Greetings to all,
Today marks the fifth day, yes, 5 days (and nights) with no chemtrails over central Florida....
we've had nearly a week of beautiful blue skies, and the occasional raincloud, but hey.....
it's the longest stretch of pure skies in 10 years , so it's a big deal to me....
Was hoping some of you ( who know what I'm talking about ) would comment about your areas...
Question : when you go outside and look up, do you see airplane exhaust trails criss crossing your skies and lasting for hours?
Blessings to all
Hi Dave,
I can't really say about this area, we have had rain, rain, rain, considering this is Ontario and we should be having snow, snow, snow, I would say we are having our own anomaly lol..We are supposed to have sun all next week so I will make it a point to be aware of the chemtrail situation.
Thank you so much for sharing your observation.
Hey Dave!
I live in NJ about 23 miles from NYC and our skies are always filled with chem trails at many different altitudes. Some of them do seem to last for a long time even on windy days.
Ours have been a bit less lately too. Maybe the Air Force has a full plate with Haiti lately? What always caught my attention is how fast they are moving at that altitude. Ours spread, stay like that for quite a while, and then turn to a dull haze, like a light smog, but have been less frequent lately...
Hey there Dave,
I saw your post on RMN and wanted to reply but no means to do so. When we are having clear skies, few and far between this winter, we have days with a lot of chemtrails and then some with none. But I have noticed them more frequently in the last month. One day I saw three different plains at very high altitude spreading them out in a triangular pattern, then later in the day it was repeated.
Hey Dave,
I was just reading some comments on a site related to climategate,
Mad Scientists Want To Simulate Volcanoes To Block Sun
and saw this comment.....
Makes me wonder about the purpose of chemtrails. In south metro Atlanta, we have been blanketed with them for two or three days straight, day and night......
It was typed on the 28th.......
I'm a bit north of Litha in Ontario, and I've noticed decreased activity of late. Rather than chemtrails every day of the week, a few of the actual clear sky days we've had have been pure blue. In a previous post I mentioned how there was a single plan in my relatively rural area that would fly 'laps' over our small town and leave his trails quite obviously. You could actually see him turning around and looping back. No budget for such things up here I guess.
I heard a very interesting interview with Scott Stevens from about chemtrails and how they are utilized as a part of weather modification, with the added bonus of toxicity to the populous. You can hear him on the most recent Project Camelot show too.
Second Blue Moon in as many months. Change seems to be coming.
I thank you all for your responces....
they started back up right after I posted we're inundated!!
Hi Dave,
Yesterday the sun came out late in the day did not really look as it is seasonal in temperature ( cold really cold lol ). Anyway today sunny again, not one trail, clear as far as the eye can see. I live south of Ottawa on direct flight path between the nation's capital and major U.S. cities we see jets all the time and usually we have trails..what can I say?
Cliff Carnicom, www.carnicom,com , has compied massive amounts of research on chemtrails. It's interesting how quiet these jets are. I had read about the ENC (electronic noise cancelation) used on Japanese airliners so that's probably why.
Some of the analysis reports on Carnicom sites show that aluminum particulate and barium sulphates are part of the streaming coctail. There have been suggestions that the sulphates control rain and the aluminum particulates are used for UV blocking.
We've had few days of clear sunshine here in Northwest Arkansas but when we get them they are sweet.
Hi Dave-
I've been checking the days since your post. We've had lots of cloudy weather but that's pretty typical for Massachusetts this time of year. On the clear days there's been no chemtrails. My memory is not good but my general sense is that for about the last year, maybe 2 there have not been as many chemtrails as about 5 years ago.
It just occured to me, that in the last couple of weeks North Central Texas has had a pall of clouds, abundant rain, ice snow and downright undesirable weather, just in the areas where we were seeing the numerous chemtrails earlier when we had some clear skys. To the east and the west away from the populous central area, they have had much more sunshine and warmer weather. Today the sun has come out for awhile and lo and behold what else????? More chemtrails.
A couple days ago, I was watching a "jet" fly across the sky dumping its chemtrail load. A pretty thick one, but once it got about halfway across my field of vision, it vanished, and the trail stopped. I could see the little speck of the plane, and then I couldn't, it was crazy. Anyways thought I'd mention it, weird stuff.
Thank you all for posting...
They're back here in cent FlA bigtime.....
doubt they have anything to do with blocking uv rays, as they spray them heavier at dusk and dark than during the day....doubt also any weather connection, as they are always over populated areas, but never over the open oceans, where they would do the most good for weather, I haven't figured out what they ARE yet, but I've a pretty good idea what the're NOT.
They always cover sunup in the east...we haven't seen a clear sunrise in years...maybe masking something we could otherwise see...
their always using the same pathways up there...and make the same turns....oh well....
Blessings to all
Left the office at dusk this evening and the sky was littered with trails, big thick ones. Some of it may have just been weird clouds that looked like em, but a few were definite, and usually theres one or two at a time aorund here, most I saw before today was 3, and there were at least that many, and quite likely more that had dispersed, as the "clouds" were very wispy, and not unlike a chemtrail thats been dissipating for a long time.
Supposed to be sunny this weekend. Did anyone see that video on Youtube of the guy who put a little circular disk in front of his video cam to make essentially an "eclipse" around the sun in his camera view? There were tonnes of little UFO's (or what looked like them) around the sun, could only see em when blocking out most of the light.
The SOHO satellite has been showing tonnes of anomolous images of large orbs around the sun, and they look solid. From the scale they are about planet sized, and some move fast. Lots of info on it here:
Maybe they are trying to stop people from seeing the sun clearly? Supposed to be clear tomorrow, I"m gonna see if I can dublicate this guys video setup.
Might be a stretch but a lot of people seem to be paying attention to this developing story. Shortly after it broke NASA announced the halting of manned missions too.
what if those interesting orb manifestations are actually good, old and dear friends of this particular star we call our sun, and what if they are showing up in support of this magnificent transitional moment in Gaia history...
Nothing would surprise me any more, and I love suspecting that may be happening, like the early stages of one heck of a celestial celebration... One can dream can't one???
what if.....
I'm sort of hoping your right Chris. If you go through that PA forum I linked, you will find a clip of Nassim Haramein talking about UFO's using the sun as a wormhole for travel (massive ones). Its all orders of magnitude, and he says smaller craft use volcanoes on the earth in the same manner. I think people are just paying more attention to this sort of stuff nowadays, because some of the footage of these sort of things dates back to about 2000. It just seems to be more known to the public, and as of 2010 starting there seems to be more activity (daily orbs as opposed to monthly or more)
There is one website out there who have been making some very outrageous claims (for quite a while now) that just might fit in with this conversation. The site is Abundant Hope which is maintained/founded by Candace Frieze. According to her and other related sites, Jupiter is about to or has already ignited and become our binary sun in this solar system. What we have normally been seeing when visible is, according to these people, actually an interstellar craft and that the real Jupiter has been held behind the sun from the view of Earth, so as to keep it's high energy radiation from harming the inhabitants of Earth. The comments are that ships of the Galactic Federation or whatever name this group go by, are in the process of towing Jupiter back to keep it from being exposed to the Earth.
Interestingly enough David Wilcock has made references to the possibility of just such a thing occuring in a number of his writings.
My thought was that what we are suddenly seeing are the crafts involved in this operation, if indeed that is happening. It seems that NASA allows us to see things when it is convenient for them. Candace said on a post about these orbs that she believes that there has been computer artistry covering up those moments when Jupiter has peeked from behind the sun and exposed himself.
Mind you, I don't give a great amount of credit to the Abundant Hope group as it is primarily a Urantia based cosmology and the Ra gave the Urantia book a low grade in the Law of One material if you will remember. But it is interesting to read what other portions of the movement are saying about the Shift.
Just ran across an interesting article about Chemtrails I thought would be worth sharing from the Jeff Rense site.
Weather Mod And Barky's
Jokes About 'Snowmageddon'
By Dr. Ken Hildebrandt
Silver Iodide has been used to create rain (or snow ?), this is known....however I don't think chemtrails have much to do with weather as I pointed out above...or they would be utilized over oceans, where they would have a more positive effect...not over populated areas where they mostly occur...for over 10 years now.
secondly, they aren't silver iodide, they are aluminum, arsenic, barium, manganese, iron and zinc, according to research I 've seen... and in amounts 100's of times above "acceptable" levels.
As for Jupiter, orbs around the sun, artfacts on the moon, Mars...I haven't a clue what is happening, and no longer own a telescope to look for myself...
Iappreciate you all Berry, Josh and Chris for your input....
Hi all,
I have been watching aircraft thru telescopes, binoculars and with my naked eyes since I was maybe 10 (I'm 50 now) and I used to pour over books on all aspects of aircraft. I can tell you a few things I know and don't know.
What I know: Ever since WWII (and before) high flying aircraft have been making contrails from their engines & a little bit from vortices at wingtips and such. Huge squadrons of B24's and B17's would leave vast webs of contrails in the sky. It's just a cloud formation that happens by interacting with the air, temp, humidity (dewpoint) etc.
Planes still make them. Some last a second or two before evaporating. Some last a long time-I don't know how long. I remember seeing them last for hours in the '60's but they were far fewer in number. I think they didn't spread out very often back then.
I had been growing tired of the increasing contrails in the skies during the boom years of the 90's because I love to look up and I got sick of being reminded of all that traffic up there visually polluting my view and dimming my days! I mean this sincerely.
9/11 provided the first and only evidence available to test one scientists' theory. He already thought the huge increase in air travel (it was huge) was creating so many contrails that it was trapping heat and a dimming of sunlight to the earth. I felt sure he was right because on 9/11,(or was it 9/12) when all the planes were grounded, I took time to observe the clear skies here in NC that day. The sun was substantially brighter and the light "clearer" is how I would describe it. Also, the air seemed fresher. It thrilled me to see no contrails across the beautiful sky. And he WAS right about the effects.
People have been experimenting with seeding clouds to control weather.
WHAT I DON'T KNOW: why are there so many lingering, spreading contrails? Why are so many of us here convinced of the existence of chemtrails? How would this be accomplished?
BTW: I have a friend who is an airline pilot and he has no knowledge of chemtrails. But when I asked him about the layer of dark gray smog I always see on the horizon when flying, he said it's everywhere he's flown and that includes Europe, Asia, over the oceans etc. Incidentally, 9/11 cost him his job with one airline because nobody wanted to fly for a while there....
1) that there's a lot more air pollution in the middle atmosphere than when I was a kid in the 60's
2) there are FAR more aircraft in the sky each day. All news reports over the years have lamented the overburdening of the air traffic control systems and airports never built for this.
3) there's been an explosion of 'short hop' flights served by regional companies with smaller aircraft. I am not positive here but I think they fly slightly lower than International or transcontinental flights (who used to be the bulk of flights when I was a kid. And when I'm out spotting planes, there are planes flying so high you can barely see them at all. Their contrails don't seem to last usually).
I believe it's this explosion of short-hop flights that are flying thru heavily polluted air creating this new phenomena of spreading, lingering and numerous contrails. I am only pulling from my experience.
I recall hearing about Chemtrails many years ago. The theory was that civilian planes were responsible thru a vast network of evil aircraft mechanics under strict secrecy. Somebody got caught lying about finding evidence of this. Now the story is that it's military, but I've had Airforce coworkers (who flew National Guard tankers) and they couldn't keep a secret like this to save their lives. Besides, EVERYBODY who flies these planes, crews, procurement staff, officers, fuelers, armaments crews, transport, materials command, parts manufacturers, and let's not forget-mechanics, would all be held to strictest secrecy for the rest of their lives even after leaving the service. You can't keep this kind of secrecy without compartmentalised, special access programs. There is just no way!
I think chemtrails are a false and damaging myth that is scaring the shit out of everybody here for no reason. I can feel the fear and dread in your writing. The helplessness to prevent your families from being poisoned by a rain of toxins murderously inflicted upon you by hidden evil people.
I'm afraid there will be a backlash against me for posting this but there are enough things for us to deal with. Don't destroy your happiness & waste your energy being terrified of this. It's not real.
Sincere blessings to everybody,
This kind of makes the same point but...well...this comes courtesy of my ferociously skeptical teen... who played this for me the other day when I was talking about UFO's or something in his presence.
At the added risk of insulting every single one of you I will preface this with the following statement that I think we can all agree with: since the dawn of time, sprinkled water= rainbows
Conspiracy Fail:
With love for all,
It was when I was doing research on scalar wave technology and torsion physics that I came across Dr. John Michael Mallon's video displaying the many uses of scalar wave technology today. He was featuring the military's use of this technology to preface his kinder gentler energetic healing use of scalar waves.
At one place in the 83 minute video he showed a close up view of an air force 4 engine aircraft spewing out its 4 con-chemtrails and explained that it was done methodically and often to monitor whether or not Russia has its own HAARP type "woodpecker" grid system turned on in those locations.
The reason being, the con-chemtrails take on a funny jagged appearence in the presence of that active and very accurate Russian system. This use of scalar/torsion wave technology has been purported to produce earthquakes, alter weather patterns, and has been alleged to be able to change the mood of a targeted population with the correct ELF frequency(s).
With all that was being said about chemtrails, it was the one thing that finally made the most sense to me, although I highly suspect that there is an ongoing program and regimen to "dim" the blue skies in fear of an inaccurate understanding of global warming. This gets into the triggering mechanism for a somewhat premature ice age, but that is another story.....
What we can agree on without reservation is all that traffic spewing all those fumes has to have some kind of effect on the atmosphere, and on Gaia herself, but she is a big girl and has been through much worse in the past by her own behavior absent any planes or SUV's... It is we, a relatively delicate specie, that potentially cannot whether such a severe and sustained storm of severe changes. But like I say, that's another story.... LLP, Chris
Oh, and that video, she was so ignorant that it made me wonder whether or not she was serious or debunker advocate staging gross ignorance (although I have seen this level of ignorance in real life, and you cannot even attempt to explain anything to them). You must know though that there are many who are much more learned and intelligent doing research/investigation concerning this phenomena, but you still make a good point about how overboard humans can go sometimes with a conspiratorial idea that tends to take on a life of its own.... Thanks Brian for keeping the thinking caps on