort of person, and I am sure there have been many others. Yes, I feel John F. Kennedy also fits that description. That is not to say that many people are not very good Souls, it is just that there are those who fit a very special mission. It is interesting that Obama is the only Candidate that is totally opposed to the War in Iraq.
I certainly feel this indicates that we are beginning to move into some very wonderful and mysterious ways. There are going to be some wonderful changes that will happen this year. It is all much closer than anyone can imagine. The exposure of the lies and true motives of the dark forces in Washington D.C. are on the verge of being revealed. You will see many people this year who will be shamed publicly because of the two faced image they wear. Well, it is about time.
Lets see what "Super Duper Tuesday" brings for starters.
Love and Blessings to you both,
Carl Azcar
JoyAnna, your thoughts on this are most apt. Thank you for that. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know that sometimes I get carried away still by negativity. I'm working on that, and I'm lots better than I used to be. Still, I get to feeling a little overwhelmed now and then. Sometimes I can sit still, calm myself, and Breathe Sacred Love. Other times I get so restless and fidgity I just have to get out and take a walk.
I don't know if ETs are real or not. I sure don't scoff any longer, though, that's for sure. Besides that weird experience I had in the desert so long ago, I've read and seen too much to dismiss the reports as nonsense (or worse).
I'd like to think there are enlightened beings and civilizations "out there" that are benevolent and interested in our welfare. The fact is, we don't know who or what is there, except for evidence that we can't prove and so must individually choose what we believe. If they show themselves, then of course we'll know. If they don't - or if they choose to continue to manifest selectively to just a few, then, well, don't we have work to get on with?
Just my 2¢ worth.
Dear JoyAnna,
I posted a comment at the bottom of this letter about the information from Dr. Boylan. it is titled "Open Letter" and you will find it below.
Carl Azcar
Hey beloved friends, I had a number of email exchanges with Dr. Boylan a couple years ago. At first, I was impressed with his work, but then I began to have similar reservations as JoyAnna and others have expressed here. When I questioned Dr. Boylan about this, he became not only defensive but aggressive with me, and I think you know I am fairly calm and open in my communications.
After that I largely stopped following his work. I send him lots of love and invite him and all of us to realize that when you realize that every being in its essence wants only to love and be loved, there is nothing to fear. I invite you to open to your own inner and higher guidance as you explore these things. Have a beautiful day!
With sacred love and joy flowing,
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My Dear Friends,
How badly you have misunderstood the intentions of this posting. All that Dr. Boylan is trying his best to do, is make you aware of the secrets, the lies and the corruption within the U.S. Government, concerning the Cabal operations of the UFO reality.
There are two things at stake here: There is the bogus UFO threat which this government has developed and is using against the people of this earth and it is this threat that Dr. Boylan is trying to bring to your attention.
The other reality is this: The UFO's (as we call them) are a true Cosmic reality. They really do exist, it is the way that higher physical being travel in the 5th dimension and above. Do they have to travel this way? No they can travel far more easily in their Spirit bodies which would be invisible to us. However, they also come as our brothers and sisters and are just as real as we are. It may surprise you to realize that they can and do travel here to earth and walk among us unnoticed because they look just like us. The great "Sleeping Prophet" Edgar Cayce was one asked if there were really aliens in space. His answer was, "if you want to see an Alien, go to the nearest mirror."
I can assure you, I am not from this earth, I was born here, but I am not from here. I have no idea where you are really from, that is for you to find out from your Spirit Guides. Yes, your Spirit Guides are very real, they not only love you, but they are parts, aspects, of what you are.
Please realize, the "Star Nations", and the "Galactic Federation" are the true Spirit Beings of the Cosmic Order that are assisting us in every way, especially at this time when we are so close to what we call, "The Ascension Process." All that this means is that we have chosen to rise to a higher dimension, which will be the 5th dimension or even higher. It is simply graduation time. What is happening? Are you having stage fright? This is something that we have talked about for many years, and now it is actually going to happen. Isn't this what we have all prayed for? I certainly have.
Just beware that there is a very insidious Dark Force that exist in this world that would like to scare you to death. They would like to see you flunk your final exams, they want you to fail. Well, I believe you are better than that. I believe you have earned the right and the honor you deserve to rise with the earth to a Higher Spiritual level. If you have learned the meaning of "Unconditional Love" then you have passed the grade (so to speak). So just accept what this gift is with gratitude.
Prepare your selves for this great cosmic gift that is being offered to us all. Also realize, it will be your choice to accept or reject this gift. It will not be forced on you. For me, it is what I have prayed for all my life. The decision is your's to make.
With God's love and Blessings,
Carl Azcar
Hi Carl, Thanks for bringing up Richard Boylan. I have been tracking him for a number of years as a UFO researcher. His approach is unique in the UFO community because it is based on love and Standing Elk's 11:11 focus on positive intent by the ET's. Many others have given them a sinister background. I haven't understood why he does sometimes pick on some people like Dr. Steven Greer and now Fred. I have used Richard's dowsing approach for sensing things and it is quite accurate though I can make no assessment of his use of it. I had him speak over on the East Coast a few years back and he was a quiet unassuming person who was not as profound in person as he is in writing. Yet, he hypnotically regressed my wife in my presence to uncover an ET encounter of her own. It was all very professionally done and quite legitimate with no prodding or leading the patient. I give him two thumbs up for his rich work in this difficult to separate the fact from fiction category and one thumb down for his treatment of Fred. Blessings, Jim
Dear LightEmissary,
Thank you for your comments. I have been a member of Dr. Boylan's Star Seed Web Site for over two years now, and I am very thankful for the work he is doing to bring the truth out about the UFO coverups.
I was also impressed to see that he has rated the energy fields of the presidential candidates. And I agree with him about his assessment of Barack Obama. Yes, to me he is a very special Soul. I certainly wish him well in his bid for the the Presidential nomination. Obama is a true gift to the American political establishment.
I feel he is on the out's with Steven Greer because Greer is just too close the some of the Cabal members , especially David Rockefeller.
Yes, I too use dowsing rods and the pendulum which I find them very fascinating to use. I also feel that the use of this is a part of my spiritual connections in this life.
With God's Love and Blessings,
Carl Azcar
Brother Carl-Azcar
Much of what is presented in the "open letter " is fairly common knowledge to most UFOers. I find it a little arrogant of the good Doctor to announce that he was chosen specifically to be the Councellor of/for Earth. His references to the numerous air/space vehicles which he claims that the U.S. Military has back engineered is impressive but I find it somewhat incredible and he need to provide more substantiation of those facts. Finally, Dr. Boylan claims that there are "no" Extraterrestrials with ill intent toward Earth or humanity. He is all by himself in the supposition. All that I have read previously points to the fact that the Cabal is and has been instituted and supported by Service To Self ET entities. As above so below and vice versa. The earth is a microcosm of what is happening in the Universe.
All that being said, I am not at all denying that what the open letter is claiming may not indeed be happening. I have seen other recent channelings indicating the very imminent "first contact" is or has already happened. However for those who fear that they are over-riding mankinds freewill, there should be no fear. The following link expands on that particular thought.
This is just my two bits. All said with the breath of love to all of you.
Thank you,
To all who have offered their comments on this fascinating subject about UFO's and our relationship to them. Hopefully we will see some answers and proofs about this in the near future. Then at least, we will be able to discern what the real truth is regarding our relationship to the Cosmic Community. Yes, I have my own beliefs about this, but I do not want to argue these points with anyone. We live in a Cosmic Reality that has room for everyones beliefs and I am not in a position to refute the knowledge or wisdom of anyone in this regard.
The one thing I have learned is, our Soul is immortal, at least I know mine is. So I believe that each of us is the totality of our Soul's experience from time immemorial to this very instant of our lives. No two lives in the Spirit are the same. Each of us has a history of experiences that we have lived in different parts of the Cosmic order – some of which is human, both male and female and some that is not. At least that has been my experience. Perhaps your history is different than mine and that is not only wonderful but is to be expected. The point is, it is all valid, it is all a part of who we truly are – different aspects of God and Creator. And that is the most wonderful reality of all.
With God's Love and Blessings to all,
Carl Azcar
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...since Carl's first post. Without direct knowledge, I can only go within, check with my guides, and look on the web. I don't know how to remote-view but I can psychically feel the direction of the breeze. Much of what each of you - JoyAnna, Jade, Jim, Berry - has said resonates with me as well.
Carl, I have one question for you regarding your statement about Barak Obama. You said, It is interesting that Obama is the only Candidate that is totally opposed to the War in Iraq. It has been my impression from reading online that the only candidate who opposes the war is Ron Paul. Obama is widely seen as a tool of the Cabal. While I intuit that there's "something" about the guy that is unique, I find it difficult to trust him. Can you give me some resources to check out your statement?
I've come to agree with the opinion that there are already aliens among us. For one, I have actually seen a reptilian, which I believe I posted here somewhere. Also, I have been told that I myself am star seed (specifically Anunnaki). I can't say this resonates with me very deeply, and the person who told me this later lost my trust and respect. That doesn't mean that what he told me isn't true, but it does mean I don't automatically believe him. I have no idea how I would find out if the truth is not given to me psychically - which it has not been.
A very, very interesting thread, this is! And Nada/Jade, I have to say I love it when you weigh in on just about any topic!
I was starting to feel a little
now I'm
and feeling much better.
Thanks Nada!![](/sites/default/files/u/8/smilie_biggrin.gif)
In love and laughter,
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They are our extended family and we are one...
At one point in time, were were obviously profoundly in love with one another.
I know we can reclaim that awareness that heals all memory of betrayal.
Much love to all as we reach for the whole truth....
Dear Indigo Star Nation,
I could not agree more. Thank you for the gentle reminder.
I feel blessed to have you here with us.
In gratitude, joy, and love,
These comments I will give you belong to Richard Boylan Ph D, not to me. Here is what his e-mail said this last week about all the Candidates. You are most free to accept it or reject it.
I have checked the energy signature on U.S.Presidential Candidate Ron Paul, and it is consistent with Human of Good Will. He does not exhibit Star Seed energy signature.
Humans of Good Will do many good and helpful things. You don't have to be a Star Seed to generally speak the truth.
Former Candidate Dennis Kucinich is a Human of Good Will, and generally speaks the truth.
I have no information on whether Ron Paul has Star Nations protection.
John McCain exhibits the energy signature of a Human of Good Will. Humans of Good Will can make mistakes and make poor choices. After all, we're all "only Human". But McCain is too cozy with the Council on Foreign Relations for my liking. CFR is both a recruiting and indoctrination tool, and an instrumentality, for the Cabal "overlords".
But not everyone who attends a CFR, Bilderberg,or Trilateral Commission meeting is a card-carrying Cabal member. Some attendees are simply curious and "useful fools", and/ or are Humans Undecided in their Orientation to Source. Of course a high number of those at such gatherings, and virtually all the officers and organizers of those organizations, are Cabal.
Your statement that "all [Presidential Candidates] but Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich "are Cabal" is simply not correct.
Candidate Barack Obama is not Cabal, is a Star Seed,and the object of intense Star Nations positive attention.
Hillary Clinton attended the Bilderberg Group meeting, was anointed there as one of their U.S. Presidential candidates,and has a Cabal energy signature.
Mitt Romney has a weak-negative energy signature,which I would interpret as a Human Undecided in his Orientation to Source but starting to lean towards the dark (Cabal) side.
For all UFOFacts members:
The line of being on-topic for UFOFacts requires explicit connection to UFOs, Star Visitors, close encounters, experiencers Star Seeds and Star Kids, and the societal and personal changes that are a direct result of Star Visitor presence in our lives on Earth.
Discussing U.S presidential politics by itself is not one of UFOFacts's topics.
in the light,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
I want to thank you for your insights and your concern for what these issues mean for all mankind. Yes, I have been a member of Dr. boylan's web site for over two years now. Do I agree with everything he says, certainly not. I much prefer the channelings of Mike Quinsey which I have posted on the portal for others to read. I also have many views myself but I do not regard them as channeled sources.
I feel we are mainly responsible for just one person, namely ourselves, and I will not interfere with anyone else's points of view even tho I might not agree with them. Yes, we can work to bring light to others, but we cannot shove our views down anyones throat. We can only hope to live our lives as an example for others and to truly love all unconditionally in all of our interactions. Yes, that is just my opinion, but it is also the way I try to live my life. I make mistakes and some of them I have had to pay dearly for. So perfect I am not, by a long shot. But I do feel I am getting better at this as I grow older. In fact I feel I have as good a chance to make the grade as anyone else.
I have been working at this for a long time in this life, and even much longer in all of the previous lives I have lived. I realize that it is not an accident that I am still here, working at this day after day. By the same token, it is not an accident that anybody else is still here either. I guess you could say we are all works in progress. Anyway, that is just the view from where I am. I think it is time to get back to work on this.
With God's Love for all,
Carl Azcar
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