Good Greetings All:
There is much to connect with this video. There seems to be an increase of reports of Greys helping humans. I believe this is a different kind of Grey that was in stasis here after the last solar burp as Dan Winter calls it.. and they have awakened to find their world inhabited by humanity. There are factions within this species of Draco that wish to work with Humans for thier common good and survival. There is also a whole group and type of Draco that has ascended to 5/6th Density that is attempting to spread the good news (much like the Christ to Humanity) and are Christed Beings. It is all so much more complex and diverse than to just say "Greys are all Bad and Evil." It would behoove us to remember the lessons of hatred and bigotry among our own people---
As to whether or not the Greys have turned over a new leaf... that remains to be seen. What I am suggesting is these are not the same Greys that we are familar with but a different type of Draco that Peter Sterling was communicating with. Discernment of the truth in the Message is key. The Truth is there will be a change... A way to deal with this change will be to activate a personal merkabah. A merkabah is a nature Sacred Geometric multidimensional vehicle made from our own light. The key begins with the Flowering of the HEART. It is encoded in our DNA. We are the Ones we have been waiting for. --fairyfarmgirl
For correlating information please see these links
This goes so well with what Dan Winter was talking about in that other post, and I couldn't agree more about withholding judgment in favor of fluid intelligence and higher intelligence of the Heart. We are learning to learn again!!!!
This also reminded me of Terence McKenna's visions induced from experiments with DMT, and also Ananda M. Bosman. Also remember David Wilcock speaking of the waves that pulse from the central sun of the universe and come about every 62 million years and would look like the waves in a pond when a pebble is dropped in the water. It has been 65 million years since the last one...
Amen to "we are the ones we have been waiting for"
The following link only vaguely relates to this. The reason I am posting it is so the reader can have a better understanding of just how long contact with ET/EBE civilizations has been going on. And then from that, extract an understanding of how possible it is that preparations have been underway for years now concerning earth changes events to come....
Dulce and the Take Over of Earth
And then when Peter was asking the Greys if they could place a protective force field around the planet (and the Greys said they did not have the technology to do that) it reminded me of what Dan Winter was talking about when he was talking about the "Whale Dreamers" in which many children coming together with focused intention. This is exactly what the Maharishi Effect is talking about, and is a sacred force field that we already have the ability to perform, and are already being performed around the world in what many call "coherence initiatives" (TM-Sidhi Program). Take a look at this link and notice the description and graphic of the Meissner Effect as you scroll down on the page. It is the force field we can make right here right now by coming together in Conscious Intention via the very intuitive and intelligent Heart. Maharishi Effect
and then when Peter mentions that the Greys told him we need to activate the dormant codes in our DNA, well this is exactly what Dan Winter and others have been telling us for some time now. Anyone taking the time to hear Peter's story should then go back and listen to Dan Winter talk about all of this, and much that seemed a bit over our heads and confusing will begin to make much more intuitive sense after listening to Peter....
Dan Winter on origins and practical understanding of bliss | Gathering Spot
Galactic pulsations - Google Search
Gamma Ray Bursts, Earthquakes, and Galactic Gravity Waves » Chaotic Nodes and Dimensional Attunements
Divine Cosmos
Angelic Harp Music by Peter Sterling: Harp Magic
The Template Org