Beloved sacred journeyers,
Many wonderful people are excited and awaiting with eager anticipation the magical date of the winter solstice of 2012, when all sorts of prophecies may come true and powerful shifts could happen on our planet.
I appreciate the excitment about 2012, yet for me the time is now!!! 2012 will come and go as have other long-anticipated dates (remeber Y2K?). If we are waiting for something in the future, we're not fully experiencing this precious, magical moment here and now.
If we choose to take full advantage of this sacred moment, transformation is now! Your life is happening beautifully and powerfully right here in this moment, even as you are reading this. Open to the energy right here and we can all radiate together in this beloved eternal moment.
If we live fully and all out all the time, then we are living in an eternal 2012. How cool is that?
With sacred love and excitement flowing,
Your article was so beautifully written, Fred. Thank you for putting into words a basic lesson - "Now" is all we have and if we don't utilize it to its fullest, we won't be ready for our next "Now".
To me, 2012 is a symbol of moving to a greater spiritual awareness. I listen to the world news, and very frankly, none of it is very interesting to me. I watch a news program once a day just to find out what might be happening out there, someplace. Other than that, my life is quite untouched by the events of the world.
I do not get my kicks from any of the so-called entertainment that is available, whether it is the newest movie, what is on TV tonight, or the local bar scene. I even stayed home by myself on Christmas and New Years (because my partner was working at the hospital) and I am OK with that. I guess that makes me sound like some kind of prude. Actually, I am just interested in better things.
I am very interested in what people are saying in this Transformation Team inner circle, because to me they are truly alive, and I find what they write and talk about is full of depth and meaning. They really speak from their heart and convictions and that tells me they are moving in the higher Spiritual realms.
When I invest my time and energies in ideas, labor or even leisure, I want it to count for something. That for me is what makes my life challenging and exciting. So much of the media and events in the world are just hype. There is so much more to life than that. There is so much yet to discover about who and what we really are, I just don't have the will or the time to throw it all away with glossy entertainment. A very long time ago, I decided I did not want to be just a spectator in this life, I have always wanted to be part of the action. I have a great love of music, especially opera, and so many people will ask me which operas I have seen. For the most, the ones I have seen are the ones I have been in, as a chorister, a soloist, or as a scenery builder. My greatest joy comes from doing, whether alone, or with others. I once had a dream (many years ago) that I had died, and when I crossed over to the other side, the first thing anyone said to me was, "Hi Carl, glad you are here, you are just in time for rehearsal."
I am living as close as I can in my final years to what I believe will be awaiting us when we pass over to the next stage of our journey. Yes, I will spend all the time a person needs to talk about and pursue these higher ideals – I do that when ever I get the chance. I have a close friend that calls me long distance (he has a phone plan that makes all his calls a local rate) and we will talk about spiritual ideas for hours. He is vitally interested in everything about the Transition Team work I am doing. Unfortunately he does not have a computer so there is no way he can participate as a member. But James is a real exception, so few people are interested in the spiritual dialogue. It is refreshing indeed however to see that happening here with the TT. I truly enjoy the hours I have spent in dialogue with TT members since I have joined the inner circle. For me at this time in my life I feel this is where it is at. And I want to thank you for making this all possible.
To Everyone, thank you for what we have here together. When I am with you I feel like I am experiencing as close as I can be to 5th dimension without leaving the planet.
Carl Azcar
Hi Fred,
I agree with your take on 2012. There is no such thing as "time" except in our limited perception in this reality. All is Now and Now is all there is.
In Love and Being in the Here and Now
Thanks, Fred, for making this point! So much of what I've read and talked about with folks concerning 2012 approaches it as an event rather than a process. I think that focusing our attention on that year and watching for special events is a guarantee that we'll miss it. You're so right: that process already well under way, and 2012 simply marks the cycle.
Interesting isn't it, how the precession of the astrological age from Pisces to Aquarius, the Mayan calendar, and the Book of Revelation seem to converge. Actually, I believe momentous, pivotal events have been occurring for the last 150 years, roughly. The so-called Great Awakening of the 1840s was a huge phenomenon that's mostly forgotten today. And yet it led in very specific ways to the welter of spirituality we find in the world today.
I wonder if we have a consensus of what's actually happening in the world today? There's so much talk of a paradigm shift, a New Age, etc. etc. And yet when I try to pin this down - is it mass prescience? a movement? - people get vague. "Something" is happening, everyone seems to agree on that.
One thing I see happening is that the established order - political, economic, religious, social - is simply falling apart. There are many reasons for this, and as we've learned by going through the Course, some of it is a true conspiracy to make us all stupid, compliant slaves. Some of the responsibility also rests on those who consented to abdicate their intelligence. I have often wondered what kind of world we would live in, if all the reasoning ability, passion, interpretation, prognostication and enthusiasm that we dedicate to football alone could be redirected to something truly worthwhile. What if we took the money we lavish on that sport and devoted it to education?
So things are falling apart under their own weight, folks, and predators have attempted to exploit our vulnerability. I fully expect that one day we will wake up to find our country has simply disappeared, like the USSR. What our bleeding economy is about to do to our own people is staggering. And we, meaning most of the folks who've lived, have been complicit.
Well, no one can walk on you if you're not lying down. They may stomp on your toes, but they won't smash your spine. Don't taze me, bro!
In retrospect, I believe humanity will view this as another Great Awakening. The problems we will have to solve will be formidable. We will see the end of this evil age as a major chapter in history. In time it will be the subject of legends and myth.
Isn't it interesting that worldwide, people are stepping up and taking responsibility for bringing light and love into the world! Isn't it interesting that worldwide, people are acknowledging the emergence of a notable new category of people - the Indigoes - who have an awareness that resists assimilation. Aren't they interesting and exciting, these times we live in!
I feel as if I have only one foot in the physical world, but I wish to keep it firmly planted for as long as I can.
Dave, I am so thankful for people, like you, that can put into words the thoughts and feelings they have. I have been silent for far too long. I know, a bad case of The Human Condition. At least I now recognize it and am climbing (tentatively) out of it.
A few years ago we had a friend that kept lamenting "What is going on? We are becoming a people that not only want, but need, to be fed and led."
Please keep putting your thoughts out there for the rest of us. Max
I think Dave's terminology of 2012 not being an event, but a process, explains it well.
Like Y2K, 2012 is not a singular event that will occur, it is a turning point. The process is ongoing and will continue through each of these points in the cycle and we will not observe an abrupt change at these times, but we will see them as points at which shifts in the direction of the process will occur.
I believe what is really important is that we maintain an awareness of where the process is leading us and what we can do at each moment to help ourselves and others to discover higher levels of existence.
"A very long time ago, I decided that I did not want to be a spectator in this life. I have always wanted to be a part of the action."
Well spoken Carl. I enjoyed reading your reply. I see so much time wasted on the ''glossy entertainment." And I agree with you. There is so much more excitement in what we can do with our time. Our now.
Thank-you to Fred for posting this. It is something that I have been hearing alot of ''buzz'' about lately. Your view is inspiring.
In the spirit of Living Right Now.
Love and Light.
I recently read the book 2012, The Return of Quetzalcoatl. I've read many other postings online and I was alarmed to hear that the planet Nibiru is supposed to pass so close to the Earth that Earth will wobble on its axis and then who knows where we'll end up. California could be the new Alaska.
Then I read about aliens coming to recover our souls with their soul catchers and how we'd all be euthanized and I wondered how I would survive that. I mean how do you hide from Aliens? They probably have people radar or maybe even a 'Human Squibulator'!
Then I read that some of us will survive but very few. Those that do will have to do without technology as nothing electronic or electrical will work. That bothered me most of all.
At first I thought I could use my wood stove to heat my NC house in the winter and could cook using fire also. But where would the food come from? I certainly couldn't grow anything in the winter. How did people survive before grocery stores? And how would I get the wood? My chainsaw I'm assuming would be another thing that wouldn't work? Would I have to use an axe? That could take all day and when would I have time to hunt or pick berries?
So as I see it, I can either spend the next 4 years learning how to raise vegetables, do canning, and learn to hunt or I can go back to the corporate world and make as money as I can in the next 4 years even though it then becomes useless.
So I've decided learning to live without technology for me would be too much work and besides, who'd want to. So I'm going to go the corporate route and hope that my tv and cellphone still work after doomsday.
Two little words, "Now" and "One," speak volumes. Both words have been molding my beingness for years, but it's amazing to me how each time they come into the foreground of my attention, they disclose more and more wisdom. In the 1980s I was drawn into learning about survival skills for the coming earth changes, ala Edgar Cayce. Then circumstances changed and those interests receded. A new neighbor brought the end of life as we know it to my attention again recently and I began to examine what was happening in our culture. Yes, it looks like the end times might be near.
Gradually, the concept of Now has begun to soak in. My past is not pretty, but I have gained spiritual strength as my body has has deteriorated. No one knows, despite all the prognosticating, wishing, hoping, and fearing, what the future will hold. Slowly, I begin to understand that for me, at this moment, now is all I have. I cannot undo the past, and who knows what will actually be in the future. But whatever I choose to do right now, at this very moment, can bring me into peace with the past events of my life, and will effect the path ahead of me. I am creating the future right now. I'm delving into some hefty reading such as "Quantum Mind" and "The Divine Matrix" trying to gain an intellectual understanding of what I am feeling.
Slowly, it's soaking in. There really is nothing else except Now. So I best just stay right here, and concentrate on becoming more and more aware of my life, thoughts, actions, feelings, and how I relate with other manifestations of the One, right now, at this moment.
With gratitude for all of you,
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Peacemkr you stir my soul with joy from your sharing. I do look forward to more rich spiritual insights here as well as on your upcoming website. Thank you for sharing so richly. I can really identify with a synergistic experience building up enthusiasm, then zeal to transform and create a New World Order of Spirit. Thanks for verbalizing so well what those of us who aren't so gifted with words would like to share. We may not always use the same words but the message came across loud and strong.
Brian, I think you summed up the modern dilemma pretty neatly! Even if we tune out the MSM fearmongers, we hear about Nibiru and pole shifts and aliens with soul-catchers....and what's a simple guy to do?
I'm going to go the corporate route and hope that my tv and cellphone still work after doomsday.
Well, they won't IMO...but then, might as well enjoy 'em while we've got 'em. I don't think things will be all that bleak, but there's no question that for many people, things will seem very, very difficult for a while. And many will not survive, that's unavoidable no matter how things go. Whether by disease, famine, natural disasters or government thugs, I don't see any way to avoid major population reduction. We had our chance to do this voluntarily. Now, Mother Nature will do it for us. For our own good, and hers.
I do think that many aspects of technology will break down. The power grid will be one of the first things. It's already decrepit and overloaded, with different standards and kinds of equipment in different parts of the country, and most of the money that should've been used for maintenance and improvements has been literally turned into smoke over in Iraq. The power grid is also entirely vulnerable to vandalism and terrorist attacks. So I don't have much hope for public power in, say, five or six years. On the other hand, there have been remarkable advances in solar panels, and newer, cheaper process for manufacturing lightweight electric-generating films have been developed. We have excellent storage capabilities for DC. In addition, besides wood, there are many ways of generating home power. I think that half-a-dozen moderate-sized Minto wheels could power a small village. We have many resources available to us that our pioneer forefathers never even imagined.
It's all about community, and reaching out in service to help others and each other is possibly the most important lesson we need to learn, and quickly. By ourselves, we can do little. As you pointed out, how do you find time to garden, hunt, build a home, guard it, make bullets, plow fields, scrounge for fuel.....a lone man in the wilderness must be both tough and ruthless in order to simply survive - not to make a life, but just keep from dying. Together, we are more than the sum of our individual selves. We already know simple skills like canning and preserving food. We know about things like composting and crop-mingling to maximize yield. Over the last 5 or 6 years I've gotten pretty good at making my own soaps and all kinds of skin care products...I'm good with old-time remedies and medicinal herbs....I know how to make beer and distill alcohol, and I know how to set a broken bone, sew up a wound, and keep infection at bay. Each of us has more useful skills than we may imagine. And in the new paradigm, it's folks with useful skills - not politicians and CEOs - that will be the stars.
If the aliens come along with big vacuum cleaners, I don't see that there's much we can do about it...so I refuse to worry about it. What I do see on the horizon, I am pretty sure I and a group of like-minded individuals can deal with. I'm ready. Bring it on!
...on all that for quite a while! Doris, your thoughts and words are amazing. I'll tell you right up front that a good third of it went way over my head. The other two-thirds either resonate like crazy or confirm what I already know. And JoyAnna, I really liked what you said about NOW and ONE. All this has my head buzzing like crazy. Good, good thought-nutrition!
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Hi Doris,
It is so neat to obtain confirmation that Anastasia is legitimate and not just a series of novels. It is material that appears unbelieveable but less so as we approach our own awakening to the richness of our natural state. Thanks again for sharing your encounter with the editor who confirmed the reality of this amazing unfolding set of books.
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I'm a Team newbie jumping in.
I was trained as an historian, so what interests me about the Mayan Calendar is not so much what exactly will happen in 2012 as the insights the Mayans had as to the pacing. With each new spiral of the calendar, which begins 16.4 billion years ago, the pacing of input data speeds up. Since 1999 when we started the Galactic cycle, each year has had as much new input of data as twenty years had in the Planetary cycle which began in 1755 and moved to the current cycle in December, 1999. The fifth night cycle, which we are in this year, has the same energy frequency as the time from 1932 to 1952 in the Planetary cycle -- so we get both the Great Depression and World War II. In the National Cycle of seven days and six nights from 3115 BC to 1755 AD, the fifth night segment gave us the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and the Dark Ages.
I had hoped there would be a Mayan Calendar lesson in the wonderful package of lessons I just finished. I think that the insights of these ancient people is beyond amazing. Good resource on this subject is Carl Johan Calleman, The Mayan Calendar. I am so glad to see that the Calendar is one of the topics being discussed by the Team. What is important is not what happens when we come to the grand finale of time but how we surf the stream leading up to it.
Linda Grant De Pauw
Magical Godmother
20 Granada Road
Pasadena, MD 21122
[email protected]
Hi Linda
Welcome aboard and I'm really excited with your input and (to me) totally new info on this fascinating topic, coming from someone with a background as a historian. Thank you so much, and I totally subscribe to your final comment!
Hi Linda,
I'll go surfin' with you anytime! Love your post and insight on the Mayans and thank you for the "Carl Johan Calleman, The Mayan Calendar" tip. There seems to be such a preparation happening. Friends I would not have thought willing to open their eyes to see what's going on around us in the world today are doing so to my delighted surprise. Something is going on that is much bigger than a few curious nuts posting wild theories about whatever. These times have reminded me for a while now of the times I would go outside in Missouri during a tornado watch when I was a kid to try and spot funnel clouds - that heightened sense of alertness and excitement you experience at times like that.
Welcome aboard fellow traveler,
Chris Bowers
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Hi Doris!
Loved your post post post post! "Thank you ma'am may I have another" "Thank you ma'am may I have another". I have come across your mention of Adamantine twice now. I once read a book by Glenda Green called "Love Without End" in which she shares with us the conversations she had with Christ as He sat for her. She had been commissioned to paint a portrait of Christ and she smartly said, "If He shows up, I'll paint Him". Well, He did and she did. Anyway, Christ spoke to here about the Adamantine particles that are basically what science is calling the Planck scale, super string theory and zero point in quantum physics. Loved seeing that word affirmed again by you as we all watch the odd couple of science and religion grapple with all this at the same table. What I love about all this foreboding nightmarish darkness is how light things parallel constantly and will never be extinguished by petty darkness. Akiane in the later lessons is such a beautiful example of that truth.
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Dear Doris,
In the last six months I have gone from dark info overload and dreading the future to absolutely loving the process that we can be absolutely sure we are entirely safe in - an utterly inviolate safe "place" that remains the constant in a world of illusion. A place of countless mansions (dimensions) Jesus reference alert. A "place" that is not about any place because reality is nonlocal at its very core (thanks to quantum physics research data). And I owe that changed world view to people like you who have become my guides to this "place" I am at so that I might become prepared to move from this place and help someone just like me move from there ill-conceived place to a better place until we all come to that place where we remember we never left (this "place" of the Divine). I have often equated this life experience to an LSD trip where what is going on in the mind has little to do with what is going on around you. Those experimenting days are long gone, but the analogy sure stuck.
Thank you Doris for all your caring, guiding and nurturing words.
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Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words Doris. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to be a part of this portal and all that is going on right now in the world.
What an honor!
Did anybody see the thing on the History channel lately that showed all the Mayan ruins around Belize? At one point in the segment they were talking about the lower levels because they were explaining the Mayan belief system while descending into one of the underground levels below one of the ancient cities. They described the earth level we live in now, the 9 levels below and the 13 levels above. I know this is known to many of you, but what caught my eye was the total!
23 levels - 23 chambers at the Ancient Arrow WingMakers site
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Hey Doris,
I just had to post something a line from your post above made me think of. You said, "Trapping the essence (trapping God) with our prayers is how we can co-create miracles". This reminded me of what physicists have discovered about the "0" point quantum level where light waves are the known bedrock of everything - that it is fully coherent and obliged to faithfully respond to unconflicted, loving and caring intent. I believe that was the day I stopped worrying about all that is going on in the world that appears dark and foreboding.
Even the shadows and darkness are made of light at the planck scale super string theory "0" point level,
Let's take this moment to go, "WAAAHOOO"
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Hey beautiful people!
My computer's hard drive crashed a week ago. Only yesterday did I get the new one fully installed and working again. Amazingly, I didn't get overwhelmed even with all of this and more. Wow!!! I just want to say thank you to all the beautiful comments and great energy I've seen in your comments here. It truly is an exciting and magical time to be alive. Thanks for being in this powerful dance of love with me and us!
With sacred love and excitement flowing,
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Greetings Fred,
Glad you're back on line...good to hear from you...
\this 2012 idea has got me wondering...is there something we're missing in this message ??
I keep thinking ....this could be another distraction...sure vedic , popol vu, many old scripts, calenders, point to the date as 'the end of an era'...but the end of the world ???? I just don't see it like that....
Transformation...by means of some galactic interface with some unknown energy force ?? A return of an important visitor from our past ?? Hhmmm
Transitioning from Picses to Aquarius ?
I have no clue other than it is obvious it was important to many of our ancestors...
All lines are open....
Take care and blessings to you and yours, old friend...
Hey Doris, once again I must say YUMMIE!!!! How about that world-wide meditation scheduled for 21 March 2008 to get in some practice? It starts at about 5PM PST and lasts about 32 minutes, so if we all begin meditation and breathing approx. 15 minutes prior to that and go till approx 5:45 PST we will envelope the time period and put into practice some of the things that even science is now beginning to understand and is verifying within the rigid disciplines of pure scientific research. Like Fred said, "It truly is an exciting and magical time to be alive". Ursula, if you are catching this post thread and you have anything to add about time zones, please post what you can to further clarify.
Dog Bless You ALL,
Oh, and Lefty me dear brother, 2012 is not the end of the world - it is the beginning of a new cycle that happens every 25,800 years and may go by somewhat unnoticed to some extent, and may take a good 50 years before it comes full on into what all this means concerning a world one step closer in evolving towards light bodies and Ascension. Lets just say that the next four years may be a very interesting time if the last 8 years has anything to say about it.
Hey, Lefty-Dave
Scroll up in this forum discussion and you will find a posting I put up earlier.
There are various events identified with the year 2012. Some of these are astronomical or connected with natural cycles and physical phenomena and so will certainly come to pass
To me, far more interesting than what exactly will happen at the end of this cycle is the ability we have to trace current energy patterns in the years, months, and days leading up to it.
The Mayans developed an astonishingly sophisticated calendar tracing the energy flows. If you want to learn more, check out this web page.
Good day Godmother,
I read your post and follow your thinking...but a couple things lead me to consider that there is a lot more to this than some kind of awakening....
for one...consider the number of those who profess to be able to see the future, or channel voices of others.. who see little future past 2012, or, for another example, the remote viewers who see a flat line from that time forward....also....
the enamu ilish which talks of a planetary object that periodically returns to our solar system, that can bring havoc on the other planets,
also consider the speed in which our secret government, ( the one that really controls the USA since after the "civil" war, )(the one that discarded the original 13th amendment and turned our government over to foreigners)
has been building huge underground bases, well over 100, I'm led to believe; for the elite to retreat to
have been changing our laws so that immediate population control can be implemented;
are systematically destroying the planet ecobase,
fluoriding and chlorinating our water supplies, pumping toxic material into the air by chemtrails,
making 'medicines' out of poisons, while outlawing a persons' use of plants, vitamin/mineral supplements,
violating international law, and the laws of nature, with their wars of aggression...all with impunity,
no, I feel there is more to this than some kind of enlightenment....or spiritual transformation...
and I hope we're not all standing around waiting for some savior to come and rescue us....or for some beam from the center of the galaxy to restructure our DNA...or hoping the KING of the WORLD will come up from inner earth Agartha, Shamballa and correct our behavior...which has been my hope for the last 20 years....
but I know better than to count on it !!!
( And a shotgun and good stock of canned goods might be a good idea, too !!!) but i digress....!!!!
Anyway I've ranted enough here....
We all hope 2012 will bring a positive change to humanity and the world...a new beginning as you infer...
it's just that...
that's not what the wealth of information postulates !!
Still... we can all love one another....and help each other ......if we want to.
In relation to the prevailing attitude that is the core value of all the despotic behavior (mentioned in L-D's post above), did anyone catch that interview with Cheney where he was told that the vast majority of the American people, and the rest of the world for that matter, is against the war in Iraq and his sums-him-up-in-one-word answer was "SO"?
Unbelievable and yet, so believable,
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No matter what happens in 2012 and beyond, do you choose right now to live in fear or in love? Though I believe caution is prudent, I am most interested in focusing on how I can be all that I can be right now and inspire all around me to join in transforming our lives and world. I have a knowingness that when we change our internal world, the external world conforms to those beliefs. So what do you choose right now?
With sacred love and excitement flowing,
Thank you for posting that. I had only heard bits and pieces up to now. I have found him to be such a breath of fresh air too. How courageous of him to be willing to swim with the big establishment fishes in the morally putrid foul-smelling rotting swamp gas of today's political arena. My only concern about him is he is too wonderful and will buck the system enough to get his 3D cocoon blown away and he will be leaving his wonderful wife Michelle and two beautiful daughters behind for no good reason other than the display of his valor (which is arguably reason enough I guess). This election cycle is the strangest one yet for me because part of me wants Hillary to be elected so her duped supporters can see with their own lyin' eyes how much of an establishment candidate she really is, and also to see if the Attorney General charges her according to the 23 sealed indictments (in the possession of Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald) that would reveal to her supporters, and the rest of the world, her involvement (along with GHW Bush and her husband Bill) in the withdrawing of stolen US treasury funds from the bank (Bank Crozier) in the British territory of Grenada. Former Presidents Bush and Clinton have also reportedly been using Children Defense Fund bank accounts to expand, control and leverage secret national security accounts intended to be used for US intelligence operations only....
The info you have just received is privy to very few. I was fortunate enough to get copies from Colonel Donn DeGrand Pre (in Virginia) who has been in close contact with people on the inside, including General Peter Pace of the Joint Chiefs (since retired) and was instrumental in getting this info from those who would know. Got a little off track, but the info is good.
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