Can you hold this vision?
I invite you to ignore the doom and gloom that we are on the verge of a catastrophe and our planet and very lives are soon to be ended. We can instead be the Light which ushers in a new consciousness of cooperation and imagination which will transform how we define our existence as a people and a planet for generations to come. -J. Cwik
please watch this video and help hold this vision for our world. The circle of Light is complete my friend. The healing is already done. Simply open your heart and accept it in-and share it with everyone. Even in the midst of what appears to be chaos, remember there is Divine Order. love-kristyne
Hi Onesong
Nice feel to your video...hopefully whoever these benevolent beings are, they would come over to the Gulf of Mexico and give us a hand...as the humans are 'dragging' their feet' about shutting off this hole we punched in the flesh of our planet...
I live inland, off the gulf coast near Crystal River...and our "back yard" (the gulfcoast) is never going to be the same in my lifetime...might have to move back to the thumb...Cass City/Caseville area...!!!
Blessings, Onesong...
Lefty www.leftydave.com
Dear Dave,
By no means do I intend to diminish or downplay what's going on there, as a lover of wildlife it wrenches my heart out to think of the damage done. With every bird I see and each glass of water I drink I offer up prayer. I have to see it another way, and to use the title of another forum 'the tipping point'- all of these disasters environmental and otherwise seem to be a part of the collective 'change' necessary for a turn-around of all those still asleep on the planet(?).
At least it appears as such to me in my humble opinion. So hold the vision I do, prayerfully finding the sacred in the commonplace and trying to be the peace and beauty I know we are meant to be, as often as I am able. Not an easy task at times.
As for your way of life, I hope somehow that works out to not be true, for our generation and the next-but should you end up near the thumb, let me know. I grew up off roading in Caseville, pre-state park era. Not much work up here though!