
Okay!!!! Let's go with this title. For now, let's use the outline below, which can be modified as we go. So, when you post to this forum, maybe we can label each post with the topic you want to address, such as. B3 to share your visions of health matters, or C4 for your vision of how Media can be used to facilitate change, etc.
Here we go!!!!!
A. Project Structure
- How to display in Portal: (I have asked Admin for help on this)
- Summaries
- Systems and Process Thinking
- “Amerocentrism” in our perspectives
B. Personal Necessities in 3D
- Food
- Housing
- Health
- Energy
- Education
- Employment or Occupation
C. Social Interaction
- Community
- Government and Laws
- Ecological Enhancement
- Media used to facilitate and consolidate the changes
- Contact & Communication with our galactic siblings
D. Philosophical, Spiritual
- Consciousness
- What it means to awaken
- Multi-dimensionality ?
- Illusion of Dual-Unity ?
- Shadow Integration within ourselves
- Authenticity: Face and embrace all of our selves and all of life.
- Spiritual Bypass: Spiritual jargon used to avoid assimilating offensive/tragic aspects of self/world.
E. Creative Expressions: Arts, Music, Literature
Hi All! I've been out of the loop for a bit, working on our Costa Rica Community project, and finally got through reading ALL of the posts that lead me Here!
I have spent many years envisioning the world as I would hope it would manifest, and what I have found is it ALWAYS led me to a deeper place within where I needed to accept and love myself and others in a much vaster and all encompassing way. Then that depth would go through another shift bringing back out into the world to "make it so".
Everything in my life has conspired to bring me to the point where I can no longer hide in spiritual bliss land, just doing my own little thing. I have literally been COMMANDED to come out into the world and ACT on what I have come to know from within. As someone who always liked meditating and being alone, this is a big shift. It is why I only show up periodically, since this plan my partner John and I are attempting to implement is taking up much of my time.
So as far as my contribution to this vision, it is of the most practical down to earth matters. It is about joining with others in the physical realm to create a new paradigm that takes into account all we have learned about what is and isn't working as we walk on this planet. It goes far beyond using cloth bags at the market and recycling aluminum cans. It is about walking away from the old and no longer giving it any juice. Each of us KNOWS what that means, because it is where we don't really want to look, it is where we we feel slightly uncomfortable and being willing to look THAT in the eye!
For example, it no longer fits for me to use "The Secret" in order to obtain that house or car I once wanted. I know these things are just habits built into our culture. Their manufacture has contributed to the poisoning of this beautiful Earth. They are no longer appropriate to the vision of the NEW Earth I am walking into. This is the level of commitment I am being asked to demonstrate.
This is what has brought me to Costa Rica, a place where nature is still wild and free and the Earth sings to me. Here we attempt to build the new earth we have envisioned. It is meant to be completely sustainable, providing 100% of the community members needs, from energy to food to shelter to water, and all done with the best alternative practices available. I could be more specific, but the details are for each of us to fill in. It is meant to be a place where we are free to express our unique creativity, as long as it is understood that we are working for the good of ALL and that our individual decisions reflect that.
We are working on a more detailed plan that includes specific technologies that are now available and we will make that available to any who are interested. It is as if we were building an ark of sorts to carry us through the coming rough seas.
I also envision people walking out of their homes into the streets, away from their little insular worlds, and coming together with their neighbors to grow food, car pool, create water cachement systems, whatever they can do to help each other. This is what each of us needs to help with, holding our lights high and helping others see the way to community in a larger version than before.
This is hard for me to explain, I just SEE it, feel it in my blood, as if it were my true home calling to me. This transition time will lead us to a world without conflict, of wondrous harmony and acceptance, a real dance with life itself. We will become more quiet like the animals, communicating without words, but with music and touch. We will flow in and out of each others spaces as everything is shared, there is no "mine" or "yours". Just an open heart all the time, to everything. The boundaries to inside and outside will fall away, and our living will include a closer interaction with the earth. We will spend most our time outside interacting with plants and animals, sun and stars, and we will be able to be quiet again, just listening and aware, one with the natural world as we were meant to be.
I'm not sure if this is what this new forum is meant to be, I wasn't party to it's creation. But I am here to participate and help it grow.
Love to you all and Namaste,
"Change in life is sweet." - Aristotle
(from our old forum)
I was just reading Berry's beautiful post
"Universal Principles" and I realized there is a distinction that I
believe will be important for us to keep clear as we proceed with this
forum. It is the recognition that our vision of "The Green Room: The
New Earth Project" as existing is distinct from our vision of the
process of how we get there.
I think it is important that we keep these two foci separate because
of the structural nature of the process whereby Universe rearranges
itself to acommodate our picture of reality. Of the four phases,
Attraction, Conscious Intention, Allowance and Harmony and Balance,
Allowance is the most difficult because we all, usually have ideas
about how the Universe is supposed to get from where we are to where we
want it to be. Allowing the process to unfold in ways that contradict
our pre-conceived notions without getting in and mucking things up
requires of us a significant faith and trust in the principles of
And, on the other hand, each of us has spent the better part of a
lifetime, studying and gathering and creating tools and processes and
skills specifically to transform our own consciousness and facillitate
the transformation of the consciousness of others. I'm not saying we
should jettison these riches--I truly appreciate when we share these
with each other. I am suggesting that we should keep this forum dedicated to our vision of the new paradigm and continue to share
transformational "tools" and anything more than the barest outlines of
process in other places within the portal.
What do you all think?
Please forgive me for asking (I may have missed something), but did we possibly get a little ahead of ourselves? This kind of got started by a very inspirational idea shared with us by Rob. I know he would say he really doesn't care, but was he even contacted and briefed as to the big kickoff here? I know its just a little thing, but great projects are made up of thousands of "little things" and the devil really can be in the details sometimes. I guess I would like to hear Rob chime in and put my illusion of concern to rest.
Love, Chris
Rob was on line last night (remember the time difference) and voted for the new name, and most of the others who have participated so far were over eager to get started, and were beginning to post without any format at all. I do apologize if I jumped too soon (which I feel might be the case).
What would you suggrest we do now?
Love, JoyAnna
--- Post removed at author's request ---
Good idea to move important posts from the other forum. What topic would you place this into? Maybe one of the topics under D. Philosophical, Spiritual??? Maybe you can edit the post to add the Topic Code as SuZen did on her post.
Thanks, JoyAnna
PS: Could you summarize Berry's post? Just a thought.
Spiritual Bypass: Spiritual jargon used to avoid assimilating offensive/tragic aspects of self/world.
This concept looks fascinating, though I'm not completely clear about it.
JoyAnna, or anyone else, could you explain what this looks like to you and perhaps give examples? Many thanks.
I almost forgot to ask, are you going to attach a PDF archive of Rob's forum to complete the protocol on this one?
I think the person who starts the forum is the one who can attach the archives.....
Live as One, Chris
Oh, and Bodhi, my take on that (spiritual bypass), for what little its worth, is I can hear it/see it when it happens because it stinks to high heaven, whether coming from me or someone else. My biggest challenge is staying true to my own commitment of service to the One while its happening. My ego wants to go straight to work on beating the truth out of some faker, but I stay centered when I remember who she/he really is. Anyway, that's my big challenge to myself first, than others who are up for it. For those who are sleeping may fall deeper into their sleep if we try to wake them too abruptly, and if we are judging them, well that's just plain paramount to tucking them and myself in for a long winter's spiritual coma, hahahaha.
Live as One, Chris
Bodhi, I posted this one. what i mean by is is utilizing spiritual language and posturing as a way of side-stepping a difficult or challenging issue. i.e. i know some "spiritual teachers" (more than one), who, when confronted with issues that came up in relationship with them, say, "I don't go there; besides, it is all one and it is just an illusion anyway." I swear I have heard it. More recently, so called "advanced" spiritual students and "spiritual teachers," when being informed about the shadowy side of what's going on on this planet, coverups and profiteering from starvation, etc., have said, "That's just your position; and you know that no position is the Truth." And then they proceed to change the subject, or try to!
Spiritual bypass means a kind of arrogance firmly rooted in ignorance and articulated with eloquent spiritual jargon which, in fact, does express a spiritual truth, or would, if the speaker had gone through the anguish of facing the reality they so blythely are stepping around with their hollow words; it is using spiriual language and often, it seems, a sophisticated spiritual ego to avoid doing the inner work, especially shadow-work that facing our world and having real relationship, demands of us.
Is that clear and meaningful to you?
everything is fine.
Thank you JoyAnna!
Looks like it would have helped me if I had just gone to the other forum to see its perfect conclusion of comment and affirmation, DUH! I am making a PDF of it right now just in case you need me to send you one for attachment in this new beginning. Oh, and I would add 1.1 to the end of the title so all stages can have the same name with 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. at the end of the title of the forum. What think ye???
Love, Chris
Here is a post from John toward the conclusion of the Seven Days forum that I feel belongs here at the beginning with us again as inspiration:
"I was just reading Berry's beautiful post
"Universal Principles" and I realized there is a distinction that I
believe will be important for us to keep clear as we proceed with this
forum. It is the recognition that our vision of "The Green Room: The
New Earth Project" as existing is distinct from our vision of the
process of how we get there.
I think it is important that we keep these two foci separate because
of the structural nature of the process whereby Universe rearranges
itself to acommodate our picture of reality. Of the four phases,
Attraction, Conscious Intention, Allowance and Harmony and Balance,
Allowance is the most difficult because we all, usually have ideas
about how the Universe is supposed to get from where we are to where we
want it to be. Allowing the process to unfold in ways that contradict
our pre-conceived notions without getting in and mucking things up
requires of us a significant faith and trust in the principles of
And, on the other hand, each of us has spent the better part of a
lifetime, studying and gathering and creating tools and processes and
skills specifically to transform our own consciousness and facillitate
the transformation of the consciousness of others. I'm not saying we
should jettison these riches--I truly appreciate when we share these
with each other. I am suggesting that we should keep this forum dedicated to our vision of the new paradigm and continue to share
transformational "tools" and anything more than the barest outlines of
process in other places within the portal." John
Live as One,
Thank you all so much for going along with this experiment!!! Trying to coordinate such a project is challenging me, but I am relying on my own past experience and a whole lot of guidance being whispered in my ears. After we get going I hope to be less obtrussive so I can begin to dream my own visions of our beloved earth.
Please, please choose a topic area for EACH post. This will do three things:
First, it will help us move the posts into separate threads if that becomes possible.
Second, my hope was to keep each post addressed to only one topic. For example, in Chris's post with the Subect "Oh, JoyAnna" (sounds like an old, old song!) he speaks about creating a PDF/Archive/Link of Rob's original forum (which is a great idea). This would fit under A. Project Structure. Then he moves on to responding to Bodhi's post, with the subject line, D7-Spiritual Bypass. Gracias, Bodhi!!!
A third advantage would be to avoid duplication. Chris and John both re-posted the same post from the old forum. Actually, Chris, the original was from Berry. Earlier I asked John if he might be able to summarize what Berry's post meant to him and then give the URL back to Berry's original. Could you do the same thing? It would be interesting to see what each of you take away from Berry's words.
If this is clear as mud, please ask questions. This is why I think maybe we opened it up too soon, but, as Elizabeth mentioned, "Its great to be now here."
Love, JoyAnna
"Admin" responded to my request for help with how to set this all up within the Portal, if it's possible. Fred responded with a couple of suggestions. This might fit into one of the special groups that Andrey thinks will be ready within a week or two. That sounds ideal, and of course it would be open to everyone!!!!
Fred also suggested that we ask Bodhi if he has any ideas to help sort this all out. Bodhi, is that something you can and want to get involved with?
Chris, Bodhi, anyone, how do I link the PDF archive of Rob's original Forum? I have it formatted and saved as a PDF file in my word processor, but where do I put it in the Portal?
Hi Chris, thank-you for your concern. No I'm OK with it all. I guess I'm moving in a different direction but I have had specific instruction from my guides to be supportive but let go. As one, Rob.
You asked that a summary of the Prinicples be provided. I th'eel (think-feel) that I should be the one to do this as I initially posted them. Of course they are open to amendments or extentions but the original is the best. Here is my very brief, though still lengthy summary.
1. Energy=Love
2. Love=The Creator/God
3.Creation = the Manifestation of the Creator/Love =Oneness
4. Oneness=Nothing is outside of I AM.
5. Perfection=Love creating all as it should be.
6. Belief=Distorted or not distorted perception of reality.
7. Intuition/Feeling=the communication that Infinite Intellegence/Love transmits to a being.
8. The Universe = The manifestation of the Creator expressing complete cooperative love and support for each of It's creatures.
9. Mirror = What we observe is a mirror of what we are co-creating-the reflection of what is our core beliefs and motivations.
10. Non-Jugdment=allowance. This was already discussed in theUniversal Principles thread.
11. Purpose=Learning how we intergrate with Oneness, expressing Service To Others.
12. Comfort/Discomfort - Our bodies mirror the state of our consciousness.
13. Abundance=The Universe/Creator is abundant and giving, We limit it by our belief in limitation.
14. Giving and Recieveing = Abundance is empowered by the flow of energy..to recieve requires a vacuum provided by giving.
15. Non-attachment/freedom = Holding onto anything blocks the flow of abundance, including persons, possessions, energy and experiences.
16. Expression of Self - We are co-Creators, the more we express self, the more we appreciate other selves.
17. Means & Ends =They are the same, Like attracts like-gratitude is the energizer bunny.
18 Harmony = What we feel toward others is the reflection of what we feel toward ourself. Resonance of love of self resonates love for others. (this is not the same as Service To Self. vis. Law of One.)
19. The Universe will Handle the Details - Pure Intentions allow the Universe/Creator to take care of the details. "Let Go and Let God Handle The Details."
I do hope that this give more grasp to the concepts and principles that I offered on the other forum. It was a quick summary and may not delve into the depth of the original but presents the essentials.
In the Love and Light of our one Infinite Creator,
(As I compiled this summary, I realized that it entails ALL that I have learned regarding our relationship with the Creator. It may not be 100% complete but it covers everything that the average Ascending Pilgrim will need to know. Berry)
This brilliant 24 minute TED talk, while informed by bio-mimicry and sustainability, contains ideas and inspirations germane to a much larger scope of inquiry.
I was challenged in finding the optimal category for this post, and finally settled on A3 - Systems and Process Thinking. This will do until someone finds a better place for it.
Janine Benyus: 12 Sustainable Design Ideas From Nature
Yes. Thank you John for the clarification. It is fascinating for me to witness the deviant genius of our collective shadow nature as it avoids being brought into light.
Looks to me like our old friend the ego, working overtime to maintain domination over the mind for as long as we choose to remain in fear. I believe this is a programmed survival response to fear-- a veil protecting us from psychic self-annihilation until we attain the calm mental focus and spiritual poise required to step fully into our power as the shapers of our physical reality.
I agree with you. For me, a credible spiritual leader would acknowledge the shadow in question, and speak to the lesson it offers. And, as each are called to work different facets of this Great Turning, he/she might also direct the questioner to seek others who specialize in facing and bringing this particular piece of shadow into the light.
In gratitude, joy, and love,
--- Post removed at author's request ---
when I click "play," it says, "this video no longer available."
1- My post isn't about Berry's post, and Berry has since summarized his post
2-I am not sure whether it would best fit under A.Structure, D. Philosophical or E. None-of-the-above
because this comment is more in the territory of preliminary discussion regarding the way we focus our efforts here.
Hey John,
that's weird, it's working for me... both here on the portal and on youtube. try this link and let me know what happens:
Since D.3, multi-dimensionality, and the D.4, the illusion of dual-unity are listed with question marks and I posted them, I guess I should explain myself. Multi-dimensionality refers to the fact that beings, i.e. us folks and all others, experience life in multiple dimensions simultaneously and we are conscious or not of participating in these domains. A typical desingnation is physical (3-d), astral (4-d), causal (5-d), etc. Awareness itself is a-diminsional or omni-dimensional but we tend to stabilize our focus into a particular dimension or plane of existence; then that domain constitues the mind/world in which we live, or our "dream/body". Our conditioned reality is focused as a dualistic, 3-dimensional materialic mind/world-dream/body.
One way to describe what I get when I sense into the emerging paradigm, is that there is a dawining of unity-consciousness which is non-dualistic and, it could be said, represents a collapsing of the astral with its archetypal dualities and a merging, or "assention" into the inherently interconnected awareness of the 5th dimension.
(One of the problems, I have seen, that sometimes turns a spiritual emergence process into a spiritual emergency results from a flooding of extra-3-d information, energies, etc. into a person's consciousness which can be both very confusing and can make remaining grounded in a 3-d reality--job, family, driving down the freeway--difficult or impossible. If this content is archetypal-astral stuff it can become quite a roller coaster between "heavens" and "hells.")
By "the illusion of dual-unity" I am referring to one of our most cherished, and hardest to relinquish fantasies which can obscure reality and delay our awakening to reality, as it is; the illusion of dual-unity is biologially conditioned by intra-uterine life. From the moment we emerge from the womb we seek unity with an other as a means of returning to that state wherein all our needs are taken care of. In its mundane form romantic unity with a mate is projected as the panacea, the solution our unhappiness, the fulfillment of our longing. Most of us on the portal have sought &/or thought we found our "soulmate" which is a spiritualized version of the same deluded fantasy.
What we long for with all our heart and soul is not an "other" who is our perfect complement and our "soulmate;" what we are seeking through our endless scanning of the faces and forms of others cannot be found there for what we seek is our self-realization. By that I mean we seek the realization that we, as a separate entity, do not exist--except as a concept and a belief. We seek to realize, whether we recognize this yet or not, that we are the vast open space of the awareness of the present, now moment--which is both the substance and context of all and everything that can, has and will ever appear within it. In this non-dual realization we are all alone because there is, in reality, no "other," just this unspeakable presence. (One of the names for the Buddha, for the Buddha's realization is translated as "disappeared into presence."
As far as I am concerned, the highest and best that is possible in a relationship with an "other," what can genuinelly be referred to as a "soul-mate," as a true, essential friend, is a person who, by their nature and behavior, spurs and/or inspires us through the initial recognition and on to the full-realization of who and what we truly are.
I hope this clarifies my meaning; I invite others to expand upon these thoughts.
This time it worked.
So beautifully said John! So complete is your description of reality and the illusion(s) (there really is just one illusion I believe) that all I can say is hoooraayyy and yipeeee kiyaayyy mofo. If, in another, we find an alleged "soulmate" it is best described as two who help each other constructively grow to realize who "they" really are. I am very glad to know you John and get to share this very interesting moment in time/transition toward Ascension, toward the 4th/5th dimension. Who woulda thunk that group (5th Dimension) was actually singing about something more than a romantic notion of a better life for all!!! Kerry (my girlfriend/soulmate/partner in crime/fellow traveler for the past 19 years) had a boyfriend long ago that disappeared on her. Not left! Literally disappeared in front of her!!!!! She doesn't even like to remember it because it was an event that was very hard for her to get her mind around, being the practical 3D girl she is, but I brought it up to her again the other day to relate to her what I believe he may have been. He was either a very adept human fellow traveler fully functioning between dimensions or he was an extra terrestrial friendly who was sharing some time with her. In any case, both scenarios are impressive to say the least. Reminded me of Carlos Castaneda's writings about his personal experiences that are very similar. To think/feel/know we live in a realm with so much more freedom and availability than we are willing to be aware of at present leaves us with so much to explore!
How could I ever allow myself to think I was bored ever again!!!!!!!!
Living as if "One" means something, Chris
I'd love to know more about that one! I really appreciate having you as part of our team, Chris.
I don't really have any more info than that concerning Kerry's experience. Her mind struggles with that episode enough that she doesn't remember it in great detail and hardly ever remembers that she told me until I remind her of it. For me, it stuck in my mind the first time she told me almost 20 years ago like a 2-part epoxy resin of inspiration for what is not only possible, but for real things going on right now, for all that truly does exist right there just outside the box of our classical understanding. Her intuitive reluctance to remember reminds me of the classical experiences of people who were abducted by ET's and return with a natural defense mechanism reluctance to remember the experience clearly, if at all.
What I take from that shared experience is how very wonderful is this world/universe around us, especially those aspects we pay so little attention to due to our belief systems that block available experience. I love knowing we live in a time that is helping many to tear through the veil and "become" and be fulfilled and experience and teach and lead the many more to do the very same until there is a quantum leap that will seem as effortless as the illusion of stuckness seemed difficult and cumbersome right up to that effortless moment. We do well to keep our eye on the prize my man!!!!!!
We are meant for better things, and this helps me to confidently look forward and just know......
Loving and Living as if "One" mattered, Chris
I took a day off to let all of this compost, and then the announcement of the special groups arrived. Thank you Andrey!! I want to apologize to all of you, and so I will
. Looking back, I became a bit too heavy-handed in trying to do what you all asked of me, to bring some organization to this experiment. Please forgive me if I stepped over the line or dissed any of you. My intent and motive was only to see this experimental project not be sidetracked and become diluted, as Lefty Dave alludes to this morning.
We wandered way from Rob's initial suggestion and both ideas are worthy and could become potent transformational activities for TT. Maybe Rob would be interested in presenting his project of group meditation again so we don't lose that project.
Now that we have the special groups capability, I would like to place the Green Room-New Earth Project into that format. Does anyone object?
Loving you all,
Hi JoyAnna,
Let me know how the groups thing works for you. It's all experimental and many things will need to be polished and worked out. I've set up some documentation, and I'll refine it as questions come up.
From what I've read about this project, I think you could set up a group, and open a new thread for each of the topics. They will all show up on the group homepage, and won't get lost in the stream of all the other posts on the portal.
There are also the polls, which have their own tab and section on the groups. You can post comments to a poll, so it can work just like a regular post. You can set an expiration date on the poll, and all the "Active" polls will show up automatically under a special section "Active Polls" on the group homepage. After they expire, you can still see them by clicking the "Polls" tab.
There are just some ideas, let me know if you have other specific needs for this project.
I am totally fine with whatever the group decides too....
Living, Loving and Laughing as if "One" mattered, Chris
Hi JoyAnna, you have nothing to be sorry for! You have been working for the highest good, as we all have, trouble is, it can be overwhelming. Mary made a good suggestion that perhaps as part of the Wesak (20 May) we could share a moment of Earth empowerment at 12:12PM GMT/or, focus in on 12:12 and the TT and then draw light in from heaven to Earth (through yourself) by intoning 'I am the light of the new Earth.' I think many of you will know this as the Spiral Meditation and I think AA Michael has some directions on this.
I have a dream. I envisage a world of peace where each of us is harmoniously aligned with Divine Consciousness, each other and the natural world. There is perfect unity and harmony amongst the All. The world is beautiful with more intensified colours that were not available in 3D. People of the new Earth each have a purpose, that is, 'to be' to enjoy the gift of being on such a beautiful planet and to pursue a timeless existence of discovery and interaction with one-another and the natural world. The concept of duality will have ceased allowing for us to experience the cosmology and intelligence of the entire universe rather then the psychology of emotion. On the next day of Wesak at 12:12 I will be thinking and focussing in on these things and then again on each new moon. In fact I can barely stop thinking about it! As a way of taking some respite and re-energising I invite you all to join me. I'll be in the water (a sort of violet-green color) surfing the waves at Bell's Beach, say hello. As one, and cowabunga! Rob.
May 20th at 12;12 PM GMT. I'll be there. Now I have to find out what time that is CDT Dallas time. I have a cd I recorded which was for Fire The Grid, sometime last year, but it will be perfect for this time.
Blessing of Love and Light,
Just a question.
I've got a grasp of posting within each division, but how long will each common category go in length before it is placed by itself and how do we easily navigate to that?
Hope I'm not putting the cart before the horse here.
Thank you all for your organization and time,
Born in seattle washington, living in southern oregon, but an oceanside creature at heart. I like simple paradise. I AM in at 12:12 to amplify our LOVE for the planet,the beauty, the AWESOME waves of LOVE.
May the EARTH enjoy. Love,Mary
I believe this might have been posted somewhere on the TT or TC, but this uplifting trailer to the movie "Shift" is a must see...can't wait for the movie!
Here's the link:
Thanks Tricia for adding that inspiration to the mix!!!!!!
One of the guys speaking said,
"Making the world a better place is not just your responsibility,
Its your joy!
Its your blessing!
Its your gift!
Its your opportunity!!!!!"
Dear Friends,
I just posted an article, "Gross National Happiness," about the policy of the Kingdom of Bhutan to measure well-being by GNH rather than GNP! I'd like to propose that we adopt this as a feature of our vision of The New Earth. Please check it out & let me know what you think.