David Wilcock speaks of Earth Changes-Ra transmission

David Wilcock posted on his website, Divine Cosmos, just yesterday a message and reading from Ra that I think many of you would appreciate and enjoy hearing.  He covers a lot of current issues, including the political scene, earth changes and much more.

Here is the link to the message.

http://www.divinecosmos.com/2008.5.27.mp3 (link is external)


In the love and light of our One Infinite Creator,


ChrisBowers's picture

Thanks Berry for posting it! I downloaded it for my library and copied a bit of what David said from his higher Self message to post here:

"It would be staggering to your mental faculties to understand the extent to which this reality you see as so closed off and separated is, in fact, being orchestrated and pushed and pulled in accordance with your own free will. Negative events can and do happen on your planet, but they only happen in proportion to their level of invitation. And the invitation is created by the conscious knowing desire to infringe upon the free will of others, that's happening in the heart and mind of each person to whatever degree is being seen. Therefore, as the overall level of positivity increases, on your planet and in your people, so too does the holographic shift occur wherein we are given greater ability to shift everything that you see in a positive direction."

"Will we land on the White House lawn any time soon? Very unlikely. What we are dealing with instead is a change that requires us to remain somewhat shrouded in secrecy. You can easily deny that the words being spoken right now are anything other than David's imagination, and that is okay. This is part of the process. We do not come forward and announce ourselves in physical manifestation and say, "This is what you must believe". Using the word "must" in and of itself is an infringement on free will, as there is always the capacity to see things more than one way, and we would never want to suggest otherwise. What we can say is we work behind the scenes in various methods to help structure your reality so that it does represent a perfect reflection of what you have created."

There is so much more, but this was a choice selection that covered personal responsibility and free will very well....

Berry's picture

This was what I also identified as the crucial portion of this reading. Thank you Chris for transcribing it.  I was so resonant with the whole transmission that I sat in wonder for a period of time after listening to it.  The secretary came into my office and asked, "are you alright?"  And I just said that I had just heard the most astounding discourse and was contemplating what it entailed.  She just shrugged her shoulders and left.


I do hope others will listen to David/Ra's transmission on this link.


So happy to see you again Chris.  I forgot that you don't have good connections on the weekends or holidays.  Blessing of love and light to you,



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ChrisBowers's picture

3 Cheers for your two affirmations of the portion that I just had to have down on paper!!!!
Love, Chris

  and yet another confirmation that everything; every experience and perception is by agreement.  No isolated events, but a flow of co-emergent reality of thought projected into each moment that is pregnant with all possibility.

  All of the past and current teachings/dharma I have been fortunate to immerse myself in have pointed to this.

  So Be It


UrsulaD's picture

That is an amazing reading. Thank you so much for posting it. As it was only audio, I had absolutely no problem with listening to it. It totally resonates with what I believe.

I am going to copy this link and email it to friends of mine.

To you, my dear brother

With lots of everlasting love


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