I am surprised that no one has posted this here yet, but here I am to give it to you, all four segments. This is the latest video that David had produced and is something which you must take time to watch. It is about 3 1/2 hours total but it is worth every
minute. There are four parts so pick up the second thru fourth part from youtube.
L&L Berry
I read on his site tthat this was going to be a good "jumping in point" for people new to Wilcock's work so I managed to convince my wife to watch it with me. I didn't agree with that statement to be honest, he has a lot of very interesting information (alot is rehashed if you follow his work) and he dumbs some things down for people (i.e. he defines photosynthesis) but fails to explain other more comlicated matters which he probably should explain in more detail (like torsion fields, or his "Edgar Cayce" connection). The Edgar Cayce thing was the big turn off for my wife, I thought he did a better job of explaining it in 2012 Enigma, and didn't go into it enough in this to be convincing - not everyone understands astrology charts, in fact I assume most people don't (myself included, at least from what he showed in this video). My advice would be to stay away from the Edgar Cayce stuff entirely, or go in depth with it, anywhere in between and he just looks crazy. Some of the tangents he goes on, although I follow them, people new to this stuff will not. I think he is trying to reach a wider, more science minded audience with his work, and he's got my attention, but he's not quite there yet when it comes to turning skeptics. Though I think he's close, and a lot closer than many in this field.
Fred, if you are reading this, I personally like your approach better than anyones I've seen - present evidence, that has been verified, as it is, without trying to add your own spin (minus a few insightful questsions at the end of the article). In fact it was your site(s) that got me back onto this path after a number of years "in the dark." You need to go on tour man :)
Not to knock what was originally posted - I think its got a lot of good material - just disappointed that it was not what I was expecting.
I think that when he comes out with his full lenght film, Convergence, it will satisfy all those questions which were left unanswered in this video. I agree that he tried to cover to much material without sufficient depth. Having read most of his major written works most of this was familiar territory but I did enjoy the last 15 minutes of the last section immensely though.
Hi guys-
I agree with you both completely on this. I'm new to the ufo thing and never had a good impression of him so I had to force myself to watch this. I did that because I have so much respect for the people in this forum - I know you all are onto something. (and I was really suffering during the Edgar Casey thing too) He really says some ridiculous stuff (the thing about rocks in the bottom of streams - hasn't he ever run a hose over a dirt patch and seen the water wash away the mud/sand to leave the larger gravel/stones?) but the ending and many other parts were great. He just needs to be a bit more careful with his presentation and not try to make too big of a case. I thought the ending about evolution and tying it into the galactic changes for 2012 was great.
I like him, but he's sometimes hard to take. He is so darn sure of his theories - I guess that's the arrogance that people mention. There's something about him that seems like he's telling the truth, though... that's pretty cool.
Berry, thanks for posting! I don't have a ton of time on the computer, so when folks post stuff here, I know it's worth the time to watch. This one definitely was!
Much love and light,
Hi Berry!
Many thanks for posting this series. Some old, some new information but always interesting. I thought his last bit on the 10th segment was positive and encouraging. I just may stop building my bomb shelter. The material I see on TT is better than anything else on the internet, but it's like a drug. I keep needing more.
Love you guys!
Hi folks,
I take him like everything else... there are some hits and there are some misses, so I just take what checks out upon further investigation, and what resonates with me, and don't worry about the rest of the stuff.
The Edgar Casey thing seems plausible, he DOES look like Casey, and even his friends (as shown in another presentation) do look like Casey's friends, so... who knows. But that's neither here nor there. It makes no difference to the present.
The one that 'upset' me is the thing about the same dimension between the great pyramid and the sun pyramid in Mexico, where he implies, without saying it, that it is a Maya structure. But that is not so. The Sun pyramid is Aztec, and the Aztec calendar is very different from the Maya.
However, most of the other sources that he mentions did check out, so... what 'ya gona do?
I take him as one of the many 'items' that are showing us that the past, our understanding of how we got here, and how things work, is VERY different from what we've thought about before. From Carmen Boulter's Pyramid Code, to Michael Cremo Forbidden Archeology, to Bruce Lipton's discoveries of Epigenetics, and a whole bunch of other investigators that are coming with much evidence that tell us that "everything we know is wrong!".
Which is, I think, appropriate for this time, 'cous some pretty amazing changes are coming upon us :-)