Here is an article I ran across which is very perceptive and worth our consideration. Very insightful.
War is a false concept and mock identity in the natural order of the universe and in the natural order of the human species. We are all interconnected, gloriously and inescapably entangled as quantum physicists now explain and yogis have always taught, serving intricate functions, whether consciously or mostly unconsciously, in a cohesive and harmonious multidimensional construct that is vital and alive. Human beings, as Nature, maintain effortlessly a natural balance in which all elements serve and are guided by the whole. Our value is in 'us' and diminished when thought in terms of merely 'I'. Therefore, the very foundation and premise of war, a violent conflict between illusionary divisions in the 'we' that is all is not even possible in this natural order. Frictions and disagreements are possible, but not war. In fact the very idea is absurd to humanity and to human evolution. So how can our current situation of reality be explained if this cohesive unity is a fact of our very being?
co-operation shall be the key factor, or should I say, result of the raising of vibration and awareness on this very dense planet. we shall shift from worship to co-operation so naturally in the process of this raising of vibration and Self discovery of our Co-creative inherent nature.
I look forward to a time on this planet when children will not know what you are talking about when the history of war is mentioned, and will wonder how it was ever possible for people to co-operate with such intentional insanity....