Beloved sacred journeyers,
Many wonderful people are excited and awaiting with eager anticipation the magical date of the winter solstice of 2012, when all sorts of prophecies may come true and powerful shifts could happen on our planet.
I appreciate the excitment about 2012, yet for me the time is now!!! 2012 will come and go as have other long-anticipated dates (remeber Y2K?). If we are waiting for something in the future, we're not fully experiencing this precious, magical moment here and now.
If we choose to take full advantage of this sacred moment, transformation is now! Your life is happening beautifully and powerfully right here in this moment, even as you are reading this. Open to the energy right here and we can all radiate together in this beloved eternal moment.
If we live fully and all out all the time, then we are living in an eternal 2012. How cool is that?
With sacred love and excitement flowing,
Give me love, every time!!!!
I love you Fred!
Happy Solar Wave Day Everyone!!!
Love, B.
Right On fairyfarmgirl!
I love every good thing you are!
Love, B.
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Beloved Doris,
The kind words you sow reflect the love and peace you are, dear sister. And so blessed am I to share this Portal dream with you. Blessings to you on this most magical of days!
In glorious love,
Mine too Doris! I am all over that vision with you.
Oh, and don't anyone worry about my good friend and faithful ally Colonel Donn - I have it on very good authority (having corresponded with him several times) that he would absolutely love to see agents try to shut him up and down! He is a virtual throwback to people like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Patrick Henry. 82 (or 84?) years old now, he still pilots his own plane from the runway in his "back yard" in Virginia and still rides his horse. He is a beloved brother in loving arms champing at the bit for some idiot(s) to come and try to shut him up.
Donn is also author of "Confessions of an Arms Peddler" and his more recent 3-book series is "Barbarians Inside the Gates", and his latest book is "Neo-Conned Again: Hypocrisy, Lawlessness, and the Rape of Iraq" (intro by Scott Ritter). Donn is utterly qualified to say, "Bring it On" to the real terrorists - Bush is a pathetic imposter with delusions of "Mission Accomplished". May this quell any concerns I may have been recklessly indiscreet.
Oh, and if cointelpro agents are monitoring this wonderful portal, reveal yourselves and we here at the TT portal will carry you to the light within your heart of hearts to be where you really want to be....
We are here for you cause we can't go home without you.
Expansion of collective consciousness (know all that is going on around you) will facilitate transition towards Ascension - We can know what is going on and still Breath Love and Appreciation because we have already won.
P.S. And a quick note of heartfelt thanks to Fred, Beth and Andrey because I
couldn't look at all that is going on in this world and survive without a place to go
like this portal for support and encouragement. Words cannot express how much
I appreciate what you three have made available through your dedicated
service to the One...
And dearest Doris, a big ditto on, "But, our Armageddon is to diffuse and integrate the darkness with Light as in the Planck scale of justice."
Thanks alot, Dude! Now I'm not gonna get any work done because I have to stare at that magnificent and mezmerizing image-age-age-age-age-age. How doth thou do it? Nevermind! I don't wanna know - just keep on doing it it it it it.
(uh, huh huh, he said....)
Mom! Can I go over to Bodhi's house and play now?
P.S. In honor of the point Fred is making, here is an excerpt from Ursula's recent forum,
"We must monitor our thoughts, words, feelings and
actions daily and hourly to be sure we are empowering only the patterns
of Heaven on Earth instead of the fragmented, fearbased thoughtforms
that are being pushed to the surface all over the planet to be healed
and transmuted back into Light."
And to help bring the original intent of this forum around full circle, here is a little inspirational video that FairyFarmGirl (Elizabeth) placed on her "Cabin Fever" forum just in case you haven't been by there yet...
In L,L&H,
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Thank you again and again Doris and Elizabeth for turning me on to David Wilcock. He is literally the embodiment of soooo many things we are studying absorbing researching integrating ing ing ing right now in this very special time!
here is a MP3 link from David Wilcock's website
Divine Cosmos that speaks elequently of the effect our collective
intent has upon the world(s) we live in/on, and also relates well to
much of what Fred and others have been trying to convey in this forum.
Bodhi, thanks for all your continued amazing images! And yes, David Wilcock has some amazing stuff! Thanks for all the great input here. What wild and fun times we live in. The time for transformation is right now!
With sacred love and excitement,
I agree the time is NOW. Bodhi your bright images ,Chris your playful perspectives,Elizabeth your peaceful upliftment Fred,Andrey and Beth for creating this Portal to positive transformation.......Thank you all(and every other member unpraised)......For creating a better future NOW. We are the ONES we,ve been waiting for! Love,Mary
Holy cryin' out loud! I've just spent the last hour in a whirlwind, gobbling up the posts here, and my heart is singing! Doris, you rule! I spent my early childhood in Hawaii, and have longed to return- it is Paradise. Chris, Dave, Fred- EVERYONE- your posts and follow-ups have given me so much nourishment and topics to to either review with different eyes or view for the first time that I will be grinning from ear to ear for days!
A dear old friend, a coworker from 30 years ago, forwarded me my first Want To Know email. He has since died, but I can feel him smiling over my shoulder- for he provided me with the tiniest thread of a lifeline to this group, knowing on some level that I'd follow it to this team. We all have so much in common- and so much to share!
God, I love you guys!
My husband and I attended a Barbara Hand Clow weekend last August and were blown away by the depth, comprehensiveness, and ultimate optimism of her research and conclusions. She has written a bunch of brilliant books, including "The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind", which I highly recommend.
Hand Clow bases a lot of her stuff on the Callahan understanding of the Mayan calendar, and her website is here http://www.handclow2012.com/ if anyone is drawn to check it out.
Sacred love to all here, in every moment of time,
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Hi Dave, I apologize that I only came across your question now, a couple months after you posted it. In my own thinking, 2012 has only as much importance as we as a collective consciousness give it. My whole purpose for this post was to encourage people to realize that though 2012 may have some significance, if you are waiting for that date, you may be missing the boat. The time for transformation is now, in this very moment. You take care and have a great one! With much love and joy, Fred
Hey dear friends, I was just rereading the powerful WingMakers material and felt inspired to copy the below section for this discussion. You can find this section at http://www.wanttoknow.info/consciousnessparadigms#descent. Much love and warm hugs to you all, Fred
"There is an ancient belief, born of the hierarchy, in a great future ascension from the physical world into divine reality, and that humans of love will accompany this ascension process. In actuality, it is the Divine that is expanding to encompass the physical world with the purpose of aligning all souls to a new paradigm. Divine intelligence is stripping away the veils that hide the essential meaning of the soul in the physical world. As this progresses, the soul increasingly realizes its divine equality with all, and its many facets become increasingly aligned, allowing for an ever fuller expression of its transformed perspective.
"This transformation of the soul through self-mastery is the pathway into wholeness. It is the recognition that the soul is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness. When the fragments are aligned and interconnected, the soul becomes the instrument that facilitates this divine expansion. Thus, the soul does not ascend from the physical world, but rather coalesces into a state of wholeness whereby its transformed expression can assist in the expansion, or in a different context, the descent of the Divine into the world.
"Ascension is often construed as the natural outcome of evolution. In this view, all planetary systems and species are evolving to the point where they ascend from limitation, and eventually, the reality of the physical world will somehow fold into the Divine and cease to exist. It is actually quite the opposite. The Divine is descending. It is inclusive of all things, and it is divine intention to expand, not retreat. The soul transforms to wholeness within the cradle of the physical world, and in so doing, becomes a catalyst to the Divine's intention to expand."
Couldn't agree more! As a friend said, "What is this waiting all about?! Why wait?!" I suppose it could be for the highest good, though, to take this transformation of reality slowly :)
I'm sure this portal will still be going in 2012 and beyond. Who knows what it will be like by then, but I'll bet anyone in those future years going back and reading all the discussions about 2012 will have a good chuckle.
Remember how the Harmonic Convergence in 1986 was going to be the day that would change the entire world? It ended up being a way cool event, but I don't think we quite experienced the huge shift so many were predicting. Friends of mine believed a certain date in 1997 was the end of the Mayan calendar and possibly the end of the world. They were fully prepared for a major shift and predicting they might be taken up to the UFO mother ship.
Many others have been predicted huge collapses for ages. Followers of Jesus believed he was coming back to take him up in their lifetime. Many follows of Jesus now believe the same thing. Could it be that the predictions of doom and gloom are somehow reflecting something about those making the predictions? Just thoughts, but I believe now is the time and this is the moment. Let's make it happen now!
With lots of love and joy,
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Hi all...
hugs for all of you:)
this video resonates with me...anyone else?
take care
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Fascinating video, Shaun. How cool that you are inspired by it. I resonate with some of it, but the fact that it starts with the BBC logo is quite misleading. I'm sure that didn't air on BBC. I also find that the video is encouraging us to look at 2012 as some magical year when we will be saved. For me, the time is now, not some point in the future. And place is here, right where each of us are. The savior is within each one of us. It is up to us how much we open to this and activate the mystical forces within. You take care and may we all open to the amazing divinity within each of us right now.
With much love and joy,
Hi Fred
yeah i dont trust the mainstream media..hehe ,but the vid was interesting
i hear ya captain...yeah your right and i try to do all i can on the internet in different forums to wake people up or at least get them thinking of things:)
take care..you fine people you
I would add only one thought right now (that'll be the day) to this intriguing thread.
Whatever is real is/was already real prior to us coming together and individually and collectively deciding what I/we believe to be real. For me, this has always been a great way to distance myself from personal belief long enough to be ready to receive more information as it becomes available, as we all proceed toward spectacular moments to come. The most precious truth I have received since consciously intending to become more aware of all of this is the power of intentional availability with an open mind. We can be wrong about little individual things as we are inclined to try to understand the "mystery" with our minds (which is proving more and more to be somewhat of a non sequitur), but we can never be wrong about availing ourselves to the good of the One. Who really needs to mentally know what that entails at the moment of the conscious, self-activated, heart-motivated sincere intention? All we really need is to consciously intend to be in agreement with what is Real and allow the flower of that reality to blossom as we purposefully avail our free will to the part we will be called to play in that blossoming and unfolding, of the lifting of the veil.
We were/are never asked to know every detail, just to be ready and willing, to experience by our free wills to do so the liberation of that willingness to surrender to reality, and then let the unfolding be the wonderful journey that avails itself to our willingness, our conscious intent to cooperate with that process.....
I have spent far too much time being invested in my thoughts, and I have been wrong almost every time I was dead sure I was right. I am ready for more than my own personal comedy production of errors now. I now give up the notion I know anything that I might be granted the ability to see what my ego does not want me to see.....
Right on, Chris! I find my mind can easily lead me astray. When I am clear on my intentions and open my heart to being guided towards what's best, the magic almost always flows. Much love, Fred
I bring this old thread forward as a vehicle for a new article from Carla Reuckert the channel of the Ra Material and the Law Of One. What she writes in this article is I believe one of the most direct and succinct outlines that I have come across regarding 2012 and how it related to the Harvest and the Law of One. Enough said. I'll leave it to Carla.
With Light and Love brightening the dark side
2012 - The Background
by Carla L. Rueckert-McCarty
March 2, 2009
The question I am asked most often in interviews these days is this:
How can I get ready for 2012? I would like to work on this question
through the next few articles.
What is the significance of 2012? In the Mayan Long Count calendar,
the thirteenth baktun cycle is completed on December 21, 2012. This
marks the first time in over 5,000 years that this event has occurred.
The ending of this great cycle is associated in Mayan lore with the
cosmic womb, death, new life and transformation. One could say that
according to the Mayan calendar, Earth hits its reset button and the
odometer rolls over to zero and starts another Long Count on that
date. It is expected by Mayan researchers such as John Major Jenkins
that a shift in consciousness will occur as part of this moment in
I do not wish to debate the various corollary threads of New Age
Mayanism: the "dark rift" riff, the alleged UFO connection or its
posited link to crop circles. These sidebars to 2012 lore are
interesting but they do not resonate to me as part of the main theme.
However, the date itself, and the supposition that a shift in
consciousness is related to it, do resonate to me, enough so that I
have just written a book on the topic of getting ready for 2012. It is
called "Living the Law of One 101: The Choice".
You can pre-order this book now by writing contact@llresearch. org and
asking to be put on the pre-publication list. The book is at the
printers, and due to arrive within the week. It will be added to our
on-line store (www.bring4th. org/store) when it comes out.
Classical Western astrologers also find the winter solstice of 2012
pivotal. At this date, the Age of Pisces ends, according to Western
astrology, and the Age of Aquarius, that much vaunted time of New Age
pop culture, begins.
According to Roeland de Looff, "In 2012 the center of the Galaxy is at
0 degree of the Western zodiacal sign Capricorn. 0 degree Capricorn is
the point of the zodiac where the Sun is during the December solstice.
At December 21, 11.12 GMT during the December solstice the Sun is at
the exact center of the Galaxy."
The sun makes a sextile to Mercury on this date. This aspect generally
is interpreted as relating to a spiritual experience.
There is also a "yod" or "finger of God" involving Jupiter, Pluto,
Saturn, Mercury and Venus. The yod, when found, indicates profound
transformational experiences which may include suffering.
There is also a T-square with Neptune on this date. "Spirituality,
transformation, ascension and floods" are associated with this
configuration, according to De Looff, a Dutch astrologer. His web
site, http://www.astrolog ycourse.org/ 2012.htm, has a wealth of
information, nicely presented, if you wish to examine this angle
Another interesting 2012 theory originates with Terrence McKenna, an
American philosopher, scientist and shamanic experiencer who was born
in 1946 and who died in 2000. Mind you, I am no more skilled at
mathematics than I am at astrology, but I will share with you the gist
of his "Novelty Theory".
McKenna was studying the Chinese I-Ching oracle when he stacked the 64
hexagrams which make up its variations to create a perfect square, and
saw patterns of movement within the shapes. Craig Howell writes,
"He decided to create a linear model beginning in time with the era
that the I-Ching was created in China and continuing to the present to
see what patterns develop. When he input this information into a
computer program, it formulated a graph with a rising and falling
line, like a stock market forecast.
"He then noticed something astonishing. The parts of the line that
were highest or lowest corresponded with times in history when new
forms were developing. When the line reached a peak, a new form would
trigger the psyche of people. When the line fell into a crevasse, it
aligned with a time when reality seemed to be falling apart, or there
was a great event, or group of events all at once, that galvanized
people. (The graph tells when, not where or what happens.)"
The last maximum peak in this graph coincided with classical Greece
and the profoundly influential time of the great philosophers and
culture of that period. It has been descending ever since, hiccupping
its way downhill to nothingness. The end of this trough is the winter
solstice of 2012.
Howell reports that, "McKenna said in an interview with the Sightings
TV show that his best guess is that it is as if someone is likely to
invent a time traveling machine of sorts, because it is as if it is
the end of linear time. In other words, all time merges into one time.
Everything becomes connected to everything else. Past, present and
future become one. We could in effect be experiencing an infinite
amount of evolution in a finite time."
There are other systems of religion, philosophy and lore which expound
upon 2012, from Nostradamus to Christian doomsday writers and more.
However it seems to me that these sources are derivative, taking the
lead from astrology and the Mayan calendar.
On January 24, 1981, the Ra group channeled through L/L Research some
interesting information about this pivotal time on "this sphere" of
Planet Earth:
"RA: I am Ra. This sphere is at this time in fourth-dimension
vibration. Its material is quite confused due to the society memory
complexes embedded in its consciousness. It has not made an easy
transition to the vibrations which beckon. Therefore, it will be
fetched with some inconvenience.
"QUESTIONER: Is this inconvenience imminent within a few years?
"RA: I am Ra. This inconvenience, or disharmonious vibratory complex,
has begun several of your years in your past. It shall continue
unabated for a period of approximately thirty of your years.
"QUESTIONER: After this period of thirty years I am assuming that this
will be a fourth-density planet. Is this correct?
"RA: I am Ra. This is so."
I have always enjoyed the Ra group's deliciously Attic wit. Looking
back at the ever-increasing glut of tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes,
tornados and other extreme-weather events that have marched in
steadily denser array as the years have passed since 1981, the dry
description of it as "inconvenient" is charming to me in its terse
Mind you, at first, the Ra group declined to discuss this topic at all
with the Questioner, Don Elkins. Elkins was quite familiar with the
prophecies concerning 2012, and in the very first Ra session, on
January 15, 1981, he asked, "Can you comment on the coming planetary
changes in our physical reality?"
The Ra group replied, "The changes are very, very trivial. We do not
concern ourselves with the conditions which bring about harvest."
To the Ra group, 2012's significance is that it marks the end of third
density, the Density of Choice, on Planet Earth and the beginning of
The Density of Love, also called fourth density. On that date, they
said, fourth-density Earth will be up and running. Third-density Earth
will continue until all humans on third-density Earth have evacuated
that density through the harvesting process, by graduation to fourth
density or by transferring to another third-density planet for a
repeat of "third grade".
The harvesting process is described by the Ra group as a self-
harvesting one, wherein the souls of those who have died naturally to
Earth's physical life walk steps of light and sort themselves out.
There is no overseeing Judge. Rather, each of us souls is offered a
stairway, which begins in third-density light, and on which each step
is slightly fuller of fourth-density light. At a point, the light is
entirely fourth-density in its nature. Each step beyond that point
continues to consist of slightly more mature or dense light. Elkins
did not ask how far the steps went, but my guess is that the steps go
all the way to sixth density, since we have so many sixth-density
wanderers on Earth today.
Each soul, then, walks up the steps of light, stopping when the light
begins to be too bright and feels uncomfortable. If the soul stops
while in third-density light, that soul will reincarnate into another
third-density school of souls for another round of the Density of
Choice. If the soul stops in fourth density, fifth density or sixth
density, he has graduated from third density. It is likely that those
wanderers from various fourth-, fifth- and sixth-density planets will
return home at harvest.
This third density in which we of the human tribe of Planet Earth now
experience life is called the Density of Choice by Ra. The choice of
which they speak is the choice of polarity. As Yusuf Islam, formerly
Cat Stevens, puts it in his song from "An Other Cup", a 2006 release,
"You can't bargain with the truth
'Cause one day you're gonna die
And good's going high,
And evil's going down - in the end"
(all rights reserved by Usuf Islam)
Like so many of Yusuf's lyrics, this little chorus puts a seemingly
complex issue quite simply. One can quibble with the definition of
good and evil, but in the main we know the difference. The Ra group,
and the Confederation in general, have suggested that the "good" is
characterized by an attitude of service to others. A harvestable
"grade" of service to others (STO) is 51%. The "evil" is characterized
by an attitude of service to self (STS). A harvestable grade of STS is
In other words, if our thoughts and actions are concerned for the
welfare of others in our thinking over half of the time, we will
graduate STO and go forward to Earth's fourth density positive, the
next "grade" in our creation's "school of souls". If our thoughts and
actions are concerned with promoting and caring for ourselves ninety-
five percent of the time or more, we will graduate to fourth density
negative, also the next grade in our cosmic refinery. And if we find
ourselves in the sinkhole of indifference between 5% and 51% service
to others, we will repeat the Density of Choice on another third-
density planet.
2012 is significant in the Confederation information not as a time of
abrupt Ascension nor as an Armageddon that wipes out Planet Earth, but
as that moment in time when it will become virtually impossible to do
further work in refining our choice of polarity. Like oil and water,
third-density and fourth-density vibrations will begin to pull apart.
It is already far more difficult to begin to polarize now than, say
fifty years ago. Fourth-density waves of truth have interpenetrated
third density more and more. All the issues with which we have avoided
working until now are coming up in our lives and smacking us in the
face. It is time to face these issues. It is time to fall in love with
ourselves. How can we do that? I will take that up in the next article
of this series.
I open my arms and embrace your spirit. Moving forward in faith, let
us link spirits and intentions and walk together towards the dawning
of a new heaven and a new Earth..
- - - -- -- -- -- --
Carla L. Rueckert is the channel for the "Law of One" series and the
author of "A Channeling Handbook", "A Wanderer's Handbook", and a
"Book of Days", among others. Please visit L/L Research to read her
channeled messages and Camelot Journal to read her online journal.
© copyright 2009 by L/L Research
http://www.llresear ch.org/
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Here is a link related to Sal Rachele's latest email newsletter that talks about the alignment of the earth's and sun's magnetic fields in 2012 and how scientists/physicists are discovering new behaviors of the magnetic fields regarding solar winds and CME's.
Sunspot Cycle 24 and a Weakened Magnetic Field
Is good to allow this series of clips from an interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek to compliment this developing scenario with quality info from the more ancient and indigeonous cultures who intuitively have never stopped knowing what is happening to the earth....
YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek~interview with Kala~mayan prophecy 1of5
YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek~interview with Kala~mayan prophecy 2of5
YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek~interview with Kala~mayan prophecy 3of5
YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek~interview with Kala~mayan prophecy 4of5
YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek~interview with Kala~mayan prophecy 5of5
looking forward to that book that is being written by the authorized Mayan council of elders and chiefs
here is a link to the MP3 file of the whole interview
Hey beautiful friends,
I invite us all to remember that waiting for 2012 is like waiting for a savior. How many times over the ages has Christ's return be predicted. For 2,000 years there have been those who were absolutely convinced Christ was coming back in their lifetime to save them. What if we are already saved? How many times have predictions of massive change like the Harmonic Convergence and Y2K been much less that what was hoped for? What if the real change doesn't come from the outside at all, but rather from within each one of us? What if All That Is is fully available to each one of us now if we only drop the veils within ourselves.
I hear many hoping that there will be a separation or of the good and the bad people on our planet at 2012. The good people will be harvested and brought to a New Earth. Yet if we are all interconnected, do we really want to abandon our brothers who some would call bad? I don't want to abandon anyone. I don't want to judge anyone as good are bad. All beings are my brothers and sisters. We are all doing what we believe to be right. I want to invite all beings to open to the joy of divine communion. For me the WingMakers state it so beautifully:
The Descent of the Divine into the World
There is an ancient belief, born of the hierarchy, in a great future
ascension from the physical world into divine reality, and that humans
of love will accompany this ascension process. In actuality, it is the
Divine that is expanding to encompass the physical world with the
purpose of aligning all souls to a new paradigm. Divine intelligence is
stripping away the veils that hide the essential meaning of the soul in
the physical world. As this progresses, the soul increasingly realizes
its divine equality with all, and its many facets become increasingly
aligned, allowing for an ever fuller expression of its transformed
This transformation of the soul through self-mastery is the pathway into
wholeness. It is the recognition that the soul is a composite of forms
and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness. When
the fragments are aligned and interconnected, the soul becomes the
instrument that facilitates this divine expansion. Thus, the
soul does not ascend from the physical world, but rather coalesces into
a state of wholeness whereby its transformed expression can assist in
the expansion, or in a different context, the descent of the Divine
into the world.
Ascension is often construed as the natural outcome of evolution. In this view,
all planetary systems and species are evolving to the point where they
ascend from limitation, and eventually, the reality of the physical
world will somehow fold into the Divine and cease to exist. It is
actually quite the opposite. The Divine is descending. It is inclusive
of all things, and it is divine intention to expand, not retreat. The
soul transforms to wholeness within the cradle of the physical world,
and in so doing, becomes a catalyst to the Divine's intention to
Can you see the perfection of this primal blueprint? Can you feel the
shifting of the matrix from which your reality is cast? Can you not
also understand that you, as a human being, consist of both a formless
and formful identities that are individuated as a single point of pure
energy, yet live in many places on many dimensions simultaneously? Only
within the soul is the place of deep transformation discovered, where
the formless self can enter and commune with its various outposts of
form. The formless self is the eternal watcher who lives beyond the
veil of form and comprehension, and draws forth the wisdom of time from
the well of planets. It is the point of origin from whence divine
intelligence flows.
Let us all join in opening ourselves to be channels which invite the energy of the Divine to flow out to all. Let us breathe sacred love with all beings, not wishing that any be left behind. I welcome your comments and thanks for being a part of this awesome process of transformation.
With abundant love and joy,
Beautifully expressed, Fred.
I've been particularly sensitive these days since my father passed away last Sunday, but even before that the idea "that any be left behind" has been sounding ever more strange to me. Thanks so much for the inspiration and perfect timing of this wonderfully crafted message, it has brought warmth and comfort to my heart.
I'm so sorry to hear about your father, Norma. I know you have done so much to support him in recent years. I hope you had meaningful last days with him. And I'm sure his spirit is smiling on you now and helping to guide your way. You take care and know I'm sending you lots of love and support in this sensitive time.
With warmest wishes and hugs,
Was just thinking this morning of the mind-blowing thought of the Truth that "there is nothing outside of me". So that addresses the infinite direction toward the outer radiating macro scale. Then I thought of the opposite to address the same truth concerning the inward flowing direction of this amazing construct, "there is nothing inside of me", which means the same thing, but how different the typical assumed meaning is. We wrestle with concepts of duality that are fading away as we speak.....
What a wonderful time to be NowHere....
Love/Light, Chris
What a great conundrum to explore! There is nothing outside of me. And there is nothing inside of me. This would lead me to the thought that ultimately there is nothing, which leaves me feeling empty. Not necessarily a bad thing.
Yet what about then considering that everything is inside of me and everything is outside of me, so that ultimately there is everything, which leaves me feeling full.
Somehow I suspect both of these are true, too. Is it all a matter of perception? Powerful stuff!
Reveling in the mystery with love,
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I love the use of the concept of nothing as method for facilitating the re-realizing re-cognizing of everything! Discussing the paradox is more a tribute to the limited use of language symbols than the establishment of a paradox. If I am already Whole and Everything and this can never change, than what does this say about my Being being able to be adversely affected (sensationally, not fundamentally) by certain word symbols that are vague distortions of reality at best? The concept of "Nothing" becomes somewhat revolutionary in the context of fundamental and inviolable Sacred Wholeness. Leaving ourselves with "nothing" then becomes the awakening, the stargate to remembering everything always there behind the very thin veil. Understanding "nothing" becomes useful for outing unreal concepts that are being willfully surrendered anyway, at some point along the long and winding road of our choosing. The concept of nothing is for the unreal only, a way of facilitating the re-cognition of Everything in timeless Now. I so love discussing and pondering the ways we all are setting ourselves and each other free (what's the difference?), freeing/liberating the "us" from everything that is nothing.....LOL
After all is said and done
the undeniable Truth is
We are One.....
Love/Light, Chris
All Being One from a physicist's diagnostic/forensic geometric scientific point of view
Nassim Haramein - Crossing the Event Horizon
Thanks, Chris. Nassim Haramein is great! Here's a quote of his that I love:
You are the center of your universe.
Everyone else is the center of their own universe.
And thus we are all equal.
Nassim Haramein of The Resonance Project
His website at the link above is pretty cool, too.
With lots of love and joy,
He is amazing! I understand he is working on getting some co-authored papers peer reviewed that will turn the physicist/astrophysicist community on their.....
His discussion of the black hole at the center of each of us, the earth, the sun, the galaxy and even each and every atom, all feed looping back as information funneling back through in a constant inward/outward flowing loop from all experiential event horizon manifestations throughout infinity. Just no words to do this construct justice, but sure is fun trying!!!! LOL
Love/Light and Peace with no opposite, Chris
Fred wrote:
If we live fully and all out all the time, then we are living in an eternal 2012. How cool is that?
I dunno, Fred. In a sense it is a good thing because we're leaving behind the paradigms of exploitation and violence. This I applaud. On the other hand, 2012 marks the passage of a time of enormous and traumatic change. It isn't going to be easy, and some will not survive the change...that is, their biological forms won't. 2012 is a marker, not an event. I'm hoping and believing that things will get better in many ways, once we've weaned ourselves off fossil fuels and rampant exploitation of the earth. I don't think I want to live in an eternal 2012.
since you've brought up Nassim you might find Marko Rodin interesting. they're very complimentary in their approaches.
I find reason to agree with both views, in that we were always to live and Be, period, regardless of any natural event that literally arises from the conscious manifestation of a mathematical equation in action. But I have to say that I find it very worth while to track what is physically happening right now "out there". It is not a scary thing, but a wonderful and amazing thing that does not happen very often (to say the least). To be here at this time feels more and more like a wonderful privilege and gift to be more and more fascinated with via the art of spontaneous appreciation mixed with the growing understanding that fear is little more than temptation to be distracted from reality. And sometimes a perfect smelling salts catalyst for waking up to what is real, like the gift that the dark night of the soul brings, for all leads home to Love.
I was watching Gregg Braden discuss the matter again last night on one of his older talks from 1991 or so, and his information is very good concerning the description of all the phenomena related to this magical time inside a photon belt we enter every 25,900 years when aligning with our galaxy's central sun energy. The sun is literally cooling while the planets are heating up! The electromagnetic polarity of the sun is all but gone right now and the earth's is decreasing while the cavity resonance is increasing toward 13 hertz. This is what happens right before a pole shift where the earth very naturally slows to a stop, and then begins to turn in the other direction which makes the north pole the south pole and vice versa (over a 3 day period of some interesting, but not deadly phenomena).
We are in such a magical time right now and we do well to be amazed as we watch in wonder and trust, all of this unfolding right before our eyes. We are a nurtured and beloved part of all of this as our vibration is increasing as a natural functioning part of this ongoing process, seemingly on a parabolic curve toward a singular transcendent manifestation mathematical moment that will affect our view of linear time if I understand what Gregg was talking about.
We are living in a time when we discover more in 50 years than the last 5000 years, and that parabolic curve manifestation of increase in complexity is still moving toward that moment of singularity where we will learn more in one second than the past 5 million years. I'm sure that words fail to convey at some point along this verbal reasoning of something this amazing, but what a thing to track with childlike wonder!!!!!! Another guy to have fun listening to, who talks about an "attractor" literally pulling us toward a transcendant moment is Terence McKenna.
LLP, Chris
Stumbled upon this video while doing some research into the ancient Solfeggio tones, or what Dr. Leonard Horowitz likes to call the perfect circle of sound. Anyway, it is a perfect fit for the expressed intent of this forum. Watch the 6 min. video on the home page just peaking above the bottom of your monitor, called "Adronis from Sirius on the 2012 issue and ET Involvement"
I continue to hear so many people focused on 2012 as a date of huge change. I resurrect this post simply to invite people to consider once again the possibility that the most magical time is always now. If you are focused on a date in the future, you are not living in the here and now. I love the challenges I'm being presented with now to further my own transformation. I hope you are finding joy, meaning, and gratitude in the challenges you are facing, too.
With lots of love and warm wishes to all,
Hey beautiful friends,
It's December 2012. The highly touted "end of the Mayan calendar" date is weeks away. Yet each alatun in the Mayan calendar lasts nearly 64 million years (see this link). Many are opening to the possibility that time is a useful illusion. I will be glad when Dec. 21st passes, so that there will be one less excuse to wait for a future date, and so that we can focus on the only moment that ever exists, right now.
I've copied below what I wrote back in 2008 in this thread. I think you'll find it interesting. Take care and enjoy the end of the year and each precious moment as it presents itself to you.
With abundant love and joy,
Written July 8, 2008 in this thread:
I'm sure this portal will still be going in 2012 and beyond. Who knows what it will be like by then, but I'll bet anyone in those future years going back and reading all the discussions about 2012 will have a good chuckle.
Remember how the Harmonic Convergence in 1986 was going to be the day that would change the entire world? It ended up being a way cool event, but I don't think we quite experienced the huge shift so many were predicting. Friends of mine believed a certain date in 1997 was the end of the Mayan calendar and possibly the end of the world. They were fully prepared for a major shift and predicting they might be taken up to the UFO mother ship.
Many others have been predicted huge collapses for ages. Followers of Jesus believed he was coming back to take him up in their lifetime. Many follows of Jesus now believe the same thing. Could it be that the predictions of doom and gloom are somehow reflecting something about those making the predictions? Just thoughts, but I believe now is the time and this is the moment. Let's make it happen now!
With lots of love and joy,
I have been trying to find the time to start a new post here,,,,but bringing this one back was a great idea,,,,,a great read,,,,,,,,Oh!,,,,and I choose Love,,,,it makes everything sooooooo,,,,less complicated !!,,,T
Y2K was a forecasted computer glitch based upon manmade technology and a manmade calendar. Comparing it to the physical changes that are taking place as our Earth journeys through the center of our Milky Way galaxy and into the Aquarian age is absurd.
Sure, there is a lot of hype and hysteria connected with the date of 12/21/12, but there is also tremendous physical evidence that this is a uniquely important period.
I won't say I told you so, but I will say, "Heads up!" Something big is on the horizon.
We will know very soon. Only two weeks until winter solsticie. Enjoy!
With much love and warm wishes,
The importance of 12/21/12 (in a POSITIVE way) is being ignored or minimized by mainstream media. Now I'm not saying that something huge is going to happen on that specific day, rather the day marks a transition into a period of greater enlightenment.
I choose to live in love and harmony! Booyah! I fall far short of it most of the time but when I wake up I try to return to it asap. Thanks for all the loving support for years now. From coming here I have developed a foundation of faith in our ability to see with better eyes. Cheers.
Thanks for sharing that Brian. My love and support goes out to you always, and I suspect most everyone here feels the same. We're all in this together! Have a most beautiful passage through the winter solstice.
With abundant love and joy,