Dear Friends who read this blog, like so many around this globe, I am
waiting to see what October 14th brings. I have been waiting for this
for so many years. I have become so awakened, and more and more all the
time to my small but important role in preparing for full - undeniable
- open public sightings and contact.
There was a time years
before, when, after my initial hypnosis session turned my world
completely upside down, I lived managing a certain level of terror just
to work and live and move through my life in some kind of 'normal'
manner. As I investigated the material around my newly emerged
memories, I found more and more corroborating stories, testimony,
evidence that they were real. Indeed, I could not complete my healing
process until I accepted that they were real and dealt with all the
emotional fallout from them. I finally, years later, did some
subsequent hypnosis sessions to uncover more that I had questions
about, needing more answers. I remember sitting on my sofa for hours at
a time after, in shock, pushing down rising panic at the calculated
cruelty and incredible abuse I remembered.
Difficult as this
process was, it was also a time of great awakening of my consciousness
and that continues on to the days through which we are now passing.
remember the times years ago I sat watching UFO documentaries on TV,
knowing extraterrestrials are real, watching evidence being presented,
and watching debunkers allowed to comment on it all and ridicule it
back into the realm of the unreal and the ridiculous, preserving the
fragile reality of those who can't or won't face the facts of what is
going on all around them.
I remember not being able to even
begin to deal with my own memories and my feelings about them because
of this ridicule, and healing that could have happened sooner with the
right support, happened much, much later. I hope I am putting an end to
that by coming forward, so that those who have had experiences like
mine can find the support they need to heal. But back then, in the
years past, I got to the point of refusing to watch UFO programs any
more, angry that a reality that I knew was real was being so denied. I
said I would only watch coverage of this phenomenon once first contact
was accurately announced by Dan Rather on the evening news. Till then,
just leave me out of it all.
I was experiencing not only fear of
emerging memories and speaking about my experiences, but deep anger and
rage, and deep grief around them as well. Especially grief. I wondered
how I could live with memories of such cold, calculated cruel abuse.
Just to know that some human beings were capable of treating other
human beings in such a way felt like a loss of innocence so profound as
to be almost too much to live with… and I wondered if my earlier
near-brush with suicide had sprung from the pressure of these phantom
memories which my body knew, but my mind had not yet reclaimed at that
time. I wondered, 'how do people survive carrying around memories like
this?' The weight of the grief was overwhelming. I'm currently working
with a friend to create a DVD to tell my story in full, so others who
want to know it can, and so I can be complete and never have to repeat
my experiences again. I have moved beyond the need to tell this over
and over again.
The shift that has happened to me in the last
few years has been because I did find two gifted healers to work with
and they will always have my deep love and gratitude. With the pressure
of the emotional turmoil lifted, I reclaimed a sense of joy in living
and enjoying a wonderful community to live in, here in southwest
Colorado. I turned my attention to art and other interests, like
sustainability. I did my best to put my experiences behind me, keep
quiet about them (except to a few friends) so as not to upset others
who didn't know about such things or expose myself to disbelief and
ridicule, which in a minor way, is almost re-traumatizing. But in the
last two years I have found that speaking out about my experiences is a
necessary - and vital - part of my final stages of healing.
So I
created Durango Exopolitics, as a blog here online and as a local
discussion group, in which, from my own well of experiences,
spirituality and insights, I do my best to educate people about the
reality of extraterrestrials, the shadow government and what they are
capable of and, in spite of what has happened to me and the memories I
carry, take a joyful, peaceful and hopeful view of humanity's future.
Part of this future that I consider to be inevitable, is full, open
public contact with spiritually evolved, benevolent extraterrestrials.
An Awakening Wanderer
now as an awakening Wanderer - an extraterrestrial soul who chose to
incarnate as human - I feel strongly that I chose this life for
multiple purposes for my soul's growth. I've been associated with this
planet for eons as time passes here, memories of coming here from Lyra
and settling on Lemuria to seed and colonize this planet strong within
me. During my earthwalk here, first as a Lyran, then incarnating as
human to experience more fully this world and its peoples' evolution, I
picked up karma, which choosing this particular present life, with all
its challenges, has helped to clear for the coming ascension, or
humanity's first-stage enlightenment that will help as many as possible
move into another energetic octave of spiritual evolution and
The difficulties of this life have spurred an
equally wondrous awakening to consciousness, to who I truly am. My
mission here is two-fold: to educate to the best of my ability about
extraterrestrials and the shadow government from my unique experience
and spiritual perspectives, and as a field-worker liaison with the Star
Nations of the Light to share my human experiences and insights with my
Star community so they can understand what it's like for us who live on
Earth and factor in these experiences as they determine how best to
intervene in and set humanity back on course for the coming Shift or
portal of 2012, that we are even now in the great wave of. I am as
human as any of you, and yet also (and I'm one of millions) a soul who
came here long ago as we measure time here, to learn/teach and assist.
were many lifetimes when I forgot my purpose here in the Great
Forgetting that happens to souls who incarnate here. Remembering our
purpose and why we came is extremely challenging, and yet, as with
other emerging feelings/memories that surface, I smile to myself when I
think I must have most enthusiastically volunteered to come, excited at
such opportunities for my soul's growth that I'd encounter here. When I
go back among my Star community for good, the passage of time there
will seem like I was on an extended pilgrimage of several months to a
couple of years, though here on Earth I'll soon celebrate my 54th
birthday. Don't ask me how I know this. It just seems to emerge as
truth from within.
So, as I contemplate October 14th, first
undeniable sightings/contact with the kind of extraterrestrial beings
we need so very much to come to know and have contact with, for me it's
personal. It's the complete joy of two realities I belong to coming
together at last. It's weeping tears of joy and relief to know that the
kinds of cruelties and abuses I experienced will never have to happen
to anyone here again. It's having the insight that, if NESARA is truly
real and is implemented, it will be a bridge to a true moneyless
society where people create abundance for all and work to their
individual and common good and the good of all life here and Gaia
herself. It's knowing that all people will know all the truth of what
has transpired here at last - no more denial - and that truth will set
them free, and that freedom will then become responsible co-creativity
of our collective, conscious world from our hearts in loving
cooperation with each other and the living conscious Universe. It's
knowing that it is a beginning rich with promise, truly a New Dawn for
humanity and this world.
Thanks for reading...
Dearest sister and ally Niara,
You have, in many of your posts, relayed details and personal memories of an alien abduction, but then you said this (from your forum post above):
"I was experiencing not only fear of emerging memories and speaking about my experiences, but deep anger and rage, and deep grief around them as well. Especially grief. I wondered how I could live with memories of such cold, calculated cruel abuse. Just to know that some human beings were capable of treating other human beings in such a way felt like a loss of innocence so profound as to be almost too much to live with..."
This may not even be necessary to understand, or even proper to ask, so I stand out on this ancient limb of mine to ask you, with much respect for your story, are we still talking about an alien abduction (in light of the quoted passage above) or earthly mistreatment from other humans, or both?
another interesting passage of yours that relates so well to several passages in the Law of One Ra sessions:
"Speaking now as an awakening Wanderer - an extraterrestrial soul who chose to incarnate as human - I feel strongly that I chose this life for multiple purposes for my soul's growth. I've been associated with this planet for eons as time passes here, memories of coming here from Lyra and settling on Lemuria to seed and colonize this planet strong within
me. During my earthwalk here, first as a Lyran, then incarnating as human to experience more fully this world and its peoples' evolution, I picked up karma, which choosing this particular present life, with all its challenges, has helped to clear for the coming ascension, or humanity's first-stage enlightenment that will help as many as possible move into another energetic octave of spiritual evolution and experience."
Here is some contextual passages from the Law of One Ra sessions concerning Lemuria:
Law of One Search Results for “Lemuria”
2 results found.
10.14 Questioner: I was wondering about the advent of the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria, when these civilizations occurred, and where did they come from?
Ra: I am Ra. This is the last question of this working. The civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria were not one but two. Let us look first at the Mu entities.
were beings of a somewhat primitive nature, but those who had very
advanced spiritual distortions. The civilization was part of this
cycle, experienced early within the cycle at a time of approximately
53,000 of your years ago. It was an helpful and harmless place which
was washed beneath the ocean during a readjustment of your sphere’s
tectonic plates through no action of their own. They sent out those who
survived and reached many places in what you call Russia, North
America, and South America. The Indians of whom you come to feel some
sympathy in your social complex distortions are the descendants of
these entities. Like the other incarnates of this cycle, they came from
elsewhere. However, these particular entities were largely from a
second-density planet which had some difficulty, due to the age of its
sun, in achieving third-density life conditions. This planet was from
the galaxy Deneb.
The Atlantean race was a very conglomerate
social complex which began to form approximately 31,000 years in the
past of your space/time continuum illusion. It was a slow growing and
very agrarian one until approximately 15,000 of your years ago. It
reached quickly a high technological understanding which caused it to
be able to use intelligent infinity in an informative manner. We may
add that they used intelligent energy as well, manipulating greatly the
natural influxes of the indigo or pineal ray from divine or infinite
energy. Thus, they were able to create life forms. This they began to
do instead of healing and perfecting their own mind/body/spirit
complexes, turning their distortions towards what you may call negative.
11,000 of your years ago, the first of the, what you call, wars, caused
approximately forty percent of this population to leave the density by
means of disintegration of the body. The second and most devastating of
the conflicts occurred approximately 10,821 years in the past according
to your illusion. This created an earth-changing configuration and the
large part of Atlantis was no more, having been inundated. Three of the
positively-oriented of the Atlantean groups left this geographical
locus before that devastation, placing themselves in the mountain areas
of what you call Tibet, what you call Peru, and what you call Turkey.
Do you have any brief questions before we close this meeting?
Category: Earth History: Atlantis, Earth History: Lemuria
21.18 Questioner: Thank you very much. I apologize in being so stupid in stating my questions but this has cleared up my understanding nicely.
Then in the second 25,000 year major cycle was there any great civilization that developed?
Ra: I am Ra. In the sense of greatness of
technology there were no great societies during this cycle. There was
some advancement among those of Deneb who had chosen to incarnate as a
body in what you would call China.
There were appropriately
positive steps in activating the green-ray energy complex in many
portions of your planetary sphere including the Americas, the continent
which you call Africa, the island which you call Australia, and that
which you know as India, as well as various scattered peoples.
None of these became what you would name great as the greatness of Lemuria or Atlantis is known to you due to the formation of strong social
complexes and in the case of Atlantis, very great technological
However, in the South American area of your
planetary sphere as you know it, there grew to be a great vibratory
distortion towards love. These entities were harvestable at the end of
the second major cycle without ever having formed strong social or
technological complexes.
Love/Light, Chris
HI Chris,
In the paragraph you quoted above, I was talking about milab-type experiences that happened to me while in the air force. I did have Greys and Zetas abducting me too, from early childhood through my young fertile adult years. While those experiences were strange, clinical and disturbing at times, they treated me with TLC compared to what I experienced during the military. I'd write about it and post it on the Portal here, but I'm kind of saving up that batch of writing for my book, as I'll be making one supreme effort to document my story in as much detail as I can for the book, then I hope never to tell the story again. I'm also still in the DVD project for the same... and I hope the initial footage for that will soon be done and I can offer that as well.
I've been reading the Ra Material, book one and am most of the way through it. It's fascinating to read material that so closely touches on past life memories for me. This is not the first place I've found that connection... I connect strongly with the material in Prism of Lyra, by Lyssa Royal as well.. I have Law of One Book two ready to start as soon as I'm done with one. I also recently read Edgar Cayce on Atlantis and that was quite informative as well. Much in the Ra Material parallels what Cayce transmitted.
Warmly, and breathing Love with you,
"Love is all there is."
This confirms what I suspected, that you were talking about both types of experiences in your forum post above. It is not surprising in the least that the Greys treated you better than your own species. Have you ever listened to Kay Griggs' story concerning the military at the level of the generals???
I take this opportunity to fully immerse you in the Love and the Light of the One Infinite Creator! Adonai...
Love/Light, Chris
Here is an email I sent to Blossom via [email protected]
A note of encouragement for Blossom (could you please forward to her in
her hour of need of such encouragment???)
Dearest Sister Blossom,
I so so feel for your longing to know what happened, to know what to
think about all of this. I would not too quickly give up on the initial
intent of the October 14th core message, regardless of the arbitrary
date that seems to have been missed. I have a very strong feeling that
we all (so many of us longing for the joy of that long-awaited reunion
with our intergalactic kin and allies) have been taught a very good and
very constructive essential lesson about self response-ability, free
will, and the very strong inclination of unbalanced irresponsible
infatuation with "sensational specifics" at the expense of integrating
to the root of mind the more eternal, "intelligent infinity" aspects of
the prime/core intent of such an arrival that was "tentatively"
scheduled for October 14th contingent (I believe) on some
possible/probable "false flag" pretext-to-martial-law event that would
then be quickly derailed by such a magnificent display such as an
extremely large craft positioned in the southern hemisphere for three
days would have been. We did not get such a destabilizing false flag
event (yet) that the Confederation/Council of Nine/Council of Saturn may
still very much be prepared to counter at some near-future time, should
it come to that.
You may be hurting right now and left feeling a bit betrayed somehow,
but I urge you and encourage you to calmly take heart and remember the
prime/core intent of such an arrival and to remember that such an event
is still very much contingent on conditions on the ground, so to speak.
I have, still, a very strong sense of the Now that invariably includes
such an event as that which was thought to be coming on October 14th,
but any good/experienced planner considering ALL contingencies would
never allow an arbitrary date to be the prime factor/consideration for
scheduling, but would be saving such constructive sensation for the most
perfect time/moment (in response to) and remember, we live in a world of
holographic illusion in 3rd density physical matter (inverted/folded
light) that carries with it an endless number of possibility/probability
vortices, always spinning in constant potentiation, just waiting for
strong individual or collective intent to activate any number of these
infinite number of potentials, and the Guardians of this 3rd density
planet and the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow and Brotherhood/Sisterhood
of Light are ALWAYS right there doing all that is possible/allowed right
now while honoring the law of free will and confusion in this 3rd
density illusion that is the beginning of self-awareness in this endless
spiritual evolution.
As you ponder all that is happening, please remember that you were never
not safe and whole, but this construct of illusion immersed in a balance
of positive and negative polarity provides for very strong temptations
to be quite confused and believe otherwise at "times". Please remember
the True Natural and Constant Eternal state of your Being, as
co-Creator, literally extension of Creator as all things are in all of
Creation, One with Creation, stemming from one single thought, in one
eternal single timeless moment that includes a growth medium construct
of many-ness and space/time. Don't lose your place just because the
strong dream seems so very real, especially now when you are so sorely
tempted to believe you have been mislead/misguided somehow. You have
been guided to understand the folly of predicting specific times and
dates. It has almost always been a mistake to tie prophecy to specific
dates due to the ongoing law of free will and the non-static variables
that are so very inherent in an infinite quantum sea of potentiation
ever ready to respond at any time to individual and/or collective
Conscious intent and change of intent.
I just watched the latest from Zeitgeist, which is "Zeitgeist:
Addendum". It is a very well put together collection of all that I have
learned lately, including an erudite and complete description of the
despotic capitalistic monetary system based on debt, a section with John
Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hitman", and a
wonderfully inspiring portion featuring the creators of the Venus
Project, an amazing look at a very sustainable resource-based world
economy and community that has no money or attachment to wealth, so
generations begin to grow up completely innocent of the knowledge of
crime and fear, and fear of loss. No taxes, no paying for anything,
technology so freeing up humanity that creativity flourishes and
spiritual evolution begins to be as efficient as it was always intended
to be, or had the potential to be anyway. Jacque from the Venus
Project, co-founder, architect and social engineer, calls it "Weapons of
Mass Creation". The reason I bring this up, other than the obvious
reason of plugging a documentary that everyone should be taking a look
at right now, is because in the last few minutes of the documentary it
ends by dramatizing people stopping, dropping their brief cases and
personal items, and they begin to look around at the matrix that has
them so mezmerized, and there is a spontaneous collective revolution of
Consciousness that is dramatized at the very end by many lights shining
from the surface of the earth. I truly believe, with all my heart, that
that is exactly what our ascended kin Beings of Light would see if there
were such a mass awakening. We live continually with the very present
potential for this and it will ultimately happen, much like the color
and frequency of a photon that evolves in cumbersome fashion through
about 49% of the color/frequency change and the speeds up a bit, and
then, upon reaching 51%, goes into hyperspeed quantum shift toward
ascending level of frequency/Light/Color change. This is the nature of
things and we are hardly any different, and we are experiencing the
birth pangs right now of such an ascension harvest.
Please stay on track and waste no more time based on feeling stood up
and abandoned on October 14. You don't realize it right now, but the
consequences of having it all go down according to your message may very
well have been the worst thing that could have happened to you
personally. Those we so look forward to meeting some day soon have a
much better vantage point than we and we do well to trust that they have
considered every contingency so as to not repeat past mistakes and
create a stumbling block instead of the intended assist. We have plenty
to do in personal preparation for Being the very thing we want on this
planet. We do not need to project times and dates. We need to address
the more eternal aspects of our spiritual development that would prepare
us for properly welcoming such an event of this magnitude. We are not
waiting for them - they are already here! They are waiting for us!!!
That is the real lesson of October 14th, 2008.....
Chris Bowers
Liberty Lake, WA
P.S. Have you ever read the Law of One - The Ra Sessions???
This work is the best facilitator of deep integration of the
understanding of infinity and Unity that I have ever come across. There
are many sources for integration of the Law of One, including just being
able to listen closely to Nature, but this is a wonderful and amazing
look from the vantage point of a social memory complex 6th density
entity that calmly shares, absent of sensationalism, with complete
regard/respect for the law of free will. It has single-handedly
transformed my understanding of everything and tied it all together in
Unity that is utterly unassailable and safe, regardless of all the
catalyst 3rd density existence entails.... Let me know if you need PDF
copies of the 5 books which feature the 106 sessions conducted in 1981
by those at LLResearch.org
Since I have been following Blossom I noticed this message from yesterday and am copying it here.
MessageUpdate Blossom Goodchild
First contact since the 14th,
1.Hello .. Not sure what to say, much talk and differences as to what
happened . or didn't. Need you to know, I for one, still LOVE you .handy to
have an explanation straight from the horse's mouth though.
We are with you in our splendour and Light. We do not expect you to
understand for we had said in honour that we would do what we would do and
then to great disappointment we did not uphold that honour. That is how it
is seen through human eyes is it not?
Some eyes maybe . I just can't help but KNOW you are of TRUTH although many
are saying I have been deceived by the darkness. I have searched my soul and
cannot go along with that, for immediately now I am back with you I feel the
deep LOVE for you and my body is tingling with Truth.
We are most concerned for your well being dearest lady. We are aware of the
enormous responsibility that has been placed on your shoulders. Yet, do you
think we would have given you this position if we thought you could not
uphold your spirit and your LIGHT?
Not really sure what that position is right now.
You are the one who has brought forth the understanding of what is to come.
You listened to your soul and you listened to your reasoning. You heard from
this that we are here and that this is just the beginning, just the way
things should be.
I don't feel any anger towards you. However I would like clarification, (and
so would a few other million folks just quietly!). What exactly was the
reason for the 'no show'. big breath . over to you .
We are here; most of you can feel this in your being. It was proposed that
we remain unseen due to the upheaval we would cause on your plane. There was
much distrust from those who have been deeply influenced by those who remain
in the dark on your planet and the decision was made to abort the actual
appearance for the safety of your race.
(I was interrupted and not able to resume until a day later . i.e. now!)
With all respect, you said you had everything covered. You must have known
of this, so why was your last message as it was, so positive you were
coming, just two days before.
If we had said two days before that we were calling it off, what would you
have done?
Freaked out big time!!!!!!!! !!!!
Blossom, All is appropriately placed in the big scheme of things. Look how
your world has become more aware of themselves. This can only be seen as
successful in that respect. Is it not so that many hundreds of sightings
have been captured upon your camera lenses? Is it not so that in your great
cities we are showing to you LIGHTS in the sky that souls of your earth will
not accept deceivances as an explanation? If our message had not been sent
out by you, would your world be viewing these phenomena as they are? We have
succeeded dear one. We have succeeded. And it is not over yet ...
Here we go again. I think that's why I was shying away from contacting you
because I had a feeling you might be calling me up for duty and I thought
I had taken leave for a bit!
As we stated ... Expect the unexpected. In the fullness of time our words
shall be accepted as Truth. There shall be no option.
Many of you can feel the LOVE we are sending as we said we would. Your
planet is waking up to Truths not only within themselves but within the
atrocities of hidden agendas that have been controlling your planet for too
long. See how brave you souls of earth can be when you walk in your LIGHT.
This is the way forward. We said it is the beginning. We shall be True to
our words. We shall not abort this mission. Yet we shall take into
consideration above all, the safety of our LOVED ONES , which is you and the
planet and all LIVING things there in. Do you not think we could 'sense'
your pain and the pain of many? Do you think we sat up here on our pedestal
and laughed? Indeed we suffered to feel the disappointment we had caused.
Yet . we ask those of you who are able to understand from the deepest place
within, that everything is perfect. We have no other way of expressing
through words .
May I say . I actually don't have a problem with all of this as you know.
Once my ego excused itself and left I could just feel the extreme LOVE that
was being sent and I had the privilege of being sent consumous amounts of
Light Love, courage and understanding by thousands. Many were not as blessed
as me in that respect. What would you say to them? Many are asking for your
take on it all. Is there more you would wish to express?
Indeed. Each soul in their individual form is experiencing the growth
within their soul in one form or another., Each soul is having to decipher
for themselves what all of this meant to them. What outcome could be better
than the soul searching within each one that is taking place?
Do you see? Do you feel this awakening? We assure you in LOVE it is
happening. Be of the DIVINEST LOVE dear ones of earth. Even those who have
convinced their souls that we are not even figments of their imagination,
shall in coming days find their confusion turn into understanding.
With respect, not for me, but for the many who shall read this . that's what
we thought was going to be accomplished on 14th OCT!!
The message has served its purpose. Far more effectively than you can
I had said to you before the 'non event', that no excuse would do. Not for
the world s sake or indeed mine, because this thing had become so big that
it would simply make everyone lose faith AGAIN. I guess you don't seem to be
making an excuse. Pretty relieved about that. Many are saying that I knew on
another level of myself that this is how it was going to be. Clearly, not on
the human level. I doubt any human in their right mind would agree to doing
what I did if they knew you weren't going to show up!!! And . yep . I can
accept that. I have bounced right back because of my knowing of LOVE and all
it stands for. ALL IS AS SHOULD BE. I KNOW THAT. And that's why I don't
really need an answer but I understand that many do.
It is time for us to close now. We are aware of pressures upon you on your
captive time values regarding matters you must attend to. Yet we should ask
if we may continue our communication when it is appropriate?
Are you asking me to continue on a weekly basis?
No. but on a regular one.
Would that not be weekly then??
If that suits.
Could you send me a secretary then?
Would you rely on her to turn up on time?
Classic! Love it. Truly I have no concerns about the whole affair. I feel
fantastic . because of the Love that is already on this planet and due to
your no show, it has allowed us to show each other who we TRULY are. Nice
plan guys. Nice plan. And I KNOW when we are ready ,not just a few of us, .
but the majority of us. you shall reveal yourselves in the manner that we
were all trying to imagine.
Blossom . take time to replenish your soul's energy. As indeed each one
should. For those of you that KNOW we are here with you, allow us to enter
your hearts. For those of you who are unsure as to whether we are here with
you . allow us to enter your hearts. For those of you who choose to deny we
are here with you . let yourself and the LOVE that you are enter your heart.
You certainly are not in need of 'us' to figure out that!
Ok. That's that then! Phew. I just can't help but LOVE you guys. I just can't
help it! Many thanks as always. Nothing has changed. Except everything!! In
Love and Thanks.
Thanks! I saw this message from Blossom on 10-14-08 Blogspot, I'm glad you posted it here too.
I think that contact with spiritually evolved ETs must be soon now, I've been saying within 3 to 9 months. I know they are waiting, picking their moment.
Some people who barely have considered the ET enigma that I've talked to have said they don't want interference on Earth by 'outsiders'. This person is also not aware of the Illuminati, doesn't really accept that there is a shadow government to the extent that there is, nor does he have all the education or facts about the government's cover up of this whole issue.
But this is part of what has launched me on my mission - to educate as many people as I can about the 'whole enchilada'. I can't help but think that if they know the truth that they would welcome the spiritually evolved ETs as a way of ending the cover-up that has harmed our planet in many ways over many years. So I take every bit of credible material and testimony out there, present it and do my best to get people to take the leap to knowing that this is very, very real. Then I pave the way for the next leap, knowing that there are those out there who want our highighest and best good... and they should be welcomed. The more people who know the truth about this all, or at the very least a significant part of it, the more the consensus reality can shift around the issue of ETs. It is so very vital that they do show up soon. And I believe they will.
"Love is all there is."