Dear brothers and sisters of the Team,
My life mate is in the hospital with what the doctors are calling the most massive blood clot in the leg that they have ever seen. He went through a similar thing almost 2 years ago with the other leg and it tookalmost a year for him to recover. The doctors are talking about doing an angeogram of his major leg artery/vein and are doing xrays tonight.
Ray is almost 75 years old and though he has a strong healthy heart, has been in pain and discomfort for some time now. I ask you with highest intentions, to hold him up in your meditations, prayers and healing thoughts for complete security and healing through this ordeal which he faces. Please send peace, light and loving thought to me as well as I stand by him during this time.
Thank you, in the Love and Light of our One Infinite Creator,
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I hold you both close in my web of LOVE. We are all there with you! Love,Mary
Love and blessings to you both, Berry. I join here with others to hold Ray on his path of healing and you on your path lof loving support.
for both of you while moving your suffering through me and breathing joy and liberation with you and yours.
Dear Brother Berry,
I join this circle sending love and healing energy for you and your beloved partner Ray.
Dearest Berry, from my I AM presence I send love, light and healing energy to your partner Ray and yourself during this time. Amen, Rob.
You are all blessed friends. My heartfelt thanks goes out to you. I will keep you all posted.
Love and Light,
Dear Berry,
I am just now going to go in my therapy/healing room and send Ray as strong a healing soul force as the One will allow. And for you, as much of a heart healing as possible, because this is hard for you. Thank you for letting us know.
All is well, in the big picture.
Sending you Love, Light and Reiju Reiki healing energy to Ray and to you, Berry.
My loving thoughts are with you both and I am holding you in my energy and light.
Love you
I join in sending out lots of love and healing energy both to Ray and to you in this challenging time, Berry. Energetically, a blod clot is an obstruction to the natural flow of blood. You might both consider where in Ray's life there is a blockage emotionally to the natural flow of life force. Thanks for sharing with us about this. With love and support ever-flowing, Fred
Sending healing energy your way.
Blessings to both of you.
I'm holding space for healing, Berry.
Dearest Berry,
You and your partner will of course be in my prayers and I will do some distance energy work as well if he is receptive to that. What I am really writing for though, is there is a substance that is actually a 'food' that has had great success as a fibrinolytic.
Look at info regarding 'nattokinase' they have really had some wonderful results with it.
It must be used with caution if they are already using conventional blood thinners, but I would at least take the info
to his doctors and see if it is an option. This is not necessarily the 'best' article it's just one i could round up quickly.
In the meantime, I see you both surrounded by the green healing light of Archangel Raphael and legions of Angelic host guiding the hands and hearts of all that you encounter during your loving friends need for medical intervention.
Many Blessings and much healing Light and Love. kristyne
Heal Thyself—Clot-busting Nattokinase
Barbara Hey (WWW.AlterativeMedicine.COM)
Mar 1, 2006, 12:27
Take some boiled soybeans; throw in some bacteria and voilá, natto—a potent, all-natural, heart-health preserving enzyme—is born. Japanese researcher Hiroyuki Sumi discovered the power of natto, a traditional Japanese food made of fermented soybeans and natto bacillus (Bacillus subtilin natto)—in 1980 while testing various foods in search of a natural substance powerful enough to dissolve blood clots. Natto received a thumbs up for its powerful anticoagulant properties, and Sumi distilled the active ingredients into a supplement he dubbed nattokinase.
In the years since, research has shown that nattokinase works similarly to plasmin—the body’s one naturally occurring enzyme that combats thrombosis (blood clotting). Though all living beings have plasmin, the amounts decline with age, leading to increased risk of clotting and upping the chance of stroke and heart attack.
In one study, dogs with induced thrombosis were given either 1,000 mg of nattokinase or nothing. Researchers noted that in treated dogs, blood clots dissolved within five hours, while untreated dogs showed no improvement, even after 18 hours. Nattokinase, researchers have found, seems to attack fibrin, the protein that binds together to form clots.
Nattokinase supplements have found success as treatments for a wide array of ailments, including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, hypertension, tissue oxygen deprivation, infertility, and endometriosis. Although large-scale human studies still need to be conducted to determine whether nattokinase has a significant effect on those conditions, solid research does support its clot-busting ability.
“The largest study was done on nattokinase as a prevention for developing blood clots in high-risk patients on long-distance air flights,” says Petra Eichelsdoerfer, a naturopath and pharmacist who teaches at Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington. The results were clear cut. “There was a significant decrease in blood clots and swelling compared with placebo.”
For people with a family predisposition to blood clots but no personal history of heart attacks, clots, or strokes, adding a nattokinase supplement to their daily regimen may be a good idea, Eichelsdoerfer says. High-risk patients on coumadin or other blood-thinning drugs, however, should check with a doctor familiar with natural medicines before giving nattokinase a try.
Again I thank you all for you loving offerings of healing thoughts and prayers and energy. This morning, (Thursday) the vein specialist is doing a procedure to clear the clot from the vein. Something similar to angioplasty with laser if I understand correctly. Your love and support are greatly appreciated and I know that he will be recovering quickly and completely.
Love and light,
You and your partner Ray are in my prayers; I am sending you both love and healing light.
Dearest Portal family,
Ray's medical plight is not over. The procedure this late morning lasted 4 hours with him only sedated not anesthetised!. He is in ICU now, recieving intervenous heparin through a cathetar like appliance called a sheet which will have to be removed tomorrow, so his discontent and discomfor is not complete. The doctor said that the clot was the most massive he had ever seen and had no idea how Ray has not had a breakaway clot go into his lungs. I thank the Creator that His protective energy was surrounding and infusing him. He still has at least another day in ICU and then hopefully he will be allowed to come home Sunday.
You have no idea how I appreciate all of your Love, Light and Healing energy which you have been focusing on my loved one. Thank you so very much,
With much humble and thankful love to my Portal Family,
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Hi Berry:
Please forgive me for not posting sooner.
Adding my faith and prayers to this circle in behalf of your beloved life mate, Ray.
Peace be unto you.
Humbly Yours in Christ,
Sharon Iezzi
Dearest Berry,
I am sending prayers of love and light to both you and Ray. You are such a very special being, so I know that Ray must be amazing as well! I feel your fear and validate what a strong Ioving presence you are for Ray ad for us all. I see that Ray does have a very strong spirit guide with him, helping him with this challenging experience, as well as the focused healing energy of the Transformation Team and many other well wishers. I love you both.
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All of your continued loving support is wonderfully comforting both for Ray and me. I cannot thank you all enough.
When Onesong (I think) mentioned natto, I was excited about it. I checked it out and am persuaded that it is an effective natural remedie for clotting and blood health. And I would have acquired some for Ray. However, I saw consistant warnings that it should not be used when an allopathic blood thinnging drug was being used. He is being given large doses of heperin right now and will probably be taking coumidin for a long time. So I hesitate to try it. I mentioned it to the vein specialist yesterday and he had never heard of nattokinase. But that is not unusual for old paradigm medical people. I may get some anyway and start taking it myself though.
I also have been doing Reiki, Ho-oponopono, and EFT for him and have many other friends holding sacred places for him. He will come through this well and move on to health.
Blessings of Love and Light to all of you,
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Dear family of the Portal,
I got to see Ray tonight. The final portion of the process was completed successfully this afternoon. The clot is completely disolved, all the tubes and machines have been removed including the "sheath" in his major leg vein. The only scare I had, was that one of the ports/catheters they had used was inserted into his jugular vein (?). The puncture was bleeding excessively for quite a number of hours. When they told me this, I hate to say it, I lost my normal cool composure and started processing fear. Now I know what the fear is like to face loosing someone so close to you that he is another part of yourself.
Ray was still in the recovery when I heard this and it was going to be 30 to 40 minutes before he would be brought back up to his ICU room. I went away by myself, picked up a little bite to eat, and sought my quiet place. This was my process then. "Breathe deep Berry! Feel the power of the moment, the Sacred Now surround you. You can't know all that is happening, has happened or will happen. Release the fear and rest in the Sacred Now. Trust that all is as it should be. Seek the silence." I detached myself from the drama that I was telling myself, relaxed and ate my sandwich and slowly walked back up to the ICU room. It was a short while later they brought him back in. He was in good spirits, more than I had been only minutes ago. Yes, he had been bleeding excessively for a while, but it had slowed to only a seepage. They cleaned the bloody dressings from his neck and redressed the wound and I could see that there was nothing of consequence occuring at that time.
The doctor came in and said that all had went wonderfully well, the clot was disolved completely and that it was a text book example of a perfect procedure. You don't know how relieved that made me feel.
He will be in the ICU overnight for observation but will be move to a regular room tomorrow and it appears that he will be allowed to come home perhaps no later than Sunday.
Now, I have to deal with something that I thought I had already dealt with, that being fear and attachement. This has been a learning experience for me. I guess for Ray too. As Ra has said, that when we become complaicent, we are presented challenges, they call them "catalysts" in order to grow spiritually. I think that I will have to work on this exercise and learn trust and detachment. The next few years will probably require the strength learned from this episode.
Thank you all again, many, many times for the outpouring of love and healing energy you have sent this way.
In the love and light of our one Infinite Creator,
Dear Berry,
Thank you for letting us know Ray's improving. The Beatles said best what I'd like to this morning:
And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
(you show us all what you're made of all the time Berry, you are a blessing here and we appreciate your wisdom)
Treat yourself gently, get some well deserved rest as Ray will be needing your support and additional help for awhile. You know the loving energy of all Creation surrounds you both and we all breath it to and with you. Fears are only phantoms in the night and cannot live in the Divine Light. Release them to it. Many blessings and much health, healing and longevity to the both of you.
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You have all been so wonderful during this time of challenge. Again I send thanks and gratitude. While I was with Ray today, he was able to get up and walk around, went in and brushed teeth, shaved and generally cleaned up. Poor guy has been six day since having a shower and is very unhappy with that. He is also very unhappy that he still cannot come home until his blood viscosity is at the right level. Another problem he is dealing with is that the technicians inserted a catheter port into his juglar vein before the surgery. When it was removed, because of all the blood thinners, it would not stop bleeding. Now, 5 days later it is still seeping blood. Tomorrow (they were all out today) someone will come and do whatever they can to stop the bleeding. Stitches no doubt. This is what caused me the most worry when I heard about it. I am hoping he can come home in the next day or two.
I spent some dedicated time last night in the Silence, communing with my higher self, processing the drama, and releasing fear. It was most beneficial time to me. I was much more centered today and able to deal with what was presented to me. Another night tonight, creating healing energy, along with all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
In the love and light of our one infinite Creator,
So glad to hear the good news Berry.
After 8 days, Ray will be able to come home this evening (Tuesday). The doctors said yesterday that they believe his blood functions should be stablized sufficiently today for him to come home. It has been a difficult time but it will be wonderful to get him out of the hospital. So only one more trip over there.
Thanks to all.
Love and Light,
So glad to hear this news Berry! Yay for Ray, and you, and all the beloveds here who sent love to your situation.
I rejoice with you.