Can anyone find good statistics on healing/survival rates of cancer victims who use natural alternatives vs. allopathic methods? We get people at church constantly who have friends or relatives dying of cancer and I want to make an announcement at church, introducing a book I have that explains all the natural cures. I've read in many places that survival rates are about 90% for natural cures (perhaps higher) and about 50% for allopathic (that isn't a true statistic because they count the cancer cured if it doesn't come back for 5 years but it frequently does come back after more than 5 years). What I'd like is the direct link to the studies supporting these statistics - I did a short search on goggle but havn't found anything good yet.
Here's a good video about another natural cure that will most likely rarely be used because Big Pharm can't make a profit selling it:
I saw this recently:
Also i saw an inspiring documentary (by a teen!) called "The Beautiful Truth" about the doctor who was curing cancers with his particular veg diet -a Doctor Gerson, founder of the Gerson Institute. He was poisoned to death... I believe I rented it from NetFlix.-loved it!
I've known people personally who cured cancer with diet (raw, wheatgrass, macrobiotic, and other). Someone else cured himself by renting comedies and laughing himself well. But here are a couple of leads, the first of which I have no direct personal experience with (but I saw her video and it rings very true), and the second I and my community of folks have had experience with.
First, Lorraine Day MD's website is She cured herself of terminal cancer (a huge tumor) by using several means in concert. She has her detractors, as you will see if you put her in your search engine. But my sense is that she's honest and real. And she is a devout Chrisitian, which should sit well with your congregation. You can get her video online. I watched it and it made 100% sense to me.
The second lead is the Bruno Groening Cirlcle of Friends. I belong to a local group of this worldwide Circle; in fact, I'm the Community leader of the group. This is pure spiritual healing (non-denominational, non-religious), and I can tell you that it works. Is everyone cured? No, but many are. Healings are common. Groening said that if you're totally open to healing, it will occur. (Of course, everyone has to die sometime of something, but many die much sooner than they have to.) I recommend that you look over the website thoroughly and see if you resonate with it. Here's the web address: . Read the stories of healings and the story of Groening's life. I especially recommend viewing the two trailers to the film (click on "film"), which is a 5 & 1/2 hour documentary (with a few dramatized parts). If you and/or anyone in your community is interested in following this route to healing (and help of any kind), you can initiate that through the website. I can also connect you.
Take care,
Hi All-
I was in a rush when I first posted this and should have plugged the book Cancer Step Outside the Box, which goes through the various natural cures out there and which ones work best for each type of cancer. It even has lists of recommended clinics. I've had a little experience myself - I never was diagnosed with cancer but did have a lump that the dortor determined was benign. While waiting for the results I took laetril (vitamin B17) and can at least attest that the government's claims that it is poisonous are false. has a lot of info. also but I'm still looking for a primary source, hopefully a study published in a medical journal about cancer survival rates. I think this is the kind of information that will best convince people that the orthodox medical establishment is broken and they need to turn elsewhere for help. Here's a link to Ty Bollinger's website.
I think everyone should have a copy of a book like this to be ready for the seemingly inevitable day when a friend or family member says they just got diagnosed with cancer. My 21 year old sister suffered horribly before dying from chemo and radiation treatments. I wish people would realize that the medical/pharmaceutical/health insurance complex has used fear of cancer the same way the military/industrial complex is using the war on terror. Our homeopathic vet has cured several dogs of cancer - I no longer fear it like I once did, now that I'm empowered with all this natural cure information. Thanks for all your info.
a simple thing I have added to my regimen is Himalayan salt in the form of sole' (so-lay), a naturally-occuring 26% salt solution from putting Himalayan salt crystals in the bottom of a glass container and adding distilled water or very clean spring water, and then adding 4 to 5 ml of the 26% sole solution to a 750 ml glass bottle of distilled water or very clean spring water for initial morning hydration followed by more good water thoughout the day.
Cancer very rarely forms in a perfect ph body, 7.3 - 8 ph. Would be interesting to see if there are any definitive corollary studies done with cancer victim statistics to see what the average body ph was during the time they developed cancer... The neat thing about Himalayan salt is the trace mineral content of the salt that mimics the trace mineral content of our bodies, not to mention the crystalline nature and pristine condition of this 250 million year old salt buried deep below the Himalayan mountain range.
This salt never loses its crystalline form, even after being dissolved. I have shown my red laser light through the sole' in the dark and the light beam hits the crystalline form in the dissolved salt and sparkles... also clears the body of heavy metals.... the ph adjustment thing is such an easy thing we can do to protect against the cancer cells within all of us finding an unruley outlet and outbreak in our bodies. I get mine from san francisco bath salt company (San Francisco Bath Salts Company | The Authority on Bath Salts). just go to Himalayan Salts under "Featured Products" in left column of home page for food grade salt. At $2.30/lb. for 25 pounds and $2.00/lb. for 100 pounds, it is the best price on the internet for authentic pink Himalayan salt....