Hope you guys think this e-mail I got is as cool as I did.
Have you seen this?
This is cool for a few reasons:
1. It¹s ³ballsy² and a powerful message
2. It went viral (200K hits in three days and 1/2 million hits to date) and
got Bank of America¹s attention. Then go watch the update, which got 200K
hits. She is so shocked on how it went viral ‹ it¹s just cool to watch
because she¹s so sincere
3. There is an unexplainable ³essence² that is inspiring and hopefully
Ann Minch, a middle-class mental health case worker from rural Northern CA,
sparked a populist firestorm with her "Debtors Revolt" YouTube video in
Sept. '09. The video went viral on the 'net, capturing the attention of the
media and citizens' outrage against usury by big banks. Now, Ann takes the
movement to an explosive new level of "Revolt" with her Tax Revolt video and
plan. See why she is calling on YOU to help her stop the ruin of our great
1) The globalist banking regime
2) The totally-corrupt two-party system
3) Out-of-control government endangering our lives, our currency and our
There is PLENTY we can do
without firing a single shot!
(It would be a waste of ammo anyway)
Let the games begin!!! It is so disgusting that the banks are still charging outrageous rates while receiving taxpayer dollars to bail them out from their very poor investment practice during the recent absurd and Wall Street led/fed real estate boom and bust cycle.
One thing came to mind though. All those credit cards were never forced upon anyone, just made very easy to attain. The American people share responsibility with the banking system. If we do not own up to that obvious responsibility for our poor credit and spending practice, then I doubt we would be able to avoid some similar free will fiasco in the future until we do.
We have become such a consumer society that even some of the green party folk have two trash cans of plastic container garbage from so many unnecessary consumer-related purchases consistently each week on trash day. We have, to some degree, compartmentalized our heartfelt beliefs and concerns from our real time consumer practices and behavior. This did not happen in a vacuum, nor is it some banker's fault for making it so easy. I am not sticking up for the banks either. They disgust me, and I so look forward to a time when the fractional reserve debt based system is replaced by a more balanced resource-based system that does not allow or encourage hoarding of any kind.
I became disgusted with credit cards in the late 70's when I pulled the car over to the side of the road and literally cut up all my credit cards right there (cannot remember why I had a pair of scissors in the car at the time, LOL). Since then I have never owned a credit card, just one debit card with no fees, and that only because the now defunct Washington Mutual began requiring the use of a debit card for easy identification practice at the bank.
If we keep entertaining this us v. them type of delusional dualistic paradigm, then we will miss the big picture, in this case, that we were and are the willing participants with the past and present banking system. There have been many ways we can ignore the current banking system all along, and yet the American people took the credit system hook, line and sinker. This gets in to the personal and collective insanity that must be addressed while entertaining a rebellion. What is very clear to date is "they" do it because we willfully agree to "it" by our willing compliance during inception and indoctrination of such systems.
We have been the collective dancing partner of this despotic banking system. They could not do it without us. We have to begin entraining ourselves to see this clearly if we are to return to the inherently soveriegn free agents we truly and divinely are... All else is irresponsible self delusion and would lead to the same behavior when the dust settles if we do not own up to our part in all of this...
I want so much for this to change, but we must change, and then the banking system will have to change with us, for we always had the power, for we are the majority. It is in our practice, in this case our spending practices, that they will recognize that we are serious. Anything less will be disregarded with a confident and comfortable smirk and smile.... LLP, Chris
p.s. and let's not forget the obvious, the interest rate is moot if there is no outstanding credit card balance...
Yes, even though her statements were about blaming the banks, her actions are about taking personal responsibility and having faith though tough times, all stuff that I found very inspiring. I think this will be quite a year for people getting out of their slumber and waking up. Her website has lots of good information about the Fed, etc.
I went to her website. It is wonderful what she is initiating...
Wendy awesome...I have so much faith that the future is indeed a bright one, when I see this kind of movement...
Much Love Carol Anne
I cut and paste my initial post above and sent it to Ann yesterday, and here is her return email.
Ann "Rockerchic" Minch
WEBSITE: www.DebtorsRevoltNow.com
YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/user/Rockerchic4God
STORE: http://www.cafepress.com/RevoltStartsNow
am just reading your post as I am new here, I love what this woman is initiating, of course it is also citibank, and chase, all are the right arm of the fed, creating money out of thin air,,,I also agree with chris s take on it,,being responsible for what we carry in our wallets,,,but then again,,if someone is experiencing hard times, and there decision is either use this credit card, or steal food, or rob someone, most people are going to use the card in their wallet, and I would have to agree with them..this system has caused more anguish, and suffering, and scarcity around the world than we could add up, and although we recognize to some extent, our part in it,,every person born has a right to food,water , shelter, an education, without a price tag...it seems to be a catch 22, we say our consciousness needs to change to make that change, yet if that one thing changed, and the fight for survival was eliminated from the formula, consciousness would change almost overnight,,,and we would at least be on the right track, I would have to say that my ideas are pretty much in alignment with the zeitgeist movement,,if you haven t seen the zeitgeist addendum movie,search it and watch it online,,he can get a little dramatic, as he loves to produce,,but there is also a couple of great lectures..i believe the links are available after the movie,,,the first 20 minutes is the best explanation of the monetary system I have seen,,,,,,,,,l,,,,,,,,,,,,T
hi again, forgot to put this link in here too.....nesara.org.....written by dennis kucinich and ron paul,,obama could enact this,put it to a vote, then use his tv time to list the reps that vote against it before the mid term elections,regardles of affiliation.....alot of psychics said he was going to do it when he was elected,,,but don t hold your breath...it would truly benefit everyone, o all debt, and create an interest free currency,(as lincoln tried to do), a good start