Here is something to think about which may cause you to join the Global Meditation tomorrow/tonight. It may be just more doom/gloom prophecy but it has a ring or possiblity. So I pass this post along to those of you who are interested in world peace.
Love and Light,
Dr. Boylan's request... join us...."At the suggestion of a Star Visitor here, I am calling for a Joint Psychic Exercise to repair that tear in the local space-time continuum, and to neutralize that dark energy by a massive in-pouring of light, love, and positive energy into our current time-line. That is something you can do to help minimize conflict brewing.
Star Nations wishes to advise us that the Cabal plan to initiate World War III before November 4th.
Thus, sometime in the next 83 days, we will be most likely caught up in an international conflict.
When Star Nations Councillor Asheoma saw that Russia had invaded the Democratic Republic of Georgia August 8th, his comment was, "The (first phase of) the War has begun."
While Russia and Georgia have turned from fighting to diplomacy in the last day, Russia has made its point that it is the regional power, and Georgia, Ukraine, Poland, and other former USSR satellite states had better not forget it. Furthermore, the fact that the U.S. did not intervene on the side of Georgia against Russia, although the U.S. has been wooing Georgia to join its NATO alliance, shows the other nations that U.S. is overextended and in no mood to take on the 800-lb. Bear from the North.
Asheoma made the major prediction that "The Dragon [China] and Eagle [U.S.A.] will unite against the Bear [Russia] and the Lion [Iran]." He added, "World War Three cannot be avoided." He observed that the probability of World War III breaking out is 98%. (The remaining 2% probability depends on whether reasonable diplomacy prevails.)
What he was referring to, and which came out in subsequent dialogue I had with him, is that the various wings of the Cabal and the nations they control are vying for power, and control of oil is a significant part of that power presently. (Those Cabal wings include the U.S. Wing [Rockefeller, et al.], the Russian Wing [Russian Mafia, et al.], the Chinese Wing [Politburo], the Islamic Crescent Wing , and the European Wing.[Rothschild, et al.]).
Further, the Cabal U.S. Wing needs to create internal destabilization in the United States because their remote viewers foresee Barack Obama being elected President, which would end their control of the White House. Therefore, they want World War III to break out before November 4. This will permit Cabal factotum George Bush to declare Martial Law across the U.S., and to "postpone" [cancel] Presidential Elections set for November 4. No Election, no Obama as President. The Cabal goal is to have Martial Law imposed on the United States before November 4th, which Bush-Cheney will define as also suspending the Constitution "as necessary".
The code name for this Cabal global destabilization operation is "Dark Days".
In my dialogue with Councillor Asheoma the following points were made and confirmed.
The Cabal plan for some provocation to occur in or near the Persian Gulf.
I posited that either some Iranian hotheads will attack a U.S. or UK naval ship in the Gulf, or the Cabal will arrange for the sinking of one of the U.S. or UK vessels, with the loss of all hands aboard, and blame it on the Iranians. [An alternative Cabal strategy is for Israeli fighter-bombers to destroy Iran's nuclear production factories, and for Iran to respond by shooting its long-range missiles at Israel, which would trigger the U.S. coming to the defense of its ally Israel against Iran.]
In the first alternative, the NeoCons will then cry "a New Pearl Harbor", and beat the drum for an immediate Declaration of War on the Islamic Republic of Iran. Bush will make this War Declaration, with the current Congress too cowed to oppose. The UK will immediately join in because of NATO commitments of mutual self-defense.
Russia has existing pledges of mutual defense with Iran. In addition Russia has built a number of nuclear reactors in Iran and supplied uranium fuel. If the U.S. and allies attack Iran, Russia will come to Iran's defense, and has already stated so categorically.
The U.S. is overextended in Iraq and Afghanistan and does not have the troops to fight a ground war in Iran, which also has a much huger territory and population than Iraq or Afghanistan. So a U.S. attack will mostly be aerial, and involve bombing Iranian military sites, missile, radar, and communications installations. It is not unlikely that Israel will use the U.S. War Declaration to come in on the side of its U.S. ally and bomb Iranian nuclear production facilities, since they fear that the Iranians are getting closer to nuclear weapons capability, some of which would be targeted towards Israel.
If the predicted war breaks out, Iran will almost certainly sink either a US/UK vessel, or sink one of its own, in the Straits of Hormuz, thereby closing the Persian Gulf to all shipping traffic in or out, including oil. Even if they do not, Lloyds of London will stop insuring any oil tanker which attempts to navigate the Persian Gulf under wartime conditions. Since 40% of global oil production shipped by tanker goes out the Persian Gulf, under war conditions there will be a huge drop in oil/gasoline availability. If you hate $4/gallon gasoline now, you'll really hate gas going up to $8 or $10 dollars per gallon, or higher. That is, if you can wait long enough in gas lines to get it.
Where does China, "the Dragon", fit in this equation? China imports almost 60% of its oil from the Persian Gulf States. China's growing economy cannot tolerate having its major source of oil cut off. And with everyone else in the world scrambling for what oil is elsewhere, China will find it in its strategic self-interest to join the war and work to get the Persian Gulf and its oil supply opened back up.
Which side will China join with? During the Cold War Communist China often allied with Communist Russia to face down the threat from the West, principally the United States. But more recently China has gone modified-capitalist in its economic system, and has found the U.S. to be a very profitable trading partner. Furthermore China is very heavily invested in U.S. Government bonds and securities, so much so that if China pulled all its money out, there would be a very major economic down-turn in the U.S. economy. So, it is in China's enlightened economic self-interest to come in to the war on the side of the U.S. and not see its investments go belly-up either.
Iran. United States. Russia. China. Presto. World War III.
Councillor Asheoma said that the Russians had a secret advanced-technology war satellite positioned on the western border of China and pointed right at China. The potential for major escalation in this international war is high.
Asheoma observed that if we Humans try to fight, using our technology, we will all lose. The devastation will be terrible.
Asheoma said, "The only way to stand a chance for the 2% non-war possibility is DIPLOMACY." Asheoma emphasized that word strongly.
So, as the rumblings of war start up, all Star Seeds and Humans of good will need to press for the use of diplomatic negotiations to resolve the differences rather than going to war.
If we need to take to the streets in peace demonstrations, as some of us did in the Sixties, to force our governments to negotiate instead of attack, then that is what we must do.
No one will win World War III. The suffering and damage will be everywhere.
Star Nations gave us this heads-up so that we can defuse this Cabal-contrived geopolitical conflict as soon as possible and in as peaceful a manner as possible.
In discussion I acquiesced in Star Nations' plan to send Star Visitor emissaries to talk to the principals involved in governance and diplomacy of the respective nations involved, to try to persuade them to resolve matters by diplomacy and not go down the long, terrible road to full-out World war III.
Star Nations foresees that at least the beginning skirmishes will take place. These will be awful, but if we learn to avert this potential total disaster before it reaches extreme dimensions, then we will have learned a painful but important lesson about reshaping the way nations deal with each other. And that re-learning will be part of our birth-pangs, and will take us a huge step towards the completion of the Transition from present corrupt Fourth World society to a transformed Fifth World society.
The Cabal engineered the above hostilities scenario by using its psychics' abilities to "rip" a deliberate tear in Earth's space-time continuum (or time-line, if you will), and pouring huge amounts of negative energy into current circumstances. At the suggestion of a Star Visitor here, I am calling for a Joint Psychic Exercise to repair that tear in the local space-time continuum, and to neutralize that dark energy by a massive in-pouring of light, love, and positive energy into our current time-line. That is something you can do to help minimize conflict brewing.
This Joint Psychic Exercise to bring in positive energy and repair is set for this Saturday, August 16.
I have requested Star Nations to join in, too, and lend us their able co-assistance.
If you do not feel adept at psychic energy work, you can instead make a prayer; or you can meditate on a helpful outcome to the threat posed by the Cabal war plans.
The time for you to join us in this August 16 Joint Psychic Exercise, is as follows: (Daylight Saving/ Summer Time where applicable)
Hawai'ian Islands: 5 am - Saturday
Anchorage, Alaska: 7 am
Los Angeles/San Francisco/Vancouver, BC (PDT): 8 am
Denver/Calgary (MST): 9 am
Chicago/Mexico City (CDT): 10am
New York/Washington, DC/San Juan, Puerto Rico/Bogotá, Columbia (EDT): 11 am
Halifax, Nova Scotia/Caracas, Venezuela: 12:00 noon
Sao Paulo, Brazil: 12 noon
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time/Zulu: 15:00 hrs. / 3 p.m.
London/Dakar: 4 pm (BST)
Paris/Algiers/Rome/Berlin: 5 pm (CEST)
Amman, Jordan/Capetown, SA: 6 pm
Moscow/Riyadh: 7 pm
Dubai: 7 pm
New Delhi: 8:30 pm
Beijing/Shanghai/Singapore/Manila: 11:00 pm,
Tokyo/Seoul/Perth, AU: 12 midnight, Saturday-Sunday
Adelaide, AU: 12:30 am Sunday
Brisbane, AU: 1 am, Sunday
Canberra/Sydney, AU: 1 am Sunday
Auckland, NZ: 3 am Sunday
Kamchatka, Russia: 4 am Sunday.
If you absolutely cannot make this time, join us as soon as you can, and back-time or forward-time (time-jump by intention) your effort to coincide with ours.
Thank you.
in the light,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.drboylan.com
This Joint Psychic Exercise to bring in positive energy and repair is set for this Saturday, August 16. (10 a.m CST)
I have requested Star Nations to join in, too, and lend us their able co-assistance.
If you do not feel adept at psychic energy work, you can instead make a prayer; or you can meditate on a helpful outcome to the threat posed by the Cabal war plans.
The time for you to join us in this August 16 Joint Psychic Exercise, follows: (Daylight Saving/ Summer Time where applicable)".... ( details of specific time zones is at the bottom of his message)
The full text of Dr. Boylan's message follows:
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...I did not hear of this in time to join in. However, it's my thought that we should all spend a few minutes daily meditating on and for peace; breathing sacred love; ho'oponopono, and prayer. We can't pray for peace and then treat the people we come in contact with the same old way. That is not being the change we wish to see. If we can visualize the goal, we can act AS IF it is drawing nearer. And if we can do that, it will draw nearer.
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Elizabeth, as I read you post regarding your friend's antagonism, I was reminded of conversations on another forum I am on to the effect that many of us are suddenly being confronted with low vibration challenges. A number of us have experienced blockages in our meditations, one actually experienced physical illness when he was attempting to send Love/Light energy to some of the rest of us.
I think, and many transmissions assert, that in this time appoaching the Shift, we will be faced with more of this kind of thing, as the elements of the negative side struggle to maintain dominance. Even those who are not consciously choosing to be negative are responding in more reactive manners.
It is important to maintain a spirit of love and peace, and just as you did, not respond in like manner but to project high energy vibrations in the face of any sort of negative attack. When Carla Reuckert, and her associates were in the process over a number of years of receiving the Ra Material, Carla was during a great period of time under heavy psychic attack from a service to self, negative 5th density being. The only defense that they had was to send unconditional love to this entity in spite of the ongoing attacks. The bombardment of love eventually weakened that entity and it left them alone for a period of time.
I am not attempting to spread fear with this. This is no time for fear but a spirit of Love. And it is a time to be aware of the confrontation happening in the world, just as Fred's Want to Know newsletter is continually telling us, and what we learned in the Transformation Lessons. The truth is that the confrontations are not just physical, but spiritual too.
And so we surround ourselves and connect ourselves with Love, Light and continue to send thoughts of peace to all that is, as we are each part of All That Is.
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The original Solfeggio Tones that are believed to be the original sounds/frequencies of creation (initiating the creation of matter) are 6 frequencies. 3 have since been added that compliment these frequencies and are called God's Perfect Circle of Sound. I ordered several CD's from http://www.healingsounds.com/ from the work of Jonathan Goldman (among others) and one of them is Holy Harmony that utilizes these nine powerful frequencies via tuning forks and is accompanied by a chant based on the "unspeakable" name of God from the Hebrew text, "YHVH", but with the "bridge" "S" added (representing Christ on the cross) to become "YHSVH" or what we know as Yeshua or Jeshua in english. Jonathan Goldman and Sarah Benson developed a chant based on this sacred text that is amazing to listen to and just let it do it's thing. It goes like this: "YOD.... HEY.... SHIN.... VAA-AAV, HEY", and is sung/chanted by using one tone/frequency for YOD, HEY and SHIN, and then a tone that goes under then over the first tone for VAA-AAV in complimentary/harmonious fashion with the first tone, and then back to the HEY in the original tone. It is a beautiful and soothing chant - try it sometime.
The reason I mention it in regard to the space/time rip that we were praying/meditating for and about on Saturday is that while listening to this 72 minute chant with tuning fork frequencies I could see a rip in the sky being zipped up and then healed like watching scar tissue disappear after a gaping wound is miraculously healed. It was a very impressive sense of the power of all that prayer and meditation that was going on that day, and the distinct sense that at any time later in the day I could spontaneously begin chanting or meditating again and apply it back to the intended time and it is really as easy as deciding to do it - done the moment it is intended.
Love, Chris
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I've played the Appalachian dulcimer for more than 40 years...haven't performed in a long time, but it's not about that. I have always found the modal tunings create a resonance within me (for lack of a better term) that the typical western scale does not. Middle-Eastern music, with its modal scales and microtones, affects me similarly. Sound is very potent.
On another, um, note - peripherally related to this thread - I've been rereading the Book of Revelation. It struck me not too long ago that the basic eschatology of this most mysterious book of the canon and the New-Age expectations are remarkably similar, only with different symbols. I'm working on an essay about this which I'll be putting on my website one of these days.
Thanks Elizabeth and Dave for that great info and testimony about the power and beauty of sound/frequency. When I think of what Jonathan Goldman was talking about when he mentioned that the big bang cosmos was most likely initiated by sound, and that all things physical find their initiation in sound, that just blew me away and developed a whole new appreciation for the power of sound. Makes me think of Jericho when the walls came a tumblin' down was not so much because the trumpets were so loud, but because of the perfect strategic frequency (known intuitively or otherwise) chosen for the task. So glad you mentioned author J.J. Hurtak's "The Keys of Enoch" Elizabeth! Reminds me that I really want to get a copy of that to read what so many have commented on from that great work.
Jonathan Goldman quotes J.J. Hurtak as saying, "There are five of these languages: Egyptian, Tibetan, Chinese, Hebrew and Sanskrit. Of these, Hebrew is the language that activates the others in etheric planes. There seems to be some extraordinary power when one uses these sacred languages in mantras, chants and words"
Love and Light with All Our Might,