Ok, I know it's good to be in the present moment...
But what happens if I get stuck there???
Love, B.
Brilliant Street Theatre in Grand Central Station...
Ok, I know it's good to be in the present moment...
But what happens if I get stuck there???
Love, B.
Brilliant Street Theatre in Grand Central Station...
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
--- Post removed at author's request ---
Wow, this is awesome! Thanks!
Dear fairyfarmgirl and Andrey,
Makes me want to put on my clown nose and do cartwheels.
Glad you liked the vid! I looooooove street theatre.
Welcome back Andrey!!!
In joy and love,

Or maybe it was an acting class protesting the protesting of acting classes...
Sweet Bodhi ~
I loved this video when I saw it on YouTube a month or so ago ~ I really enjoy improv! This group has also done other events ~ they did one at an Abercrombie & Fitch store in Manhattan that was pretty funny (lots of men walking through this upscale store wearing no shirts, poking fun at the store's use of male models). There was another video where I believe they were singing while standing inside of a park fountain and another where they are wearing no pants on a city bus ~ really funny!
Check these videos out when you can ~ here's the link . . . http://youtube.com/user/ImprovEverywhere
Much love & many blessings,
Penny :-)
Thanks so much for the improv link- what a great bunch of charachters! I subscrubed to their channel.
In appreciation
Thank you for sharing this............................
What an odd experience for all those people not in on it ! Love,Mary
Now that is totally cool! I so wish I could have seen it in person. Much love and gratitude, Fred
check this one that Berry posted a few days ago for opportunity to be so very deeelightfully stuck in the wonderful magic of crystal bowl resonance frequency that grabs you and kisses you all over and at the cellular level...
Oh, and Bodhi, there is a new adept moving through the TT course right now that appears to be channeling you. In one of his reply posts to something I wrote to him he made thanful reference to my metaphor of ball room dancing and proceeded to, I swear ta God, channel you by adding, lets make it tag team, nude, greased down Greco-Roman, well shoot, I will just post the post:
"The message is sinking in, even with an occasional
language/translation issue. (I love the ballroom dancing metaphor
Chris, but with "tag team," I was thinking about nude, greased
Greco-Roman wrestling, which is pure imaginary non-competitive
grappling fun for me. But, rising to the occasion---may I say dear
chap, "I can do everything you can do Chris---but backwards and in
heels!" And as a parenthetical topper to this parenthesis, a friend
just passed by and looked over my shoulder and said "You ever meet a
nun online before?" !!!!)
Tell these channeling spirits you've linked to not to be so wordy! I want to call the one Heavy Handed instead of Hidden Hand! Let me work through your links, move on to lesson four, and also, rest
a bit, sleep some, perchance to dream too. Then we can get jiggy with
it, to quote the same friend who just passed by. I have never found an
intellectual or spiritual home online before without finding myself
peremptorily banned for some reason, shortly thereafter. After I'd
given up looking, here I find myself with you, where everything feels
already vetted, with no more tests, least of all self-tests..."
and then here is my amused response:
"oops, there goes that wordiness-pox rash breakout again!!! Thanks
for lettin' me off the hook. Will try for square root of 1% of abbie
normal from here on out, but I make no promises, cause ya has ta know
ah be an obsessive-compulsive wordsmith packrat, haaaahahahaha.
Man, I wish Bodhi was here chattin' with ya too. With your style of
writ in mind, you guys are gonna love ball room dancing in word town,
nude and greased down wid white brown mix all 'round. All shapes and
sizes, with no one da wyzah... And he so misses the level of levity
once at peak performance on the TT portal some time ago. You are going
to be a big breath of fresh air to that adept adept, as well you are to
us already....
Again, big welcome aboard. You'd have ta try pretty damn hard to get
yourself thrown out of this greased down china town ball room bro...."
Just couldn't help but think of you when he wrote that - see whatta mean Vern???
Love/Light, Chris