Dear Friends.
It seems a real space drama has been brewing far above us as we sit here safely on our own planet earth. Here are two communications that came in this morning from Dr. Richard Boylan which I offer for your information. I do not think Dr Boylan would go out on a limb on this unless there was some real substance to this. Like the say goes, "Fact is stranger than fiction."
Love to you all, please give a prayer to this effort that all comes out for the better of all concerned.
Carl Azcar
February 16, 2008 Friends, On Valentine’s Day, (Thursday, Feb. 15), the wire services reported that James Jeffries, the Deputy National Security Adviser, said that President Bush had ordered a secret spy satellite in a decaying orbit to be shot down because it contains toxic fuel, and he was "concerned about human life". Apparently Bush’s "concern about human life" does not extend to hybrid Humans. Because what the government did not reveal is that the bus-size satellite has an astronaut aboard. This astronaut is a Human-Star Being hybrid, cloned by the Cabal, and whose job was to operate the advanced technology aboard the satellite, technology stolen and back-engineered from downed extraterrestrial spacecraft. The Cabal infiltrators in the National Reconnaissance Office do not want any portion of their satellite to reach Earth because of the chance that someone might notice the unworldly technology and unconventional crewman it carries; and to ask where those came from. And the Cabal have another reason, too. This Star Wars Lite exercise is a public conditioning for a later full-scale Star Wars to repel a fake "alien invasion’ staged by secret U.S. antigravity craft, and planned for later this year. The details follow. Sometime in the next two weeks, the U.S. Navy Aegis guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Erie will steam out of Pearl Harbor, HI accompanied by two destroyers and head for the North Pacific. Aboard will be three specially-modified Standard Missile-3 ICBMs. Their mission: to destroy a bus-size super-secret satellite which had been secretly launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in December, 2006. What the sailors aboard the USS Lake Erie will not be told is that the missile they fire will kill an astronaut aboard the secret satellite. The government’s press release is suspicious from the start. The stated reason for not letting satellite debris fall to Earth is supposedly because a canister of hydrazine fuel aboard would survive atmospheric re-entry and break apart upon hitting the ground, thus spreading toxic fumes in a 600-foot circle. Hydrazine is both volatile and highly flammable. But anyone who has watched the footage of the Shuttle Columbia break apart in atmospheric re-entry would have no doubt that a canister filled with explosive fuel would never make it through the fiery re-entry temperatures all the way to the ground. So a relatively small cloud of rocket propellant isn’t the real reason for this $60 million Star Wars missile shoot. Keeping secret the stolen extraterrestrial technology and illegally-cloned astronaut is. For some years the Cabal have been producing human clones using various mixtures of Human and extraterrestrial genes. These clones have been produced in secret underground Cabal factories in Iceland, Antarctica and elsewhere. The clones have been produced for various purposes. In the case of the astronaut aboard this secret spy satellite, his genetic composition is 2% Human genes and 98% Star Being genes. His job: to operate the exotic technology aboard the satellite, technology so exotic that it incorporates semi-alive artificial intelligence, and which is controlled by telepathic interface with the hybrid astronaut. Some might think that 2% Human is not much in the overall genetic mix. But reflect that the genome of a chimpanzee and the Human genome differ by only 2%. The Cabal spliced the 2% Human genes into strategic locations on the Star Being genome in order to facilitate the hybrid’s being under the control of the Cabal technicians, who brainwashed him since he was grown to adult size and activated The Cabal also mentally programmed him that his work aboard the NRO satellite, activating the Earth deep-penetrating imaging equipment, was "in the vital national security interest". Actually it is part of the Cabal’s hostile search for Star Visitors who may have retreated underground from Cabal death squads hunting them. The hybrid-Human astronaut, (let’s call him Joe), lives and sleeps aboard the satellite. With his special hybrid make-up, Joe requires very little to eat, so there has been no problem storing enough long-term food supplies aboard for him. The U.S. government could have sent up a Shuttle to rescue Joe from the satellite. They knew last yearthat its orbit would not last beyond the beginning of this March. But they did not. The Cabal consider secret astronauts expendable. Besides, they have a second, sinister purpose with this coming missile kill. The great global publicity the Administration have given this missile kill of a secret satellite is no accident. For it is Phase Two of the three-phase Grand Plan they have, a plan that Dr. Wernher Von Braun warned about decades ago: three different manufactured external threats produced to rally the people around an increasingly power-grabbing and fascistic New World Order government. Phase One was the Cold War, (during which supposed enemies secretly cooperated.) Phase Two was a Threatening Object From Space. When Zecharia Sitchin’s peddling of Sumerian legends about a supposed incoming planet Niburu/Marduk didn’t catch traction, the Cabal fell back on this "falling satellite" ploy. Phase Three is a faked "alien invasion" to be staged later this year in the skies overhead by Cabal secret antigravity craft, and projected holographic "alien ships". The Cabal figure this globalized "threat" will galvanize the people into acquiescing to Global Martial Law. What the Cabal didn’t count on is the numbers of lightworker and Star Seed Good Guys/Gals within governments, militaries, intelligence agencies, and other organizations who are "mad as hell and aren’t going to take it any more;" it being Cabal sneaky power grabs, and are putting up resistance. So, know you know the rest of the story. (The above report is based on information disclosed to me by Star Nations. You didn’t really expect that the Bush-Cheney White House would tell you the truth,did you? Cheney’s motto is: "You can’t handle the truth." But I think you can. So, now you have it.) in the light, Richard Boylan, Ph.D. Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor of/for Earth President, Star Kids Project, Ltd Email: [email protected] Website: www.drboylan.com Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA
How very interesting!!! Suddenly I have been hearing more and more about this Dr. Boylan, of whom, until about 2 weeks ago, I had heard nothing. This story, though seemingly fantastic, resounds with just the right amount of sychronicity to make it quite believable. I too, thought why shoot down something which obviously will completely burn up on re-entry into the atmosphere, especially since it is NOT equipped with heat shields. It is also quite believable that this satellite is outfitted with exotic back-engineered technology, and I can even believe the existance of the being called Joe. I have no doubt that human and hibrid cloning has been going on for some time, as public use has been happening now for several years, since Dolly for instance. We all know that by the time such technology has become public, it has been secretly ongoing by the government/military/underground laboratories for many years in advance.
As I see these kinds of stories appear, I am reminded of channelings by Kryon, The Group, the Reconnection and others last year, all stating that "There will be no more secrets." It appears that this year is the year of exhuming the skeletons in the closets of TPTB. I like it.
Hooray for the LIGHT.
I am never quite sure where I should actually put this type of information in my level of acceptance. I have become aware of so many things that years ago where considered completely off the wall.
After the 9/11 event and what has now become known about this, nothing surprises me any more. The most superficial stuff I hear everyday is the evening news. 90% of it is social gibberish and sensationalism.
The real problem with this type of information is, with all the secrets that Governments keep from us, we really do not have anything to judge the truth of these matters.
If I hear anything more on this I will certainly let you know. Until then it is just wait and see.
With God's love,
Carl Azcar
--- Post removed at author's request ---
My Dear Aquene,
I have used Dowsing for over 40 years of my life, both with rods and with a Pendulum, in which I have set an Amethyst semi precious stone for the weight. Yes, the energy from this makes it a very effective tool to use. I have a journal that I have kept for many years that records the use of this.
Thank you for your comments,
With God's Love,
Carl Azcar
Thanks, Carl for the information. Of course, here in S.A. we have heard nothing about a satellite about to be shot down so this was really fascinating. Thank you for keeping us informed.
My grandfather was an architect and he used to dowse for water before he situated a house on a property. I use a crystal pendulum and have dowsing rods. I have a friend who can see geopathic stress patterns. A group of us decided to 'de-stress my house and property. Dimitri wanted to try something new. He said he had read that if you make a drawing of the ground plan of the house, then go through it with dowsing rods (there were a few of us using the rods and checking each other) and when you find a node, stick a pin into the drawing at the appropriate spot, it will dissipate the stress. We did this and it really worked! The odd spot, where there was resistance, I found if I used my amethyst crystal essence and poured a few drops on the spot, that also did the trick. Dimitri subsequently circled the perimeter of the house and knocked in an assortment of copper, steel and iron rods to disrupt the stress flow. He told me that horses are extremely sensitive to geopathic stress and the horses from the riding school across the road, would not graze in the corner of their paddock which is opposite my house. He knocked a couple of rods in there too and voila! the horses now love that corner of their paddock.
Love U
Carl, I'm with Berry...this kind of info is so fantastic, I don't know what to think. Not long ago I would've totally scoffed. That's not so easy for me, now. I do note that the Navy says today may be the day they take a shot at the satellite - just hours after shuttle Atlantis has touched down. Also, Monday night there was a huge fireball over Spokane Washington, which was captured on a hospital security camera. I've examined that video closely, and it doesn't look like a meterorite. Whatever it was, it could be tied in with this somehow.
Ursula, the information on energy flow that you've outlined is quite interesting. I feel drawn to this kind of energy work, without having had any background or knowledge to speak of. Dowsing is very interesting to me...the few experiments I've carried out have been intriguing but haven't really shown a lot of promise. The energy work I've accidentally discovered I can do with stones has been rather dramatic a few times, but nothing consistent.
I wonder if someone would say a few words about dowsing and pendulums. I have 50 or 60 drilled quartz points. Putting one on a wire as if strung on a necklace would be the easiest way to make a pendulum. Is this sufficient? I've tried both wooden wands and metal rods for dowsing, and haven't found water. But I've never tried for instance to take the rods out to the power spots where I hike. And I've wondered if that modality might work somehow to help me unravel the mystery of the spot.
Back to Joe....the story goes, that satellite has been out of control, tumbling uselessly since its launch in 2006. What's he been doing up there? Has the satellite really been useless? It doesn't make any sense at all to me that the gov't would spend a few million to prevent a toxic-gas cloud. They don't care if it falls on our own people, if the only thing that happens is that a few, or a few hundred people get killed. Their difficulty, as I understand, is that the missile used is a heat-seeking device, designed to shoot down enemy warheads. The satellite is a cold body and any warmth that would enable the "kill vehicle" to find it must be provided either by sunlight or by the heat of reentry into the atmosphere. In addition, supposedly the "kill vehicle" is not equipped with explosives but will simply punch a big hole in the gas tank - assuming it scores a hit. The whole legend as told by our government seems at least as farfetched as the notion of an alien-hybrid astronaut. It bears watching, and I thank you, Carl, for bringing it to our attention.
Hey brothers and sisters,
Strange indeed, I just wrote this a moment ago and when I submitted it, it completely disappeared. So I will try again.
I just receive some information regarding the said satellite from Global Awakening Newsletter. I have posted the link to what is in actuallity a forum thread. It is a rather lengthy read but well worth it.
Also for those of you who are not familiar with "Bhopal" mentioned in the above information, I have provided the following:
"In Dec., 1984, a cloud of methyl isocynate gas escaped from the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal. An estimated 3,000 to 7,000 died immediately, 15,000 to 20,000 died from the effects in the years after the disaster, and 50,000 to 100,000 suffered from serious injuries as a result of the world's worst chemical disaster. The Indian government sued on behalf of 570,000 victims and in 1989 settled for $470 million in damages and exempted company employees from criminal prosecution. The Indian judiciary rejected that exemption in 1991, and the company's Indian assets were seized (1992) after its officials failed to appear to face charges."
Something else that is very strange is that the proposed shootdown is scheduled exactly at the height of the lunar eclipse tonight. Hmmmm? I expect some interesting comments on this information. And I believe that this is just a part of the revelation of Truth going on right now. I meanwhile choose to center myself in peace, love and light, knowing that all of this is just a working out of the transformation that is in process.
Peace, love and light to all
In the last couple of days, I have had some very strange things happening with my e-mail/internet home page. I have lost all of my bookmarks for any thing refering to Ron Paul, who I have been supporting in spite of his small results. I have had posting such as the above disappear. This was not the first. And I have been blocked from websites which I know are active and working.
Is the NSA interfering with my E-communications?
I must laugh at it.
Is the NSA interfering with my E-communications?
Berry, some strange things have happened to me too, along those lines. One time when I attempted to post a comment I'd written here, not only did it vanish, but I found myself suddenly at a page that appeared to be a bunch of blogs in Arabic. I backed out fast, and rebooted.
It's crossed my mind that this very website we're on could be a psy-op. I don't like to think about that.
Dear Friends,
Thank you to all who have commented on this. Yes, I have my own pendulum that uses a Violet-Purple Amethyst as a weight on the end of a jeweler's chain which is attached to a ring that fits on my middle finger when I use it. The stone to glued into a find that attaches it to the end in the chain at just the right length, and it works very well for me. For Dowsing rods I made my own with nothing more than lengths of coat hanger wire that are bent into a right angle. The part I hold in my hands are protected by placing them in plastic drinking straws. This way I do not actually touch the surface of the wire so it is free to move as it sees fit.
If I approach something that I am testing, the rods which are pointed straight ahead, will suddenly swing out to the sides and even point back at me if I go too far. If I move back the rods will swing back again. I interpret that when the rods are sideways it indicates the highest influence on them, so I am passing over the object at that point. I can vector this by approaching the same thing from different directions (North - South - East - West or what ever).
Be sure to check my second entry to the blog which I see has been moved below the first one. It is called "Breaking News: Stranded Astronaut "Joe" Has Been Rescued!" It came in last night .
Love to all,