I ran into Dan Winter's work while reading Jan Wicherink's book "Souls of Distortion Awakening" which featured a wonderful collection of some of the most profound post quantum physics research at present. This video series features a profound and very knowledgeable and coherent understanding of our possible origin (connection to the Annunaki), what its all about, and a balanced view that avoids dualistic notions of "good and evil" altogether. Bravo to Dan for this amazing and very enlightening presentation. Here is the first of 13 segments - the rest, as always, are in the right hand column of the youtube page.... Part 7 of 13 begins the practical/fundamental understanding and exercise/practice of Bliss.
YouTube - Dan Winter - EggX Files & Bliss Practice 1/13 [PL]
Chris I managed to watch up to episode 3 of the series-- then life called me to attend to it! LOL :))
Just absolutely fabulous storytelling the story that we all know in our hearts to be true. I Love how he is showing all of the connections that are there just waiting to be connected! I just Love his Work! I can hardly wait until tommorrow when I can continue the rest of the story---
He so thoroughly and coherently ties together so many different things that I have come to learn about. He is one of those walking talking reference libraries. I am on my 3rd viewing so I can soak it all in.... LLP, Chris
It feels like I'm lacking a few college courses (or several books) to understand what he's saying but it made enough sense here and there for me to not think he's crazy as a loon, which is what I probably would have thought about him a few years back. Haven't listened to the whole thing yet but I'm getting a kick out of how he makes a research project out of everything, even touch.
I am up to part 8. I can clearly see that Grace=Charge. It is delightful that someone is explaining this stuff in detail. I also like the parts where Dan Winters explains the interest that Ashtar has concerning Earth... they are the one who have been feeding on us for a Millenia! Now I understand why my dear old Mentor, William before beginning to teach me about the nature of the Universe would shout FU Ashtar! You can't have this one! LOL and then laugh uproarously. Very funny more so than at the time... Enlightenment comes in all forms including a chain smoking Energy Master... God(dess) bless us all!
Think of what Dan was explaining concerning movements that "hold the energy", and then watch this video of the Shaolin Monks practicing the very thing Dan is speaking of. We know that what Dan is discussing is very ancient, but it sure is refreshing to hear a more comtemporary and scientific explanation of these ancient practices... After listening to Dan, I find that I am more mindful of all my movements, methodical, calm, no jerky movements or breathing, etc....
YouTube - Shaolin Monks - Qi Gong
I have been practicing the breathing exercise that he demonstrated in part 7 or 8! IT really does create space for Energy to flow in! Grace!
It has a very intuitive and soothing feel to the practice...
Thank you Dan for all you have done to further our understanding!
Be it so be it, Sh-amen
I haven't watched the whole video yet but so far I'm finding this a bit easier to understand.
Thanks Wendy, that was great. He covers all the core things he always talks about, and does it as simply as is possible, given the subject matter that can be somewhat intimidating at first. What I still like about the series of 13 segments is how he ties so much of earth and human history in with his core implosion physics and fractality research, and offers exercises for bliss in the closing segments.
I would love to see Nassim Haramein, Dan Winter and Peter Russell get together for a forum discussion before an audience. That would be amazing... Thanks again for that offering....
Simply Awesome.
So many connections were made for me--- and filled in the blanks where my questions were. Now time to digest this and begin to learn more as Expansion Expands upon itself.
I Bless Your HEARTS with Love--
Upon doing more research concerning Dan's comments on Dracos Reptilian race, found the following. I have heard about the reptilian bloodlines, connections to European royal bloodlines, underground facilities, for some time now from many sources. I used to roll my eyes, but there may be something to all of this alleged history, or one hell of a very long enduring mass delusion. I really love Dan's balanced views concerning Dracos, Orion, Annunaki, etc... The following ties up a few loose ends for me, and some dates are somewhat surprising...
At the very least, the dietary information is priceless
Dulce and the Take Over of Earth
Thanks Chris-
It was Jim Marrs talking about the alien sightings in the late 1800's that finally convinced me this stuff is real. Your post says they were hushed up but I suspect that was after the initial reports got out in several locals newspapers, that Jim Marrs speaks about. I could write off all the disclosure projects witnesses as military disinformation agents but not this.
Somehow the Dan Winter stuff led me to Thomas Campbell of the Monroe Institute - I've bought a CD set and a book from them, hoping to learn astral travel. I had an out of body experience when I was a kid - it was very brief because as soon as I realized that I was out of body, I got freightened and zipped back in. It will be interesting to see if I make any progress with this.
I'm Willing to bet you do make progress with that Wendy!
Thanks for the youtube clip....