My Dear Friends,
This bulletin came in this evening from Dr. Richard Boylan. He speaks of a number of events that will take place, and we will just have to wait and see what develops on this. I fully realize that you may not believe what he is saying, however I also believe that it is time for people to realize the lies and corruption that is coming out of the Washington Cabal. I feel no fear at all about this, nor should you. When the truth is finally known, the U.S. population will be greatly shocked at what they will come to know.
Lets just say, it is time for the Washington Cabal to be exposed for what it is.
I pray that God's Will prevails in all of this.
Carl Azcar
February16, 2008
On Valentine’s Day, (Thursday, Feb. 15), the wire services reported that James Jeffries, the Deputy National Security Adviser, said that President Bush had ordered a secret spy satellite in a decaying orbit to be shot down because it contains toxic fuel, and he was "concerned about human life".
Apparently Bush’s "concern about human life" does not extend to hybrid Humans. Because what the government did not reveal is that the bus-size satellite has an astronaut aboard. This astronaut is a Human-Star Being hybrid, cloned by the Cabal, and whose job was to operate the advanced technology aboard the satellite, technology stolen and back-engineered from downed extraterrestrial spacecraft. The Cabal infiltrators in the National Reconnaissance Office do not want any portion of their satellite to reach Earth because of the chance that someone might notice the unworldly technology and unconventional crewman it carries; and to ask where those came from.
And the Cabal have another reason, too. This Star Wars Lite exercise is a public conditioning for a later full-scale Star Wars to repel a fake "alien invasion’ staged by secret U.S. antigravity craft, and planned for later this year.
The details follow.
Sometime in the next two weeks, the U.S. Navy Aegis guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Erie will steam out of Pearl Harbor, HI accompanied by two destroyers and head for the North Pacific. Aboard will be three specially-modified Standard Missile-3 ICBMs. Their mission: to destroy a bus-size super-secret satellite which had been secretly launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in December, 2006. What the sailors aboard the USS Lake Erie will not be told is that the missile they fire will kill an astronaut aboard the secret satellite.
The government’s press release is suspicious from the start. The stated reason for not letting satellite debris fall to Earth is supposedly because a canister of hydrazine fuel aboard would survive atmospheric re-entry and break apart upon hitting the ground, thus spreading toxic fumes in a 600-foot circle. Hydrazine is both volatile and highly flammable. But anyone who has watched the footage of the Shuttle Columbia break apart in atmospheric re-entry would have no doubt that a canister filled with explosive fuel would never make it through the fiery re-entry temperatures all the way to the ground. So a relatively small cloud of rocket propellant isn’t the real reason for this $60 million Star Wars missile shoot. Keeping secret the stolen extraterrestrial technology and illegally-cloned astronaut is.
For some years the Cabal have been producing human clones using various mixtures of Human and extraterrestrial genes. These clones have been produced in secret underground Cabal factories in Iceland, Antarctica and elsewhere. The clones have been produced for various purposes. In the case of the astronaut aboard this secret spy satellite, his genetic composition is 2% Human genes and 98% Star Being genes. His job: to operate the exotic technology aboard the satellite, technology so exotic that it incorporates semi-alive artificial intelligence, and which is controlled by telepathic interface with the hybrid astronaut.
Some might think that 2% Human is not much in the overall genetic mix. But reflect that the genome of a chimpanzee and the Human genome differ by only 2%.
The Cabal spliced the 2% Human genes into strategic locations on the Star Being genome in order to facilitate the hybrid’s being under the control of the Cabal technicians, who brainwashed him since he was grown to adult size and activated The Cabal also mentally programmed him that his work aboard the NRO satellite, activating the Earth deep-penetrating imaging equipment, was "in the vital national security interest". Actually it is part of the Cabal’s hostile search for Star Visitors who may have retreated underground from Cabal death squads hunting them.
The hybrid-Human astronaut, (let’s call him Joe), lives and sleeps aboard the satellite. With his special hybrid make-up, Joe requires very little to eat, so there has been no problem storing enough long-term food supplies aboard for him.
The U.S. government could have sent up a Shuttle to rescue Joe from the satellite. They knew last year that its orbit would not last beyond the beginning of this March. But they did not. The Cabal consider secret astronauts expendable.
Besides, they have a second, sinister purpose with this coming missile kill. The great global publicity the Administration have given this missile kill of a secret satellite is no accident. For it is Phase Two of the three-phase Grand Plan they have, a plan that Dr. Wernher Von Braun warned about decades ago: three different manufactured external threats produced to rally the people around an increasingly power-grabbing and fascistic New World Order government.
Phase One was the Cold War, (during which supposed enemies secretly cooperated.)
Phase Two was a Threatening Object From Space. When Zecharia Sitchin’s peddling of Sumerian legends about a supposed incoming planet Niburu/Marduk didn’t catch traction, the Cabal fell back on this "falling satellite" ploy.
Phase Three is a faked "alien invasion" to be staged later this year in the skies overhead by Cabal secret antigravity craft, and projected holographic "alien ships". The Cabal figure this globalized "threat" will galvanize the people into acquiescing to Global Martial Law.
What the Cabal didn’t count on is the numbers of lightworker and Star Seed Good Guys/Gals within governments, militaries, intelligence agencies, and other organizations who are "mad as hell and aren’t going to take it any more;" it being Cabal sneaky power grabs, and are putting up resistance.
So, know you know the rest of the story.
(The above report is based on information disclosed to me by Star Nations. You didn’t really expect that the Bush-Cheney White House would tell you the truth,did you? Cheney’s motto is: "You can’t handle the truth." But I think you can. So, now you have it.)
in the light,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor of/for Earth
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.drboylan.com
Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA
...I guess we'll be outside looking up while everyone runs for cover. No, then they'll know who we are, for sure...we better run too, just for show. Thank you for the heads-up.
I just had a thought...I remember right after 9/11, there was talk of how there were actually no planes at all to create that ten-second freefall. Pretty much everyone scoffed - I did - but there never were any plane parts left over - or were there? I heard something about a fan from a Pratt&Whitney, but never saw where that went. I know how they found one of the terrorist's passports lying in the street, but as far as I know there was not a single Adida, not a seat-belt buckle, not a single piece of Samsonite - and no nuts, bolts, letter openers or billets - doux or otherwise. Odd.
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Dear Indigo Star,
First let me tell you about where I am on this subject. I am a member of the Disclosure Project Group. I am also a member of Dr. Boylan's Star Group, so this material is all pretty well known to me. I have been interested about this material for many years. I have no official capacity concerning this, I am just a very interested private citizen.
OK, first Question. Is there a Black-Ops Cabal Government actually running the show. Unfortunately, YES. This
Cabal Government has been running things for most of the 20th Century, and is now carrying on their work in the 21st century. Does this alarm me? Yes and No. Yes, because it means mankind is being subjected to the same power and control that is preventing us from advancing at a more normal pace. This shadow government is actually running the big picture and is actually controlled by what is called the Illuminati, which is a force that is both on this world and also influential in the lower Spirit world. I say lower because it's influence is confined to the 3rd dimensional realms which is what the physical world is concerned with.
The reason I make the distinction of the 3rd dimension as compared to, say, the 5th dimension or higher, is because we are taking here about forces that can only operate at these lower life frequencies. The main thing is, yes, they do exist and they are a real problem that we must put up with – at this level of existence. In the religious sense, they could be called the satanic influences that lead mankind onto evil. However I do not want to start talking about religion here because that is in a category of it's own. The problem we face because of this is because these black-op influences have infiltrated every facet of our lives. They are part of every power base within our societies. That includes all major Governments, Higher Education (universities and the like), Science, Medicine, Research, Industry, all covert Operations – CIA and the like, and in a very big way within our Religious belief structures – all major religions on this planet. So in many ways it is like picking your way through a mine field in order to rid yourself of this influence.
The further problem is, the minute that any group grows large enough to began to influence the population, they become a target to be infiltrated so that the control of the Dark-Ops can take over that group or effort. This is seen very clearly in Political groups, elections, Unions, Media, anywhere there is influence over the populations. To achieve this control by force is done through coercion, assassination, or any means that is necessary to gain the power required. Therefore, it can be said that it operates without conscience and uses any force necessary to achieve it's goal. The principal method that is used by the Illuminati is called "divide and conquer." That simply means, causing a split in the loyalties within any group which then starts dissension which will either take over or destroy the group from within. Just stop and think about how effective that can be, when a very powerful group, business, or government body can loose one half of it's influence just by becoming divided from within. Rarely does it even occur to the group in power that they are actually being taken over by a force from without their organization. The stock market is a prime example of this, under the guise of Corporate Takeovers.
I also mentioned that this power struggle does not alarm me. Why? Because I realize that I am far more than my 3rd dimensional physical body. And therein lies ones greatest defense against the Black-Ops influence. The first hint that tells you that any group or effort is controlled by the Cabal, is it's secret operation. The minute you are sworn to secrecy about any dealings of a group, you should keep that influence at arms length. Sometimes we are forced by the fact that we live in society to deal with groups that operate within our sphere of influence. That is where your decision making becomes very important. If one perceives corruption within a group, you must distance yourself from that before you are drawn into the influence that it has.
Another test that you can use to detect Cabal influence is, "What does this group stand for?" All true love must be based on Unconditional Love. That is not negotiable, it is simply a given. Therefore the effort of any group that speaks of it's benevolence can be measured by this. This is especially true of any religious organization, especially where they are built on a hierarchical structure. In fact the moment that any talk of Hierarchy comes into the picture the group disqualifies itself from any connection to Unconditional Love as a bases for it's existence. That has nothing to do with very ordinary responsibilities that must be given to individuals in order for the group to function. It simply has to do with the power that people have over others.
So, the main thing one must do is to protect themselves from Cabal and Illuminati influence. Once you can identify that a particular group of effort is Cabal based then just leave it. I realize that this might be harder then is sounds. Does that mean that you cannot still be effective? not at all. The mistake we make in this life is that he must become something important. Fame and Fortune are two very great influences that we are faced with. Realize, they are both illusions. I was struck by this as much as anyone and it took me many years to realize that a career in music was not meant for me to pursue if I was going to accomplish anything worth while in this life on earth. What one comes to realize is, we do not have to become anything. We already are. In actuality, we already are magnificent beings that have come from our Cosmic roots to this small planet called earth. We have agreed to participate in this experiment called "physical life on this earth" and we have agreed to forget our prior existence so that we can truly experience this physical life in it's totality – in physical love, and physical pain, male and female, emotionally and in every respect, so that we can say that we fully realize what it means to be human. And now as we close this present era of human development, we are being given the chance to raise our very human bodies to the higher existence of the 5th level and even higher, which will advance the human race to the higher Spiritual Levels it has attained.
That is what this is all about, and that is what we are headed for if we desire it. And the reason why the Cabals influence does not matter, is because it cannot follow us into the Higher Dimensions, and why, because the one qualification that is required to advance to the 5th level is our acceptance of Unconditional Love as the main quality that we must understand and adhere to. I think you can see that the Cabal and the Illuminati will never make it passed where they are until they can turn from the lies and corruption that they live by. So the truth is, we do not have to become anything. We already are. Because we are at our very core what God and Creator are. We have been that for all eternity. This influence of the Dark Forces that temp us and try to influence our lives are just a consequence of our life in a 3rd Dimensional World. When this world rises to 5th dimension in the very near future, these negative force will simply cease to exist because they are incompatible with the higher Spirit World.
All of this effort to use nuclear power to conquer space and control the world is just mankind's child's play. As the films have repeatedly pointed out. Nuclear war heads have been disabled by Star Nation craft. And this will continue until mankind realizes and admits that there are much much greater powers in the Cosmos that will keep us in check until we learn to live in peace and unconditional love with the Cosmic Order. It is that simple. I have been looking at these videos for years, and very frankly I am not impressed with the futile efforts that I see. Mankind was made for much greater things than this.
I hope this answers your questions.
Carl Azcar
Thanks for your comments, Carl,
As you might have gathered, I have been skeptical about some of your posts in the past, but this statement of your investigations seems more clear to me than before. Mostly, I would agree with you except possibly in a few details which aren't very important to the overall ideas. It seems obvious that such a dark force has gained strength and more control here on our earth than any of us want. I also believe that as more of us come together, recognizing our true spiritual nature and live our lives according to Sacred Love to the best of our maturity and intention, we will move beyond the influence of such forces. I believe that extremely difficult times are ahead of us, and not off in the distant future. I do not fear these times because all these erroneous structures must be brought down to make room for the new. I do feel a huge sadness and grief because there will be so much suffering, but when the dust settles, earth will be able to heal and we all will be able to continue our journeys into fuller manifestations of our reality. Oh, I'm not saying this clearly!
I have one question, Carl. In all of your posts that I have read, you refer to us being in the 3rd dimension and that we will move on into the 5th. What happens in the 4th.
With Sacred Love flowing,
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Dear Indigo,
I do not believe that we must do anything overtly against to the Cabal to remove it from this world. As long as we hold on to the light and let it shine through ourselves in everything we do, that is all we have to do. Love does not have to fight against anything, it simply has to give witness to what it is. Let God be our example. God does not strike out against the dark forces. God just shines the light that it is and in doing so the darkness is vanquished.
When you enter a dark room you do not have to fight the darkness to overcome it. All you have to do is turn on the light. So turn on the light of love that you are, that you have always been, and the darkness will be turned to light. If everyone in this world would do this to the best of their ability. The darkness would be gone in a moment.
I know that sounds simplistic, but it is the answer. The trouble is not many believe yet that this can happen, so just keep turning on the light of love. Or if you want, just keep loving and light will be the result. Why? Because Love and Light are the same thing.
WIth God's Love and Blessing's
Carl Azcar
My Dear JoyAnna,
The 3rd Dimension is the hard stuff the physical reality of this world. The 5th Dimension is the result of rising to the New Paradigm, so that is where we are headed. So, in that sense the 5th Dimension is our goal, the new reality.
The 4th Dimension, in my understanding, is what we are involved in at this very point in time. Basically, if you are stuck in the 3rd dimension as many people are, then you are not moving forward. If you really want to stay in the 3rd dimension then God itself will honor that decision. However, if you desire to move to a higher spiritual understanding and are actively working towards that goal, then you are not stuck in the third dimension. Figuratively, you have began a journey which will be completed when God, invokes the state of the 5th dimension which is a move to a crystalline nature. A person who has completed the journey to the 5th Dimension is not visible to the 3rd dimensional world, why? for the same reason that a Spirit is not normally visible to us. because a Spirit exists in 5th Dimension and above. Yes, there are highly gifted people that can see and interact with those of the spirit world but the majority of us, including myself, cannot see them. Yes, I am often very aware of the influence of my Spirit Guides, in fact I converse with them daily. Their presence in my life is very real. I hope your Spirit Guides are just as real to you.
So, to better understand this, just think of the 4th dimension as the journey to the 5th Dimension. It means that you are in the act of leaving the cares of the world behind you, your mind and your heart are working towards that goal that you know exist in the future. A future that is drawing very close at this time in our human history. I am ready to make that transition anytime it happens. I simply will not cling to this 3rd dimensional world. I hope what I have said here helps you in some way. This is what I have come to understand through the guidance of my Spirit Guides.
with God's Love and Blessing's
Carl Azcar