Hi all,
I was stunned by this because to me it explained peoples inability to confront the Bush administration and it's many dark actions. I saw this interview in 2009 with Larry Burk, MD who is an expert in hypnotism and it's uses. He shows how the events of 9/11 followed classic rules and steps to induce a trance state and allowed molding of our behaviour and perception. It seems obvious in hindsight! I don't want to make myself and others angry again about 9/11 but I felt this illuminated my understanding of the experience we all shared that day.
Hang in there through the beginning about False Flags or jump to 11:35 for the hypnotism discussion.
I couldn't embed the video here so please follow the link: http://blip.tv/file/1713033
Stay in peace, Brian
Thanks, Brian. That's a great short but comprehensive summary of political ponerology (the use of evil for political purposes; you can google a book by that title).
And it seems obvious, in the light of what the doctor says, that the very choice of the date on which the attacks came was intentional: 9/11. What are all Americans already conditioned to regarding this number? When an emergency happens, dial 911, where the (parental) authorities will take care of us and make everything all right.
I read an article once about the hypnotic and trance inducing things they do with television which keeps people sitting in front of it… watching for hours. (Sorry, it was quite awhile ago and I wouldn’t know where to look to link to it.) One of the items it talked about how the camera angle will not stay consistent for more than 10 seconds at a time, because if it stays in one spot for longer than that, our attention will drift. While watching TV, I tried counting to see how long a camera angle would stay on and – when I could stay conscious enough to keep counting – found it to be very true. About every 10 seconds it will change. The “flashing” of light in many commercials is also a trance tool.
This was a good interview and helped me to understand how so very many people –myself included – were so deceived by this huge lie. I believed it for so many years! It is amazing in hindsight and keeps me wondering what else I may be gullible about even today. Information like this helps me to understand the “how” of it. Thanks for the post.
Mary, regarding TV hypnotic trance: Catherine Austin Fitts (asst. Housing Secretary under Bush the elder, now an ardent 9/11 truth activist and brilliant economist bent on tutoring us in overthrowing the current "Tapeworm" financial system [see her website, www.solari.com]), while she was in the high-end business-and-government world, overheard a TV executive and someone else discussing how they were subjecting the TV audience to subliminal messages. She said that very day she went home and got rid of her TV, and has never had one since. If they're doing this with TV, they're probably doing it with radio, too. I'd hate to think it's being done with movies because I love to go to the theater, but maybe...
Chris, about the UFO thing: Dr. Burke sent some chills down my back when he mentioned that the media has been much more permissive lately regarding the subject of UFO's and ET 's, and he wonders what's behind that. Of course he sort of answers that by sketching VonBraun's string of predictions regarding the PTB's need to keep manufacturing "enemies," the last "card" being a false alien attack. Are they giving the ET phenomenon more credibility as a way of preparing us to accept this "attack"?
Yes, things are getting a bit weird.
I'd like to recount some material from Steven Greer's latest book regarding the agenda of ET's, but I don't have time at the moment. I may open up a new forum topic with it.
Yes, I got the same thing when Dr. Burke framed that issue the way he did. I think he is right on the money in a very sober down to earth way. I find myself hoping that the peace-full message being attached by Federation of Light sources is authentic and accurate, but am prepared to keep mind and eyes wide open concerning further developments about Yemen and the Gulf of Aden, as well as certain underwater facilities in the vicinity of Haiti mentioned by Aaron McCollum.
What I do find very compelling is the testimony and info from Bob Dean (which aligns well with Dr. Greer's understanding and experience), info that supports the benevolent messages being attached to the Gulf of Aden stargate activity on a few of the youtube videos. And the news blackout concerning this activity around the Gulf of Aden lends possible support to this benevolent understanding of alien activity that would have the ruling class feeling a bit out of their element, to say the least, if it is true that they can do nothing to stop a possible suspension of war making being ushered in on this planet by concerned galactic citizens, allies of this star system and mother Gaia. And the Gulf of Aden activity is only one of many of this ongoing activation of key sights worldwide for some time now, including the underground crystalline formations in Arkansas and Brazil toward the end of 2009...
I have a list of sites in the back of the book, Only Planet of Choice, called Grand Maya Itza Council Full Moon Ceremony Calender for activation of key sites worldwide every full moon up to December 28, 2012. The next scheduled site ceremony and activation is in Helfrantzkirch, Germany on March 30th of this year. The one after that is in Izmir, Turkey on April 28th. And then Mongolia, Mexico, Croatia, S. Africa, Syria, Tibet, Belize, and then Machu Picchu, Peru on December 21st, 2010.... Lots of "activity" goings on because this list does not cover all site activations, above ground and below, and throughout this solar system.....
I do so love the idea that we have some welcome friends preparing to help suspend function of weaponry worldwide. And it would be a bit egocentric of humankind to think that saving this planet is all about us, as was so well dramatized in the remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still". This seems a bit over the top, but again, I am keeping a very open mind about what is possible in these very interesting days that keep getting more and more interestinger....
gentlepersons, start your engines....
Thanks so much for posting that Brian. He really hits the key fundamental bullet points in such a refreshingly brief and efficient "matter of fact" way. I love that he mentions Bernays. I have his books "Propaganda" and "Public Relations". Also love that he got the "Why We Fight" documentary in there effectively. His mention of Operation Northwoods, the Gulf of Tonkin fiasco, etc., and then showing a clip of V for Vendetta... simple down to earth mundane genius method.
And loved when he said, "a trick in the playbook used over and over". This made me instantly see how easy we the people make it for them. We have shown them that it is just fine to keep telling us the same lie, as long as they tell it just a little differently next time. Doesn't take much to get us eating out of their hands at the drop of a hat... or a building.
Loved how he framed (in relation to his professional experience with hypnosis) the falling (more accurately, the pulling) of building seven later in the day (5:20pm). Building seven was my personal gateway to Alice's rabbit hole. I set out to prove my conspiracy-addicted friend wrong, and ended up boring him with new conspiracy-related info during the process of proving him right, LOL...
And then, considering where we are right now concerning "disclosure" just around the corner, the media warming up to the idea, hmmmm.... project blue beam, the gulf of Aden stargate, the next focus of terrorism being on Yemen right there at the Aden stargate scenario, hmmmm... I so hope the stargate is not part of this latest set of lies... I don't think it is, but I have come to the place where nothing would or should surprise me anymore with this kind of stuff.
I have just recently listened to one of my favorite UFO related lectures again, Robert Dean at the 2009 Exopolitics convention in Spain... It is a good one to watch right after listening to Dr. Burke's mention of UFO's. We know what the ruling class may be up to with spinning nonsense like project blue beam and other false flag related ploys concerning nefarious behavior of "aliens", so is good to get some very good authentic data from someone like Robert Dean, along with the kind of NASA shots that NASA has been destroying fairly recently. One thing is for certain... it's getting a little weird out there, but in a good and very interesting/exciting way!!! Oh, loved his mention of Wernher von Braun's simple and accurate predictions of false flag scenario timelines... Not bad for someone steeped in the Cold war machine false flag hypnotic nonsense of his day. Thanks a bunch Brian!!!
YouTube - Bob Dean's presentation, European Exopolitics Summit, Barcelona, 25 July 2009
YouTube - Gulf Of Aden Stargate
YouTube - Gulf of Aden - The Coming Conflict
YouTube - Yemen STARGATE opening 1/5/2010.... World forcing UFO disclosure
YouTube - Project Camelot interviews Aaron McCollum
and this message is excellent information, in spite of the annoying computer generated type voice...
YouTube - Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle January 05 2010
YouTube - Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa 06 January 2010
YouTube - Part 1 Galactic Federation Of Light Saint Germain January 05 2010
You people just keep blowing my mind! In a good way! It's good for me to be around people who think for themselves:-)
There are so many smart and interesting things each of you said-here's a few that caught my eye-
BobBrown-your mention about the attack falling on 9/11 by choice. Hey, even if it was selected by terrorists you'd have to tip your hat to their psyops chops. I MUST hear more about Katherine Austin Fitts story about TV subliminal messages!!!! I had not heard this before.
Mary, you said " hypnotic and trance inducing things they do with television" and and I hope if you ever track that info source down you'll post it. It sounds true to life-remember "Muzak" the pioneer of "elevator music"? Keeps the blink rate down so people don't miss retail visual stimuli and keep's you dull minded and shopping! The FLASHING LIGHT's in commercials bit has me concerned too-turn off the lights in the room tonight with ABC on(during commercials) and try not to get a migraine! Have you noticed the use of doorbell sounds in commercials? ChrisB-you're so knowledgable that if this was an episode of The X Files, you'd be the wild conspiracy guy that Scully can't handle and Mulder can't get enough of! (note: I'm more like Mulder)but your point that we may have some "welcoming friends" is my hope too. It seems like it would be so much easier to convince people of the value in saving our world. Sadly, the off world folk could just wait and see though. Maybe millions of years of experience is determining this? God-I'm so hungry to know the truth about them.
Keep yourselves feeling peace in your hearts, Brian
She doesn't go much into TV being used to carry subliminal messages. Here it is:
"In 1984, I gave away my television after overhearing a conversation about the subliminal programing and entrainment technology being rolled out to manage public opinion through television. Not being someone who appreciates interference with my intelligence and ability to understand the world around me and act in accordance with my values and goals, I decided to just start getting more of my information by reading. As my understanding of the material omissions in corporate media grew, I slowly began to switch from newspapers and magazines to books and then to the Internet as information became available through the web..." http://solari.com/blog/?p=380
Her website is well worth looking at.
I feel I'm pretty in tune with the disclosure topic, maybe its the martini's from earlier, but the last few nights I've been watching the skies more than usual, almost an innate thing. For the record I don't have cable. I saw a star tonight over the mountains while the sun was still up. I watched it for a few minutes and as the sun set it stayed. Probably a planet, and theres been one star to the left of Orion lately thats seemed out of place and strangely glowing (red and blue and white, fluctuating, somewhat contradictoy colours - I'm Canadian BTW).
I think its this simple: If there is a presentation of the ET issue in a shocking, negative, "theyre here to kill us all" sort of light, we can safely bet that its the Von Braun / Nixon Speech 1 & 2 (as I recall) scenario. If its a wide eyed wonder type thing, (which as I've been experiencing in my limited media exposure is the case) we can be more hopeful.
It may however be a real, peaceable situation, and be spun by the MSM as a "were all gonna die" type thing in the news, to turn us against the visitors... recent propoganda (that District 9 Movie, which I turned off after 20 mins, and the V show which I've not yet watched and probably wont) seems to suggest this may be a more likely case.
When I said Nixon, I meant Reagan. Martini's slow the memory.
Josh you make a good point about scenarios-I guess exactly HOW an ET presence revealed itself definitively would be important too. I wonder if they might appear to individual people. Are they aware of the controlling going on down here? My imagination around this subject is admittedly derived from Dr. Steven Greers last book, Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge which made me start watching the sky actively. I've had two sightings myself, one I saw http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/064/S64362.html with my ex years ago that was pretty much indisputable (except by her!haha) and one http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/064/S64357.html momentary weird one recently that I wouldn't have even noticed in the past with my old mindset.
I was blessed to see what I have seen. My fav researcher-Stanton Friedman-has never seen a UFO.
I think the story of a covert false flag Alien Invasion has been getting enough attention to make it unlikely to succeed. The 9/11 perpetrators relied on 1) the element of almost perfect surprise and 2) it was 'just too big' to be a covert operation...hidden in plain sight. I dunno though. I hope we will see an end to large wars now-we might get some ET friends to visit then.
Those links are :
if anyboby cares...on the 2nd, more recent one: I have found two other almost identical reports to mine so I felt very much confirmed!
Brian and Josh,
Greer's very latest book (just came out) is titled "Contact: Countdown to Transformation; the CSETI Experience 1992-2009," and it chronicles in mostly transcripts of the accounts of people attending CSETI expeditions (which, by the way, anyone can sign up for) the actual contacts that were made. These were all CE-5 initiatives (encounters of the fifth kind, which are human-inititiated), and it's truly astonishing the variety of ways the ET's choose to respond.
Greer explains that their technology enables them to appear in any form from very fine energy manifestations on up to to full materialization. Often their ships appear materialzed enough to reflect light and so they seems as if you could go up and "kick their tires," but then they will pass right into the ground or into a mountain. Sometimes they appear "around" a group of people so that the people are inside the craft, which is phase-shifted out of our material reality enough not to be touched, but to be seen and felt energetically. And the ways ET's appear to individuals are extremely varied.
I don't want to be too detailed here because of time constraints, and I don't want to spoil it for you (hope you read it). It comes with a DVD of recorded encounters, although they're mostly at night and not good quality. I found the book far more interesting. It begins kind of slowly and you might think, "So what?" But as it goes it picks up momentum and gravity. By the end, people are saying some very important and amazing things. It gave me a new perspective on ET contact and what's going on. In particlar it addresses directly this matter of friendly vs. unfriendly ET's and how important it is how we see this. Greer's main effort is to encourage individuals to be ambassadors to these representatives of other galactic civilizations -- to actually make contact on their own and have their own experience. "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge" (as you know, Brian) lays out the protocols for how to go about doing this effectively.
Really good stuff. Thanks for posting, Brian. And of course the subsequent discussion has been really great, too.
I always thought it odd that the attackers - whomever they were, would pick 9/11. It always seemed like an ironic date to pick. In light of the hypnosis theory described in the clip, it really does make perfect sense. Thanks, Bob, for mentioning that. It kinda confirms my thoughts on the subject as well.
Much love and light,
Here is an article regarding the hypnotic effect of TV
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When I first began watching British television, I immediately noticed the differences in commercial advertisements as compared to American TV. Not only are the commercial breaks within programming shorter, the split second flashes so commonplace in the US are absent. There is a delay of at least a second between each commercial. Often, as the program breaks for the first commercial, there is even a screen that reads something like "we'll be back in a moment" so your brain has time to adjust to the transition. It surprised me when I heard one of my British friends exclaim how "sophisticated" their commercials were compared to the French ones. I bit my tongue as I secretly thought the same thing about American commercials vs. the British ones. It's conceivable that the differences are intentional ones based on cultural-specific market studies. When American companies market their products here, the commercials are entirely reworked. For instance, the same lady who represents Glade air fresheners in the States talks with an English accent here, and the script has been rewritten to reflect cultural differences.
Now, as this subject applies to 9/11, I had heard rumors that the planes flying into the towers were actually holograms. I found this footage which claims the wings disappear on the plane at the 24 second mark. http://www.murderinc-online.com/usforum/showthread.php?t=38938 Indeed, that's exactly what happened when I paused the video at 24 seconds, however, I reviewed other Youtube videos in this way and the wings remained visible, so this example has likely been altered. Then I found this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNXmgF2yAEc&feature=related which reproduces the crash using common editing software. The conjured image is virtually identical to the one which has played countless times in the media.
Seeing is believing!