Funny, you don't look neurotypical

For all my "weird" friends, with or without a diagnosis, who suspect that the normal folks have the problem

fredburks's picture

Hi Linda,

Great to see you here! Thanks for sharing that fun piece. How boring to be neurotypical  ;o)

With much love and warm wishes,

Litha Moon's picture

  Oh Magical Godmother you just granted me a fond six year old grandson was just diagnosed with asperger's syndrome last week...I myself took a short version test, of autistic tendencies and scored high but not autistic. I often worry what his perceptions are, and how much anguish is he truly feeling, you have just provided some comfort and some peace of mind. I had forgotten the rational aspect of the personality that is asperger's.

Magical Godmother's picture

When I was born in 1940 there was no diagnosis of autism or aspergers.  I was identified as "profoundly gifted" but that is not a pathology. I got put in a class for "exceptional" children all of whom were low normal except for me and one boy who was a recent immigrant.

These days, since there is no insurance coverage or entitlements for anything that is not a pathology, there is a lot of misdiagnosis of gifted kids.

Actually I am sceptical of psychological diagnosis in general.  Becoming well adjusted to an insane society is, to my mind, not a good measure of mental health.

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