Incarnational Spirituality
Many people see that we are approaching a crisis in our relationship with the world, that there is a breakdown in Humanity’s engagement with the Earth. We at Lorian agree and believe that this is largely caused by the disconnect we have created from this planet’s living systems and our inability to fully incarnate into this sacred domain. The problems we face are as much spiritual and psychological as they are technological and social.
We have a body but we’re not incarnating.
- We limit ourselves when we say we cannot be spiritual because we are in physical bodies.
- We limit ourselves when we say that enlightenment can only come as the result of a long process of spiritual training
- and practice.
- We limit ourselves when we say that spiritual energy and blessing can only come from transpersonal and “higher” realms.
- We limit ourselves when we say that the material universe is all there is.
- We limit ourselves when we say that only the spiritual worlds are truly “authentic” and real and that everything in the material world is just a dream or an illusion.
- We limit ourselves when we divide ourselves into a transpersonal side and a personal side and then assign all the
- good stuff to the former and the bad stuff to the latter.
- We limit ourselves when we see this world either as a prison or a warehouse of commodities to take and use, rather than as a living partner.
A deeper, fuller understanding of incarnation and its possibilities challenges all these limited views. It claims instead
that we each have a rich bank account of spiritual energy that is always available to us, 24/7, if we learn to access it. And the tools for that access, the passwords, are present to us in our daily lives and are part of our personal natures—or, more precisely, our holistic natures, which are both personal and transpersonal, physical and non-physical.
Incarnational Spirituality is the foundation for all of Lorian’s work. It is an affirmation of the spirit innate within our world, our humanity, our physicality, and our personal lives. It sees each person as a source of spiritual power and radiance.
Incarnational Spirituality brings a holistic perspective to spirituality. The spiritual life is often seen as focusing upon the transpersonal and the transcendent, directing our attention beyond the world and beyond the self. Incarnational Spirituality seeks to balance this by restoring an awareness of the spiritual nature of our physical, everyday selves and the sacredness of the world around us.
Incarnational Spirituality is grounded in our sovereignty as individuals. Each of us is a unique incarnation of sacredness able to make contributions that no one else can make to the wellbeing of our world and the positive unfoldment of our future.
Incarnational Spirituality is a calling to discover the nobility and spiritual presence in our everyday selves. It is a calling to unfold capacities of blessing, manifesting, creating, and healing within us.
Incarnational Spirituality is a calling of responsibility to each other and to our world. It is a calling to act and not just reflect, to engage and not just contemplate. How a person answers that calling is up to him or her. We each serve in unique ways. Incarnational Spirituality can offer tools that assist us in doing so, demonstrating the unity of inner alignment with outer activity.
Join us in discovering and unfolding the radiance of your own incarnation as a spiritual presence and force for good in the world.
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As someone who has tended to be too much in my head, I am interested in the special tools available through incarnation. These seem to be proliferating rapidly. Thank you for the link to lorian.org. Here is another link I discovered today.
Thanks for sharing this, Marian. I had not heard of Lorian or David before. It looks like he's doing some great work. Have you been doing some of his processes? If so, I'd love to hear about your experiences. Much love and joy, Fred
As I looked through the Lorian site, I went down memory lane to Findhorn. I wondered what became of that ideal.
It is like seeing old friends again...Dororthy Maclean and Spangler...Neat!
No, I haven't done any of the courses, but found the Lorian material via Rue Haas who is an EFT Master (Intuitive Mentoring) with a definite spiritual emphasis to her work. I've just signed up to her EFT Circle weekly teleclasses and am using EFT to tap for the limitations Lorian lists. It's time for me to connect up!
with love and light