I wanted to share this with all of you, as it is the first time that I have had this experience.
My experience last night during my Reiki/Reiju session was a whole new one for me. As I may have mentioned on previous post I spend special time each Monday night in an extended session of Reiki/Reiju. I always start out with Hatsurei-ho ( an exercise to center and visualize Divine Light going out to the world and the universe) then proceed to Reiju (an attunement exercise) and then do my Reiki process. Monday night while I was working through the Hatsurei ho I found myself opening up so completely to Ki (Prana) and having focused on balancing the chakras that I found myself experiencing kundalini rising up through the chakras and channels. Spiraling coils of color and energy, heat and light, and an awesome sense of wonder overcame my senses. I don't know for sure how long this lasted but I wasn't rushing it for sure, just let it be what it was going to be. I finally settled into a much hightened state of consciousness and resumed my practice but with so much more energy and flow than usual. I was able to visualize Ki moving and filling those I was sending to and and felt such a complete sense of the connectedness of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Oneness with all that is).
When I have read of people experiencing Kundalini it has always seemed a mystery to me. I now can appreciate the ecstacy and sense of enlightenment, if only for a short time, that comes with this experience.
Hi Berry,
It sounds magical!
Love, Andrey.
Thank you so much for sharing that!!!! Gives the rest of me hope from someone more intimate with my circle of influence, more familiar. I have had glimpses, and this gives me reason to remain more constantly sincere, in a more disciplined practice of setting aside all other distractions and just BE. I know that Prana energy is running through us all the time by nature, and all I need do is raise the bar on my sincerity and frequency of appreciation for the things that are already ours.
Thank you for giving me enthusiastic and inspirational hope for greater appreciation and understanding. The cat is definitely out of the bag for you dear brother!!!! Once intimately known via experience, the heart/mind knows and wants more!!!!
Cool new pic Andrey!!! By the way Andrey, I get a message about a pop-up blocker needing to be disabled when I try to paste anything into the body of a post on this new portal. Do you know what the remedy is for that "pop-up blocker" message???
Love/Light and Peace/Prana, Chris
When we are doing healing work-
the practicioner is just a facilitator for energy to move through, not the "Healer"
to be good facilitators, we empty ourselves and we 'become as hollow bones'
as we become more and more conscious of Spirit manifesting through physical form a sense of the sacred becomes a way of life, not something we call up only while doing healing work
Ancestral healing is the understanding that ALL is connected and all is related, just as we think in a 'holistic' way-we are also connected to those past issues, memories, familial or hereditary belief systems etc (often they are the ones most difficult to overcome until we understand this!)
the purpose of ceremony and ritual is is to bring both parties to the 'point of power' where alignment with Spirit takes place and healing happens.
My comment to Berry's original post is how important that 'becoming as hollow bones' is to what he's speaking of. (and what i believe occurs to allow the increase in kundalini) To empty ourselves of our own physicality so thoroughly that we are allowing that movement of energy is a tremendous experience. I have had similiar experience on a couple of occasions.
The first was during a breathwork meditation with 5 other women, several of us had 'breakthrough' sorts of experiences that evening, and some really old issues that had not been able to be released were healed. (I should have grounded a bit more after, I didn't realize how 'out there' I remained. It took me twice as long to find my way home as it should have! lol)
The second, was while working with Peruvian singing bowls, something I have only experienced once but am grateful for the opportunity. The swirling colors, shifting of consciousness and the expansiveness of the experience are hard to describe. There were four of us working with them (I believe seven is the optimal number) but the accompaniment from the realm of Spirit was tremendous. We were surrounded by a roomful of loving energies, Masters and guides - I will never forget the experience.
When you are open and energy is moving through you like Berry is describing here, there really aren't adequate words for it are there?! Blessings as you do the work Berry. Love, kristyne
Thanks for sharing that awesome experience, Berry! What a joy when we step out of the way and allow the love of the universe to flow through! I've had two full-on kundalini rising experiences, both when I was 40 years old back in 1998. They lasted weeks and forced me to face my deepest demons, yet I came out beaming love in most amazing ways. Thanks for your commitment to being the love, Berry.
With universal love flowing,
Hey Chris,
I'll take a look at the popup blocker thing, but you can just click "options" and "allow" for now.