To all of my Sisters and Brother of the Portal,
This last week has indeed been a challenge for me in regard to holding this light and keeping high intentions for all that is.(All That Is!) I am convinced that what Kryon continually says that "All is not what it seems!" is indeed true. But in this third density world, all we still have to deal with... will certainly test and examine ones intentions and polarity in the Light.
My life mate, Ray had surgery last Wednesday for hernia repair, not laproscopic which is easy, but old fashion knife and stitches. ( Why do some sergeons insist on clinging to the old paradigm of surgery???) I had a kidney removal and 3 weeks later bilateral hernia repair, both via laproscopic some six years ago and was up and walking about without discomfort within several days. Now a full week after the surgery via the knife Ray is still hurting and limping around with weakness from recovery.
I have of course been taking time to see to his needs, making sure that there is nothing he needs to lift heavier than a spoon to his mouth, and taking care of the household chores which he usually takes care of. All this of course before and after I go to work. I had no idea how much work he takes care of during the day. I must let you all know that he is 75 years old, retired, and physically challenged to a degree. Not disabled but just dealing with severe arthritis, a bad knee replacement, stenosis of the spine, poor circulation in the legs, ets. Generally not in good physical condition, though heart and vascularly healthy.
And then, we have here in Texas had a spate of inclimate weather. 10 tornadoes in the last month, most at night time. That with hail, flooding and you name it, we have had it all. I thank the Creator that we ourselves, have had no damage from these stormy interludes, but they do tend to keep a person awake during the night. Many in the North Texas area have suffered great losses.
Finally, during the stormy period last week, Wednesday, while I was out for Rays surgery, a terrible storm struck downtown Dallas, and according to the challenges which I had unconsciously chosen for myself, a power surge struck in the office where I work. The whole office network went down, but only my computer was damaged beyond repair, a burned mother board!!! And so I have been without a dependable computer for the last week. They did give me a machine which was able to let me perform my accounting and payroll function but I have been without email or internet for the last week except at home, thanks our Source. So I have at least been able to communicate with the portal a little in the evening. I do treasure my time of meditation and quiet contemplation at night so I limit my time on the home machine.
Now I seem to be coming down with a difficult case of sinus infection which is more of a nuisance than anything else. I will tap on it tonight and surely the offending unbalanced chakras and meridians will align and I will be better within a short time.
So dear family, I intend that this challenging period of obstacles will resolve themselves. I am seeing in all of it, the gifts which are always hidden in any difficulty. I find that my awareness of illusion in my reality has become more accute and am chuckling more and more as I see the old fading away and the new taking its place.
In the love and light of our one Infinite Creator,
And enjoy the comfort of each other and radient good health. Blessings on you both. Love,Mary
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Your spirit shines through gracefully. I am filled with the feeling of beauty.
Blessings a Good Health to you both.
Thanks for sharing Berry,
You have my best wishes for you and Ray...
With love abd joy
and keep that lovely light shinging for both you and Ray.
With Love flowing,