![Brian's picture Brian's picture](http://gatheringspot.net/sites/default/files/styles/activity_avatar/public/pictures/picture-172.jpg?itok=e_JHnzLN)
I've been reading alternative media newsletters (like FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting) that point out the extent of lying and fibbing and tainted information in the major media. Some of it reveals a pattern of lying, stalling and pandering by the Obama administration apparently to satisfy corporations or the military etc. The FCC wasn't going to protect the Internet until there was a huge outcry to preserve neutrality. Also the banks and investment houses may be getting treated with kid gloves... why?
So I'm left with the questions:
1) do you think the present administration is corrupted by corporations (donations?) and serves them above Americans?
2) Is it really a big confusing soup of responses trying to cater to different parties?
3) Is there a grand conspiracy at work-others pulling strings-where Obama is actually a puppet?? That was certainly my impression of Bush Jr-a puppet.
Perspiring minds want to know! But keep it brief...
1) All governments do this, everywhere, its not limited to the US IMO
2) I don't understand all the different factions and I don't even care to try anymore, I'm not directly involved so attempting to delve into it is as pointless an exercise (for me, at this point in my life) as watching "American Idol" or something like that.
3) This is the one where I have a lot to say.
Firstly, I feel Obama was a genuine guy who wanted (and wants still probably) to make a difference. He came into a huge mess, and may not have realized how little power he really has. At least he probably didn't realize the road blocks he would face in trying to get anything done. The problem, is that most people also don't realize that he doesn't really have that much power (theres something like 13 levels of clearance above the president before you get to the "top" of "top secret.") Because of this, I think a lot of people get mad and think he just doesn't care, is a liar, is a bad-guy, is a puppet, is a reptile from outer space, etc. My gut feeling is he came in wanting to change the game and got walls put up in his face, big time. The same gut feeling leads me to also believe he is still trying. Maybe I have too much faith in this guy, but the suit against Goldman Sachs being filed on the same day he declared "no more bailouts..." I call that an interesting coincidence.
Secondly, I think there is a conspiracy to build upon the lack of knowledge of the people as mentioned above, and demonize him, so that people don't see his efforts. I think a lot of disinfo has been circulated, and continues to be circulated to his detriment, especially in the conspiracy 'community.' When conspiracy theory and FOX News start saying the same stuff about anything I hear alarm bells. Thats really all I have to say about that, I think most of the "bad Obama" stuff in the alternative press is being seeded intentionally.
Agreed Josh! Agreed!
Part of the Dumbing Down of The American People is that Government is not taught to kids in school anymore. No one understands how this system of Representative Demoncracy works or the rise of the Military Industrial Complex that Esinhower warned the American Public about... It is has been wiped from our text books and teachers are admonished not to teach true Government to kids...
Conspiracy Theory dogmatics have been infilterated with Disinformation and the fact that the World is Getting LIGHTER is really scary to the Dogmatic Left and Right... Conspiracy LOVES Company and the POWER of FEAR... they have the same objective as Fox News... to create a climate of you versus them... no real empowerment is occurring through these places and spaces... all that is happening in the game of Seperation is kept in play.
Pres. Obama really did not fully know what he was getting into. He only knew he must make his best effort to create change and stabalize this country. Where is the responsibilty that the citizen of this Country and This World is taking... NONE ! Because they are listening to FOX NEWS or the Conspiracy Theory Dogmatics... Haven't you heard--- It is that other guy's fault!
It is sad that the one thing that would turn all of this around is completely discounted, avoided, buried and crapped on. LOVE and the POWER of LOVE. UNITY is LOVE. HARMONY is LOVE. SHARING is LOVE. PEACE is LOVE. LOVE. Love is LIGHT. Shed some LIGHT. How about Intending that the Dream Pres. Obama so eloquently speaks about... How about INTENDING with all the LOVE in your HEART that he actually succeeds in bringing forth change... Oh yeah that's right... that would mean LOVE and UNITY and all that stuff that Conspiracy Theorist Dogmatics and Fox New do not want... Change.
Hi All-
I do believe there is a grand, many layered conspiracy out there and that all US presidents since Kennedy have been "puppets" as well as many congressmen and most senators. Most of the break away civilization (those that pull the strings) probably believe they are doing what is best for us, perhaps this is true, perhaps not, time will tell. There is so much detail we simply do not know. Are there alien wars going on? Is one faction currently pulling the strings? Are spirits actually pulling the strings and is there a spiritual war going on? Perhaps both is the case as well as time travelers and multidimentional beings are involved. Is the break away civilization draining government funds to prepare for a possible upcoming earth change? What are the dumbs for? We don't even know who the "us" really is - we are just beginning to understand who "we" are.
All divisions are artificial, especially the political ones as they are easily used as a control mechanism, to keep the people from seeing that "We are slaves, Neo". We are given choices for the unimportant things - Coke or Pepsi (democrat or republican) all the while our clean, pure, water (freedom, peace, justice) is being taken away from us and we are being poisoned with murcury in the corn syrup (the wars, pollution, corporate control carry on).
I believe that we are all connected to them and they to us - we are all one and we need to look in the mirror and fix those thoughts within ourselves that are negative, clean and forgive ourselves to bring about healing. When I feel the connection to the universe, source, universal spirit I know that all is well and the struggle is just part of the dance of life, the great learning that must happen. This does not take away my desire to win, however, my will to see freedom, peace and justice happen for all happen here on earth as it is in heaven.
Above all, I hear a heartening faith or understanding that love with a capital L is in an expanding and maybe critical phase! It's hard to pay the right attention to all the brilliant points you each make-and I really do mean brilliant. IS this crew representative of society's best thinkers? I hope so. Forgive me for gushing, but I am actually a little sad that I can't express my admiration for each of you! Huge hugs to you! In no particular order, here's some themes I noticed:
1. Conspiracies? Yes... tho extent is either exhausting or confusing. But there's differences-like that there is a shadow government and system, or that there is a political shadow of supposed "liberal v conservative"(my current point of fascination)
2. "Obama seems to be a standup guy" or at least I don't hear he's a confirmed slug, poser or reptilian. My impression of him is of integrity but that he's in a challenge that is of a different order of magnitude than he imagined it. I think he's getting his bearings. {my worry is I don't see my own liberal bias toward him-just like conservatives thinking of Bush and co as "doing a great job"}
3. The Matrix or a grand conspiracy. Love it or leave it! I think people relate to the Matrix movies/story because we know instinctively it represents the social system we live in(largely unconsciously), it echoes the paranoia(?) of hidden controllers and it is the Hero's Journey ala anthropologist Joseph Campbell. What a combination! (I'm getting goose bumps just thinking of those building horn crescendos and furious string parts in the movie's score!) And Kung Fu!...sorry...I need to calm down now
4. LOVE...........that it is best to place ones central attention on love...that the rest is a distraction and game we signed on for (were we getting bored in Heaven?:-).
Isn't this the profound truth of living?...and why do I keep forgetting this?
I thought Hidden Hand said it very well in that Q&A session that was posted a while back. They offer us an alternative to our true heritage for sake of experience of free choice. If we take, consume and get lost in that which is unreal, it is not "them" that is at fault, but "us". This divine inherent response-ability may be the biggest lesson we are "here" to learn.
As for the earth changes in process (solar system changes for that matter), I am reminded of Dan Winter's referring to the "Whale Dreamers", a perfect example of our collective power to initiate coherence that makes a path through and beyond the catalyst of earth, sun and solar system changes. Hidden Hand was asked "what does 11:11 mean?" HH said something about looking at it like an alarm clock.
When I think of all the profound messages that have been synchronizing to become this wake up call to our true heritage, the trivial white noise of politics and faux news pales to oblivion. Maybe there is a breakaway civilization, but we also have the divine inherent ability to be the same, to break away from the false choices and become a collective Whale Dreamer coherence initiative that steers us to the stars, to literally become the stars of Creation.
I truly believe we have been carrying within us this inherent ability all along, but have been bound to this physical playpen of unwillingness and confusion by our own unbelief, of misappropriated priorities. As is true with life as we know it now, we will most likely face these challenges and catalysts over and over again until we make the choice that unleashes our divinity, and we once again Be true to our true Selves. In that perspective, what is happening right now can be viewed as being at the apex of a very exciting and liberating opportunity (Chinese word for crisis)....
Paradise is a state of Mind. The physical world is a manifestation of Mind. Therefore it stands to reason that it is the Mind that must change its mind, and then the physical manifestation of a paradise or otherwise follows, and never the other way around... i.e. there is no one or nothing to blame...
And you said you weren't ascending....
HOGWASH, haaaahahahaha
Everyone a Big Hug to you all! We are the Ones we have been waiting for. We are birthing ourSelves and the New Earth. Breathe in the Love around you and within you. Just Breathe! LOVE.
I like how Dan Winters translates the language of Faith. Grace=the Charge or Spark. Love is the Ignition. Combine Love and Grace and Ascension happens... Science and Spirituality speak the same Truth only in different words. So Beautiful is the Nature of LOVE.
I LOVE YOUR Comment... LOL LOL LOL and still LOL --fairy
is this conspiracy big and centralized and comprehensive? Are we in a Matrix-like illusory environment created by this conspiracy?
That's my question...
Personally I don't think we are (though I have before!). My reference on the subject: Steven Greer claims that powerful elites are a fragmented assemblage of people with different needs who have formed a cabal because they have a common need for secrecy and control. That a minority within this cabal staged 9/11/01. He claims inside information that more rational members (40-60% of the group) now want to release free energy devices they've suppressed. Send love!
They're facing the reality of environmental collapse and global warming & it's breaking the hold of the conspiracy apart. See, that just seems so much more like my dysfunctional family-a complicated mess of stagnation and competing needs! People are usually messy and make dumb choices.
BTW I've done maybe a hundred hours of reading up on free energy technologies and seen evidence of many cover ups cross-referenced with documentation, including sworn testimony of eyewitnesses, public news accounts, newspapers, magazines etc. I did some random fact checking by reading some of the claimed sources and government documents cited. Result: this ruthless suppression of world-saving technologies is looking quite credible to me. It's also hard to believe my car gets poorer mileage than a Model T.
Dan Winter (in the video I posted here a few days ago) had some things to say about the matrix, a quarantined environment where the boundary is actually the speed of light we are familiar with at present. His has always been a very interesting theory to me. Hidden Hand had some very interesting things to say about the "why" of it.
James at WingMakers wrote of a "human mind system" that relates very well to what Dan Winter is describing, an entrapping system so profoundly far reaching that it even has the "ascended masters" (like Jesus/Buddha) spoken of in earth history entrapped within it in the astral realms, thus still bound to the confines of earth environment. Dan Winter also related to this, and says that some of these ascended avatars actually feed off of our collective emotions. There are some who say that is precisely why so much fear is bred, for feeding time of those entities who delight in the consumption of that energy.
The video "Slavery and the 8 Veils" is also a very interesting video that relates to this theory of containment/enslavement. Dan Winter explains it thus, the universe has no use for those who cannot transcend this type of containment, and that we are viewed somewhat like a virus, the very reason for the quarantine of certain levels of evolving species. Ra of the Law of One sessions also speaks of this quarantine. So does the information given to Phyllis Schlemmer featured in her book, "The Only Planet of Choice".
The very interesting thing to me about all of this is, for whatever reason, all of these seemingly disparate sources are relating to a quarantine on this planet. If there truly is a breakaway civilization, is it that part of humankind that is actually or has actually learned what is required to transcend this protective boundary? I am now convinced that we do well to stop looking toward the saviorship model and seek within for answers that are most likely already inherent, embedded within the so called "junk" DNA comprising the vast majority of our DNA information. Again, Dan Winter has covered this area the best I have ever seen/read....
And another thing that comes up common in all sources I have come to resonate with, the truly constructive effective path is via emotions and intelligent heart (via Bliss as per Dan Winter). E-motion or energy in motion with consciously focused direction and pure single-minded intent. Come to think of it, Ananda M. Bosman is also getting at the same thing in his own very interesting and unique way....
Happy Hunting
Warning! Don't read this if you haven't seen the movie Crouching Tiger-Hidden Dragon!!!!! (and go rent it if you haven't seen it! It's grownup themes include death and martial fighting...but you can squint or turn away at the one moment of simulated gore. The story is just amazing).
This might be off the subject a little...In a couple of pop fantasy/martial arts movies I liked (Brian's such a sap) there's this theme that to become fully actualized you have to renounce attachments including romantic love, love of family and deep friendships in order to achieve self-actualization and enlightenment. (I once seriously considered this and decided I couldn't do it-I have a more nuanced view of what this means now though)The key character is a Buddhist monk in each movie and in Crouching Tiger-Hidden Dragon this is maybe it's central point of 'contention'. But in these stories when death is imminent, the monks character relents or reveals he wishes to be attached and love who he loves. This moment is almost too much for me to bear emotionally! It seems to grab every person this way but....why?
The other tragic realization is of the young antagonist's(a flawed hero in her own right) grief at her responsibility in causing the death of the hero. She kills herself by jumping from a sacred mountain in front of her own beloved. It's really seriously enthralling emotionally. People weep. Out come the hankies. Have you ever feared your own selfishness and failings might cause an innocent and virtuous person to die? I have. Many times.
So, does this mean I place a higher priority on down-to-earth love? With my reactions here, it sure feels that way inside. Do we have to decide it's either/or? Love or transcendence?
The question you ask (from my viewpoint) is born of this strong sense of attachment to illusory data, therefore could only be answered by someone entrenched in the same illusory attachment. In my opinion, the question itself will ultimately be abandoned upon a better understanding of the very illusory nature of our dramatic concept of "death", presuming it is somehow an end to some "thing".
Creation is ultra conservative and utterly efficient. There is no death in the cosmos, only evolving and continual transformation of mass, elements, frequencies, etc. I know this about physics, therefore I can no longer fall for Hollywood's dramatization of these very illusory and misleading concepts. I see Life and Being as continuous and eternally uninterrupted, continuously evolving and experiencing from Conscious Being and Self reference as per an original Thought/Design.
So much that I used to emotionally and romantically fall for seems like so much child's play these days. I just can't help it at this point. I don't say this to shun or belittle your strong intimate feelings you are expressing so perfectly, only to express where I am in relation to concepts of "death" and romantic dramatization of these illusory concepts...
There is no right or wrong in any of this, only evolving perspectives....
I have struggled with what it means to love someone - how to love someone without needing them to be with you, or to be a certain way, or to love you back, for that matter. I think what it comes down to is that Love (the real stuff) doesn't equal attachment. The "everyday" sort of love usually is nearly all attachment, with a bit of fondness thrown in for good measure (maybe some sexual or physical chemistry, too).
So, do you love someone because you don't want them to go away? Would you love them if they hurt you, or didn't want to be with you? Are you willing to bear your soul to them without ever expecting one thing in return? No judgment either way, but I think that gives an indication of the Love vs love question. I think about the way I love my son, and it's as close as I've ever gotten to Love in the truest sense of the word. There's not much he could do to turn that Love off in me (I really couldn't imagine anything). I get tired of him, angry with him, frustrated, you name it, but I Love him with my whole heart. I'm even willing to piss him off royally to assure he's taken care of. I would say he is Buddha reincarnated if not for my sense of humility (LOL).
When I think about men I've loved in my life, there were always stipulations - if you can't be this, then I can't love you anymore; if you do this, I'll love you more (or less, as the case may be). I think at some point, we get to where we can Love, and let go, and still Love. Or Be Love - though that's sort of a big leap for me to figure out. My mom was better at that than me.
I always thought that the Romeo and Juliet story was so stupid (would kinda get angry to hear people call it romantic). I never really understood why. I guess maybe it's because that is the exact definition of attachment that is not really what Love is at all.
I ramble. LOL... I guess I am also working through all this still.
Much Love,
I appreciate your comments above. Especially in the light that I and some family members and friends had a wake for Ray yesterday afternoon. You never know how or how much you love someone until they are not physically there to express that love to. There were a couple of people who came who I thought were only casual friends who it turns out were very emotionally distressed by his passing. I was thrilled with the emotional and open expression of true love for him yesterday.
But back to the discussion of our president, I believe that he has a very certain plan in his mind as for what he desires to do to help this country. He has a great number of forceful enemies politically and in the corporations,(who are really the one who direct policy in this country) who are surely threatening him and family if he doesn't cowtow to their whims. I feel intuitionally that he is waiting patiently until a proper time to let his deeper agenda be known. He is playing a very dangerous game of chess at this time but is a wise and skilled player. Have you all noticed that every week, almost everyday that there is another politician who is choosing to drop out of the race this fall? Hmmm. sounds so much like some of the channeled information I have been reading that there will be a big change in the political scene in Washington. New young faces, new intentions, new and fresh approaches to solving the problems which are embracing the nation now. And also, new people who are not on the leashes of the military-industrial powers. I think that we are about to see some very real changes in our government which will be totaly unexpected by those of the teapartiers, the Dems or the GOP.
2010 is and has been said to be the year of real change, and I expect some very exciting and perhaps challenging time ahead in the next 7 months.
It scares me to death when someone says they expect real change in the makeup of DC. Mostly because I remember what happened in 2000. Ralph Nader removed enough votes from the Dems to allow the Repub dirty tricks machine to shit storm Bush into power...
8 years of feeling like I had died and gone to hell.