Nice WikiLeaks Interview

For anyone interested in WikiLeaks I'm hoping this video gets uploaded correctly.



You know something's amiss when the truth has to be - leaked - in the hopes that it will reach a larger audience and the real picture will be revealed.  I look forward to, and have high hopes for, the day when the Truth will speak as loud - and louder! - than the lies promoted in advertisements and the media. 

Which brings up a question that's crossed my mind now and then:  Just why do I have to lower the volume everytime an ad comes on the radio or tv?  They're louder than the billboards littering the highways to Vegas!

I don't mean to be a pessimist or a preacher here but lately it seems my philosophy is anything that's advertised is something that should be avoided.  It appears that the more money pumped into and backing a product the more we should be suspicious of that product and those promoting it.  Any thoughts?




kevnkar's picture

...advertising goes, search You Tube for a series of clips called "The Century of The Self". This an excellent documentary which exposes how we were turned into a society of consumers using Freud's psychological theories. The tactics used to get people to buy things began being used in politics to get certain individuals elected during Clinton's first term. Very enlightening stuff that everyone should watch.

ChrisBowers's picture

Is that "Century of Self" by Adam Curtis?  If that is the one you are referring to, it is very good.  I think that may be on the net somewhere like youtube or google, opening up another window to see if it is available...

Yup, I thought it was available... Here is the first of four parts....

also, "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" is right along those lines (as is Public Relations & Propaganda by Edward L. Bernays)

Wendy's picture

I couldn't agree more, let's starve the corporations out of existance. Buy local, small - preferable don't buy at all - reuse, fix, barter and trade. Not only will this force the mainstream media to reexamine their practices, starve the control grid and also personally prepare all for the event of a financial collapse or other 2012 type disaster for survival.


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