The following is from Mark Huber's GRT-Intel.com website. It resonates strongly with me, and aligns with so much else I've come across. It is pretty far out, but would be inspiring even if it were only someone's sweet notion of some romantic hopeful poetic fiction. I do so hope it is an accurate message of Hope to prepare our hearts and minds for what may be coming shortly...
Ashtar Message: 10-27-09
Greetings, This is Ashtar. One of these days soon there will be mass declaokings of our Ships, all over the World, simultaneously.
New developments recently have made this possible.
When this takes place, you will know arrests have taken place. We cannot make the Galactic
presence known on a worldwide scale until everyone is safe from any threat of danger,
including world leaders, news media, and military officials.
Many in the news media are prepared with specials already crafted that they will launch which will explain what mass decloakings means. When Ted Kennedy passed, there were several video tributes ready to go. This will be the case for mass decloakings.
It will not be a surprise for the news media. KOS has talked to news media all over the world. Those news media who are penciled in for removal, already know they are leaving.
Motherships, as you have already seen in China and Moscow film footage, will decloak in over 120 countries all at once. This will happen in different time zones, in day and at night. It will happen for millions of people at once. There will be film footage shot in all of these countries. This will go out over the internet as it is happening. YouTube and Servers will be supported by our technology during this time. Not only will there be Motherships in a large number of places, but millions of smaller ships will fill the skies in a shock and awe experience. ALL of these will have their lights on. Some will show in their Higher Dimensional forms as Light Ships and some will show up as metal discs. Some will show as a display of lights. There is an elaborate plan in place for this.
Almost everyone who sees the mass decloakings, anywhere on Earth will be completely filled with universal love. It will be so moving that no one will miss the meaning. No one will be questioning if this is Our Family. Children especially, will be interested in knowing what is going on. They will help the older crowd assimilate the news. Everyone will instinctually be aware that this is something they have waited for a very long time. There will be a raising of energy frequency when this happens. When the arrests happen, it will remove in one large action, a great deal of negativity from Earth. All programs in place to intimidate with fear will, in a blink of an eye, be wiped away.
The change will be palpable. Immediately, those prepared to take their places will be put into place. They are waiting for a signal. The news reporting of mass decloakings will speak of the event from a place of TRUTH. They will also be commentating on recent arrests and explaining how the decloakings effect everything. There is no part of this scenario that will be a surprise to tv, radio and newspapers around the globe. There will be a mass dissemination of Truth following mass declaokings.
This is what is meant when we say there is an incremental increase of consciousness for everyone on Earth. This will be a half step increase, a significant rise in intelligence as well as heart opening, together. The heart mind will work more effectively at once. This allows each person to fairly decide for themselves, through their own Guidance, what is taking place, and how they feel about it. The rigid religious types, of all religions, in all countries, will be surprised at how easily they accept the new information. They will be able to see how it fits into the story they now believe, an expanded view of their story, an expanded view of what they believe.
There will be great relief from worry. This will happen as a result of an increase in heart awareness. Egos will shrink and have less power over the individual. This will quiet the mind chatter. The local mind will reconnect with universal mind and memories of the Truth will pour in.
With the criminals removed from the public, with the news broadcasting truth, there will be an almost overnight shift in the fear powered senseless actions controlling the world at the moment of this transmission. The old timeline is, in simple terms, GONE. Nothing can change that and the result is about to be witnessed by all.
When the news media stop reporting lies about the need for war conflicts, and the hearts and minds of all on Earth increase a half step, the result is a swift end to war and a break out of World Peace. The radio broadcasts of hate will be replaced by beautiful music and people will be in the mood to sway to the music. Everything will suddenly "make sense".
All the bankers who have been running their bankrupt empires into the ground will be removed, all the corrupt attorneys and law officials as well as all corrupt doctors-gone, arrested and taken away. Stock Brokerages in New York, London, and Japan, as well as those all over the World, will see an end to the corruption as all of the deal makers who are criminals will be arrested and gone. Stocks will be frozen as things are worked out.
Decloakings will be massive and happen for a sustained amount of time. Those awoken from sleep, due to bright lights in the sky, will not fear they are dreaming. This is not something that will be mistaken for a strange weather pattern.
In the American government, the government officials who are not telling the truth, and stealing funds as well as manipulating the system for their own gain, will be arrested and gone. There will only be a shadow government as things are worked out. The increase in love and understanding will have people celebrating the changes, instead of fearful.
There will be a striking and sudden lack of worry among all people everywhere. The jobless, homeless, sick and hungry, will suddenly feel good again. The almost instant remittance of fear will have a profound effect on the Earth. Imagine a World suddenly with nothing to worry about? The initial good cheer just after arrests and mass decloakings will shortly change to endless questions from all, about what is next?
The answer for what is next, is the Announcement that we have been under NESARA Law (see NESARA Announcement below) since October 1, 2008. There will be a great deal of education placed over the news media of what that means, but it will come directly form the Galactics, in every language, over the Earth, to all people who receive tv, radio or newspapers. People will feel a need to be at home and rest and absorb the news. There will be no urge to be out and about. Not at first. It will be a lot to take in. We of the Galactic Federation have been working on this with the other Star Nations in this Universe to present it to you in the most compassionate and loving way possible. We have worked a long time to formulate a plan that is the most fair to all involved. There will be much support in the changes times. No one will be left out. Be in joy with us, as the changes are seconds away.
PEACE. Ashtar.
NESARA Announcement
Update on NESARA Provisions for US & Canada. Revised 10/24/09 by MarkHuber. (See below for more of What Is Nesara?)
The US & CANADA are about to share the benefits of the most humanitarian and revolutionary event the world has ever seen. NESARA brings PEACE, WORLDWIDE PROSPERITY and INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC BENEFITS.
As the USA is the bastion of FREEDOM in this world, NESARA has to be implemented there along with Canada, UK & Australia. Other countries will follow in a sequential order. In October 2000, after being passed by Congress, President Bill Clinton signed the National Economic and Security and Reformation Act (NESARA): 160 nations, including CANADA, have agreed by treaty at the World Court (International Court of Justice in the Hague) to support these improvements.
This is the beginning of what has been termed the Golden Age, prophesied since biblical times.
Behind the scenes right now it is hectic ..... and the Illuminati frantic. Alan Greenspan's 1966 article explained the benefits of a gold-backed currency and this will be welcomed in international financial markets, as business worldwide will receive a tremendous boost from NESARA.. Some experts will lecture for about 36 hours on TV explaining NESARA, in detail, once the initial public announcement has been made. Don't miss it!
Until its official announcement, all government, banking, military, intelligence, Congressional, business, and other personnel and officials who have had to be informed about NESARA due to their professional duties, have been sworn to secrecy and would be charged with treason if they even admit that it exists, on account of sensitive information that could result in the crashing of the stock and commodity markets, and causing massive economic problems worldwide. The Corporate USA is Bankrupt, now. The Republic--We The People--is safe inside NESARA Law. So don't be concerned about the Criminal Bankers as their bankrupcy will NOT affect NESARA funds or accessing funds after Announcement.
The announcement has been delayed by the wiles of the international bankers, who would lose control over the nations of this world when it is introduced, but we are now at the point of its implementation worldwide.
To give you an idea of what is at stake here, here are just some of the NESARA improvements:-
* All banks become TREASURY banks and new currency, backed by precious metals, is issued on a one for one basis
* American and Canadian BANK DEBTS: your home mortgage, bank car loan, college education and other loans are forgiven if you are an American or Canadian citizen, as part of the compensation program for bank fraud.
* CREDIT CARD balances (again, on American & Canadian banks - and many major department stores or merchants as well) - are zeroed-out immediately, for both American and Canadian citizens and Landed Immigrants.
* CCRA is DISBANDED and all INCOME TAX - both personal and business - (which never did go to any government in Canada or the States) - is abolished; and compensation for this fraud also paid out. Likewise, the US Federal Reserve & their collection agent: IRS will be disestablished and replaced by US Treasury Banks...after a bank holiday...removes the criminals and any criminal hardware or software...and reopens as USTreasury Banks...perhaps under the same name as before...but with 'new' management.
* GenSalesTax is replaced with a straight sales tax, on new, non-essential goods and services
* NESARA Law is the Law of the Land, with sovereign citizenship, restoration of the Constitution; all statutory laws are cancelled; all cases on the books are stopped, judges, attorneys and law enforcement officers must receive 30 days of re-training in Constitutional and Common Law before any more cases are adjudicated. A near total amnesty will be granted to most ones now in jails and prisons and President Obama has ordered a case by case review of all ones incarcerated under statute laws. Most will be released and reparations for unlawful detainment is being considered for those cases that would not have been criminal under Constitutional or Common Law.
* Most of the GOVERNMENT RESIGNS - many members, past and present, charged with Treason; temporary Prime Minister installed...in Canada; followed by elections with constitutionally acceptable candidates. In the USA, President Obama and NON-Criminals elected after 10/1/08 may remain as part of the transition gov't since the US was placed Inside NESARA Law on that date by Lady Master Nada and the King of Swords, by the authority granted by the International Court of Justice(World court) in March of 1999. Lady Master Nada was appointed by the World Court as International Special Prosecutor with power to dissolve courts and arrest any International Criminals wherever they may be located on the planet.
At least 100,000 Cases have been considered by 56 Grand Juries over the last 4 years, by Patrick Fitzgerald, in the US. Their Sealed Indictments are ready to be unsealed and made public. These ones will go...or have already been taken to the World Court in the Hague...for War Crimes Trials & sentencing.
Another condition for Announcement is the disclosure of the Galactic Presence and their Involvement in planetary affairs...set to happen before the end of 2009. A 2 Hour TV Special will be aired by President Obama in Nov or Dec 2009, disclosing details. It is not yet known whether this will be Full Disclosure or progressive disclosures over some weeks.
* All Canadian & US military overseas are brought back home as Peace is declared.
All NON-Criminal residents of US, UK, Canada & Australia will receive $10 Million within 72 hours of NESARA's Announcement. If you plan on being away from your residence for an extended period, it is advisable to put in a temporary change of address notice to your local postmaster.
* * * Information based upon US reports on the impact of NESARA on USA and other countries * * *
See: http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com for more details on NESARA provisions and breaking news updates.
Revised Oct 2009 by MarkHuber
What is NESARA? There were 14+ Congressmen (you would recognize their names), who worked on the original provisions. Mr. GS was NOT the author. He did write his dissertation on the subject of Gold, in 1966, I believe, and many thought that he might be a White Knight. That is not correct. He was arrested. A clone was put into place and then that--I hear--became a 'film star' after his last arrest. His wife is Andrea Mitchell.
Congressional committees, under 5 Associate Supreme Court Justices, were given the task in 1993 of drafting corrections required by the Supreme Court findings related to the Farm Claims which through discovery proceedings revealed theft of their lands through collusion between the bankers, government, the courts and law enforcement, and also that the Fed Res/IRS were frauds and all of these findings required correction at the point of inception.
$40 Trillion was deposited in a bank in Chicago by the head of the Saudi Arabian Government before the King died, after Mother Sekhmet spoke to him; showed him his life and record and what he needed to do before he died to make amends. Without those funds the Farms Claims process would have halted. That became the basis for NESARA. Willie Nelson has been a staunch supporter of the Farm Claims since it's inception. They will be the first to receive funds.
Because such a correction involved so many areas and the Cabal had agents within the various committees and as trustees in all the World Trust derivative trusts,(33 as I recall) Bush Sr. and his associates managed to push through a series of requirements.
This is a long drawn out process since the Supreme Court findings in 1993 generated 'accords' which were voluntary. That didn't work. Modifications had to be made and the final series of documents and drafts went to the World Court in March 1999 where leaders from 180 countries met and St Germain, Lady Master Nada, the King of Swords, Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone were present as well. Because the voluntary hadn't worked the new provisions were proposed and KOS/St. Germain/Nada were given special international authority to do whatever was necessary to get NESARA enacted.
This resulted in the passage by our Congress of the NESARA Law in Oct 2000 when it was signed into Law by Bill Clinton. It contained one provision that requires it to be announced before its provisions can be enacted. Many White Knights have been killed trying to prepare the way for this to happen, and they have been successful in removing the mostly unknown reptilian controllers that invaded this planet some 65 Million years ago and slowly taken control. They inserted their minions into every organization (Committee of 300) and setup networks which control everything in every government throughout the planet.
Over 100 Million of these have been removed over the last 9 years and also, during recent months, the whole Committee of 300 and many of their minions have also been removed and replaced with holograms.
Patrick Fitzgerald has 100,000 indictments naming all the ones who planned, ordered and covered up 911 Conspiracy to take over the world. He is also the designated--special prosecutor--assistant of Lady Master Nada who the World Court appointed as International Special Prosecutor. She is also President of the Solar Tribunal on Saturn, and is the one who will Announce NESARA to the World...after the arrests of the indicted ones are made.
It does not matter whether or not anyone believes any of this or not. It will still happen as it has been so decreed by the Spiritual Hierarchy and this plan for the Earth's Ascension has been planned for over 2000 years. The Earth and all life on it will Ascend. Nothing can stop this from happening. It has reached a critical mass and over 85% of the lightworkers are now awake and aware of the Divine Plan for planet
One week ago, President Obama talked to the National Press Corp and laid out some 'changes' he intends to make over the next 72 days.
He of course didn't give his opponents the details...yet.
The King of Swords has the NESARA Law documents in safekeeping and will bring them forward...along with the other principals involved at the time of the Announcement. Bill Clinton, who signed it into law, will be there and Lady Master Nada and Obama. Actually there will be a panel of 19 that will be briefing the public for 36 hours as soon as the arrests have been made.
No one in the general public has seen the full document that was signed. We have been told the basic provisions, only.
All the congressional and legal proceedings were taken from the official records; the case numbers and titles changed and these original documents have been placed in a secret location until it is safe to bring them forward.
No search will produce any of these documents. The only things on the Internet are disinformation inserted by Bush Sr. (except for the outline of key provisions published on NESARA.US).
We have been given some updates on a few changes that we posted on GRT sites.
The key provisions have not changed only some details on gifting provisions. Those were changed to simplify how individuals will receive funds. Everyone on the Planet will (within 10-15 months, post Announcement), receive an account worth $10 million. That fact and the details will be announced by Lady Master Nada. Deliveries will be accomplished within 72 hours of NESARA's announcement for all non-criminals, in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. The other country payments will follow in succession. We do not have the schedule for those countries yet.
Within 30 days of NESARA's Announcement we will have a re-indexing of all items, on a 1:10 basis. That will take most of the inflation out of the world economies which will all be based on gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals. Gold will then be set at $50/oz; Silver:$10/oz and Platinum at $100/oz. All current Federal Reserve notes will be exchanged $1:$1 with US Treasury Notes for all within this country.
All printing plates for Federal Reserve Notes will be removed from their current locations and destroyed.
(May 16, 2009.)
KOS has the defacto authority, granted by the International Court of Justice at the Hague in 1999, to get NESARA Announced and the power to use his Martial Law authority "as needed." (Oct. 16, 2008.)
Lady Master Nada—previously appointed by the ICJ/World Court as International Special Prosecutor with authority to take whatever actions are required, including dissolving our Supreme Court and unsealing all 10,000 indictments and ordering arrests--is thereby the top Officer of the World Court and can override any order of that or any other court. As President of the Solar Tribunal and as NESARA's "Postal Lady", she is the ONLY one who can order NESARA's Announcement and authorize deliveries of funds. (July 11, 2008.)
We are at this moment actually under the joint jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice/World Court and the President of the Solar Tribunal {Lady Master Nada} who has been appointed by the ICJ as Special Prosecutor with power to arrest the indicted ones; dissolve our corrupt judiciary and Announce NESARA. Agents from Interpol and ICJ are present in D.C. Along with the 82nd Airborne and others. We have been well advised that galactic ships are over every major city and will decloak when the signal is given. (May 27, 2008.)
NO one gets any money until Lady Master Nada makes her Announcement on TV, at which time she will tell us the date of release that will be within 72 hours of her announcement. She is Special Prosecutor authorized by the Solar Tribunal, of which she is President, and the ICJ. She is expected to dissolve our Supreme Court; appoint Patrick Fitz as Acting AG and then authorize the arrests/removals of all cited ones. (May 27, 2008.)
The legal means to take us through this denouement was set in place in 1999 by the ICJ at which time St Germaine and the King of Swords/head of the worldwide militia of 4,000,000 men + 40,000 Galactic-humans, were given the power to prosecute and take such actions as are required to remove the corrupt ones and to insure that the whole planet is prepared for upshift into the 5Dimension, in the short time left in this cycle. (June 15, 2008.)
ALL governments will become compliant or will be changed.
The universal Law of the One is not political or religious but it recognizes that all life comes from the Source of All That IS and has an equal or equivalent divine plan. We all are equal parts of that plan.
No country and no being will be forgotten or shorted in all the coming moments.
Everyone on this planet has ascended at least 3 times to qualify to be here. This is true in your country as well and many in your country are prepared to come forward when it is safe to do so.
Michelle Eloff and others are fully aware of what is needed there and will be bringing that information to those who have already qualified themselves to offer their services in reorganizations and assistance in getting the benefits out into your whole country's citizens.
NESARA (and the worldwide expansion of those principles and programs to at least 190 countries), is assured to be implemented over a 10-15 month period following Announcement here (U.S.).
I do not know the exact roll out, but we do know that huge projects to fund 3rd and 4th world countries upgrades with all essential services will require many ones in your country to become involved. You might be one of them. (May 10, 2009.)
I can tell you that 9/11 is the key that will open the NESARA door to all that goes with it.
Karl Rove will be testifying tomorrow and we'll see what comes from that.
Several others are right behind him in line. Everything is ready to be coordinated and you won't want to miss the action once that key log comes out of the log-pile. (Feb. 22, 2009.)
We are also about to have 911 conspirators revealed. Karl Rove is a key figure in connecting the dots and will now be compelled to testify, willingly or in chains. (Jan. 28, 2009.)
Obama is declassifying much if not all of the secret developments that go back to 1946, including this technology.
That was when the beginning plans for 911 were formulated. Subsequently the charges were built into the Twin Towers and other new buildings in many major cities. Then, all they had to do was go in and attach detonators and timers to blow up/take down the towers, with an assortment of technologies, including 2.1 and 2.3 megaton nuclear and thermite charges.
They also used holographic projectors and cruise missiles in both towers and Pentagon hits. Overhead controllers monitored the effectiveness and coordinated the separate actions but left timing gaps which revealed the actual sequences involved. (Jan. 28, 2009.)
In exchanges with Ashtar, Mother Sekhmet and KOS, we were informed that the Higher powers did see the probability that this [i.e., 9/11] would occur. They discussed all the factors and they concluded that if NESARA had been Announced, as planned, that it would have been an initial success but serious illuminati inroads would have undermined several aspects.
In general, the public wasn't ready to understand the magnitude of the Illuminati stranglehold on all institutions, systems and beliefs. On the positive side, they saw the wave of compassion that went through the whole planet would touch more people and be the basis for uniting the world and waking the public to ask for help.
So they reviewed the soul contracts of all who had chosen to clear much karma through something of this sort. You are also right about other positive results, not usually seen or expressed. Some of these concerned those who were beamed out and are on the ships and will return to tell of their experiences.
Others had awakening experiences that totally shifted their direction and has resulted in amazing spiritual advancement -- such as the CIA operative that was mentioned. Similar positive effects occurred all over the world.
The unprecedented shock wave opened the hearts of many starseed lightworkers and catapulted them into action. Although it has seemingly delayed some of the immediate benefits, it has massively increased the number who have now awakened and asked for spiritual assistance and who will, as a result, achieve ascension in this cycle.
The worldwide attention that resulted from the anticipation and interest in the Oct 14 decloakings, has stimulated so much receptivity to
discussion of galactic presence, that the Galactic Federation expects to benefit when regime change, NESARA's Announcement and decloakings occur in the near future. When this occurs, many from all over the world who have been taken up will return to speak of their experiences in being lifted out of harms way and shown many truths that they will share. This will assist us all as it will quickly be seen that there is nothing to fear, and wondrous benefits to come. (Dec. 7, 2008.)
These actions [i.e., the likely arrest of Karl Rove and associates] will bring 9/11 back to the front pages. Today, Dennis Kucinich prepared the way by reading one new charge against Bush, warranting Impeachment.
That new article concerns Bush's premeditated/personally directing and ordering the planning for the 9/11 'Incident'. On Saturday of last week David Ray Griffin stated on local radio that two nuclear devices were involved in bringing down at least two of the 9/11 towers. That has been previously revealed on the internet but never on public radio. Very important preparation. The first public arrests will send a very strong message that nobody is above the Constitution. (July 11, 2008.)
As the coming days' actions unfold and top Administration involvement is revealed, arrests will be required. The Military will be involved in supporting these actions. Quite obviously, top arrests will bring about a Constitutional Crisis that will compel NESARA's Announcement ... and regime changes ... all of which are provided for in the Secret NESARA Law. (July 11, 2008.)
Since 10/1/08 we have been Inside NESARA LAW.
This is a worldwide program to benefit all on the planet and to end the kind of treatment you have experienced. Everything is coming up from the buried layers of everyone. Not to punish but to CLEAR so that more Light can be held and enjoyed.
Our DNA is being upgraded and we will begin to experience the new potentials of our crystalline inner liquid light system. The key events are already arranged and are now playing out on the world stage.
From now until Easter 4/12/09 we will be seeing big changes in the World Economic System and in Justice coming to criminals as War Crimes Trials will begin to bring 75,000 international criminals to the Hague World Court for trial.
Every day now our DNA is being slowly upgraded to crystalline functionality. Rejoice that your dark night is ending. First we have to remove these criminals from all governments.
As an Indigo Starseed, you are aware that you carry codes that will become activated very soon and you will remember and have access to much knowledge you brought in with you that is now being activated. It will unwind...like a ball of string...and you will see why you chose such a difficult task.
We have family in the overhead ships that is going to be contacting us to help us through this brief period of transition before we are fully awake and remembering who we are and why we have come at this time.
So, be of good heart, stay calm and be certain that you are known and loved by your universal family and that they are eager to contact you. We are all waiting for a signal and then many wonderful changes will be brought forward for all to share.
It is so very close and it is absolutely certain. (March 30, 2009.)
It's really interesting how this effected me. I had a big sense of "wow, we've got nothing to fear anymore". It made me truly breathe a sigh of relief. I welcome the coming unfoldment, and hope this is the scenario that is in the works.
Chris, this resonates with me as well. I've never heard of any of this before, but it somehow feels right. Perhaps wishful thinking on our parts, but it still feels right.
Much love and light, and thank you for sharing!
Thanks Chris, sending out a vibration of hope rather than fear in these challenging times can only be a good thing and if it comes to pass then great
I'm with you my brother....................we stand united
with love valx
Interesting post Chris, I also got a sweet feeling reading this. It took a lot of work to write all that so someone is passionate about it.
I just had a long talk with a UFO investigator and he told me about the sheer # of reports coming in that for years was only a trickle. But I've been wondering why the huge increase in unique styles of craft? That seems terribly significant to me. It's like the word got out about Earth and now everybody's here checking out the X-level civilization readying itself to transition to a Y-level civilization. It does make me think somethings afoot! Even if nobody rings the front doorbell they are definitly peering in the windows!!
They appear to be taking significant risks to reveal their presence(fleetingly) to everyday people without direct contact. To be like a gnat buzzing in our ear. Part of that risk involves constant harrasment by our jet fighters chasing after them. Maybe they have seen enough years of this (and downed saucers)to conclude we are being controlled or supressed-we should have rolled out the welcome mat a long time ago! They might know this is the best strategy for helping build internal motivation to change. If they just came in and we changed to a more peaceful society, it wouldn't be our baby and it'd be doomed to failure. Not my original theory but it makes sense. On the other hand we might be just some exotic and popular safari destination! Hey Mom! Don't forget the egg salad sandwiches...
Peace to you
There certainly is something that gives me a good feeling when reading these types of words.....of the day of "meeting the neighbors". I remain hopeful that there will be a day when the charade of what we now call "life" is dropped, and true life and love are revealed - or finally understood. I sure wish it would come sooner..... like yesterday please?
With Love,
hi Chris, thanx so much for posting Ashtar,,someone used to forward me all ashtar s readings, but I haven t got one since right after Obama was elected,,Ashtar, along with other channelers had said Obama was the incarnation of Adama, a lemurian priest, and that within weeks he would declare nesara,,as it would need to be passed by congress in this system,,the great thing about nesara of course is that it was penned back in 2001 by dennis kucinich and ron paul, two political opposites who demonstrated that we all really want the same thing. I wrote Obama a letter when he was first elected, telling him to declare nesara 6 months before the mid term elections, as it would never pass congress,because it will cost most of them their jobs............but , I advised him, once it is voted down, use your tv time to educate the public about it, and read the list of who voted it down,,,make it the issue of the mid term elections, and the people, who would actually benefit from this bill, would easily vote in those who promise to pass it,,,,,,,,,but I like ashtar s way better, very inspiring,,,there is just that one part that is bugging me,,the part where ashtar says Obama will make the announcement in nov. or dec. 2009,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,missed that deadline,,,hopefully he will do it soon,,,,,,,,,maybe this weekend on the equinox !!!..........thanx again Chris
Pres. Obama is indeed a Celestial Soul that is here to assist us... but he can not do this alone. HE NEEDS our HELP! The same principle apply to assisting the Emissaries of Light in positions of Leadership as does Weather Reduction and Intention. Everytime you fault Pres. Obama for not being this or that you are taking away energy needed for the changes that are just emerging to take hold and root within our Consensus Reality.
I urge you to consider the Prayer for America and the World. We must invest in the Change that which we Wish to SEE. Wishing for it is not enough it must be intended.
NESARA is a reality that has been supressed. Why? Because it requires focused intention and attention by at least 11% of the world Population. That is all it takes to root change in a Consensus Reality 11%. Imagine if all the Lightworkers who are currently fighting over whether or not Global Warming is a reality... whether or not pollution is bad for the planet... whether or not LOVE is the ESSENCE of the SOUL... Whether or not the HIGH HEART or The HEART is the seat of the SOUL... all the battles about whether or not... and no UNITY... IT is time for the 11% to UNIFY and stop pontificating about the nuances of dribble and focus on LOVE.
It will be interesting to see how all goes down with NESARA. I'm a bit confused about what is being said about it at GRT-Intel because it says in one place there that it has been in effect since 2008. I just have this feeling now that there is some very interesting things going on behind the scenes that will come to Light on the world stage fairly soon that will look nothing like what Alex Jones and others have been forecasting, but rather, quite the opposite.
I truly don't think Alex and others intend any harm, but it is definitely time for the collective us to keep focused on better things for humankind and the larger intergalactic family community at large... So many sources now point toward our emerging into and onto that larger community awaiting our awakening from illusory duality and the dream of being alone to this very exciting reality, and next stage in the evolutionary development of humankind on Gaia...
And if we are receiving a little help with removal of some dark hat reptilian types that have been clogging the pipes, all the better. Those with a better view atop the precipice would know better than we. Would I not lead a blind man across a busy street if given opportunity to do so? May our temporary blindness be pleasantly surprised in the very near future...
It's either something like this going on, or some form of mass delusion and cruel cosmic joke on ourselves. Time will tell as some very elegant Hope of anticipation is growing exponentially, and that has a wonderful power all its own that is most likely very useful to all those caring helpers and Lightworkers awaiting our willful compliance on some level. I sure feel like something's going on having to do with free will and growing numbers.... LLP, Chris
Brian, you nailed it (for me anyway) with this,
"If they just came in and we changed to a more peaceful society, it wouldn't be our baby and it'd be doomed to failure"
I have sensed strongly for some time that we are going to be receiving visitors that are family, and we will collectively recognize this in a way that we cannot yet imagine, but this also leaves what you said so perfectly, that we need to want this. I highly suspect that it is some kind of marriage blending of the two, the dynamic catalyst of family showing up unexpectedly and the willingness on our part to receive our family guests.
One thing is seemingly evident, that we all are One living amazing evolving simultaneously expanding/contracting thing moving in a direction that has no end, so I'm up fo da ride on da rollacoasta, and trust that we already inherently have what it takes to evolve lying within, awaiting poetic catalyst for jumpstarting special quantum packet type evolutionary moments.
I still have that little cynical guy on my shoulder reminding me that all of this may be romantic hogwash, but I sez ah just cant help ma sef, Haaaahahahahaha. I'm in it for the whole enchilada now, cuz I knows too much to close ma eyes....
Oh, and Mary, what popped in mind when reading your post was we are the yesterday we seek.... I'm so glad you two were a little inspired by this too. It just has that familiar type feeling...
Holding all of you Beloveds in the Love and Light of the One that we are together and always, ahhhhmen.... Chris
Hey beautiful friends,
I'm sorry to be the skeptic here, but I rarely trust messages like this. I've been seeing them ever since I started this work eight years ago. I especially don't trust messages which talk about NESARA, as my research into this led me to believe it is a very sophisticated disinformation program. If you want to read more about this, see what I've written on NESARA at http://www.wanttoknow.info/nesara. If you are still waiting for the ETs or the spiritual hierarchy to make a better world for you, then you are still waiting and not yet experience the rich joy and love that is available now.
Consider the possibility that heaven is right here and right now for those who open to it. As I get increasingly better at releasing all judgments and surrendering fully to divine guidance, I find life becomes more rich and fulfilling all the time. I am absolutely loving my life.
Sure, it would be fun if all of the ETs showed themselves to everyone and all who are conspiring to keep people in darkness were exposed, but somehow I don't think that's how it works. I find that it's by each of us healing ourselves into wholeness and accepting all parts of existence that we heal the part of the collective consciousness within our reach. And as the collective consciousness expands and harmonizes with us, we all naturally expand further into the divine realms.
Thanks for caring and I wish you all a most beautiful and marvelous day.
With infinite love and joy,
Hi All-
I didn't want to post unresearched information especially if it meant bursting eveyone's buble but my husband also said that Nesara is a hoax - since I didn't want to take the time to research it myself I just kept silent. It sure would be nice to get a little help down here though...
I guess I'm very earthy/grounded/left brained but I think it can be dangerous to judge information based on intuition, rather than just researching and letting the facts fall where they will. My intuition totally steered me wrong about 9/11. We all want good news and want to believe the world is a beautiful place but I do believe we came here to learn and we wouldn't get much learnin' done if it were easy.
I think what Fred said about finding hope in one's own efforts and outlook is important.
Intuition is very different from thinking that something is this or that. The mind knows the cost of everything and yet values nothing. Intuition is real and it is to be trusted. The small still voice that guides us all. This is the intuition.
In a HEART centered world where all are valued and LOVED, back breaking loans, wars for profit, wars fought on principle, the placing of resources in the hands of the few... freedom for the few and oppression for the many would not be possible. Is this not the HEART of NESRA--- The living by and way through the HEART?
Not really trouble, but I've been hearing this scenario in various forms for a while, too, with a big disappointment at the turn of the millenium when our ET friends were sure to come en-masse. Many were disappointed of course, including my father, who put great faith in that scenario so that he and my disabled mother could be saved before they died. Well, they have both become "ET's" themselves now, by virtue of their deaths.
So, with all this and so many other wonderful-sounding messages and scenarios that we've all heard through channels and other authoritative-sounding sources, I've had to deal with my own tendency toward suggestibility over and over again. I've noticed that because I want to hear something, I tend to believe it. I feel that it carries an intuitive ring of truth. Over and over again. I don't think I've become jaded, just more realistic -- not about the possibilities (because they may truly be amazing and wonderful) but about the tendency to believe for no reason other than a desire for that (whatever) to be true.
Yes, contact will surely happen some day. But I'm not holding my breath. As Fred points out, the big change will probably be a function of the manner of our own being. If ET help comes, great. If not, there are surely big changes we can and will be part of and be midwives for, anyhow. And our lives are happening now, not then.
The King of Swords is a Tarot card. After I read that I couldn't take the rest seriously.
If NESARA is true, great. The scenario does have a wonderful heart appeal. (What I don't like is the flavor of an elite taking over and cleaning things up, making arrests, and so forth. That's not in conformity with the original Wingmakers material.)
BUT... if it is true, I'd like to get a small advance on that $10 million right now. Where do I apply?
20+ years in Architecture helped me develop both. I have enjoyed both. My research of the past 5 years or so has led me to believe we are moving from an era dominated by left brain rational/analytical male oriented polarization towards the more female oriented intuitive emotion dream skills. We all possess all of these skills, regardless of which ones we are using the most at any time.
What really got me thinking about this is when I read the Law of One sessions and (the late) Dr. Don Elkins, a professed avid left brainer, was coming to his own realization of the more intuitive side of heart-mind skills during his experiences with Carla's deep channeling sessions back in circa 1981. Since then there have been those like Gregg Braden and James' (from WingMakers) papers on the Intelligent Heart, and HeartMath Institute, and so many others like Barbara Marciniak.
I imagine if I were moving in the direction of left brain I would be attracting just as many sources touting superiority of left brain rational analytical skills. The amusing thing I soon became aware of concerning left brain skills is the common presumption that we are dealing with certain and trustworthy data to be engaged by left brain analyses. When one considers just how illusory the apparent data may be in relation to the noumenal world that the 5 senses are hardly capable of investigating, one tends to seek for other methods that allow the investigation of the "unseen" world.
For me, this is how my rational/logical left brain thinking brought me to a higher regard for the power of intuition. Don Elkins was definitely my initiative muse on that one. I have a "hunch" that there is much there to be developed (or redeveloped). And after 5-6 thousand years of male oriented disregard for the intuitive side, I do so look forward to a return to a former balance of the intended entrained left and right brain.
Alleged NESARA legislation may indeed be a "hoax", but I intuitively suspect that the intent behind it is honorable hopefulness and not cynical mischief. A sincere desire and creative way to get people to think about the world that could be, and wishful thinking at the very least. The interesting thing about the info from Mark Huber's website is that it (something like NESARA being successfully implemented) may very well involve some kind of collaboration and assist from family from "out of town", and that would not necessarily break the rules of sovereignty, free will and law of confusion.
I just can't shake this feeling about a coming get together that exceeds anything that has ever happened on Gaia. It is definitely not because I hope to be rescued. My life is wonderful right now and I have no need to be rescued from this much good fortune, LOL, so this has nothing to do (I hope this is true) with an escapist-driven perspective. It could be as simple as helping someone on the side of the road who is stuck in the red Alabama mud. They could be stuck there for a long time, or I could simply stop, get out of my car, and together we gidder dun in much less time.
In any case, I doubt that this has to be either/or. I strongly suspect it is a combination of our sovereign willingness, a certain time in the evolution of humankind and a (free) willing assist from a friend or friends stopping by this corner of the galaxy to help humankind get unstuck from this very dense illusory 3D construct that so many believe is all there is (like my 2 athiest best friends). It is so funny and ironic that my 2 best buddies are athiests...
At the very least, it sure is fun to dreammmmmm... And anyone telling anyone to stop dreaming and get real in a temporal illusory construct like this is dreaming without knowing they're dreaming, the height of irony, which is perfect for this somewhat amusing 3rd density journey....
I had a few of those red flag moments too Bob (while reading some of the info at Mark's website). Another thing that bothered me a bit was that there is no recent info being offered at that site. One of the main attractors for me was the idea that there is a new game being developed at high levels, as if there were this ongoing preparation for something much better than the horror stories we can find at any Alex Jones type website.
I loved the idea that Obama is not a willing player in the old ruling class game, but a very proactive player in the development of the new one, a benevolent and equitable resource-based economy and way of life on this planet, albeit with the ongoing behind-the-scenes help of some much more advanced than we...
Awwww hell, I'll just face the truth of my personal take on and sense about humankind right now - I don't think we have a snowball's chance in hell to get unstuck from our proud idiocracy and delusional ignorance (dreaming without knowing one is dreaming) without a little help from our friends..... That's most likely what attracted me to this kind of scenario that would "unstick" people worldwide in short order, something like induced labor of a hundredth monkey effect causing quickened transformation of heart, mind and dna, or something along those lines.... I'm basically up for anything at this point. My life is fine like it is. Having said that, I would love a visit from family from outta town that I haven't seen in over a million years, LOL
My experience is steering me to go with Fred's point: (thanks Fred)
"If you are still waiting for the ETs or the spiritual hierarchy to make a better world for you, then you are still waiting and not yet experience the rich joy and love that is available now."
I've experienced living in the moment and accepting life as it is. And I eventually set about "finding" that experience again-part of the minds repetoire of tricks to keep us endlessly distracted:-)
Somebody said to me "The mind (ego) is a 'This Isn't It' machine".
I'm not sure, but I think the mind issues a string of endless questions. I guess that's also the built-in handicap of it's construction-if you have an 'experience' of living fully in the moment, the mind eventually asks "But am I living in the moment NOW?" or "Is this THE moment now?" ad vomitum, and it's off to LaLa Land again...it's hilarious!
Right on Chris, anything we can dream up, can be,,Ashtar has channeled alot of wild stuff, many possible scenarios,,and he is not the only one,,I enjoy his stuff for that reason,,to me, if that channel was shoved down the mainstreams throat, like everything else on tv,,it would increase it s chances of happening a billion fold,,for, until we can dream it, it can t happen,,,,I also agree with Brian, that waiting for the et s to save us is wrong,,,but there has to be something to all of this,,space relatives,I mean,,,I believe that alot of people, even people who have looked at this incredible cycle we are completing, still see it as the rest of the galaxy s position in relation to us...but one night, after reading an explanation of how far we have traveled through the galaxy in this cycle to come full circle,,in relation to everything else,, I believe it was in reference to this photon belt that we are starting to pass through again,,,and then cross referencing that to evolutionary jumps in every organism on the planet, they all coincide with this cycle....anyways all this info swirled together in my head, and instead of flying off in different directions, it all fit together,,,you know when you are just certain that you just stepped in truth,,,,well ashtar s channel might not play out this way exactly, as predictions rarely play out as foretold, the future changes by the minute,, but when you read it , it just has a ring of "justice" in it that makes it worth trying to bring about, "deport the reptilians" or "give everyone 10 million", or "shut down the fed",,it s perfect !, from what I have read, these "arrests" aren t as we know them, they are deportations of sorts,,,anyways, it all sounds good to me, let s do it,,analyzing it to see why it s not possible will get us absolutely nowhere, that s work for computers