I thought that there had been a post listed letting everyone know about the program on Syfy channel last Sunday night which featured Richard Hoagland, David Wilcock and a number of other researchers and scientist regarding the 2012 date. I don't seem to find it so I am hoping that you all got a chance to see it anyway.
Whatever the case, I found it interesting but disappointing as it didn't come out to be the positive expose which it was supposed to have been but rather a promotional film to promote the 2012 moving coming out this week.
David Wilcock spent two hours giving filmed interview and information in preparation for his film and was assured that he would have significant input into the final cut. NOT!
Here is the link to David's own live blog as he was watching this film. I think you will find it interesting if you saw the program and a guidance if you didn't and have an opportunity to see it for yourself in the near future. He was a very disappointed individual as the film put 5 cuts totalling less than a full minute out of the whole two your documentary.
The link:
Good post, I actually just finished reading Wilcock's blog and saw your post on here. I've been reading his "Shift of the Ages" e-book and so far have found it very enlightening.
Don't stop there. Read the other two as well. You will be very well informed on what is happening in our Cosmos. Glad you are following David's material Josh.