Beloved TT friends,
The WingMakers material is for me by far the most profound spiritual material I have ever come across in my life. I have been following developments on the wingmakers.com website ever since I first discovered it in late 2000. I was astonished back in early 2001, when I saw the highly intriguing original WingMakers website begin to be changed and distorted from its original purpose of encouraging people to look for the deepest answers within. For more on these changes and distortions, see http://www.wanttoknow.info/wingmakersorig/wingmakerschanges.
I was very interested when in February of 2008 Chris of the TT shared with me that he had received an email response from Mark Hempel, the man who apparently originally posted and hosted the WingMakers website back in late 1998. Inspired by Chris, I sent an email to Mark. I was very excited that he responded to my questions about the changes to the website. I then sent a second email asking harder questions. At this point, he referred my questions to James, the man who claims to have created the whole website and now claims that it is a modern day myth.
I was absolutely thrilled when James gave a detailed response to my email. His responses to my questions, however, did not convince me that he was the true creator of the WingMakers website. I sent a second email asking even deeper questions about the changes that were made. Sadly, James never responded to this second email. For those who are interested, I've included the entire exchange of emails I had with both Mark Hempel and James below. And to see a comparison of significant, revealing changes made in the WingMakers interviews, click here. Thanks for your interest, and you have a great one!
With sacred love and very best wishes,
From: Fred Burks
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 8:53 PM
To: Mark Hempel
Cc: Chris Bowers
Subject: Mark, questions about WM website from a former presidential interpreter
Dear Mark,
You gave a wonderful response yesterday to questions about the WM material to my friend Chris Bowers. Thank you so much for that. Your inspiring response led me to contact you about some important questions I've had for many years. Through the large email lists I manage, I have turned on literally thousands of people to the highly empowering WM material over the years.
From my extensive research on this topic, I believe you first posted the WM website on the Internet in late 1998. I first came upon it through a wonderful friend's recommendation in November of 2000. Though I initially had serious questions and doubts about much of the mind-boggling information on the site, I was immediately struck by the depth, clarity, and beauty of the philosophical writings. Tears welled up in my eyes as I had never in my life read anything which resonated so deeply in my soul.
As I found the WingMakers philosophical material to be so deeply moving, I decided back then to copy the information on the website for future study. But then within a few months, I saw the website gradually begin to change from it's original form. Where it once freely provided inspiration through a story, poetry, paintings, philosophy, and music, the WingMakers website began to transform into a commercial endeavor, making the original content and other material available for sale. Whose decision was this? When did James come in, and how did you know to believe that he was responsible for the material?
Did you know that the story around the discovery of the WingMakers site was changed and gradually given a very different spin? Are you aware that the discovery date of the Lost Arrow site was changed from 1972 to 1996? Two additional philosophical writings (both of which overall did not deeply resonate with me) were also added to the original two (which were both originally given on one webpage). Were these given to you by the same person who gave the original philosophy essays?
As I mentioned, I have awakened literally thousands of people to the WingMakers materials. I refer these people to the originals, as I find the changes made to the website after 2001 to have taken on somewhat of a hierarchical flavor which goes against the intentions of the teachings in the WM philosophical essays. I would very much appreciate if you could tell me something about how these first changes were made and your involvement. Many people have asked and continue to ask me about this, so I would deeply appreciate an answer. Thanks so much for having the courage in the first place to post this material, Mark. I know you've had to take a lot of flack that has been thrown your way over the years. I am deeply grateful to you for bringing this incredibly transformative material to me and so many others.
With heartfelt love and warm wishes,
Fred Burks
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton
From: Mark Hempel
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 10:53 PM
To: Fred Burks
Subject: Re: Mark, questions about WM website from a former presidential interpreter
Hi Fred,
Thanks for your email. It’s good to meet you, and better understand what you do.
Question 1: Where it once freely provided inspiration through a story, poetry, paintings, philosophy, and music, the WingMakers website began to transform into a commercial endeavor, making the original content and other material available for sale. Whose decision was this?
Answer 1: There are many dimensions to this question. First and foremost I think it’s important to understand that the web in 2000 was quite different than it is today, relative to bandwidth. Most people were operating with 56K dial-up modems, which meant that downloading 20MB music files and 200MB art graphics was not an option. James felt that the encoded information contained in the music and art was best appreciated in higher resolution than the compressed file format of 100K JPEG and 96K MP3 files. Shortly after I was contacted by Sarah and James to launch the site, they asked me for my opinion on how to bring the higher resolution files to the internet. I explained that CD-ROM would be a good option and the First Source disc was born. James is an experimenter in terms of how to release the encoded data streams (EDS) to the public. One of the reasons he originally contacted me (I learned later) was because of my work with Internet radio, having been one of the founders of the NetRadio, the Internet’s first multi-channel radio station. James knew that it would take another 5 years before broadband became more ubiquitous worldwide. So, this was the primary motive behind getting EDS content to the masses. Remember, everything in existence is composed of frequencies. These frequencies entrain and resonate with other frequencies. The higher frequencies contained in light (chamber paintings) and sound (chamber music) are not transmittable via low quality, compressed files.
Now, that said, let me make clear that nothing that was on the site previous to the sale of the high resolution music or art was subsequently made available for sale afterwards. Everything that was free before was free after… no exceptions. In fact, since the “commercialization” of the WingMakers site much more free content has been added, not to mention the sites of Lyricus and Event Temples—both of which are completely funded by WingMakers and are 100% free. Which is all part of the plan.
Question 2: When did James come in, and how did you know to believe that he was responsible for the material?
When I started getting the materials sent to me to publish the site, I knew someone was behind the content creation that was not a regular guy, so to speak. I didn’t know it was one person as it seemed logical that a group was behind the content. However, as I began to get involved in the production of the First Source disc, I began to interact more with Sarah and finally James came into the picture about the middle of production. He began to make his presence felt in the reviews of the interface, content, and overall design. And then I had a formal email introduction and it was clear, or at least clearer, what the project was about and who was its creator. That said, I remained a doubting Thomas right up to the day I met James in person in upstate New York. That meeting made it clear that he was orchestrating not only the content but the entire vision of what WingMakers > Lyricus > and Event Temples was creating.
Question 3: Did you know that the story around the discovery of the WingMakers site was changed and gradually given a very different spin?
Yes, of course, but I would disagree that it was given a very different spin. I think it’s actually quite similar, but there is much more texture and detail in the Ancient Arrow story than was ever released in the initial story, which was really a placeholder of sorts. The original site was planned to be a bit of a sleeper site in the sense that James was not really expecting it to be seen by many people, because we weren’t going to promote the site, but simply release it without any fanfare or publicity. This would permit us to modify the content. This was before the time of staging servers and production servers. But someone or some group got wind of it and it sort of “busted” into the mainstream in a matter of a few days. It really surprised me how fast and furious it happened. In any case, that’s the main reason the story seems different. The first story was meant as a placeholder, while the full story was being edited and prepared to replace it.
Question 4: Are you aware that the discovery date of the Lost Arrow site was changed from 1972 to 1996?
I knew about this, but in light of what I mentioned in the last question, it didn’t make an impression on me.
Question 5: Two additional philosophical writings (both of which overall did not deeply resonate with me) were also added to the original two (which were both originally given on one webpage). Were these given to you by the same person who gave the original philosophy essays?
Yes, James is the author-creator-translator-composer-artist of all of the content related to WingMakers, Lyricus, and Event Temples.
Question 6: I refer these people to the originals, as I find the changes made to the website after 2001 to have taken on somewhat of a hierarchical flavor which goes against the intentions of the teachings in the WM philosophical essays. I would very much appreciate if you could tell me something about how these first changes were made and your involvement. Many people have asked and continue to ask me about this, so I would deeply appreciate an answer.
I’m not sure how to answer this question since the only thing I have personally seen—relative to the content from James—is that it seems to get more practical and heart-centered. I don’t get any sense of “hierarchal flavor” as you put it. If any thing, the latest content releases from James seem more grounded and down-to-earth. If you read The Rising Heart (James’ latest writings), I think you’ll see what I mean. While the writing is similar to the Chamber Philosophy, it also provides very practical instruction with graphics. His previous paper Living from the Heart is even more practical and feels more of the street than the sky.
James is not a televangelist personality or one of those authors who latches on to the lecture circuit and beats the pavement to sell books. He is quietly behind the scenes providing a framework for consciousness and how one can live from their heart through the practice of the six heart virtues. His encoded data streams are his way of “re-packaging” the cosmic sound and light into a three-dimensional construct. He never talks down to anyone or bad mouths any other approach to one’s divinity. He diligently denies he is required in anyone’s awakening or its sustenance over time, in fact it’s one of the reasons he remains anonymous so no one looks to him as a personality worthy of aspiration. He has always said that his works are only potential pathways to find one’s own living truth inside themselves. This living truth is the only thing that really matters because it is always accessible and can never be taken away once found.
I hope my answers are helpful in some way, Fred. It’s great to better understand your role in the shift that’s occurring. It’s wonderful to see your commitment.
With appreciation,
From: "Fred Burks"
To: "Mark Hempel"
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 00:47:48 -0800
Subject: Thanks Mark, and a couple more questions for you
Hi Mark,
Thanks so much for taking time to provide detailed answers to my questions. I deeply appreciate your willingness to address my concerns about changes to the original WingMakers website. Though for me the website clearly took on a more hierarchical flavor during the changes made in 2001, I very much agree that in his recently developed content, James seems more grounded and heart-centered than earlier on. I read his Rising Heart essay, and though it did not nearly reach the level resonance of the original WM material, I was very pleased that it was significantly less hierarchical than previous material attributed to him, and much more centered around the heart and inner wisdom.
Here is why I don't trust the changes made in 2001, Mark, and even much of the content on the current website. The 2001 changes introduced the concept of a superior Central Race (of which the WingMakers are supposedly a part) which can save us, of a Lyricus teaching order from this race, and of a mysterious "grand portal" leading to scientific proof of the soul. None of these concepts were part of or even mentioned on the original WingMakers website. Yet the insertion of these key concepts was among the first changes to the website. These concepts are quite different from the original WingMakers writings, which were all about opening ever more to divine wisdom from within ourselves, and about moving beyond the teacher/student ordering of the hierarchical paradigm to recognize the divine equality of all beings.
Among other major changes in 2001, I was amazed to watch the interviews section of the site change so that some parts were completely deleted, others added, and certain distances of stars mentioned were even changed. Why would anyone go to the trouble of changing the distances of the stars mentioned? If there is only one question you can answer, this is the one that is most important to me. When I compared the original interviews with the changed version, it became quite clear to me that someone was trying to hide something. Did you ever compare the changes made, Mark?
I would also point out that for the first couple years after 2001, virtually no mention was made on the website of the gradual, yet significant changes being made. Clearly significant money was supplied to create the sophisticated changes made to the website in a gradual way so that they wouldn't be easily noticed. Can you tell me where that money was coming from for all this?
I will share honestly with you my suspicion that some highly intelligent group, which obviously has ample funds, took control and gradually changed the original website, distorting the information so that those seeking the deep WingMakers wisdom would be subtly led back towards hierarchical ways of thinking. I suspect James is the spokesperson or public face for this powerful group. The WingMakers would never have considered themselves part of a superior race or recommended following the teachings of a special order of teachers. The deepest wisdom resides within each one of us. Those of us who understood and resonated deeply with the original material knew without doubt as soon as the changes began to be implemented that the new material was of a different source.
I don't in any way mean to blame you or James or make you wrong, Mark. I am simply one who has been on a deep, lifelong mystic path of spiritual self discovery. Upon reading the original WM material, I wept at reading wisdom far, far more profound than anything I had ever come across in my many years of reading and study. As I watched the intent of those original writings become gradually watered down and distorted from their original purpose, I think you can understand why I was dismayed, and why I'd like to know what happened.
I understand that you were only peripherally involved with all of this, yet you know far more than anyone I know about all this. I deeply appreciate your willingness to discuss this with me and very much welcome your response to my questions here. Thank you for bringing those amazing original materials into the public domain. You changed my life in a most powerful way.
With sacred love and deep appreciation,
Fred Burks
P.S. Please give my warmest regards to James. I would so love to meet him and you.
Deeply committed to what's best for all and to personal & global transformation through love & empowerment
From: Mark Hempel
To: Fred Burks
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 3:40 PM
Subject: RE: Thanks Mark, and a couple more questions for you
Hi Fred,
I started to answer your questions, but as I was writing, I felt my knowledge wasn’t up to par. So, I forwarded your email to James yesterday. I can’t guarantee he’ll answer you because I’m not sure what his response percentage is, but I know he does answer some of the emails I forward because I’ve heard back from some people who were thankful for his response and they copied me. I’ve also heard from others that he didn’t respond. So, what I’d propose is that you wait a week and if you don’t hear anything drop me a line and I’ll compose my answers as best as I can.
From: Mark Hempel
To: Fred Burks
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 6:00 PM
Subject: James' Response
Hi Fred,
James sent me a response to your questions and I’ve attached his answers to this email.
Highest regards,
Attached response from James:
February 24, 2008
Dear Fred,
Mark forwarded your email to me. With time constraints being what they are, I have answered your questions as fully as I can, and in some cases, expanded on them when I felt your questions arose from a slightly different line of inquiry. Your sincerity is appreciated and I hope you accept my answers in the spirit they are offered.
Q1: The 2001 changes introduced the concept of a superior Central Race (of which the WingMakers are supposedly a part) which can save us, of a Lyricus teaching order from this race, and of a mysterious "grand portal" leading to scientific proof of the soul. None of these concepts were part of or even mentioned on the original WingMakers website. Yet the insertion of these key concepts was among the first changes to the website. These concepts are quite different from the original WingMakers writings, which were all about opening ever more to divine wisdom from within ourselves, and about moving beyond the teacher/student ordering of the hierarchical paradigm to recognize the divine equality of all beings.
A1: The changes, or, as I would prefer to have them understood, additions, within the WingMakers site that you reference in your question exist for reasons I will describe below. They were not added to imbue a sense of external authority or artificial layering of hierarchal controls from a far-flung race of superior beings; quite the contrary I assure you. Let me start at the beginning of the mythology—though this is, I’ll dutifully inform you, the shorthand version.
The WingMakers are the future of humanity ascended into a higher dimensional, albeit human format—one that is not constrained by time and space. Within the WingMakers (or Central Race) is an organization known as the Teachers of Light and Sound, or, in the context of the WingMakers mythology, the Lyricus Teaching Order (LTO). The LTO exports its teachings to emerging, humanoid civilizations within a local universe for the purpose of activating the specie’s awareness of its grander purpose as a collective entity. This activation takes many, many forms, some recognizable and some completely invisible. Over time, as the species evolves through the second, third, and fourth dimensions, it begins to nudge against the fifth dimension, which is the time we are presently in.
There are within the human species those who operate in the second, third, and fourth dimensions as their dominant realities even today, but the Collective Consciousness is measured in ratios, and the present ratio is centered on what I will call the lower-midpoint of the fourth dimension, but this will be shifting very rapidly over the next four and half years to the higher midpoint of the fourth dimension, which is the gateway to the fifth dimension. This shift, though it may seem small in terms of degree, is actually the most radical shift since the inception of the planet. The dimensions are not logarithmic in their scope and scale, and the higher one ascends the more expansive they become.
I understand that the framework of dimensions instills a hierarchical ordering of the universe, but this is the method in which a species—in this case, humanity—ascends the spiral staircase of consciousness and ultimately unifies through the tempering of the lower dimensions so it may employ the higher dimensional capacities and capabilities as co-creators of First Source and Source Intelligence. Without this tempering, the human species would retain its quarantine from the higher frequencies of the Universal Spirit that will unite it and anoint it as co-creators. All of this applies to the species as a whole, not individuals. Individuals can operate as cocreative outposts of First Source, but if unconnected to a species-wide movement, they remain locked out of the grand design embedded in the imaginings of our Creator.
The WingMakers Materials are one of the activators that the LTO has exported to this planet at this time, designed for those within the human species who are connected to the Grand Portal discovery. Embedded within these materials are encoded data streams that are time-artifacts of the Light and Sound of First Source, stepped down into dimensional frequencies that anyone within the human family can access, if they desire. It is not that individuals cannot activate themselves, or lack the natural capacity to shift dimensionally. They can and do. The problem is that the “noise” levels are very high within the world because of the spread of consciousness from the second to the fifth dimension. In other words, the species is stretched, in a sense, across four major dimensions and this creates noise. Noise in this sense: The frequencies that are radiating from the human family (and because of human invention) are dissonant and incoherent, competing and interfering with the field of unity, which is the sub-quantum bedrock from which we all arise. Amid this noise, the signal of First Source is diminished, and sometimes indistinguishable from the noise itself.
You can think of it this way. Deep in the woods on an autumn day, if you are quiet and focused, you can hear a single leaf hit the forest floor with amazing clarity—even at a distance of 20 meters. But in the heart of the city, you will never have that experience because the ambient noise level is too high. The signals of nature are lost in the swell of mechanical inventions—sirens, buses, whirring hard disks, HVAC systems, cars, and even electromagnetic fields. If something could transport you, momentarily, from the city to the forest, and you could tune in to the subtle sounds, you would be startled at what your body can perceive.
Again, this is all about ratios. As a species approaches the fifth dimension, its variation and dimensional separation is what generates the dissonant noise field. First Source, as you can well imagine, is fully aware of this phenomenon and has established compensatory systems. One of these is to boost the signal of unity by aligning the planetary position relative to Central Sun or the galactic source of higher dimensional frequencies. This alignment is not happenstance or coincidental, it is all part of a highly orchestrated plan. The other way is to create “pockets” of coherence that provide a sober, exploratory entrance to the deeper teachings that empower the individual to activate their energetic responsibility—the transmission of their personal energy system to the benefit of their fellow creatures and the planet upon which they live.
Perhaps the compensatory system that is least understood is that of the planet itself. As an entity of consciousness, earth is dimensionally ascending according to it own plan. As the human species spreads and extends the reach of its consciousness, it signals the planet that it is time to shift dimensionally into a higher frequency field. Earth is undergoing this dimensional shift now and will complete it over the next four and half years. There is, as Hollywood coined it, the “Perfect Storm” of human consciousness spread, galactic alignment, and intentional planetary dimensional shift. This confluence of interlocking processes is, as previously stated, carefully orchestrated through Spirit or Source Intelligence.
This particular aspect (planetary shift) requires, in most cases, a parallel planet to be engineered to provide a maturing environment for those whose energetic, subatomic structures are not suited or properly conditioned for the higher dimensional frequencies in which earth is unerringly approaching. I will use an analogy to ensure clarity. Imagine that there was a group of fleas riding atop a wild dog. The dog was subject to temperature extremes, running through the brush, and a variety of other challenges—all of which favored the fleas that had conditioned themselves to hang on and adapt to the conditions present in the wilderness. Those that couldn’t hang on were mercifully placed on a domesticated dog that was appropriately pampered in a fenced, manicured yard.
Admittedly, while this is a crude analogy, it does make the point that humans are guests upon earth, and earth is indeed the host. Those unable to adapt to the frequencies of the new earth, will be gently “shuttled”, reincarnationally speaking, to a planet comparable to earth so they may progress in their own time. It is somewhat like cell division, where the human family divides into two worlds, each the “zygote” of a new species divided only by time and space, and ultimately unified when time and space recede beneath the horizon of eternity. (This is an echo of the relationship between the WingMakers and Humanity.)
The evolutionary journey of the species is set with checkpoints that typically lay as dimensional barriers. Frequency coherence is the key attribute by which a species can pass through the checkpoint and obtain a higher frequency experience of their human instrument and the planet upon which they live. The ultimate checkpoint is the Grand Portal, which stands between the higher 4th and lower 5th dimensional plane of existence.
The Grand Portal was introduced in the later works of the WingMakers as a means to depict the underlying purpose of the work. The Grand Portal signifies a shift of humanity from the 4th dimension to the 5th dimension, and while this shift is still far in the future (insofar as the human species is concerned); it will become understood by science in approximately 75 years and become the backbone of science and religion as they merge into one integrated system of experience and expression.
Thus, the additions to the WingMakers Materials were key elements pointing to the Grand Portal. They were required additions in order to aptly define the human trajectory of evolution. What you have sensed was simply the shift of emphasis from the individual rendering of the “activator” to that of the human species. When this shift was made, it appeared to change the materials, ordering them into a more hierarchical structure, but that is only a result of the introduction of the Grand Portal, which necessitated a more species-level depiction of the materials.
The role and definition of the LTO was delineated as part of the disclosure of the Grand Portal, since the LTO helps to disseminate this activating vision to the species. Again, you can argue that any organization in charge of activating a vision and mission as broad as the Grand Portal is hierarchical in nature, but I would ask you, if not the LTO, who? Who would provide this architecture of human achievement? The movement of the human family into the fifth dimension is a collective crossing; it is not the purview of any one individual, or for that matter, organization.
It is not enough for the individual to achieve cosmic consciousness while in the human instrument. To what end? To write poetry like Whitman? To espouse new philosophical insights like Plato? Or perhaps, more metaphysical elaborations like Bohm? Individuals achieve cosmic consciousness and it opens them to a finer mesh connection to the Universal Field, and they become transmitters of the ability within the human family. But the new consciousness that is now forming within the human family is not rooted in the historical insights of God or Spirit, but in an intelligence that is present in every square nanometer of space, every moment of time and every point of energy, and this consciousness is awakening inside the human instrument within all who are prepared so we can become the universal species as envisioned by the LTO.
This is not a time of individual ascension and then dutiful service to teach. Rather it is a time of unification and collective intelligence working to move the species from separatist isolationism to universal connection and awareness.
Q2: Among other major changes in 2001, I was amazed to watch the interviews section of the site change so that some parts were completely deleted, others added, and certain distances of stars mentioned were even changed. Why would anyone go to the trouble of changing the distances of the stars mentioned? If there is only one question you can answer, this is the one that is most important to me. When I compared the original interviews with the changed version, it became quite clear to me that someone was trying to hide something.
A2: There were a handful of changes made in the interviews, but I’m not sure why this would be so important to anyone, especially the type of changes you’ve referenced in your question. The simple and prosaic answer is that I created slight variations in the WingMakers Materials as a means to track them. As you’re undoubtedly aware, placing content on the web is different than a book format in the sense of the copyright controls. Within the first year of release there were several unscrupulous individuals who were packaging the WingMakers content and selling it to others. Others were not selling it, but essentially appropriating its content under their own name or brand. I was aware that this would be an attribute of using the web as a distribution center for these works, and wanted to track the permutations.
Q3: I would also point out that for the first couple years after 2001, virtually no mention was made on the website of the gradual, yet significant changes being made. Clearly significant money was supplied to create the sophisticated changes made to the website in a gradual way so that they wouldn't be easily noticed. Can you tell me where that money was coming from for all this?
A3: The projects related to WingMakers.com, Lyricus.org, and EventTemples.org are all funded 100% through the sales of the WingMakers CDs and art reproductions.
Q4: I will share honestly with you my suspicion that some highly intelligent group, which obviously has ample funds, took control and gradually changed the original website, distorting the information so that those seeking the deep WingMakers wisdom would be subtly led back towards hierarchical ways of thinking. I suspect James is the spokesperson or public face for this powerful group. The WingMakers would never have considered themselves part of a superior race or recommended following the teachings of a special order of teachers. The deepest wisdom resides within each one of us. Those of us who understood and resonated deeply with the original material knew without doubt as soon as the changes began to be implemented that the new material was of a different source.
A4: I think I have answered this question already, but to put a finer point on it, I would add that while the deepest wisdom resides within the individual, there is no one who finds it without help. There is a need to have teachers and way showers. There is a need to have activating content. There is a need to have one another to inspire the insights and fire the imagination. The Universal Field of Living Truth flows underneath each of us just as surely as water flows beneath the ice of a frozen river. But there are certain outlooks, certain perspectives, and certain techniques where the interface to the deeper truths is improved, and it is easier to break through and draw it into your life.
I can assure you that the source of the information did not change; the mission broadened, as planned, and the work reflected this.
The entire body of work will unfold and it will continue to change, and certainly not for the sake of confusing anyone or watering down the content’s truth. Rather, it will change because the mission is multidimensional. For example, the WingMakers materials resonate and activate different frequency domains of the human instrument. There are certain passages of music and poetry that are utterly without connection to the mind. The art is the same way, it activates different recesses of the heart one time and the mind another. The philosophy of Chamber 2 is very different than the Lyricus discourses, and the discourses are very different from the Event Temples e-paper entitled Living from the Heart. The animation from the Event Temples is very different than the Meditations of Time-Space DVD.
All of the content is connected to a larger plan, and if you slice it into sections and compare one section with another, you will see differences to be sure, but you may also miss the larger relationship—the larger plan—both of the content, as well as its useful service to your own life and purpose.
There is so much information in the public domain that pertains to the spiritual realms, some of it is reinforcing and resonant, but most of it is splitting and separating the consciousness of humanity. For example, today I received a letter from a young man in Sao Paulo, a partial quote follows:
“What is happening? What is it all about? This theories. This prophecies. Hollow Earth, Shamballa, Agartha, Astral Travel, Channelings, Telepathy, Nibiru, Annunaki, The Mayan Calendar, Planet X, Ashtar, The Armageddon. I'm sorry but, i don't know if i'm the only one, but i'm really lost. I Don't know what to do. Which way i should go? What should i believe? What can i do? I'm so lost. Seriously. I'm so lost.”
Now, this person is only 18 years old, so he has less life experience than some, but you can hear the confusion and frustration in his voice, and his sentiments speak for thousands, if not millions, of others. The list he cites could have been ten times longer, but the point remains: How do any of us—in the face of the separation that exists in our philosophical realm—find agreement in belief? And not only agreement, but, more importantly, a sense of confidence that we are on the right path, the path of enlightenment, and not further confusion or the distraction of half truths.
We all have access to the Living Truth within us, and yet we remain tethered to our doubts and fear-based living. This is the mirrored reflection of the spread of consciousness, that, as a collective thing, is not coherent and therefore it is not aligned to the Living Truth. Today a thousand, no, a hundred thousand writers speak their truth and share it, but the resulting picture of “truth” is a blurry mosaic that casts doubt on the human mind’s ability to define truth, let alone a path into enlightenment.
Does this mean that humanity requires a savior? Does it show evidence that the spiritual realm, as an object of knowledge, is unknowable? No, not in my opinion, but it does suggest that the six heart virtues and their everyday application and expression is a far better route to forming a spiritual purpose than the framing of words in a philosophical soup. Too much is made of the word choice instead of the behavior choice. It is through the latter that we define our truth, and this is the living truth that flows from the innermost worlds of our existence into the outermost worlds of our five senses and physical body.
We are here to be of service, and this applies to each and every one of us. Our service contribution is the energetic transmission contained in our expression of the six heart virtues, and our ability to achieve and sustain personal coherence in our daily affairs and relationships. This is the real value in the spiritual life because it does not separate with words, but rather bonds with behaviors. And it injects meaningfulness into the smallest moments of our life.
Our media and popular culture make the focus of life a quest for glamour and prestige and power and money. We are seduced by these things because they are burned so deeply into our psyche that it is near impossible to resist. But even those few who achieve these things feel lost, perhaps even more so as a result of their achievement. The thing that we desire most is meaning through the expression of our deepest purpose—not our passion, but our purpose.
So you see it does not matter if people draw from their own well and bring forward the powerful truths that live within them, because even these so-called truths, if they seek expression only in words have a shelf life of usefulness of one moment, which, as I’m sure you’ll agree, is exceedingly brief. But the expression in the behaviors of appreciation, compassion, humility, forgiveness, understanding, and valor, these leave an energetic “fragrance” that lasts forever because it entangles and resonates with the Universal Field, and Spirit reapplies this energy to the betterment of the planet and all who live upon her. In short, we need more people who apply the six heart virtues even in the most insignificant corners of their life.
I don’t say this lightly, either. I am well aware that it is not easy to outflow compassion to someone who just gave you the finger after cutting you off on the highway. It is not easy to understand why there is so much hatred surfacing between religious organizations or governments or members of the human family. It is not easy to forgive someone who wrongs you intentionally. But this is what is required of those who will assist the human family to become unified and coherent so it may knock upon the door of the Grand Portal, seeking entry into the fifth dimension as a coherent collective and not simply as a group—large as it may be—of individuals.
I hope my responses provide some measure of understanding to your questions.
From my world to yours,
From: Fred Burks
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 11:38 AM
To: Mark Hempel
Cc: Chris Bowers
Subject: Mark, questions about WM website from a former presidential interpreter
Hi Mark,
Thank you so much for forwarding that in-depth response from James. I am deeply grateful to both you and James for taking the time to respond to my questions. Could you please send James my response below? Thanks again for playing a key role in the major expansion of my own awareness, and you have a great one!
With deep gratitude and joy,
Dear James,
I deeply appreciate your in-depth response to my questions about changes in the WingMakers material. I very much respect your intentions of spreading heart energy in the world and preparing humanity for a major shift. As I have followed changes to the WM website since 2000, I've been happy to see in the last year or two what has felt like a more open and heart-centered energy. I also know you've been in communication about your work with wonderful people like Teka Lutrell, someone whom I deeply respect for his commitment to shifting the paradigm on our planet. Thank you for opening to this kind of collaboration and for inviting us all to open our hearts more.
I have some important questions regarding your response to my previous message. To give a quick background, even as a child I understood sacred love and the interconnectedness of all beings. I have been on the mystic path for most of my life on this beautiful planet. Though I've never followed any one path exclusively, I have studied and participated in most major religions and their associated mystic branches, finding that each of these contains their own unique kernels of truth and wisdom. I love a saying of Gandhi, "If a man reaches the heart of his own religion, he has reached the heart of all religions.” In recent years, I have become aware of the spiritual hierarchy discussed by key figures in the metaphysical and occult literature like Alice Bailey and in tools like the Urantia book.
Having studied and explored many different aspects of spirituality over the years, I was amazed when I came across the original WM philosophy in 2000 to find something far deeper than I had ever found in my many years of spiritual exploration. I instantly felt an incredibly rich, deep resonance with this material, as well as with the creators of the material. Though my eyes and spirit were opened in incredible ways on a conscious level, on another deeper level, I realized I had already known everything that was being shared. I was rapidly activated to a significantly expanded state of consciousness by this amazing material.
The most powerful opening I experienced in digesting the original WM philosophy had to do with the ascension agenda. Like so many here on Earth and in other star systems, I had shared in the collective desire to get beyond the trials of this planet, to soar beyond this physical reality and ascend to higher spiritual realms. After being so powerfully activated by the WM material, however, I instantly realized how mistaken I had been. I saw that my mission is not at all about ascending.
Ascension often reflects a desire to abandon those we consider to be lower than ourselves in hopes of reaching a higher state where we leave all of the dense vibrations behind. Yet now I see so clearly that my life is not about ascending to other dimensions. I am here to embrace all people and all beings no matter what their level of vibration or understanding. I want to leave no one behind as we all expand our consciousness to ever greater awareness. And many others resonate with me on this. We are all about presencing the divine here on this planet, even in these dense realities. Here is the key quote from the WM on this:
When the fragments are aligned and inter-connected, the entity becomes the instrument that facilitates Source Reality expansion. Thus, the entity does not ascend from the time-space universes, but rather coalesces into a state of wholeness whereby its sovereign expression can assist in the expansion, or in a different context, the descent, of Source Reality into the time-space universes. Ascension is often construed as the natural outcome of evolution. That all planetary systems and species are evolving to the point where they ascend from limitation, and that eventually, the time-space universes will somehow fold into Source Reality and cease to exist as fields of vibration. It is actually quite the opposite. Source Reality is descending. It is inclusive of all things, and it is the Source intention to expand, not retreat. The entity transforms to wholeness within the cradle of the time-space universe, and, in so doing, becomes the accessory of Source Reality's intention to expand.
These words powerfully awakened a part of me that had been dormant during this particular life sojourn, James. I and many others on a path similar to my own were thrilled with how this material awakened us. We right away felt and resonated with the very high vibration. Starting in 2001, we also felt how that high vibration was subtly, yet significantly diluted with all of the changes made. In my core essence, I know that the author of the original WM material and the author of the changed material are not the same. The vibration is just too different. Yes, the beings behind both the original material and the changed material are ultimately from First Source or Prime Creator, as we all are, but there is a very difference resonance between the original and the changed materials.
In your response to me you mention several times the ascension of humanity to higher dimensions. You talk of "ascending the spiral staircase of consciousness." You talk about a "galactic source of higher dimensional frequencies." Yet all of these are what the original WingMakers would call old models of existence which we are now preparing to move beyond. You also talk about the species evolving, when in the original WM philosophy, which is still posted on your current website largely unchanged, evolution is clearly presented numerous times as the old model of existence which we are now moving beyond. To quote the WingMakers material still posted on your site:
It will become the fundamental purpose of the hierarchy to slowly remove these barriers to equality in such a way that the hierarchy appears to be the savior of consciousness rather than the guard of consciousness.
Much of the new material for me resonates at the level of the hierarchy referred to in the above quote. Though recently I have seen more heart energy -- which I truly appreciate -- there is still a lot of hierarchical language being used on the current website and in your letter to me. Yes, it is subtle and your material clearly vibrates at a rate higher than most of what is available currently on this planet, yet the original WM material had none of this. Considering this, can you honestly tell me that you wrote the original material and that all of these changes are simply additions?
Back in 2001 and 2002, I carefully compared the many changes made to the interviews, and it is not only star distances that were changed. Regarding star distances, I know that whoever changed those distances wanted to hide what's really going on related to certain ET species. Can you give me a valid reason why someone would change the star distances if only making "additions" to the story. And there are so many other changes. The portrayal, for instance, of 15 is shifted such that he appears much more benign than he was in the original interviews. I can show you the many specific deletions and additions which reveal a very specific, albeit subtle, hierarchical agenda behind all of these changes. Were all of these simply "additions"?
I have revealed a great deal of who I am and who we are to you here, James. So I would now like to ask you directly, who is behind all of these changes? Who are you working with, and how much do you really know of all that is going on here. I understand that you may not be at liberty to reveal some of these things, but I would appreciate an honest answer. I resonate strongly with the original WingMakers, so I can perceive the resonance at which you vibrate in your communications, and it is not the same.
I have been aware of the parallel planet agenda for some time. On a spirit level, I know that this is the hierarchy's agenda. I understand that you support this agenda and trust that you are doing what you believe to be best. Yet when I open up to guidance from the divine for what's best for all of us, I have received clear guidance to reveal the parallel planet agenda as a means of separating us from ourselves, because I know -- and you know -- that we are all interconnected on the deepest levels. I want to be a force which invites every one of us to connect ever more clearly with all of us through our divine essence. I don't want to abandon to another planet the more dense aspects of myself, which are a more dense aspect of all of us. I want to invite all densities to dance together in this beautiful cosmic dance. If it feels right to you, I invite you to join me and the many who resonate with me in this exciting expansion of divine energy into all densities.
The most profound truths are quite simple, James, and anyone can access them. You know this and are even teaching some things along these lines now. Yes, the energies can be confusing to many living in the thick Earth density, yet whenever anyone chooses to open to the deep wisdom within their own soul, the Divine reaches out (or reaches in) to touch that soul and guide them.
I invite you and your colleagues of the LTO to join those of us who are here to assist in this process of the expansion of the divine into all universes. Like all beings, you and the LTO are always free to choose the path that you believe is best. Yet also be aware that I and many others are working to invite all here to open to the wisdom that lies deep within without any need for external teachers or an evolutionary framework built around ascension.
I am thrilled to have had the privilege to open many thousands of people to the wisdom of the original WM material. I know that I am one of those who is building bridges, yet there is no name on the bridge. It is simply a bridge, a neutral tool which takes people deeper into their own divine wisdom understanding.
Thank you for the key role you are playing in all of this James. I don't know how much you are aware of what you are doing on the deepest energetic levels in your work, yet I am fully aware that everything that you and I are doing is all a part of the expansion of the divine in our world. In the end, every one of us is playing our role with divine perfection. I am deeply grateful for the role you are playing, James, and the role being played by those working with you. In the end, we are all beautiful mirrors for each other reflecting the many amazing and unique parts of ourselves to each other. And when we come together to work for both personal and universal transformation, life cannot help but become a rich, miraculous journey for us all. Thank you for your presence on this planet, and I very much welcome your thoughts on all of this.
With abundant love and warmest wishes for you and for all of us,
Deeply committed to what's best for all and to personal & global transformation through love & empowerment
Final Note: I have not received any response to the above email from Mark Hempel or James. For a detailed, revealing comparison of changes to the WingMakers interviews, click here. These changes raise serious questions about some of the claims of James above. I wish you a beautiful journey in your explorations of the WingMakers material and of life and the world and universe in which we live. Remember that the deepest answers are always there inside of you. The Divine is patiently waiting to reach out (or reach in) to touch and guide any soul who asks from their heart for guidance.
Dearest Fred and Chris, thank-you for pursuing this so vigourously. At the very least, the discussion between yourself and James is very illuminating. At worst, James is a master artist that has conned us into a false belief. At best Wingmakers is a wholly authentic site that has suffered from the poor actions of some individuals. I believe that wisdom is wisdom, and there is much wisdom in both your questions and the answers. My sense of this is that there is a higher intelligence speaking through the words of the wingmakers site and your dedication to finding out the truth of the site Fred. That there is a qustion about authenticity allows us to more fully explore the veracity of the text (I still haven't heard the music or seen the paintings) and feel the resonance of the truth within this site. In the same way the bible is a less then perfect document, wingmakers seems to me to ask us to road test it in our daily life. Because we need to test it, take responsibility for the passages of wisdom that resonate deep within us, the site is validated. I am personally grateful to you for introducing me to this material and the ensuing discussion. With deepest love to you, as one, Rob.
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thank you Fred for assembling all your correspondence and for your keen questions put to Mark and James. I too, of course, still am not quite sure what is going on with Mark and James, but I agree with Rob and Elizabeth about seeking out through heart recognition what truths can be garnered from the website (since it appears we are going to be left wanting by M and J). I soooo wish this story had not been tampered with. Can't they just leave just one thing alone? Such a beautiful story, Ancient Arrow. But alas, we can take away the heart virtues message along with some other key resonating passages and test drive them like the rest. I do wonder though about the Ascension question you raised. Maybe, because of the multi-dimensional holographic properties of life, we really can have our cake and eat it too! Maybe we can ascend beyond our 3D cocoons made of very compressed light and "never leave the building" so to speak. Who says we would be leaving anyone behind? I believe we are being guided by ascended masters right now. For them time does not exist in their conscious state of being, though they can see us responding to our own concepts of time and space. If we do move toward Ascension a wee bit faster than others not ready to even consider it, we would be bound by our understanding of how things really work in "Sacred Geometry" to remain close to those in need of our guidance and love, even while they remain somewhat unaware of our presence. What was that presence that just made me feel so damn good? What was that? Maybe the lion's share of the difference between 3rd and 5th is the view! If we do have the innate ability to move toward Ascension, and on to different multi-dimensional levels of existence, it is because we are meant to, and that for the good of the One. We obviously do not have all the answers yet concerning this ongoing question of Ascension timing, but the answers we do have are pretty wonderful and the rest will come as we go.
What really left me wanting also was my questions about the music authenticity not being answered. There is so much more I want to understand about the transcendant nature of music and tone. We were told as children that angels sing, and then we grow up to find that there is a very interesting truth to why "angels" would sing. I really thought the WingMakers music samples were going to help guide us toward what that really means and how our bodies of light waves do respond (already) in a transcendant manner. I could so get hung up on feeling like I have been cheated somehow by the controllers of the WingMakers material, but it is out of my hands...
Again, thank you so much for bringing this collection of Q and A to a new forum,
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Thanks for the great lead, sis!
For those of you who have already read the above with the missing email, Chris sent it to me this morning, so I've now updated the above message and it is a complete record of the exchanges I had with Mark Hempel and James. Thanks for your interest, and have an awesome day!
With lots of love and excitement,
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Thank you so much, Fred, for sharing this exchange of questions and responses (or lack thereof). This shows how carefully you have researched all the materials in all of the websites you created. I appreciate that attentive care so much, especially on matters of such importance. I have printed out all the material so I can go through it carefully, and will respond later.
I am grateful that you made the effort to resolve these questions.
with Sacred Love flowing to us all,
Hey Elizabeth!
Funny you should mention Emoto. I picked up a DVD copy of "Messages in Water" about a month ago after seeing some of it on "Down the Rabbit Hole". Something else Bodhi is really helping me stay centered on is, "Cowwectwy pwaticed, it does not sepawate with wooods, but wather bonds with behaviows". This line nawwated by HH Elmer Tulku Rinpoche (good friend of Bodhi's and ALL) may very well be the best thing that has come out of Fred's correspondence with "James", in spite of our lack of success in getting other more specific answers to pertinent questions. "Does not separate with words, but rather bonds with behaviors" (the seven heart virtues that is...). Those expressed heart virtues, and the lack thereof in other experiments, are the very thing that made coherent "Source Energy" respond in Emoto's water crystal experiments. Another very interesting experiment(s) with water has been accomplished by Dr. Patrick Flanagan of PhiSciences. He had an old scientist friend of his when he was younger who had discovered what the properties of high altitude spring water were that was making people living in those higher altitudes live and work at ages over 100 years old. It was nanoparticles of "ionized Silica Hydride". Dr. Flanagan has since created a process to mimic the qualities of these specific water sources to create an additive that makes your own "blessed" water you drink become "wetter" and more available at the cellular level. Thank you so much FFG for bringing this wonderful subject up!!!
In Love, Light and Blessed Hope (and water),
Dear Chris and Elizabeth,
It seems to me that the conversation is drifting away from the original intent of this forum. My impression was that we would be talking about the implications of the changes to the WM website. As I stated above, I have a lot of questions to add to the pot, but have not had time yet to carefully go through the emails Fred submitted. (It is snowing up here today, and I needed to get firewood in.) Is it possible that you could begin a new forum about Emoto and water, etc.?
with Sacred Love flowing to us all,
Ahhhh, yes. I digress, but will always be back in time for the rest...
I think Elizabeth and I have covered the water thing with those posts. Look forward to seeing the questions you will be bringing to this wonderful Ancient Arrow forum that has given so many of us such a beautiful and confident hope during times that seem not so wonderful at times.
Be Blessed in the quiet white stuff today JoyAnna,
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I had a distinct feeling of a different energy on the WM site compared to the original material. I think Mark and James (especially James) are very good at obfuscation and attempting to direct the enquiries into a different direction. That James did not reply to your email, is proof in itself. I in no way think that James is the orginator of the WM material. As you said, the feeling is not the same.
There seems to be a big effort made at directing the attention to the creation of a parallel Earth where all the 'dense' people (couldn't resist that one!) will stay behind.
There was a thought that crossed my mind, why is it so important to do that? We all know we create our own realities and maybe this parallel planet is a possibility, which, if enough of us buy into the theory, will be created and the total ascension process will be foiled to some extent?
I was really interested in hearing the music and seeing the actual paintings. The music is not there and the paintings are not the originals?
Wouldn't it be great if enough of us got together and with combined energy could find the caves and look for ourselves! Wow, that would be really great.
Sound and toning are very important. We had a group who used to meet once a week to discuss spiritual books, etc. At the end of the evening we spent some time toning and were quite good with the overtones. After that we went into silence. That silence was so profound and I used to be able to feel my body vibrate from the toning. I really miss that part of the group.
Love U
... was one of the most powerful for me. As I was just getting into the material about the entities appearing for the first time to the guy who was relaying the information, big tears started falling and the voice that I have heard just a few times inside of my head and has always been correct says, "At last, it is finally time." I felt my body take a deep breath and sigh deeply with relief. I sensed that this cave and all the stuff in it would take on an importance like we have not yet experienced. And then, what about the other 6 caves, have they been discovered? Can we see this one? Where are all of these people who know about it and the reporter and the defector? There are many more questions. I really wanted to get into the information in depth but had to focus on some other things first. Where was the music? and artifacts? and other stuff? I was hoping that Fred had been one of the people with copies of all the stuff and who knew who was involved. Dang!
I have spent very little time with the wingmakers.com site that is the spin off but my first impression that lasts with each page that I visit and the songs is that its just not right. These are different people. Someone has hijacked the idea and adopted it. The music is not what I had expected. Beautiful to listen to but not the real stuff. Just one woman's intuition.
I really appreciate all the work and time spent digging for the truth on this. I really believe that the truth remains while the fabrications fade away. Falsehoods can not stand up to interrogation.
I too wonder about who James really is. Is he possibly someone with a Christian upbringing who is designing a "rapture" scenario into the original WingMakers/Ancient Arrow story? What we do know for sure is we don't know for sure.
Here is a link that I found a while back at the beginning of my own research into this fascinating story that is another interesting introduction into the Ancient Arrow Project. I believe it resonates well with the original intro. Fred, I would love to see if you agree or disagree and why. Your focus on this matter has been the most keen to date. http://www.angelfire.com/wa/UFO/page12.html
For those who may be curious as to the original questions I sent to Mark and the answers he gave me, here it is:
Dear Mark and/or James,
I just got started researching WingMakers through Fred Burks'
wanttoknow.com series of lessons (lesson 15) and my question is this:
I am a bit confused about the Corteum's expressed legitimacy of the
animous' threat to Earth and its inhabitants and their (the Corteum's)
planet and inhabitants. If there is any truth to the mythology
expressed in the bible about Lucifer/Satan, who is called "the father of
lies", this would seem to mean that the only power the animous could
have lies well within their limited ability to do little more than tempt
First Source's creation to willingly succumb to dark illusions that do
not really exist and serve only to postpone the time when creation wakes
up to realize who and what it really is. This seems to be our ongoing
struggle, our unwillingness to take responsibility for free will which
would lead directly to our liberation from the dark lies and illusions
we feel so beset by. This is much like dracula having no power to do
one harm without receiving expressed permission to enter one's
home/sanctuary. If we just choose to understand that Lucifer/Satan/the
father of lies/animous only has power to tempt, to strongly suggest a
lie, than what can it/they really do to harm a creation based in
inviolate love and truth? Any thoughts? I feel my logic and reasoning
may very well be based in a generous measure of spiritual naivete', but
what chance do we have for discovery if truth plays no real part as an
underlying principle in the mythology we presently have access to (such
as that passage in the bible that seems to ring so true)? Can free will
really precariously place us in harm's way, or is our relationship with
First Source utterly inviolate and all that can really happen is we
scare the shit out of ourselves until a time when we take full
responsibility for who we really are and the inviolate nature of our
being and relationship to First Source? How can Lucifer/Satan/animous
be any more than a benign nuisance with no real power to destroy or
alter creation in light of the ground rules firmly established by First
Source (expressed so well in the "MyCentralRevelation" document)?
Please to explain and/or clarify,
Chris Bowers
Liberty Lake, WA
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your email. I'll take a crack at your questions since I'm
familiar with this subject.
Question 1: If we just choose to understand that Lucifer/Satan/the father of
lies/animus only has power to tempt, to strongly suggest a lie, than what
can it/they really do to harm a creation based in inviolate love and truth?
Answer: The basic lie has been that we are separated from our Source, and in
this disconnection, we are vulnerable to an unpredictable universe and
unimpressionable Creator. The key element of this illusion is that each
human is encased in skin, which is presumed to be the border of our
consciousness. As a result of our impaired state, we need intermediaries
that can protect and save us from our sinful decisions. So that's the logic
flow of the lie. James is teaching that the heart is the central interface
between the individual and the Universal Field. That intelligence is not in
the brain, but in the Universal Field. The individual can train themselves
through the practice of the six heart virtues to access this Field
intelligence with greater control, and in doing so, re-wire their circuitry
so it's less susceptible to the lie because they draw fresh insight from the
Field at will. This is the key: access to the Universal Field is the
antidote to the illusion of separation and the notion of dependence on
The Animus are a surrogate for humanity. Again, James has been very specific
that the story of the WingMakers is a mythological story. In mythology, the
story is symbolic. So the Animus are symbolic of humanity's dark self. This
is the side of humanity that believes in the illusion, and not only believes
it, but perpetuates it and, in some instances, protects it. The Animus are
the crystallized 3-D human self unable to absorb and utilize the higher
dimensional radiations from First Source that are present within the
Universal Field.
Thankfully, the human instrument is not crystallized in 3-D reality. It has
emotional, intuitive, and mental "dendrites" that reach into the 4th and 5th
dimensional states of consciousness, and more importantly, it has a
Wholeness Navigator (soul) that can direct the higher aspects of the human
instrument to access the Universal Field and receive and transmit the Divine
Love of First Source without an intermediary of any kind.
Question 2: How can Lucifer/Satan/animus be any more than a benign nuisance
with no real power to destroy or alter creation in light of the ground rules
firmly established by First Source?
Answer: As long as people are enslaved by the aforementioned illusions and
live a fear-based life as a result, the dark self prevails. However, as
James has said, the earth is undergoing a shift which will culminate in its
arrival (in about 4.5 years) to a higher dimensional grid. We're sort of
like fleas on a dog (along for the ride). So as the earth transitions,
millions of us will as well. It's not to say that this shift or transition
will be easy, but it will enable us to connect to the Universal Field with
greater ease as well as to one another. All of this is part of a much larger
blueprint of design where the material forces are not so much benign forces,
but necessary ingredients to the cosmic soup.
I have to run, Chris. I hope my answers make some sense.
Highest regards,
Mark Hempel
Web Manager
EventTemples.org | Lyricus.org | WingMakers.com
In Love, Light and Wonder,
For providing yet another piece to read and consider. I'm getting behind here. There is so much buzzing around in my head over all of this. I copied out the last reference and need to read through it.
For me, the main issue is, as you said, just who is James? This does make a big difference. In this day and age, it is critical that we identify our sources of information and then read with extreme discrimination, using both intellect and heart. We are all aware that there are some very adept, skillful methods out there being used all the time in the least likely places to disseminate disinformation. Like someone else said earlier, I take what feels right and leave the rest. I used to rely on that method as well, but now we need to take even more care.
First of all, this feels like the old bait and switch game. The original website was intended only as a "placeholder" indeed!! Rather than someone with the christianized rapture motive, another possibility might be to set a trap for those who now accept and welcome the concept of other beings from off-earth and other times. I'm one who has been slow to accept this as reality, but there is too much evidence to ignore any more.
I cannot accept the teachings of one who states flat out that the whole WingMakers story is only mythology. I have no problem accepting that the story told in the originally posted website is literally true. I just finished wading through Richard Hoagland's "Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA" complete with photos of the structures found on the moon and Mars. If it is so important to hide this information from people of Earth, why wouldn't they (whoever they are) also want to turn the WingMakers into mythology.
There is so much more to study and think about here. I'm so glad we are struggling with this information. Thank you and Fred for approaching these folks to try for answers.
Love to us all,
Like I said in previous posts, the only thing I can really take from all of this so far is an affirmation concerning heart virtues and their fundamental relationship with First Source and the Universal Zero Point Field at the quantum holographic sacred geometry "coherent" nonlocal level. We now know from scientific research in quantum physics that every physical thing carries with it (in a nonlocal way that transcends time and space) a standing wave holographic signature. These facts have now been peer-reviewed and are being written up for publication. Here's the link to research these little-known facts. http://www.noetic.org/
Another thing comes to mind - if individuals from our future or benevolent beings from other worlds really are trying to contact us to aid us in our transitional journey toward ascension to a 4th and then 5th dimension Grand Portal, then they will find us and communicate with us in due time in spite of any cointelpro disinformation agenda adulterating the original WingMakers/Ancient Arrow story and website. Until then, I have my mind, heart and hands full with practicing all that the Ascended Masters would have us relearn, recognize and understand as we enter this time of transition/ascension.
In Love, Light and Confident Hope and Wonder,
Thank you all for this awesome conversation. There are so many questions and the ground we are plowing is quite fertile! Chris, thanks for adding your email exchange with Mark. I like his answers. I sense that Mark is one who was been brought unknowing into the WingMakers world, yet now has been coached quite a bit by James on the new philosophy being presented. Yet he also could be the originator of all the materials, as some claim. Who knows? What I have noticed is that in the last couple years the current website has become more heart centered, for which I'm very grateful.
The important point here is that there is nothing to fear. Even if the WM website was taken over and distorted from its original purpose, it's all a part of the divine unfolding. As you imply, Chris, everything out there is only another aspect of our greater Self trying in it's own way to expand and connect. Though I am interested in knowing what really happened, I know that there is nothing to fear in all of this. It's actually quite exciting.
Some have speculated that Damanhur may be one of the other seven portals mentioned in the WM material, and there may be others as well. I suspect some of these portals may not even be physical. Maybe we here are part of some kind of energetic portal without even realizing it. Yet I suspect all seven portals also are reflected inside of each one of us. Maybe we should be spending more time looking inside rather than out there.
A guy emailed me yesterday who says he has compiled a document with careful comparisons of all the changes made to the WM interviews. If he gets these to me, I'll add them here. Very cool stuff. The deepest wisdom lies within. The only way to find your Self is to lose your self.
I've really enjoyed lately feeling an energetic heart connection with both Mark and James. They are initmate parts of our divine being. I love feeling that interconnectedness, even with those who may have disempowering agendas for our planet. I know that connecting through love and through the heart in this way creates powerful openings for new possibilities. Thanks for joining me in breathing sacred love with all beings. Have a great one!
With sacred love and excitiement,
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Hey WingMakers afficionados,
I posted the main message above to WantToKnow.info about a week ago. After reading it, one cool guy emailed me with some great new information. He has put together a document which careful compares all changes between the original and the changed interviews on the WingMakers website. This information very clearly shows a deeper agenda than what is being suggested by James in his email to me above. I will be posting this info to the forum soon, but for those who want to take a look now, I've already posted it at http://www.WantToKnow.info/wingmakersorig/wingmakersinterviewschanges. Awesome information! I welcome your comments.
With lots of love and excitement,
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This is truly wonderful. Of course, I haven't had time to dig into it, but can hardly wait to do so. This is another example of the power of us all to search for truth and to uncover deceit of any nature. Fred, please pass on our appreciation to the person who took on this huge task of integrating these two texts. It must have taken a lot of time and care. My heart told me to simply stay with the original, which you were able and willing to provide for us all, but it is reassuring to have the validation that something was not quite right with the changes. But then I guess the most effective way to divert truth is to leave enough of the truth to appear reliable and then slowly redirect the message to the path you have selected. Very subtle.
Thank you and love to all,
Hi JoyAnna,
I just wanted to give a resounding "Yes" to your comment:
The most effective way to divert truth is to leave enough of the truth to appear reliable and then slowly redirect the message to the path you have selected.
We have only to open to our own divine guidance in these matters and I know we will be led down the path this is right for each of us. Have a great one!
With lots of love and joy,
Fred, Please thank your contact for me also.
What a wonderfully-performed task he/she took on!!!
Right from the beginning they (this smells of typical military intelligence disinfo tactics concerning ET data doesn't it?) begin to revise the story to develop the "myth" angle.
"I decided to leave the project after I was successful in deducing the access code for the optical disc. (Shortly thereafter I became aware of what I can only describe as the presence of the WingMakers. I felt as though they were visiting me . . . even assisting me in my work . . . ") Redacted portion in parenthesis.
And then the "throw us a diversionary 'slight of hand' bone" added phrase of,
"and felt that the ACIO was going to prevent the public from accessing the information contained within the Ancient Arrow site. There were other reasons, but it's too complicated to explain in a concise response."
How clever! You see, it's the ACIO trying to keep info from you, not me (whoever "me" is)! I am trying to make sure you get all the WM info you're after, "but it's (just) too complicated to explain in a concise response". But honest, I'll be back with updates for you as time goes on on our new and improved WM website! Don't worry your pretty little head 'bout nothin'. Stick with me kid, I won't steer ya wrong.... Honest!
Oh, by the way - its not real - its just a myth.....
"Go back to sleep and forget everything you just heard"
Very interesting case study Fred! Thank you so much for making all of this available.
I just realized something! If "they" really are trying to disinform and lead astray those seeking to follow the original WM Ancient Arrow story, then that is pretty good circumstancial evidence that the original WM story/discovery is TRUE!!!
This makes me very happy!
I've read through all of this with a great deal of interest. Thanks to those who took the trouble to contact the WM folks and seek clarification. Seems to me that the bottom line in all of this is that the WM information is unreliable. For those who have the time and resources to do the search, it may be possible to uncover the original truths behind this discovery...or it could all be an elaborate myth. More and more, this kind of material leaves me not knowing what to think.
the other four segments are readily available right there where you are on youtube...
consecutive segments will pop up on the screen at the end of each segment...
Also, here is David's website: http://www.divinecosmos.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=34...
Thank You So Much Doris and Elizabeth!!!
Dear Dave, I think the value in all of this is to trust your own heart. Saying that can sound like such a cliche. I like the saying that 'if you meet Buddha on the road, kill him!' I take that to mean that all awakening is internal and that seeking the truth outside oneself will utimately cause harm to yourself. The fact that there is mystery challanges us to go inside ourselves for vailidating the truth. In this way, I feel that we can 'own' our truth in a personal, living way. When instructions are laid bare they potentially turn into dogma. All information arising from 3D human consciousness is distorted simply through the act of being human. Translating, or rather, transducing 'truth' from higher consciousness as maybe in the Broken Arrow project will similarly undergo distortion, in Nietzsche's terms we are 'human, all to human'. But what a joy to be here at this time trying to figure it all out. With deepest love, Rob.
Howdy all, WOW... I have just finished the "sinister changes in the interviews" that depicts the "additions" and "deletions". It is very clear to me that the intent of the changes was not to "enhance" the content but to "distort it". James appears to me to be a master at the art of disinformation as he has a very high intelligence and knows just how to use words to direct the energy outward instead of inward. For instance the "location" of the WingMakers being in a central part of the galaxy. This clearly puts the focus outside of our being and separate from us when all the time the WingMakers are part of us. Look within always!
My hats off to all that have contributed here to make this knowledge available to us. The dark can't handle the truth and transparency allows the light to dissolve the falsehoods into oneness. Great work!
Closing with Love, Bryce
The bridge to higher consciiousness is made from Love, Compassions and Oneness.
Thank you Bryce for capturing that so succinctly. When anyone is trying to put the answers outside of ourselves, they are in a way disempowering us. I hadn't thought about that aspect. The original WingMakers were saying that they are us, only a future version. The new version depicts the WingMakers as creators of the universe far from us in the "Central Universe." I hadn't thought about how clever that is to appeal to the part of us that wants to look for a savior outside of us. You rock!!!
With lots of love and gratitude,
This loving journey from head to heart to light
reveals the perfection of the whole scenario: notice the subtleties,
the manipulations, the contractions;
honor the knowings of the heart and the bursting of the light onto the darkness.
Out there is always a projection of in here. So, spending more time in here, driven by the "out there," we accelerate by way of the contrast.
Love you guys, one and all.
Beloved TT friends,
I have some exciting news on James. In November of 2008, he consented to do a written interview with the awesome website Project Camelot. I was both fascinated and excited to read what James wrote. You can read his profound interview at this link. Quite different from the response in his email posted above, he responds to question seven in this interview stating:
Ascension is of the teacher-student ordering of the universe ... It defines the subtle aspects of self-deception that are caught-up in the spiritual belief systems of Earth and the interdimensional planes as well. If you believe you are in the process of ascending, ask yourself the questions: Where I am ascending to? Are my mental pictures of ascension based on my own experience or have they been downloaded from the information and knowledge systems of humanity? ... All of the energy, efforts, attention and learning that are placed on the ascension process are a diversion from your own realization of the Sovereign Integral.
I am thrilled that James' own view seems to be evolving. In this interview, he seems to be inviting us not to abandon others by hoping that some will ascend to a heavenly version of Earth, while others will suffer on a hellish Earth. He is no longer supporting the ascension process and the parallel planet agenda mentioned in his communication to me. Thank you, James, for opening more to the interconnectedness of all of us. May we all embrace all beings as our divine brothers and sisters, as beautiful manifestations of All That Is.
With lots of love and excitement,
Greetings Fred,
Thanks for this update from James....most sobering !
I was hoping that someone would have asked THE question on every wingmakers' mind.....when will you release more of the philosophies...but, alas, it wasn't to be ...
I stillgo backto the original text and re read often...it still has a great effect on me , how 'bout you?
Thanks again and blessings
Yes, Dave. I still go back and reread the WingMakers' two philosophical essays every three months and feel rejuvenated in doing so. I seem to incorporate (or maybe I should say inspirituate) more of the wisdom there with every reading. I also have wondered if the philosophical texts from the other chambers might appear sometime, though I'm not holding my breath. I'm so thankful for how these materials have enriched my life. You take care. With much love and joy, Fred
This line is so inspired:
"All of the energy, efforts, attention and learning that are placed
on the ascension process are a diversion from your own realization of
the Sovereign Integral"
Perfectly said, giving such good reason to abandon entrenched thought processes and allowing a clearer communication with the first organ that develops in the womb, the heart... I still remember the core understanding that James introduced me to, going with what resonates in the heart as simple and trustworthy guide.
Thank you Fred for posting this perfect inspiring affirmation and update on James!!!
Love/Light and Peace with no opposite, Chris
p.s. just began reading Q&A. Wow!!!! Bonfire of Resonation!!
Makes me wonder if James is "15" (doesn't really even matter...)
"While Earth and Universe Nature play key roles in the liberation maneuver, the preparation of the individual is their own responsibility. It is a balanced equation: Earth/Nature + Individual Preparation = Sovereign Integral Realization."
"The First Point of process is the key factor of preparation. If your First Point for the reclamation of the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness is anything less than unconditional oneness, equality and truthfulness in the expression of every moment, then you will hit many walls within the prison, and each time you do, you will be required to start over. Thus, the initial point of self-realization must be aligned to the realization itself. This is due to the mathematical equations that guide the process."
"As each of us de-program ourselves and deactivate our HMS (human mind system), there is a corollary access to the Sovereign Integral, and in this access, we create the best opportunity we have of defeating the dark agendas that exist on Earth, as well as easing the transition between the deteriorating Collective System body of today and the new one that will replace it."
YouTube - James Wingmakers Interview Part 1/12
Event Temples
As I have been reading Carla Reuckert's The Wanderers Handbook, and am at this moment going through the section regarding balancing and polarizing the energy centers (chakras), it seems to me that what James is saying in a different set of ideograms is the same thing. It requires consistant dedication to maintaining a focus on service to others and to primarily clearing the blockages, (HMS?) in order to allow without resistance the flow of Infinite Energy to rise (Kundalini?) through the lower three chakras into the GreenRay Heart chakra. At this point the constriction of the HMS is broken and the energy may then be free to rise on up to the blue, indigo and violet energy centers, thus escaping the bondage set up so many aeons ago.
I don't know for sure if I am in total resonance with what James is saying in this interview as I have not read it totally and will hold off on any conclusions until then. It seems that what I am reading is very much like something I read last year from him, perhap the email he sent to Fred, but with a somewhat different perspective. I withhold final thought until I have read it completely and contemplated it thoroughly.
I continue to read the printed interview between James and the Project Camelot. I still have an itchy place between my shoulderblades (over the Heart chakra) with what he is saying. I remain without judgement regarding this material. He has presented a great amount of information which resonates with me and agrees with the LoO material, but I still get the feeling that his whole construct is based on the movie The Matrix. Can we or do we accept that there is/was a being called Anu who arranged this whole physical/metaphysical, multidimentional matrix which will/can control the Body/Mind/Spiritual complex as Ra calls it to the extent that we are imprisoned in it without escape? I agree that the Ra and many other entities communicating with us insist that there is the Veil of Forgetfulness about those of us in third Density preventing us from remembering our source. But the wingmaker mythology presented by James in this interview seems to stretch the issue too much. I haven't yet been able to reconcile the path of seeking according to the Ra Material to James' prescription for obtaining access to the Sovereign Integral which I do recognize as the One Infinite Creator .
As I said, I am not going to prejudge this information until I have completely read it, and then I will not have any judgemental attitdue toward it at all as it is just another view of an infinite number of universal possibilities which doesn't at this point resonate with that of mine. There are many pathways to the One, and perhaps this is one of them.
With Light and Love brightening the dark side
Thanks for your comments, Berry. Just to be clear, I don't resonate with a number of parts of what James wrote in that essay. Yet I am very excited that he at least has stopped promoting the parallel planet agenda and ascension to a higher plane, as he did in the past. These concepts are so clearly in opposition to the original WingMakers philosophy. He is actually now promoting the WingMakers original ideas about the Divine descending to Earth to infuse its energy in everything here, so that we can all enjoy the deeper realities of who we really are. Yea!
I am so excited to be here right now as an agent of the Divine allowing divine energy to flow through me and joining up with others who are doing the same, so that we can all join in transforming this place into the garden of Eden that it actually is. We are each vitally important members of our planetary transformation team. Thanks for being here and joining me/us in this.
With lots of love and excitement,
What an interesting ride this WingMakers/James experience has been! I also experienced a few tiny little moments of sensing something strange, but cannot quite put my finger on it. So much of what James is talking about now is supported/complimented so well by all of my recent synchronistic list of sources I resonate with so strongly. I trust we are being guided/assisted as per our heartfelt desire to Be, in Sacred harmonious conjunction with the behavior of an ever benevolent Unity-verse Godhead. I resonate strongly with what Drunvalo M. said about the many faithful and wonderful entities and co-creators "out there" (dualistic illusion alert) cheering Earth on right now (the number he mentioned was 250,000 civilizations). They ALL know all too well they cannot do it for us, for where would be our personal experience in that? So goes the way things work in this amazing experiential construct...
What a wonderful who, what and where "we" are in this amazing Unity construct. It's simplicity is profound! Our own contrived machinations and rationalizations unnecessarily and purposefully confusing. Our escape route, silence. James is talking about something in his own way that truly nails what our task is here on earth. Transcending what he calls the Human Mind System. One could easily stumble over his mention of the Annunaki, but the Sumerian account is in his corner. Regardless of the reason for a HMS, we have one, individually and collectively. We do not really live there, but the dynamic of our co-creative abilities, individually and collectively, sure have us feeling for thousands of generations now that we do. It is wonderful to be remembering where we, who we, and what we really are.
This has got to be a combination of our individual and collective desire, and this magical time, mathematically speaking, when the earth poles aligns with the center of our galaxy and all of that energy pours into the earth like water into a hollowed out apple. This is an opportunity that comes around once in a great while. I have gone from being frightened about what is happening to our planet to trusting Gaia 110% and sending her my feelings of Love, Light and Complete Trust in her strong desire to nurture and Be. And feeling very excited about having this opportunity to be a part of something this incredibly amazing!!!!
Allow me to drone on just a little bit more... I have been reading "Praying Peace" by James Twyman, Gregg Braden and Doreen Virtue phd.. The reason I bring this up here is because we can use all the help we can get on our journey of transcending and fading the present HMS that has dominated for so so long now. One of the things that may be making me and possibly others uncomfortable with what James is saying is when he talks about how, even when you think you have escaped its grasp you are still in its grasp, and that would make any seeker of truth uncomfortable. That that is how well it was designed. I am letting that one settle in balanced fashion right next to my understanding that we always had and have the inherent Sacred ability to transcend unreality at the drop of a hat. Maybe our desire to believe it is hard is the most difficult illusion. The truth is, no illusion is difficult. There is nothing to it, other than what we co-creatively assign to "it". So here are these three wonderful fellow seekers coming up with The Seven Pathways to Peace in their book Praying Peace.
You are always praying; thought itself is prayer.
Whatever you focus your mind on increases.
To change the world, change your thoughts about the world.
If you want to experience peace--become Peace (you actually already are Peace, so become is a recognized illusion, so how about, "Be Peace")
Peace is always present, though it is sometimes hidden (actually, willfully removed from view)
Love is the only force in the universe (would "in the godhead" be a more complete good illusion?)
The world is already healed.
Aren't those wonderful? Has anyone listened to the 12 part interview, Mark Hempel with James, in Mark's home??? If you thought you wondered something about James before, get a load of his voice. He sounds like a character right out of The Black Nobility. I say this only to bring up that same old tired point, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. We can trust that we have very good guides and helpers assisting us in direct correlation to our willingness or willful-ness. He is interesting, to say the least, and has some very amazing things to, at least, consider. We either resonate or we don't. That is plenty good enough for me. It has gotten all of us this far!!!!
Love/Light and Peace with no opposite, Chris
p.s. listen to what James says about the elitist forces at about minute 2 of part 2. It is phrases like that that help me know who is authentic and who or what is not....
YouTube - James Wingmakers Interview part 2/12
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