I have had several enjoyable conversations with TT members using Skype. It occurred to me that if most of us got this free software, and some of us had cameras too, we could do a lot of effective linking one on one which could then be shared with the online community. http://www.skype.com/getconnected/
I have been at most of the Saturday chats. Fortunately there have been only one or two others there at the same time. I say "fortunately" because the chat room seems like it could turn into a large cocktail party type event where you have to pick out the conversation you are following over the roar of the crowd.
I was introduced to Skype by officers of a group for which I am on the board of directors. They couldn't afford to fly me to Colorado, so we linked by video camera. Then at one of the TT chats, Bodhi walked me through learning to place my own calls. It was great fun.
I am thinking that besides just getting to know each other, Skype could let us share our services. For instance Marian could coach EMT one on one. I could coach writing. Anyone who does spiritual direction or metaphysical work could offer support.
With Skype it is possible to have up to 25 people on audio call at the same time. That would be a lot too much for me. With a video camera you can do only one other person on screen, but others can join by audio.
So Skyping anyone???
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...if I can keep my computer working. I've been having problems with it for so long, I've been afraid to download any new software. Right now, it's doing fine after my impromptu overhaul this AM. If it stays up, I'll try it. I'd love to get to know my new friends more directly.
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Dear Neighbors,
I am getting more comfortable with computer. Old unit died,new one has camera,speed,better sound and screen that is much easier on my eyes. I am not bragging....just refreshing this post to share the link magical godmother provided. All I know about skype is name! Did not know that is was also audio only. I do not type ,but boy can I talk!
It is almost a year since I started this thread. I still have only one person--my daughter--with whom I communicate regularly through audio-video. We use the Mac iChat program. Since I have been doing EFT practice I keep thinking it would be even better than it is if my clients and I could hook up visually. As it is I do my coaching by telephone or face to face. (I volunteer EFT coaching at a homeless shelter twice a week.)
I did another posting on TT asking about YouTube connections. http://portal.transformationteam.net/blogs/4714
No one picked up on that thread either.
I can't believe that I, in my seventieth year, am really the most technologically adventuresome person on the Transformation Team. Perhaps some of the younger folks, the "digital natives" born after 1980 who are on this list and comfortable with things like Second Life and Facebook, might chime in with suggestions on how we might give ourselves a little communication boost using cutting edge technologies.