I thought this was an interesting article regarding Obama's intentions for transparency within the government, so to speak.
I thought this was an interesting article regarding Obama's intentions for transparency within the government, so to speak.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
Check this link out from Spirit of Ma'at, more specifically, from Drunvalo who was kind enough to have it typed up and place on the site after mysteriously receiving a copy of the book (just found it one day on his desk, out of NowHere) that had become virtually impossible to find anywhere at the time. Apart from Disclosure, The Day After Roswell and Secrets of the UFO, it is very likely the best, most comprehensive and purely authoritative/authentic book available on the subject (although the military's "take" on said subject must always be questioned...).
UFO Report - Table of Contents
I am in the process of making PDF's of it for my C-drive library....
Related to the main topic of this thread, I got an interesting news article from Exopolitics.com today regarding a reverse speech analysis of Pres. Obamas inaugural address. It seems that there was strong indications that there is a probability of some sort of disclosure, mass sighting/landing, or some other ET-UFO occurance during his first term. Here is the link to the article. BTW, this guy Webre is very aware of the 2012-global consciousness-shift.
With Light and Love brightening the dark side
Thought I recognized that name. Have him on a few DVD's when he was helping out in the 9-11 Truth movement. One of the very informed. Thanks for posting Berry!
p.s. this brings up another very interesting and pertinent subject, the very real possibility of another false flag event where the more hidden military industrial complex uses some of the already developed technology that would easily fool people into believing that they were being threatened by less than cordial ET factions. There are certain individuals like Marshall Vian Summers pushing the "Allies of Humanity" story and agenda, and others like Linda Moulten Howe and Whitley Schreiber (author of Communion and The Nye Incident) that warn of more nefarious intentions from ET's/UFO's.
the probability of confusion is high, to say the least, in the UFO studying community. I plan to disregard anything that appears to be telling any story but love and transformation into this newly evolving paradigm that the indigenous peoples of this planet are talking about....
Check out the video at Dailymotion - UFO Truth Clifford Stone & Robert Dean
Also google, "Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean" for a more extended version of BD's amazing testimony...
I would link here, but keep getting a message about needing to disable popup blocker in regard to this site... Has anyone else gotten that message when trying to copy/paste links into body of post??? Anyone know the remedy???
I don't get a popup blocker message but I do get a request to allow the site to access my clipboard which is new and strange. I just say yes and it allows me to paste the link into the post.