The ABCs of Life and Love
By Courtney A. Walsh
By Courtney A. Walsh
A-ccept that life will always have its ups and downs...learn to surf the waves of joy and disappointment gracefully and gratefully.
B-E the person you were meant to be...not the one others think you SHOULD be.
C-ompassion is love in action.
D-evelop relationships that nurture and support your dreams.
E-nlightenment is not the only goal of earthly life. Don't spend so much time navelgazing or trailblazing that you forget to do the dishes.
F-riendship is best served warm.
G-race is a state of knowing that you don't/won't/can't always know the answers to certain mysteries...and being ok with that.
H-ealing comes from within. It is a powerful, yet subtle, process that takes time and patience.
I-nvite your soul to dance with peace and to keep on dancing.
J-udgment is a waste of time, energy and vital lifeforce.
K-eep one foot on earth and one foot in the celestial realm. Travel back and forth through the bridge in your heart.
L-ove is not just a nice little happy, light, fluffy word or an elusive eternal concept. It is a way of life.
M-agnify success by accepting that there are no mistakes, failures or wrong turns, only lessons, gifts and challenges.
N-ever say never. (Ooops.)
O-neness means that the kid with flies crawling on him and the rich man in the private jet are made of the same source energy at their core.
P-eople are always more important than things.
Q-uiet hearts make thundering impressions.
R-eality is the greatest lie ever told.
S-tay until the last word on the last page of your story.
T-ruth is the second biggest lie ever told.
U-nlimited is what you are. Deal with it.
V-illains and heroes live inside us all. The choice to don the cape or twirl the mustache is alway up to us.
W-e are all wanting to be seen, heard, known, felt, cherished, appreciated, whole, vibrant, healthy, LOVED. And that's not just an ego is a deep soul yearning that keeps us returning to play the game again and again.
X-amine creative spelling techniques when you are stuck.
Z-ealots and harlots have a lot in common. They will both sell their soul to the highest bidder who promises the most rewards. And? They both deserve love and respect anyway.
Now I know my time won't you sing with me? Sing YOUR note into the onesong. The Uni-verse needs us all. Harmony comes from a wide range of notes all working together beautiFULLY.
In these heightened times, destiny and prophecy are whispering excitedly backstage. The orchestra is tuning, the house lights are dimming, the spotlights create cones of glowing suspense, the curtain is about to lift and NOW the show more dress rehearsals, no more memorizing scripts---feel the magic? Hear the applause? Take a bow. The new alphabet awaits.
Courtney A.Walsh is a Mental Wellness speaker and the author of "Lipstick and Thongs in the Loony Bin" and goes to high schools, colleges and treatment centers offering multimedia presentations on suicide prevention and mental and emotional empowerment. For more info please click: (link is external) *
somebody else 'gets' it..."Sing YOUR note into the onesong. The Uni-verse needs us all. Harmony comes from a wide range of notes all working together beautiFULLY"
and another simple thought for a tremendous day...
breathing sacred Love and dancing the Dance.....onesong! muawwwwhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
I like the O--- O-neness means that the kid with flies crawling on him and the rich man in the private jet are made of the same source energy at their core.
This is the best description of Oneness that I have seen in a long time. I have found that the concept of Oneness is the most challenging for the newly expanding to understand... how can we be one when we are "different" from each other they always ask. Now I have a much better descriptive definition. LOL
I would rather ride the Loony Bus than the short bus anyday.