Lefty-Dave is Back on line !!!

Greetings TT members

  My computer crashed in Feb...took  this long to save up and buy a laptop...which  isn't as user friendly as my desktop was...huntanpeck....!!! 

I'm catching up on what's been going on here...looks like all is well, and we'll have a new site soon....

As for news...well...we all see that not much has changed...except the names....the rape of America continues...the traitors who attacked America on 9/11 will not be investigated, will not be brought to trial, nor the anthrax perpetraitors, everything is as it was..only with new faces !!

I missed the TT and now days it's the only place I go to interact....so stay in touch....

finished recording my next album ,and am working on the art and credits...and trying to save up the $1000 it costs to press a thousand of them.  I will put them on my website for all to hear free but my webmaster says I must seek compensation for these songs....oh well....we'll see !!Blessings to all....

Lefty-Dave        www.leftydave.com (link is external)    

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ChrisBowers's picture

I see you are still quite pained by what you see happening geopolitically in this presently insane paradigm.  Here is a few links that I hope can help you feel better about the, quite possibly, the natural and unstoppable transcending that may be taking place as we speak (or type, LOL).  Did you know that the Zeitgeist Movement and series of documentaries is an extension of The Venus Project???  That I found to be very good news!!!!

The Zeitgeist Movement: Orientation Presentation (link is external)

And then Drunvalo M. gets in to some info coming from the Indigenous cultures of the earth, especially the Mayans (who are in the process of producing an authorized account, in the form of a book, of all that is happening from the vantage point of their understanding due to be released soon, something they have not done in over 400 years).  If what you hear in Drunvalo's "Something Beautiful" series is true, there is no form of despotic organization that can survive the evolving process that a very Conscious, Loving and Wise Mother Gaia, and our whole solar system and this galaxy for that matter, is in the process of conducting like some bulldozer math equation, LOL...  No matter how delusionally drunk mankind gets with sense of power, these higher orders that support life have a say in this process, and have free will just like we do...  Anyway, I hope this helps a little....

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - Something beautiful (1/4) (link is external)

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - Something beautiful (2/4) (link is external)

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - Something beautiful (3/4) (link is external)

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - Something beautiful (4/4) (link is external)

and then a wonderful description of how we must journey to our "lower Self", our subconscious "collective" connection to Mother Earth's collective subconsciousness, before journeying toward our higher Self.  Wonderful method featured having to do with nature, and more specifically, trees....

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Higher Self p1 (link is external)

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Higher Self p2 (link is external)

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Higher Self p3 (link is external)

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Higher Self p4 (link is external)

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Higher Self p5 (link is external)

lefty-dave's picture

www.leftydave.com (link is external)


  Yes, that's a good idea farmgirl, and I thank you for it...I'll put that on my web page and see if it works...


And Chris, I do have angst...!!  But I've gone past the point of caring...just find it lamentable that the sheep just stand there, while they are being fleeced !!

The Zeitgeist movie is real profound...I'm sharing it with a few folks who might get it...in hopes that they do get it..before they lose everything....


also, wanted to bring to your attention the song on my STATES OF MIND album   www.leftydave.com (link is external)   called MAGIC IN THE AIR   as I was listening to Drunvalo use the same terminology in the third interview....

not that I'm all that smart....but I do get lucky sometimes..and get it right...I've always said whoever or whatever gives me the ideas behind my tunes...I generally don't attribute them to ME!!  Sometimes I actually TRY to write...but usually the ideas  just come to me..all I have to do is rhyme and structure them....neat, huh?


Thanks again for the links...they'll keep me busy this morning !!!

ChrisBowers's picture

Went to your website and listened to "Magic in the Air".  Beautiful and appropriate for these times!!!

Made me think of James Twyman who goes around the world doing Peace Concerts in the most war torn areas.  they nicknamed him Peace Troubadour.  I still see the things you are talking about, but seeing them has got me nowhere but literally sick and fed up, so I am trying the approach of looking past all that temporal insanity so that I no longer add energy to the collective entrenched illusion that keeps the collective "us" here on earth repeating history.  Desperate times call for desperate measures, LOL

Love/Light and Peace with no opposite, Chris

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lefty-dave's picture

www.leftydave.com (link is external)


That makes sense to me...I might give that idea a try...




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