recieved this today from Bill Harris, he's not affiliated with Tolle, he is the creator of Holosync meditation programs but even just the talks by Genpo Roshi and Ken Wilber may make this well worth a listen. I am not sure if the offer is time sensitive, so if you're interested you might want to click the link and enroll sooner rather than later. Namaste, kristyne
I'd like to invite you to experience, a
FREE online course …Mastering Eckhart
Tolle's The Power of Now.
So many people have told me that they loved Eckhart
Tolle's books (The Power of Now and A New Earth)
and his online presentations with Oprah, but have had
trouble actually PRACTICING (and in some cases,
understanding) what Tolle talks about.
To solve that problem, I decided to get together several
of the most amazing awakened teachers I know to help
you understand what Tolle is talking about and help you
begin practicing and embodying what he is teaching,
right now.
In this FREE course (which you can share with as many
people as you want), six world-famous spiritual teachers
and I will discuss what you can do right now to experience
the spiritual awakening described by Eckhart Tolle in The
Power of Now, A New Earth, and his online lessons with
I've chosen teachers who I know embody the awareness
Tolle is talking about, and who are masters at teaching it:
- Zen master Genpo Roshi, creator of the Big Mind
process, a method for quickly experiencing profound
transcendent states of awareness (what Tolle calls
Presence) usually taking decades to master… - Ken Wilber, world-famous philosopher, author,
spiritual teacher, and founder of Integral Institute,
Integral Life, and the Integral Spiritual Center… - Renowned spiritual teacher and meditation master,
Diane Hamilton… - Enlightenment teachers, authors, and workshop leaders,
Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder… - Sally Kempton, Yoga Journal columnist and one
of today’s most insightful and experienced teachers
of meditation and spiritual growth… - And me!
Among the many things you’ll learn from these amazing teachers:
- The transformational power of the Now and
how you can experience it… - Gettting out of your mind and into the Now…
- What Eckhart Tolle calls Presence, and how
to access it… - Using your body to enter the Now…
- The source of suffering and emotional pain,
and how to end it… - Transforming fear into peace…
- Why Time is an illusion, and how it keeps
you from the Now… - How you can step out of the world of Problems….
- How to free yourself from unhappiness…
- The power of Now and relationships…
- Finding your purpose…
- Plus, keys to awakening Eckhart Tolle didn’t
mention… - And much more.
You’ll enjoy six weekly 60 to 90 minute audio lessons,
one each week for six weeks. Each lesson is an unedited
and spontaneous conversation with me and a world-famous
spiritual teacher who embodies and teaches the awakened
spiritual awareness Eckhart Tolle discusses in his best-selling
books, The Power of Now and A New Earth, and in his
online lessons with Oprah Winfrey.
These lessons contain additional explanation and practical
suggestions you can use right now to awaken to who
you really are and create a life of happiness and inner peace.
I thought I'd have to charge a significant amount of money
for this course, but when the other teachers volunteered
their time and expertise, I quickly changed my mind.
Oprah has put an enlightened teacher on television in
front of millions of people. This is a hugely positive event
in the history of the world.
A way of living that, up to now, has been discussed in
just a few subcultures such as Integral Institute, Centerpointe,
and a few other communities, is now in full view of popular
This is a huge opportunity for the world--and for you.
I want as many people as possible to experience this
information, so I--and the other teachers--are giving
this information away, as our gift to
the world.
Please don’t miss this opportunity to bring The Power
of Now into your life. Register for these lessons right away.
You can download them to your iPod or other device, or
listen online. You’ll also get a handsome transcript of each
lesson making it easier to review and master the information
it contains.
As you'll soon discover, this course is unlike anything else
you've ever experienced. You really can live from the
place Tolle talks about--the Now moment. When you
do, everything changes.
With these six amazing awakened teachers, I want to
show you how.
To enroll, and to immediately begin experiencing your
first lesson--again, at no charge whatsoever, as our gift
to you--just go to: www.MasteringThePowerOfNow.com.
And please tell EVERYONE you know about this course.
Open your address book and send this email to everyone.
This is something we really want to spread around the world.
Be well.
Centerpointe Research Institute
1700 NW 167th Place, Suite 220
Beaverton, OR 97006-4872
I've been a subscriber to Integral Naked for a few years now and have downloaded all of Genpo Roshi and Diane Hamilton's workshops. This combination should prove very multidimensional with a good sprinkle of humor.
They have had such great response that the site crashed! That's the power of NOW!
Dear Onesong,
Sounds interesting.....thank you. Love,Mary
Hey MaryC,
I registered OK but have since received emails with links to the lesson because the popularity of the course is "straining" the site. I've downloaded Genpo Roshi's talk on a CD (1 hour and 16min) and I find it very useful information.
Keep trying, once you're registered, the mailed links make access easier.
Thank you! I was able to register before the pile-up. I am technologically challenged...but my sweetheart/audio visual specialist has done that for me. I am getting ready to sit, relax,enjoy the talk. Thank you both! Love,Mary
I have listened to, and enjoyed the first talk. Thank you again for making this available to us! Love,Mary
i finally got registered and listened to the first two talks. genpo was kind of interesting and shed a little more light on where he's coming from. wilber rehashes his whole system, like he does anytime he gets near a microphone, but in my opinion misses the whole point of tolles work, which is partly about the power of now, but ultimately about the ego and how it effects our perception of everything. if you look closely the site is not affiliated with tolle, or oprah but is bill harris' way to capitalize on tolles work, along with the others (at least the first two) where you can pick up their dvd's and cd's and of course holosyncs wayyyy overpriced entrainment cd's. in this age of bhodisattva-capitalists its hard to seperate the wheat from the chaff. this is just my opinion, your milage may vary.
as always in receiving 'free stuff' there is usually a catch, and you're right Jim, the catch is they'd like you to spend money with them. i posted the link in the hopes that there would be some material worth the listen, i like Roshi and his messages as a general rule, ken wilbur comes across to many folks as arrogant although he is quite brilliant imo if you can get past that. anyway, Harris is clear in his original letter about not being connected to Tolle, so take it for what it's worth or don't. i simply share what comes along! Namaste and blessings for a wonderful day.
What I heard from the course and the fact that Time mgz reviewed the Power of Now as gibberish or gibbligook, was that there are many people tuned into Tolle from Oprah's site that have no clue as to the experience of presence let alone the very idea that there is all this chatter going on in their heads.
I intermittently teach meditation and mindfulness and it just baffles many people. As a subscriber to the Integral Institute I am familiar with Ken Wilber's worldview and Genpo and Hamilton's shadow work. I regularly promote the shadow work and think Bill Harris made some good choices here (even though he is part of the Integral Institute).
But that is my fuel economy, Tricia
i really like tolle's work, although i'm growing somewhat skeptical about any teacher that gets in the enlightenment business, and it is a buisness. i'm glad to see that it's getting out to the masses, but find it ironic that it goes thru oprah, who definitely has some ego problems of her own. it seems to me that you can still get the message out without turning it into a for (maximum) profit enterprise. take this site for instance! when one's livelihood is dependant on selling enlightenment or growth, then there's hardly any difference between that and the fundamentalist mega-churches. i was a member of wilbers institute for a few years, read all his books, got exposed to a lot of interesting people and ideas but over the years have found some of it either not true or lacking a true integral approach without any practical ways to implement them in the real world. his attachment and glorification of the ego is the opposite of what tolle speaks to, he's got a brilliant mind but indentifies with it too much to be a good teacher, plus he's not that good of a businessman or organizer. all that said, i guess i have a little shadow work to do on other's shadows lol
I'm on the same page as you, really. Its the highlighting that's a little different.
Yeah, I went through a stage of following gurus and hanging on the coat tails of people who seemed to have meaning. Buddhism, especially Vajrayana teachings and more importantly, the practice of meditation over many years allowed me to look at my personality from a distance and allow it to deflate with a huge belly laugh.
With this shift in my viewing point I was able to separate the messenger's folly and be open to understated truth of the message itself. Over the years I have met some pretty bizarre people that have brought the clearest illumination for me, sometimes in unspoken acts.
What I am trying to convey here is that the real shift for me is the knowing that it is my response to all experience that teaches me. Everpresent mindfulness is the truest teaching.
Namaste my friend,