Tibetan Buddhist monk, the Ven. K. C. Ayang Rinpoche, blessing the deer in Kyoto's Nara Park,
July 26th, 1985. He only asked once for a photo to be taken, and said "Take a photo now". No one saw the rainbow until the print was made. Rinpoche, on seeing this photograph, said he felt that his prayer blessing of the deer had been answered by the Buddha Amitabha at that very moment the photo was taken, had made contact with the deer, and that the power of His blessing appeared in rainbow form. Rinpoche also said that he prays that "Whoever keeps this photo with strong confidence and devotion will become inseparable from the Buddha Amitabha's mercy and compassion"
The day after I got this photo several Deer started roaming our yards and street... Mostly Stags... Coincidence? Neighbors hadn't seen Deer on this street for 30 + years! Love, Mary
I've read of the rainbow body in Tibetan Buddhist literaure. What a picture with the deer! I can feel the compassionate Buddha with them.
Thank you MaryC,
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Thanks Mary......
Thanks os very much Mary!
I downloaded the picture as it speaks so profoundly to me-the peace, the serenity, the trust.
And I simply love rainbows...........they remind me we all are one!
Blessings to you Mary..........Cathy
That is an incredible photo. Thanks Mary, definitely one to keep!
May we all be this compassionate!
It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood..............
No deer seen here yet this season. They are welcome to come and nibble my flowers! May you all have a nice........
no,a memorable, weekend! Love,Mary
It seems to carry such a powerful yet totally peaceful healing energy. And the Rinpoche's words were so strong too. I have shared it with folks who are loving it.
Thanks so much, Mary.
Dear One,
It spoke to me when I found it........Then the deer showing up on my street the next morning,proved to me it was a gift!
I am pleased to pass it on, and for you to pass it on.May we all be this compassionate! Love,Mary
May we all be this compassionate!
Indeed! Thanks, Mary, nicely done!
In gratitude, joy, and love,
I am happy
Deer One!
Thank you for adding
These BEAUTIFUL prayer flags!
Thank you so much for that wonderful picture of the rainbow. Love painted in color!
Thanks for this, Mary, and for all the beauty, love, and joy you share with us here. With much love and gratitude, Fred
Deer Ones,
So happy to share the beauty of this blessing.
I AM grateful to be here with you wonderful folks! Love,Mary
Dear Ones,
I happened upon the deer in Jacksonville,and Ashland.Just hanging on the lawns.....
Will they come back to my street?
May we all be this compassionate.
With a glad heart I offer this blessing to you all.
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Dear Neighbors,
As I drove thru Jacksonville yesterday I saw 4 deer,resting in the shade pointed one direction...and a black and white cat pointing the other. Resting together,looking out for each other. A beautiful sight.
We have not had any deer on the street this season.
I wish you all a great day.
I have been seeing them constantly on my walk to school trying to cross the hwy lol, and every time I think of this picture. Thanks again for posting this, it's been so inspiring for me :) LOVE!
Dear JaiMe,
I am happy that your deer neighbors remind you of this blessing!
Enjoy this fine fall weather.