
Hello, beloved TT members and Happy New Year!!!

I have finally had a few moments of peace and quiet after the busy holiday season to sit down and write about one of my favorite new subjects . . . ORBS!

Suddenly, in the last 4 months or so, orbs have been showing up in my digital photos ~ it's quite an interesting phenomenon!  I have had the same digital camera for 3+ years and never noticed the orbs until now.  I have particularly noticed a high concentration of orbs showing up in pictures taken in my bedroom (where I used to meditate) and out in nature.  Are any of you capturing orbs in your digital photos?

The photos I am sharing with you today are from this past Christmas.  The first picture is of my Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.  ("Santa" always takes a photo of the tree for us, with all of the kids' toys underneath, before he heads back out on his sleigh.  Isn't he so thoughtful?!?  ha-ha)  There is a large orb above the wreath over the fireplace mantle as well as many smaller orbs. The second photo was taken on Christmas morning.  One of the kids took a photo of our beloved dog, Kanga, in front of the tree. (My son, Ben, is also in the photo.)  Above Kanga's head, to the right, is a violet hued orb. (I will post more photos of the orbs soon that don't involve the glittery Christmas tree and lots of reflective ornaments. I take photos of orbs all over the house.)

Personally, I think orbs provide us with proof that the veil is indeed thinning between 3D Earth and other dimensions/realities.  What do YOU think?  I would love to know!  :-) 

Have a great weekend!

Love & light,


P.S. I met with a highly respected psychic medium here in the Dallas, Texas area (Kathleen Tucci) last April (2007) who told me I would start physically seeing "sparkles of light" quickly flash before my eyes.  She indicated that these sparks of light were angels. Ever since that time, I have indeed been seeing the sparks and a few months after that the orbs started appearing in my photos.  Isn't this a grand adventure that we all are on?!?  I love it!

UrsulaD's picture

Hi Penny,
Love your orbs! I was on at the Aura-Soma World Conference last year which was held in South Africa, at Timbavati which is near the Kruger National Park and the home of the White Lions. I have photos taken while we were meditating and doing energy work at a particular location. There are two rays of white light coming from a central point in the picture, opening out to form a pyramid with a rainbow coloured bulge at the bottom of the picture and blobs of violet light in the centre. I was told that digital cameras pick up a great deal of, to us, invisible energy patterns.
We had a birthday party in the boma one evening and the Japanese ladies took photos (I have not seen them) and apparently there were orbs of light dancing above our heads.
So, yes, they are all around us.
In Love and LIght

penny_stone's picture

Hi, Ursula!


Your photos sound amazing ~ you will have to share them with us sometime!  I will be posting more soon as well as some I have taken of, what I believe to be, UFOs.


Love & light, Penny :-)

Carl-Azcar's picture

Dear Penny,

I have never had any personal experience with Orbs, but a friend of mine in Kamloops B.C. has had several Orbs that have shown up on pictures that she has sent me over the years. The only thing I have ever noticed is the presence of a persons or something that is right on the sides of my vision, yet when I turn to look at what ever it is, it just disappears. This is a bit strange, because I live alone, so it is almost like there is someone here in my apartment with me but I can never actually see them. It is a bit hard to explain, but it started a couple of years ago and at first it startled me a bit. But then I have never actually been able to see something when this happens, I have just figured, OK, it must be my Spirit Guides just bugging me a bit. Anyway, it is all good fun and I hope yours continues.

With God's Love,

Carl Azcar

Berry's picture

I keep hearing about orbs appearing at the most unusual times and places but I have not seen any personally.
But I like Carl-Azcar also see shadow beings in my peripheral vision on occasion, especially during my quiet times in the evenings. And not all of these shadows seem to be people either. I sometimes think my cat is coming up beside me, then when I look around there is nothing there and Jolie, the cat is sleeping peacefully on the other side of the room. I do not discount that there are visitations sometimes from what used to be called the "Faerie World" and that all sorts of intellegences can visit us if we are attuned to the right vibration. Anybody have any pixie dust?

Peace, joy and Light to all

davelambert's picture

Hi Penny, I've had orbs appear in quite a few of my digital photos, so I've done quite a bit of study on them. There's no doubt that some of them are camera artifacts in the form of flash reflections from dust motes and drops of mist. That being said, there seems to be a large body of photos containing orbs which are valid manifestations of energy. And it does seem to me that digital cameras pick up things that film cameras do not. The reverse may be true as well; I don't really know.

I've owned three digital cameras in the last five years, and all of them have given me shots of orbs. Last summer I was photographing a mysterious mark on a hilltop in the area near my home where I've discovered discovered several enormous standing stones and other anomalies. There is a large circular mark that can be clearly seen from the air, but which is difficult to find and even harder to photograph on the ground. I took a series of photos that showed this feature to be clearly manmade, although whether it's ancient I can't really say. In three of these photos, an orb or small ball of mist can be clearly seen emerging from the bushes on the left and moving up and to the right before fading out. I didn't see anything while taking the photos, but I about fell out of my chair when I downloaded them. The sun is at my back, so there is no question of lens flare. The pics were taken about 7AM.

I don't know what these manifestations represent, whether they contain intelligence or are simply nodes of energy of some kind. I don't know why they appear in some places and not others. I just joined and haven't had a chance to post photos or do any blogging, but I'll post these somewhere and perhaps others will have some insights into what these represent. 8-D

lightwins's picture

I have seen these orbs in many digital camera photos in spiritual gatherings of various sorts. Of course, they may be in other types of photos but these are the ones I have seen. Sometimes, when they are enlarged they appear as mandalas.


davelambert's picture

Berry wrote: I do not discount that there are visitations sometimes from what used to be called the "Faerie World" and that all sorts of intellegences can visit us if we are attuned to the right vibration.


Perhaps you'll be interested in something that happened to me in July, 2000. I was camping in Sequoia Nat'l Park with my family. We had a borrowed tent, and it had a skylight, a square of mesh sewn into the ceiling. I was lying awake very late, long after everyone was asleep, just gazing up through the roof at the amazing trees soaring up into the starlight, when I noticed a shimmering light out of the corner of my eye.

At first I thought someone was walking some distance away with a flashlight. But soon I realized the tent was filling up with tiny silvery grey flames. They were passing right through the tent, through one wall and out the other. I watched them for hours. There were thousands, maybe millions of them, little flickering lights. If you looked right at them they weren't really there, but in the peripheral vision they were everywhere.

Eventually I drifted off to sleep. I saw a few the next night, but nothing like the procession of the night before. While watching these little things, the idea came to me that they were actually alive, and I felt like I was seeing sprites or forest spirits, maybe even real faeries. I don't know...but it was a wonderful experience.

I see shadow people too now and then.  I live in a seniors complex, and lots of folks have died here.  So we don't really pay them much attention when the place gets active.  I was getting EVPs too, until I got a couple of really creepy ones and my wife asked me to stop recording them.  One night I was walking the dog outside the building when I was startled by a man walking along behind me.  I hadn't heard him, which was why I jumped.  When I turned I got a good look at him.  He only existed from the waist up, and when I looked at him he simply vanished.





--- Post removed at author's request ---

Hey Penny,

I have some info on what these orbs may be, I have been trying to stay out of this, I feel bad about it , this really seems to excite you all, but........hope I'm wrong!

A guy I work with just got a new cannon eos, good camera, he started getting a couple of spots so he pulled it apart and without going into too much detail, cleaned the mirrors. It fixed it! We have a camera here at work that was "cheap" and has gotten so bad we can't use it anymore, spots "orbs" everywhere, I will try to see if we can convince my boss to let us pull it apart, we do believe we can fix it.
I also came across this, from cannon usa to a guy complaining.......

However, the issue, we feel is a classic description of particles in the air that are reflecting the flash.

When shooting with flash, you may notice areas sometimes described as “orbs” or “spots” appearing in the picture in front of your subject. These “orbs” or “spots” usually appear as bright white or gray out-of-focus spots. The “orbs” or “spots” are generally caused by particles in the air that reflect the flash. Examples of these particles include but are not limited to; dust, sawdust, snowflakes, rain or even insects that reflect light. The brightness of these “orbs” or “spots” will vary depending on the distance from the camera’s flash, the closer they are to the camera the brighter they will appear.

Ideally, it is best to shoot in locations where there are few suspended particles in the air; however, when this is not possible, please try the following methods to reduce the effect in your images.

Try lighting the area as much as possible to avoid using the flash. Turning on as many available lights in the room can do this.

back to me.....
As I was saying earlier what we have found is that over time you get dust inside the camera. The cannon guy would prefer to talk about dust outside the camera, not his responsibility, but he is right in as much as that is what happens if dust is in the "picture" ,.......you get an orb.........Removing the dust does remove the orb,

I know you want to believe they are something "more", to be honest I hope your right...... anything is possible and just because this can happen for logical reasons doesn't mean "some" of them aren't something else but to keep things on the levelwe should probably at least be aware of both sides of an "argument'; so I felt I should probably add this in.....

sorry, not gonna sign my name...........

Bodhi's picture


BTW - a quick way to see if it's camera dust is to shoot two different pictures. If the "orbs" appear in identical places in both frames, you got a dusty camera... B.

Hey Bodhi,
yeah if you get identical ones that is possible but they can and do move inside the camera because of the shutter. Some cameras probably vary, but behind the mirror you can get a "moving" shutter. It sends the particles flying......different every shot......

Bodhi's picture

You are the camera master!




davelambert's picture

This is a really interesting subject. I'm glad we're discussing it because it will help all of us who look at these photos to progress toward an understanding of the energies we're looking at. There are a couple of things that can help us watch out for camera anomalies and even frauds.


The camera I have now, an Olympus SP-510 UZ, has captured far fewer orbs than some of my past digitals. An old Kodak DX3600, which I still have, picked them up all the time. The Olympus has nearly four times the resolution of the Kodak, yet in some ways I don't like the processor as well. The Kodak captured very true color and crisp detail for a cheap point-and-shoot. It was the Olympus that captured the "spirit photos" that I posted around here somewhere.


Sometimes when a digital camera gets banged around a little, one or more pixels will function erratically or not at all. A dead pixel shows as a tiny white spot somewhere in the photo. If you zoom in on the picture, the white spot can be seen to be a crisp white square, exactly one pixel wide (sometimes four pixels). A lot of my photos are of skies, and I have observed and photographed quite a few daylight orbs or flying craft at very high altitudes. They also appear as tiny white spots, but if you zoom in they can be seen to be blurry, beyond the resolution of the camera. They are not crisp and square like a dead pixel. Sometimes (not always) you have to use magnification to see the difference. When you use image-enhancing techniques like edge-finding or increasing contrast, the orbs can be seen to be real objects. They must be huge and very bright to be visible so high up. I'll have to get around to posting some of those photos one of these days.


I've seen a few "UFO" photos posted here and there online that were absolutely nothing but dead pixels in a photo of a night sky. In such cases, the photographer never perceives the "light" when taking the picture because the flaw is inside the camera. It's possible to be fooled when downloading from the camera, but easy to tell the difference once you know what to look for.


I also have a few photos which I took, that appear to show some kind of paranormal phenomenon. I'll post some of those, too. These were either caused by tricks of light, or else I was deliberately making experimenting and trying to fake a paranormal photo. It's not that hard to come up with a convincing fake with just the camera itself, and no software-tweaking later on at all. I


t does seem to me that digital cameras pick up energy beyond visible light. In traditional cameras, you must use special film or developing techniques, such as infrared film or kirlian photography. I don't think I've ever seen orbs on film. On the other hand, it seems to me that spirit photos, in the form of ghostly figures, faces, etc. can be imaged at least as well on film as a digital medium. This suggests something, I'm sure, about the nature of the presences - if that's what they are - that these instruments record. Broadly, it seems to me that the anomalous images being recorded by digitals are mostly in the form of orbs, blobs and streaks of light, plasma or vortex phenomena, and the like.


Whatever these cameras are recording, it's very interesting. I've noticed that most orbs display a glowing cell-like or mandala-like inner structure. I know from experimentation that dust particles and mist droplets can appear this way when the flash is used, and the fact that they appear to glow reinforces the idea that they are physical objects reflecting visible light. That doesn't mean all orbs are flash artifacts - in fact, I think that they are not! However of particular interest are photos that show orbs, taken without flash. Of these I've seen but a few.


I did want to comment on Ursula's photo taken in Africa, the one with the orbs and the pyramid-shaped shafts of rainbow-colored light surrounding the people. That's a stunning photo! It's one of the few I've seen that was taken without a flash that contains an orb. The photo was taken looking upward and into the sun. The effects of light and lens flare can easily explain away the effects in the photo. Now I personally believe that Spirit manifests in ways that are at least partially material much of the time. No one squinting up into the sun just before taking the photo would have perceived the pyramid of multicolored light that envelopes the group on the rock. But I'm perfectly prepared to believe that just as the digital camera perceives energies it sees as orbs, the appearance of the photo is a genuine manifestation of something awesome!


I don't know why digital cameras pick up orbs any more than I know why copper bracelets relieve arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. I just know they do. Maybe by sharing information and photos we can illuminate the mystery. So to speak.

This is NOT a paranormal photograph. 



Hey Dave,

I really liked all you said.....

For me this all comes about because I do have a sad spot inside me for "digital" technology. It's great, it's wonderful, it's cheap ,it is very very very convienient but it is less.......we have lost something.......and I don't think people appreciate that. It is not better, just easier......it is "good" but......

Anything digital, as opposed to analog is a cheap illusion. It's "accuracy" has been determined by basically one of our senses. In the case of music it is only "retaining"  what our  "physical" ears can perceive. Sound is...??..."everything".Lol.....??....how often do I hear people speaking here of resonating with something?......sound is more than we can hear, it goes right to our very core, we can feel it....it can feel us.........but we have thrown much of this away for convenience, we are even happy about it......boast of how great we are......

The same is true of digital photography. It only needs to be as accurate as our eyes. We now have a limited color palette and fixed blocks of solid color in a grid...... A set number of colors, a set number of solid bits of color, no more no less, maybe we can't "perceive" the colors in between or outside this but maybe we can? It literally throws away or doesn't bother to collect, what it thinks we don't need......those colors that it picks will even vary slightly from computer to computer, it's a best guess, closest fit scenario......it is not a "true" reproduction.

Digital is less and it isn't real. I'm not sure it is something that is beneficial to the "arts". It has no soul. Its like a dot to dot, or paint by numbers......It is great for the masses.....look at the internet, not possible without digital technology. I see it as an example of how mankind got in the shit we are in. WE WANT THIS and we are prepared to "sacrifice" to get it. Do we really know what we have lost........



davelambert's picture

And thanks for your comments! As always, every member of this amazing Team makes me stop and think. Some of your thoughts on the digital age echo my own. But...


a sad spot inside me for "digital" technology. It's great, it's wonderful, it's cheap ,it is very very very convienient but it is less.......we have lost something.......


While I do know what you mean, I don't fully agree. Digital photography is less....and it's more. It's different. We've lost and we've gained. Every shift exchanges one set of problems for another.

Sometimes I do look longingly at my old AE-1 that still takes perfect photos after - what? 30 years? What a workhorse! As an Army medic I shot Tri-X or Plus-X on the fly and developed it in X-ray chemicals.

I love old cameras. Once I saw a huge 1950s-vintage Polaroid in a thrift shop for $35. It was more than I could really afford for something frivolous, and I went home to think about it. I have a real fondness for old Polaroids and the old, grainy film. Unable to resist temptation I went back that same afternoon, but the camera was gone.

I have a thing for old cars and vinyl LPs too, but we won't go there.


Anything digital, as opposed to analog is a cheap illusion. It's "accuracy" has been determined by basically one of our senses.


An illusion, like the rest of our reality? I know what you mean. Once the power goes off the digital ceases to exist. It's a staggering thought. Centuries from now our descendants will think we were dumber than stumps - or maybe that we communicated telepathically - because all our knowledge, transformed into bits and bytes, will be gone.

Film photography is an illusion, too. It walks the line between the creative hand of the artist and the dispassionate quest for data of the scientist. It fulfills neither function perfectly, but it does its own thing superbly.

I believe that digital art is capable of many things that the plastic arts are not. But everything you've said remains factual. After doing mostly digital art for over a decade I find myself working on canvas again because I long for the tangible, and the knowledge that it's at least possible that my work will endure for generations.


Jez, thanks for the dialogue - and I'd love to see more of your photos!



Hey Dave,

I don't really take photo's, very occasionally, when it is easier.....for work, not art.....I make photo's,   as good as I can, I'll attach one......most people don't realise they are fake.........


UrsulaD's picture

Jez and Dave,

You guys are so talented! Just been reading the men's stuff too. Can't I import a few of you into S.A.? There is endless opportunity and not that many restrictions about starting your own business and somehow we girls were not taught about fly wheels and all that stuff in my day, although I wield a mean screwdriver and electric drill!!!

Love U

davelambert's picture

Jez, that's awesome!

I was gonna upload one of my digital paintings...but they're all bitmaps.  I will go back and change the format on a few...


davelambert's picture

This isn't orbs exactly...we live in a seniors complex where people kick the bucket pretty regularly, so it doesn't surprise or trouble either of us that the place is occasionally a pretty active location, spiritually. We see 'em. I've recorded their voices. Once I saw one outside, plain as a tree. From the waist up. And from time to time we have shadow people, who seem to be something else. Darker, and furtive, they are. I don't specially like them, but they don't bother me a lot either. Tonight, Nafetah the Noble spoke up and said, "The shadow people are back, and I don't like them!" I've been seeing them too. They're not ordinary shadow folk, but more like black orbs, which is why I mention them here. They're definitely dark, but I don't sense power. I think as Kaye and I have begun to vibrate more nobly, we have attracted a little attention.

There was something else here tonight as well. Earlier as I sat typing, alone in a dark apartment in the wee hours, I became aware of a glow to my left. As I turned my head I could see it, like a cloud...at the same time I got an almost electric shock through my frontal lobes and all the way down my spine. This lasted probably ten seconds. Then it was gone.


penny_stone's picture

Dave ~

Whenever I sense something around that I don't feel comfortable with, I state the following in a commanding voice 3 times.  You can also state it in your mind (telepathically).

"Only light, love, and high vibrating energies, frequencies, and vibrations are allowed in my home.  To all negative and dark energies or entities, I command that you immediately go to the light or leave my home immediately for all eternity.  So be it."  From my understanding, due to universal law, they have to abide by your wishes.

Regarding the "cloud" that you saw . . . I have heard that people are being "upgraded" right now by the higher light beings.  Supposedly, they are adjusting our DNA so that we can receive the intense light coming to our planet at this time in preparation for the Shift.  I have no way of knowing whether or not this is true, but I sense that it is so.  I believe that they might be working on me during my sleep.

Love & light,

Penny :-)

davelambert's picture

"Only light, love, and high vibrating energies, frequencies, and vibrations are allowed in my home..."

Yes, I frequently have used a similar affirmation. I've tried at the same time not to reject those spirits who may have a need, even though their energy is dark. I have to ask myself why they appear to me, here, now? In most cases there is nothing I can do for them...life is not The Ghost Whisperer". Nevertheless it is my wish to be a welcoming and appreciative soul, and so I leave that intent in the air as well.

Regarding the "cloud" that you saw . . . I have heard that people are being "upgraded" right now by the higher light beings...

Something like that. It was definitely a visit, and not a hostile one. I believe someone was introducing themselves to me. It was rather an extraordinary moment. First the visual manifestation that continued when I looked directly at it - not shadow people there! - and then the Touch. For the ten or so seconds that that entity reached into my brain, I twitched and jerked like I had my finger in an electric socket. Then it passed. I didn't receive any message. I may have been being measured. But it was not a hostile energy. Thanks for your thoughts on this.


--- Post removed at author's request ---

davelambert's picture

I live in a HUD-assisted apartment complex for seniors and the disabled. It's really not bad compared to what I have seen along these lines, but there is a kind of gray, oppressive energy here. I have a lot of house plants...

Aquene, it sounds as if your living circumstances are similar to my own...Nafetah and I use many of the same strategies to keep our energy positive. It's hard because our housecleaning standards are so low. Well, it's not that our standards are low...but Kaye can't do it, and I don't spend the time to clean like I should. I really do have a full plate.

Kaye had an intriguing idea about the cloud I saw and the way it reached into my brain. She suggested that they removed an implant. I don't feel any different - but......?


UrsulaD's picture

Hi Penny,

We have a magazine called Odyssey which is published in Cape Town and is a spiritual magazine. I received the latest issue today, and what did I find, but a whole article and a slew of photos taken in South Africa of orbs. One even shows a 'meteor shower' of orbs. They are fascinating.

If you are interested I can try and scan them in and mail them to you or to Andrey. I know he can put them on the site. I seem to have a bit of a problem with it.

Love U

davelambert's picture

I went hiking yesterday and posted a photo on my blog that shows a pentagonal orb. I don't know that it isn't a sun flare, but the angle doesn't seem right to me. I took a few shots more into the sun than that, which didn't show flares or orbs. I'm still skeptical about orbs - or about many orb photographs. All the same, they keep showing up in my pictures.

A few years ago we had bad fires in the county - worse than last year. The fires were burning in the avocado groves just east of town, and from the top of our hill they appeared much closer than they actually were. I took one shot of people standing in the street after dark watching the fires - and it was full of orbs! Your remark about a "meteor shower" of them reminded me. I can't find that photo now...I lost a lot of them when my previous computer went down. Now I keep them all on an external hard drive, dedicated to that purpose.


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