Universal Mind. One spirit. The collective. ''Alien'' intervention. Illuminati. Your Political Ideology. The Matrix. The Anninake..... Siriusly....
Personal Consciousness. The quest for authenticity and ultimately bliss.
Do you really believe what you believe??
Why do you believe it?
Why do others disbelieve it?
Could they be right?
Why do you think that you are right?
What do you believe?
Why do you believe it??
Does it matter, anyway??
This is not a poem.....I really want to know...........Why??
Dear Misty,
We are what we believe. We are the center of our own universe. Self centered.I believe the (my) world is beautiful,surprising,full of love. Do sucky things happen to wonderful people.....yes. Do wonderful things happen to sucky people.......Yes. We all have our own truths.....mine may not be yours. The thing is to find what is true for you. Not just operating under what has been programed into you by others(they were also programed by people)The video posted by lightwins I choose love,spoke to me. Look at my Magic Moments blog.It is nice to have people agree with me....but not important.I claim my own power and am unafraid of these things outside of me.In my world the things I give attention to get stronger...I choose LOVE. Allow yourself to find your truth.
Happy hunting! Love,Mary
sharing info that one finds helpful is STO and seems to be part of an upwardly spiraling evolution from light to Light
getting up on soap box and shouting lofty pontification is elitist STS that must reveal some form of insecurity concerning the one with the bull horn, don't ya think???
I find in learning about myself that I am much less inclined to challenge and debate the more I am confident of my source of information and inspiration.
Ra in the Law of One relates often to the prime first initial distortion of Reality/Love/Unity, and that is "confusion" or better known as "free will" creating the distortion/potentiality to be confused in the first place. When someone is shouting, "the end is near", what they are really saying is, "I don't really know if this is true, but if I can get you to believe it, maybe I will too!"
Do you really believe what you believe?? yes ...Lol...I believe in LOVE.....but after that it's open season!.......and I really, have no idea what I believe anymore??....Lol...I sort of don't even care, I just believe what I believe NOW, it could be different in 5 minutes.....,
I also know that sometimes I don't know what I believe until I am confronted by it in full "3D reality"......then I have to ask the question really deeply of myself and live with the "consequences" of my actions, the answers are often not what I thought they would be.....?..........I believe what I believe now....this moment ....but I am open to just about anything these days......Lol.....sorry!
Why do you believe it? ?....hmmm.....I spose.....cause Fred had it in the course and it says you can check it for yourself......... and Chris said he read it in the book of one!.........and they research really good and I can't be bothered!.....Lol.....sorry!..joking of course...sort of...I don't check everything!...not much really???..Lol
I want to...?....need to?......like to?...it serves me to?...it's just plain easier to?..it annoy's someone else!!!......hmmm.....lol....
I hadn't REALLY thought about it .....
Dunno just had the thought in my head, picked it up from somewhere?
It sounded good at the time...Lol..
Because everything in my life was pointing at it and when I found it, accepted it and nurtured it I grew along with it and it and I are one, it serves me as I serve it.....
Why do others disbelieve it? I'm not sure what anyone else believes, few ever show real truth.....we all have our defences/walls......they hide our true beliefs from us and each other........
Could they be right?...anything is possible..............
Why do you think that you are right?...I know I never have anything "absolutely perfect"...but I can be right in my own way..........I accept....I can be right, you can be right, we can all be right...and we can all see it different at the same time?.....I do my best with what I have....trust in how "deeply" I feel it at the time and act accordingly........
Then again I believe....ie violence is wrong,....and yeah I think I am right about that....why?......it just is!
What do you believe?......LOVE
Why do you believe it??......LOVE.......
Does it matter, anyway??........LOVE.....
This is not a poem.....I really want to know...........Why??.........yeah Mist......why?
With Love!
to continue the thread on defining belief, I think that any statement of belief has to be inherently suspect in a 3d world of illusion and confusion. True knowledge cannot be reduced to a stated belief. An entity/being possessing true knowledge and a very good understanding of who and what it is, "it" being the entity/being, would probably not even have the concept of stating a belief come to mind. Confusion is inherent in any desire to state a belief, no matter how small the confusion, confusion being the twin brother/sister of free will. It is a designed distortion that creates the perfect matrix for the ongoing experiment of trying to experience what the illusion of separation and autonomy feels like so that we can know, in a way that would be impossible without confusion and free will, how much we really do appreciate Unity, that which we were always never not going to be a part of, haaahahaha (ah do so love da double negative).
A statement of belief is a cry for help, a strong desire for confirmation/affirmation. "Please help me to know I am safe and Loved!" Correctly understood, it can be the beginning of a very constructive conversation and beautiful friendship. Incorrectly interpreted, it can be the beginning of a debate between two strongly entrenched confusions/delusions, Haaaahahahaha
Dear Chris,
Could you translate STO and STS for me so that I may understand your statement?
I had the same problem when I first saw the terms posted by Elizabeth....
STO = Service to Others
STS = Service to Self
Much to be said about both approaches to ascension through the ranks of higher densities and approach to intelligent infinity and intelligent energy in the Ra sessions Law of One material. Very interesting to hear that STS is not bad or evil, just much harder to work through to get where you're going, the same place that all those who practice the more common Service to Others are going, right back toward the Unity that never stops being Unity and forever includes all entities (for how can any thing or one stop being part of Creator that began everything with one thought, an original thought that continues to include everything and will never stop Being one original thought, a thought that is pretty well summarized by "I Am that I AM"), in spite of anything else we may "believe" in this distortion/illusion better known as "many-ness".
They are two routes to the same place that becomes One at about 6th/7th density where STS entities must join in the social memory complex that allows further progress, and since, at that point of their very self-determined dedication to progressing upward by design, they then "join in the reindeer games" of Service to Others, for no other route exists at that point for continuing on their way. This is key in understanding why it is so utterly useless to judge others as good or evil or this or that, for all are uniquely part of same Unity Creator.
Did you want the long answer or are you now thinking, I don't remember signing up for this class, haaaahahahaha
Love, Love, Love, Light, Light, Light, Chris
I dunno. I'm just questioning my own self to find what I really feel strongly about. I am reading alot that I think sounds lovely...but, I'm not so sure that I am in agreement with. I make no judgements on the thoughts of others..... 'It's all good' (i say it again)
PBS and Socrates....lol....ya know??
I'm just reducing it down for myself. I see a lot of posts on here that give a great way of viewing things, and I've been rolling them around in my mind.... until I can find the way that I truly see things for myself.
Just something fun to do, I suppose.
No aggravation intended.
you said,
"until I can find the way that I truly see things for myself"
that is so key in such an intimately unique way!
we are so very alone in that unique discovery that we call our own, and yet, at least for me, I have never "felt" alone during my own personal unique approach to discovery! I always felt like there was/is an accompanying complimentary guiding presence assisting in that discovery.
Ra in the Law of One sessions made such an emphatic point on more than one occasion when Don Elkins was asking Ra to lead, and Ra would always put the ball right back in Don's court due to the importance of free will and self-discovery, something no one or thing can do for us.
that journey we always go alone, and yet hardly ever feel alone - I love that in an inspirational experiential moment of personal discovery!!!!
And Hello right back at you friend,
I enjoy your description......I had to ask Jeremy what Lol meant.....little old lady?
Misty,thank you for such an interesting question! I expect no one to think the way I do on this topic. I am more comfortable with the F word than the G word.I am though very much in the service to others. For those that don't know the F word is a vulgar term for sex, the G word is for God,in whos name many terrible things have been done.
I have to paraphrase Kirkegaard: It goes something like this..."Truth is something that finds you and has you",
So relax, open and be present...there may be something beyond the rational mind that you cannot have, because it must be....?
I can hear Paul singing,
Let it Be
Let it Be
Let it Be
Let it Be
Speaking words of Wisdom
Let it Be..........
Let it be...let it be
always and already
Let it be...
Love ya Chris!