I just needed to record this for posterity, if you will.
I have had for many months now an upper rear molar which has been causing pain, inhibiting my eating ability, and generally being a PAIN IN THE MOUTH.
I have an aversion to dentists, who always want to do more than you want them to do, at a very great cost. And so I have avoided seeing one to ask for this tooth to be removed. They would want to do all sorts of things to
"save" the tooth, (which at that point has already proceeded to ascend to the higher dimension). And this at a cost very much beyond which my meager income/insurance??? will support.
The tooth was agreeable to let me do Reiki to relieve the discomfort for a while, then I had to resort to EFT which was very effective for a while. I found that I was then needing to perform it more regularly, every 8 to ten days for the discomfort to be relieved. It did, I must comfirm to you, work wonderfully. After an EFT session, I would find myself without any pain for as long as a couple of weeks.
I finally got tired of this continuous followup as it was as becoming as disagreeable as a visit to the dentist. So, as I had discovered Huna and Ho-oponopono, I began using this practice, making loving release to the tooth and the soft tissues surrounding it. "Permission is given for you to fall out, without pain, without bleeding, without discomfort." I spoke to the gums still attached, "we may release this tooth gratefully with thanksgiving for the service it has provided, without pain, without bleeding and with thanksgiving." I have realized that my body is a composit of intellegent cells, organs and tissues to which I am able to communicate. This is what Huna teaches.
This evening, after perhaps 3 days of this ritual, lo and behold, the tooth, of its own accord, chose to release its hold on my jaw and gums and very easily slid out of its socket. No pain, no blood, no discomfort. Only a matter of "Oh, it has responded to our permission!!!" And a great relief to the mouth which has been harboring lovingly this ascending tooth.
I am in the process of doing a deeper study of Huna, the parent practice of which Ho-oponopono is a part. There is much more to it than the loving ,sorrow, asking forgiveness and thanksgiving of the ho-oponoponon formula. As I learn more I will start a forum thread on it.
With the love and light of our one infinite and eternal Creator,
Thank you for sharing this healing experience. Your post is especially timely for me personally, as I have just made a renewed commitment to loving my body. I used to have a lot of knowledge of wholistic healing, opened and ran a natural foods store, studied herbology, etc. etc. Then following a couple of critical emergencies with the diabetes, COPD, and and other things, put myself back in the "care" of allopathic doctors. Last week I began to look up the side effects of the medications they have prescribed, and discovered, of course, that almost every one contributes to at least one of the symptoms that are slowly depriving me of any physical activity. Yes, I felt a lot of anger, but also know that I have a choice, and it is about time I claim my true being. I have begun, cautiously, to decrease the drugs, and to review my knowledge of whole, natural foods. But -- your story is truly inspiring, and along with using natural foods for healing, I will also begin to apply spiritual love and compassion to this body.
Greetings Berry,
I too have "issues" with dental problems... most teeth filled with mercury fillings in the 50's, then, slowly, one by one, became weak, brittle...mobile...etc...till I only have one small area that I can chew food with....and those teeth are damaged...
Here's a tip for releaving pain in teeth, gums, I put 1 part hydrogen Peroxide in 4 parts mouthwash...and rinse my mouth before slumber. After two or three nights, I can feel relief ...perhaps it fights the infections that occur way down where you can't see them,, but can sure feel them....anyway, it works for me....
l d
Thanks for the tip. I also use hydrogen peroxide for rinsing and yes it is very effective in reducing infections in the gums. We seem to have experienced the same kind of dental deterioration. I hadn't thought of the mercury link but that no doubt has some influence in what I have now. My biggest problem, which I have still to resolve, is fear of dentists. When I was around 12, I had a bad molar which the dentist was going to have to cut (saw) to remove. In the process he came close to severing my tongue. I have for 50 years dealt with this subconscious memory when thinking about dental care. Like I said, I need to work on the fear memory with EFT. Meanwhile, I have found that EFT is my best tool for relieving tooth pain. Two or three cycles first on the pain, then on forgiveness to the offending tooth, then on loving the offending tooth and usually within a short while, I'm good for a couple of weeks.
This Huna practice that I did last week was an amazing thing though. I could feel the tooth gradually agreeing to my prompting as the week went on, and then Friday evening it just fell out to my joy.
You might try the EFT on your dental problems sometime. It really does work. I think that there was references to EFT in the Course. If you don't find it let me know and I will give you a link to where you can download an elemntary EFT instructions manual.
I have learned from a number of sources, that each and every cell in our body has an intellegence of its own and that we can and DO communicate with them. The more we realize this, I believe the healthier we can be. Our bodies can tell us how to treat them, what to do or not to do, and we can lovingly agree with our bodies to heal themselves. It is all about becoming aware of our subtle body within our physical body. If you can find a copy of the book, "The Journey Home" a Kryon novel, read chapter 7, The Third House which has some wonderful insightful information on our bodies being a collective community of intellegent cells, tissues and organs.
You know the dentists are going to put out a contract on you if you start teaching people to self-activate! Haha
What a wonderful testimony that goes to prove what quantum physics is learning about the coherent characteristics and behavior of zero point energy. We are made of this stuff, condensed and folded in the architecture of sacred geometry, and it remains ever ready to respond to our intent. What a perfect example of this universal truth.
Did you see this news article today. Scientist are expecting to find the "God Particle"
A little bit more each day.
I'll have to keep an eye out for those vigilante dentists. LOL
Which, of course, is not a particle at all, but a light wave until conscious and coherent intent is applied to it. I think these guys are a bit late to the party, don't you? Christ already told Glenda Green (mentioned in her book, "Love Without End"), while sitting for her during the time she spent painting his portrait, about adamantine particles. And many quantum physicists are already discovering the coherent characteristics of this zero point universal flux field energy, as well as its holographic standing wave signature and nonlocality characteristics. Maybe we should write back to those in the article and welcome them to the party!!! Maybe we are smack dab in the middle of this quantum shift explosion of conscious understanding and awareness...
In Love, Light and Confident Hope,
Remember the Hundredth Monkey concept? Think maybe that 100th monkey got the message? LOL
...it's a topic I can offer some practical advice on. I have had many dental problems. In all my life, though, I've only had 6 cavities, and three were in my baby teeth. My teeth used to develop cracks from grinding and clenching at night. Infection would enter the cracks, and I'd wind up having nasty experiences in the dentist's chair. I have had seven extractions, five root canals. Not only that, but the nerve in my jaw that they deaden with the Novocaine runs very close to the surface, so when I get the shots they generally stick the needle directly into the nerve. This is excruciating until the pain-killer takes effect.
However, I stopped using commercial dental products almost twenty years ago, and since then have had ZERO dental problems. About three or four years ago one of my remaining fillings fell out - it was about 45 years old - and I haven't even been to the dentist about that, since no decay has ever entered the tooth. Here's what I have been doing now for decades to preserve my teeth and gums:
Brush with a paste made from baking soda and tea tree oil. You'll get used to the taste. Add a few drops of peppermint oil if you like. You can vary the recipe by adding salt, calcium carbonate (chalk), myrrh gum, or neem oil, but the tea tree and baking soda to a wonderful job by themselves.
I generally rinse with peroxide, but I am currently working on a batch of mouthwash. I'm dissolving myrrh gum in vodka...when the alcohol is saturated (it's been steeping about three weeks now, with daily shaking), I will dilute it with distilled water and lemon juice, and add a few drops of rosemary oil.
Berry, I wanted to say that your original post here really got my thinking about EFT again. Yours is the first first-person report I've seen that indicates it's really good for something practical. Everything else has been pie in the sky. Thanks for that, I may look at it again.
I have a long history of dental issues , and now those old dental fixs are coming back , broken crowns extra , I was looking through craigslist a couple weeks ago , saw an add for free dentistry , called & went there , what was going on was they have one day a yr , they do walk in free , as far as regular dental places go , this was a very good place and did good thorough work , they pulled worst tooth , then about 2 weeks later , an other started to bother me real bad .
So catching this post is interesting , I have not seen the link though , would like to see it , I know I could search .
Problem may be that with the number of reamining issues , too many teeth may fall by the wayside .
JoyAnna, I want to applaud your decision and your dedication! Over the last 25 years or so I've become more and more distrustful of mainstream medicine. Doctors today are nothing like the ones I remember from 50 years ago, and neither are most of the medications they use. Go back farther, before the advent of antibiotics (which they used to call "wonder drugs"), and the differences are even more pronounced. It seems those earlier generations understood a harmony and synergy between nature and science that is completely lost today.
My own health - physical, emotional and spiritual - has improved in inverse proportion to the amount of time I have spent consulting mainstream professionals. They have their place and their usefulness. But it's when we own our own health, in every sense, that we make progress. So I just want to applaud and encourage you in any way I can!
I gather you're talking about the link to the God Particle article posted above. Here it is again.
Otherwise I am not sure which link you were refering to.
Brother Johntf,
I saw on your profile that you have over 35 years of searching with no end in sight. I ran across a quote in a channeled message from Q'uo through Carla Rueckart today and felt like I should save it. Now I know why. This was particularly for you.
"It is indeed a mark of spiritual maturity that the intense desire to know the truth becomes gradually transformed into the intense desire to be the Truth." This spoke so deeply to me. I hope it speaks to you the same way.
Love and Light,
Johntf...try the Tea Tree Oil, no fooling!
Thanks Berry for the info on teeth. I think all of us "older" babies have problems with the mercury fillings. They do eventually crack the teeth and cause a lot of problems. I also have issues and a fear of dentists, goes back to the days where the drill was cranked by a foot pedal, don't even want to go there. As a young child I would pinch my mom's pain tablets when I had toothache, rather than be taken to the dentist!
Anybody have any ideas on treating gums? I do Reiki, but maybe not as regularly as I should. JoyAnna put it so well, we get side-tracked and forget that the most important person to heal is ourselves.
Chris, I have Glenda Green's book and for some time now, Ronna Herman in her AA Michael channellings also mentions bringing down the adamantine particles. She has some really cool visualisations and infinity breathing for doing just that.
Love U
Dear sweet Ursula,
For the gums, a wonderful herbal remedy is clove oil. And just as with tooth pain, EFT will work as well to help heal sore, inflamed gums. Of course, Ho-oponopono is always an option.
What a catalyst for learning to love ourselves first, getting old is.
Barry , I was refurring to the elementry instruction manual for the EFT .
Thank John
Oh, John,
I was totally out of the info loop. Yeah, the basic EFT manual can be downloaded free from this link:
I think it may be in the lessons somewhere but I couldn't pinpoint it so this link is directly to the source.
AS is usual there is always a comealong to encourage you to enroll in the more advanced classes. That's great I suppose for someone who wants to do it professionally, but for personal use or for friends the manual is very thorough and easy to follow.
Turns out I already had that sent to my email , so much stuff in the lessons , its going to take a while to assimilate it all .
Thanks again . John
Ursula: Anybody have any ideas on treating gums?
Me, sounding like a broken record: Tea tree! Tea tree! Many years ago the dentist told me I needed to have "deep planing" because of deteriorated gums. "Those pockets will never get better without it," he told me. He was wrong. They did.
Gum pockets can be reduced by using tea tree oil. So can sore, bleeding gums, tooth decay, cold sores, and most other common oral problems. Yes, we should absolutely take the best care we can of our teeth, and that includes seeing the dentist when we need to. But, like allopaths, dentists spread the myth that without them we cannot live healthy lives. I have not seen a dentist in over ten years. My teeth are not as white as bone china, but they're not nasty and stained, either. I have been brushing with tea tree oil and baking soda for a long, long time. I have not have ANY dental problems in over a decade. I'm telling ya, this stuff works.
There are several oils that I consider indispensable around the house. Tea tree oil is number one. Number two is emu oil, and number three is lavender oil. With these and a few other household ingredients I can make most of the hygeine and cleaning products for the household. Tea tree (melaleuca) oil is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral. It heals small cuts and lesions overnight. I put it in toothpaste, soaps, lotions, balms and use it on the animals, too. It works.
There so many issues here its hard to start , and that is just one of them , modern medical has its place , and a lot of medical issues are created with modern life , watch a lot of the archaeology videos , anytime they show a skull , it has all its teeth .
There are health issues that modern medicine has solved , but moden food & inviroment has caused , maybe as much or more than it has taken care of .
With that in mind , its all about prevention .
Delightfully, this discussion has seemed to move into the field of herbal remedies and healing. Have any of you read the Clan of the Cave Bear book by Jean Aule and its sequals? I have read the first 4 a number of times with much enjoyment. One time on reading them, I made a journal of all of the natural remedies that Ayla and the other medicine women used in the stories. (Jean Aule did a very thorough study of this before writing the book by the way.) It is astounding and truly amazing the results of the use of what we consider weeds in the yard for the purpose of healing all sorts of illnesses, injuries and malaises.
I have for a long time known of willow bark for pain and foxglove being a heart strengthening herb. But, to learn that the plaintain weed leaf heals burns. Golden thread is a anticonceptive. Cherry bark cures sore throat. Black hawthorne is healing for kidney desease. Datura, what we here in Texas call Loco Weed, is a spiritualy mind lifting agent. (Also like other mind altering drugs, poisonous if not used carefully.) And so many other remedies. This is why the drug industries are trying so desparately to outlaw herbal suppliments on the open market. If people knew what and how to use them, the pharmaceutical industry would be in a real fix. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!.
anytime they show a skull , it has all its teeth
I was gonna mention that, then I forgot. Thanks for pointing it out.
If people knew what and how to use them, the pharmaceutical industry would be in a real fix.
You are so right, Berry! I also was impressed by the knowledge in Jean Auell's book (I only read the first one). I am by no means an herbalist, but it is a topic I've studied at least casually for 30 years or more. Your area in North Texas is a wealth of herbal resources, as is southern California. We also have datura here, with its gorgeous white blooms and its crazy seed pods. Plantain is one of our most useful herbs. Some of the old-time names for it - soldier's herb, waybread - show the regard it was held in, not so long ago. In the springtime I gather nettles, both for eating and for using in my shampoos. The tender shoots of Russian thistle (ordinarily called tumbleweeds) are delicious and full of nutrition, as are the cattails that grow along the creek. Dandelion is a wonderfully useful plant. There are so many I don't know. Many common kitchen herbs are very medicinal as well as tasty - rosemary, oregano and basil for instance. In Greek, basil means king, and in the kitchen it is indeed the king of herbs.
Ginger, garlic, turmeric, burdock, onions, kale and the rest of the cruciferous veggies...they are all good medicine.
Plants are the key to health both through nutrition and medicine, but getting there from sickness is a process, never an event. And we've been conditioned to want a magic bullet, and to equate a lack of symptoms with a cure. This is such craziness, but it's the bread-and-potatoes of the medical profession.
I find it ironic, really, that people here in southern CA especially are so divorced from the land around them. Because here, even though it's essentially a desert on both sides of the coastal mountains, the land really does pour forth bounty. The indigenous people were fat and happy here for more than ten thousand years. They left little behind but shards, flints and standing stones, but they lived well. The same was true in Texas for many thousands of years. Life there was seasonal, and the people were more nomadic as a result. In one season they lived off oysters, in another pecans. And there was abundant meat as well. Now that we're learning more about our natural resources, do we grow them ourselves or gather them wild? No, we go to the health-food store and buy chia for $19 a pound, noni juice for $25 a quart, &c. But we're learning.
What a source this forum has become after one person's testimony of spontaneous-type metaphysical healing. This is becoming such a good record for all of us to reference concerning dental/health issues. Something I learned at the Green Festival in Seattle over the weekend from one of the speakers is that plant-life empathetically responds to sickness sensed in animal life by producing the corresponding cure in flora in the area(s) needing it. Much of the time these benevolent plants are mistaken for "weeds" and completely overlooked on our way to the pharmacy....
Verrrryyyy Coooool!
I can use all the encouragement I can get. I stopped taking the low-dose aspirin because it is only preventive and I'm tired of all those subcutaneous bleeding spots that make me look older than I feel. I stopped the Flutacasone nasal spray and my nose is less dry and soar already. Besides the same drug is in an inhaler which I reduced from two to one time daily. I cut a fourth off the end of the Paxil tabs, and will cut them in half beginning next week. Sacred Love helped out by sending two days of sunshine so I could go out and make a flower bed. Suddenly, my neighbor has grown interested in using foods for health (I never dreamed she would be interested). There are several other meds yet to begin to reduce or eliminate but I have a start. I may not live long enough to put aside the insulin, but it sure feels good to get started on this new commitment.
I'm just grown impatient with feeling old!!!
Thank you all,
JoyAnne! You are the perfect segway for this post I thought of while using my waterpik this morning. Since watching Emoto's "Messages in Water" a while back, I have been blessing, thanking and praising the water I put into the waterpik. I used to have a little bleeding in my gums and the water pik, used on the back and front of my teeth/gums cleared it up. Warning! You will think it is hurting you at first because it is so abrupt and will cause some bleeding where bleeding needs to be cleared up, but you will never regret getting over that little self-protective hump.
Hi Berry, I just wanted to say thank you for that very inspiring piece. It's amazing what miracles can happen when we truly begin to believe in and use the infinite powers available to each one of us for transformation. Thanks for demonstrating that so beautifully and powerfully. Many blessings and much love to you and your tooth, Fred
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