Dear ONE Member, It's The New York Times is In the face of this suffering, we cannot be silent. Last On Monday, we learned that Japanese Thank http://www.one.org/hungercrisis/letter.html?id=300-1105848-6NhPCs&t=2 Why In We can recapture that energy. We've already won a critical victory by getting rising food prices and their impact on global poverty on to the summit agenda. We have the momentum and now it's time to turn that momentum into action to prevent this crisis from turning into a tragedy. Follow the link below to send this petition to friends, and keep the pressure on. http://www.one.org/hungercrisis/letter.html?id=300-1105848-6NhPCs&t=3 The But That's why we're taking your petitions directly to the White House next week. We'll http://www.one.org/hungercrisis/letter.html?id=300-1105848-6NhPCs&t=4 Solving Thank you, David Lane, ONE.org
being called the "Silent Tsunami." In three years, prices for the basic
staples that feed the world—wheat, rice and corn—have risen by a
staggering 83%. For people in the developing world, affording enough
food to eat is becoming a daily struggle for survival.
reporting that in Haiti, people are eating cakes made of mud mixed with
a little sugar and oil to try and beat the hunger pangs. Without
action to stop the upward spiral of food prices, 100 million people
around the world will face deeper poverty and hunger, and hundreds of
thousands will confront famine and starvation.
week, I asked you to send a message to President Bush and urge him to
make solving this hunger crisis a priority on the G8's poverty-fighting
agenda at its summit this July in Japan. Your response matched the
urgency of the moment, and we smashed through our initial goal of
30,000 petition signers.
Prime Minister Fukuda has sent a letter to the other seven leaders of
G8 nations adding the hunger crisis on the agenda for the G8 summit. It's
a critical first step and shows that our concern is being heard. Now we
need to hear from President Bush and work to keep the focus on this
ongoing crisis.
you for signed the petition last week. You can still help us reach our
new goal of 100,000 signers. Click the link below to ask your friends
to sign the petition and join the tens of thousands of ONE members
urging President Bush to go to the G8 summit ready to take emergency
action against hunger and to invest in agricultural productivity in the
developing world.
are we asking the G8—the leaders of the world's eight wealthiest
nations—to take action? We ask because a global crisis demands a global
response, and recent history shows these leaders are in the best position to take action.
2005, ONE members joined millions of people from around the world in
demanding that the G8 make poverty a priority at its meeting in
Gleneagles, Scotland. The results were historic. A year of grassroots
organizing culminated in the Gleneagles Declaration, in which the G8
committed to double development assistance to Africa by 2010.
G8 can do so much good and we're holding their feet to the fire. We're
asking them to keep their promise to increase development assistance to
poor countries, double aid to Africa, build better health systems,
fight deadly diseases, and support universal education and economic
growth initiatives in agriculture and infrastructure.
rising food prices threatens to roll-back progress in all these areas.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and World Bank President Robert
Zoellick are sounding the warning that if immediate action isn't taken,global food shortages could set the world back seven years in the fight against extreme poverty. The developing world can't afford to lose that time.
get your message to the President, but there's only one more week to
make our voice as loud as possible. Send this petition to people you
know who care about fighting poverty and ending this crisis.
this crisis requires increased resources for all types of food
assistance, as well as a comprehensive plan to boost agricultural
productivity in long-neglected parts of the world. When the leaders of
the G8 sit down to meet this July, they'll represent the resources and
technology needed to do just that. Together, we can show them that we
also have the will.
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Have been hearing much about this growing world-wide tragedy/travesty.
Thank you for posting it John! I cannot help but feel ashamed for the conduct of capitalism and the industrialized world. I have been eating one meal a day (vegetarian) on average just to feel some form of hunger along with so much of the world's population that has absolutely no choice - not even a gun to put themselves out of their misery if they so chose.
I do it also to lessen my own footprint so I can know for sure I was being a willing partner to a sustainable scenario. All this is hard to watch while knowing we always had the solution to the ongoing problem, but decide collectively to ignore it and go on with our comfortable lives - out of sight, out of mind, that's the new American way!
thank you for presenting the opportunity and link to let our voices be heard....
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thanks John, for posting this...
i had to do some digging but i found the url to sign the petition:
if signing this has even a prayer of keeping even one kid from starvation it will have been worth it for me...
in gratitude,
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Thanks Bodhi, I posted it at the top of the blog.
You made my day Stefa!
Thank you,
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Thanks for your comment Chris. I've been enjoying your contributions and presence in the portal. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'm going to reiterate what's become my most recent revelation and footnote the source of it.
In brief, there has long been a sinister hand manipulating things on this planet to their own advantage and to the detriment of the vast majority of us. Through manipulating finance, overcrowding, a toxic environment, denaturing the food supply, programmed mind-controlling education and media, humans have been conditioned to be separative, aggressive and competitive and if we can't take what we want, to look outside ourselves for a savior, a hero, the spaceships, the government, the church, etc., to save us poor victims from our lot in life. They exploit, ravage and terrorize groups and populations with abandon. There is not a single population or group on the planet that is not handicapped by the multi-generational transmission of the effects of trauma--wars, famines and economic collapse. The agenda seems to be genocidal population reduction, total control and dominance.
With increasing chaos, they hope those remaining will trade what is left of their sense of self-determination and freedom for a bit of calm and order. i.e. new world order....
It being that these are the guys who have financed both sides of every conflict in memory in order to develop more and more sophisticated and destructive weapons and secure more and more control over both the "winner" and the "loser,"-- these are the guys who can see what you are doing in your back yard from space--resistance is futile. Opposition is oppo-same and it engages our consciousness within their game, thereby feeding it.
Given, that the Universe re-arranges itself to accommodate our picture of reality, it behooves us to envision and en-feel a world that will work for all of us. A few of the elements I have begun seeing include: a population of adults who recognize our multi-dimensional interconnectedness with all of life and who are free, cooperative and responsible for our own and our planet's future; there is free energy, ecological balance, ongoing communication with our galactic family, etc. A world of becoming, an inclusive world of balance and harmony; a world where individual freedom of choice is sacred and diversity is celebrated.
I would love to hear what others see as the vision of our world working for all of us.
I been inspired by the four little and inexpensive books channeled by George Green and available at his site http://www.nomorehoaxes.com ("Handbook for the new paradigm," "Embracing the Rainbow," "Becoming," and "Messages for the Ground Crew.") These books have crystallized an understanding both of what is going on, what is coming down and what appears to be our best, and maybe only, hope of turning things around. Basically describing how the controllers are rapidly moving toward the completion of their centuries old ambition of creating a slave planet and how the only hope is through enough of us envisioning a self-determined planet of empowered humans who take personal responsibility through the four laws of the Universe: The law of attraction, the law of conscious/shared intention, the law of allowance and the law of balance and harmony. I'm half way through the third book and have been profoundly affected. Please get them & check them out (they are quite cheap -- http://www.nomorehoax.com ) You Transformation Team members are among the dear souls I've been seeing doing this with me.
Let me know what you think,
Perfectly said my man! My vision is very simple, but all-encompassing - that everyone be "crippled" by the profound inability to see past their brother's pain, and I include all sentient life in that scenario. I intentionally imagine right along side with you John. Your words continue to resonate with me full-on. That is an affirmation to me that some guiding force is helping the many to wake up and dream right!
And again, I see an exciting possibility that the discovery of "free energy" and ultra-efficient energy production could be the perfect segway paradigm that will wrest monopoly and despotism right out of the collective ego that has been in charge for far too long. I know it is a romantic notion, but I really think it may have legs.... And we have to stop using so much plastic!!!!!!!!
Bottled water, for the most part in the developed world, is so utterly insane, one of the most insane things man has ever participated in, merely for commoditizing water! We have seabirds being cut open to find they were starving to death and dehydrating to death because their stomachs are nearly full of plastic objects. We have dead zones in coastal regions all over the world now, with the United States having the most. We have a swirling plastic dump in the pacific between Hawaii and the US coast (because of the way the water turns like a toilet bowl there) that has more plastic than plankton in most of the seawater samples researchers are taking from there. We have oceans that are becoming acidic from holding too much CO2. Even if we start doing the right thing tomorrow, it would still take a fairly long time for mother earth to cycle a cleansing.
I do so look forward to that better way, while living that better way now in my own life as much as I can see it, while I grow toward it and keep consciously intending for it to be true in everything I say and do.