At the deepest, most expansive level of our consciousness, each of us within ourselves has full access to All That Is. We are all interconnected through this innermost place, where our mystical connection to all beings can be found.
In some mysterious way, each of us is an ever-changing manifestation and reflection of the collective consciousness of all beings. In other words, the divine collective of All That Is somehow created us in its own image, and continues to create us in every sacred moment. At the same time, as all levels of our individuated consciousness interact with the world we perceive, each of us is constantly creating the world in which we live as a manifestion and reflection of all that is within us. Your individuated consciousness together with the collective consciousness of all of us and of All That Is are in some mystical way mirroring and co-creating each other.
Once we open to this place of infinite power and wisdom within and take full responsibility for our role in this co-creative process, we can transform any part of our lives and world. Each of us can literally create new realities through consciously tapping the infinite power within. Once we choose as our deepest intention to co-create together a world that supports and nurtures the divine essence in all of us both individually and collectively, our entire world and universe will dance with us in ever expanding harmonies filled with sacred love.
Note: For empowering suggestions on how to open to the deeper and more expanded parts of yourself and create a better world for yourself and all of us, see And for another beautiful way of expressing the above, see
The wise, guarded and elders-guided use of Ayahuasca sure comes to mind....
another powerful thing that comes to mind is the TM-Sidhi Programme of Yogic Flying (coherence initiatives) and the resulting Meissner Effect (see Maharishi Effect )...
Thanks Fred,
As always your perspective is so clean and refreshing....
...of late I seem to have finally set myself more attacking myself....the greatest of achievments for me and you have so played a part in me finding my way....
Rock on Dude!....
Thanks for the great reminder post, Fred.
I remember reading similar stuff in the course... and now with all that is going on in this big old world, it seems imperative to remember "our" part. There is no "they/them" anymore.
I have been experiencing some wonderful sucess at tapping into my divine guidance lately and am forever grateful for all your guidance along the way. Revisiting the wingmakers-gratitude article today was just the thing to keep me on track.
With Love,
Thanks so much for your warm words. I particularly love that WingMakars piece on gratitude. It really helps me to keep things in perspective. Have a beautiful day.
With lots of love and gratitude,