A message to all members of ~REVOLUTION.... EVOLUTION~
I met my friend Wei Phran back in 1999. He was a friend to several friends of my from Laos, the Divine Twins, and Dio Khan. He was one of the most inspirational people I have ever met in this life. When he was younger, he was a POW of the American's during the Viet Nam War, where he was tortured so badly that he became a cripple with hands that no longer resembled hands. Every movement he made for most of his life was riddled with pain...but this never stopped this man from serving others, and he never complained. He decided that his mission in life was to serve his fellow man, and in doing so gave up any luxuries, even when he was offered them by the ruler of Laos, the Divine Twin's brother. He could have lived in the palace, or the Wat of the kings...instead he chose his home as a cave outside the villages, and close to the palace. So devoted this man was that no matter what a person brought to him as a problem...he would spend his time delivering the word of the Divine, and would only accept such things as fruit, or a bowl of sticky rice in payment, and never asked for anything. When Wei Phran wanted to get a message to me...he would have Dio Khan email me, as even if he wanted to type the message himself...he was unable to do so. I once asked about ascension, and his words were as clear as a bell to me:
"There is a time for every action...every thought. Man must grow spiritually, the gods can only guide us in our growth. Spiritual maturity cannot be imposed...we must grow naturally, as we were created to mature, in our own time!" Of sin he said: "Mortal sin is a silly concept. The only sins are those things a man does which harm his spiritual growth. A man cannot sin against the Gods a man can only sin against himself. Having sinned against himself...only he can forgive himself."
I had several years in which I was fortunate, and blessed to receive such wisdom, and to this day I still think about this man who had so little by choice, because his choice was to serve....and he gave it all. When I herd from my friends that Phran had become very sick...my heart stood still....I was in such a panic....I did not want to loose this spiritual master as my friend....not yet....not yet! Later as my friends explained to me...he had reached his state of perfection...he knew this, and refused to be helped, or see a doctor, because he knew it was his time...HE chose it. A few days later Wei Phran had made his passing to the Mother River of the Divine. They say that when they sat the boat bearring his body afloat on the river ablaze...a vision of this wonderful soul was seen above the boat....smiling, and with no image of being crippled any longer. He bowed to the villagers that he had lovingly served, and to our mutual friends....and vanished into the stillness of the night.
The reason for sharing this with all of you is to point out one thing....when you read, or view the videos so easily found on the net...think about what my friend Phran said....there are no short cuts to making one's ascension...no New Age message will grant you an easy way to ascension...it is done in each person's own good time, and that will not change. Listen to that small voice inside you, and become more discerning as to what you are willing to accept as truth....and remember....it is more than reading about spiritualism...it is the giving to other's that the truth reveals itself to all of us. Love, give, forgive, but more importantly....serve. Just weeks before Phran passed...five American men journeyed to Laos looking for him....they were the men in the military who had tortured him so mercilessly...they came as old men by then, and for one reason...to ask him for forgiveness. Phran's reply to them was: "I forgave you even as you beat me."
In light, in love, and in wisdom.
I received the above as an inspiring email from another fellow traveler website and just had to share it here. Its so clear when someone so authentic says such a simple universal truth.
Namaste Beautiful Wei, Namaste....
A True Light in the World that can never be deminished.
Thank You for allowing us to share it.
Peace Love Joy
Thanks Chris-
My favorite line "We only sin against ourselves". A Course in Miracles defines sin as seperation from God, so again sin is only against ourselves. Let us all learn to reconnect with all.
Other stuff that came up-
I had the priviledge to have both a mother and an ex-mother-in law that became exceedingly joyful and at peace just before passing away. Watching them both leave this earth with such peace at heart has been a wonderful comfort to me as I contemplate the eventuality of my own death.
Thank You, Chris, this is very inspiring! In talking with many people about the subject of "ascention" it's become apparent to me that one can not grow much spiritually by focusing soley on personal enlightenment. "Service" and sharing seem to be the action that help drive the many-ended dynamo of universal enlightenment, and the denial of practical action seems to stagnate that process. Spirit and body needing to work in harmony together, rather than as separate concepts or beings. Phran must have had a good handle on this, not to have abandoned his body before it was the "right time", which I can say for myself would have been very difficult not to do in a similar situation. Blessings!
Chris thanks for sharing that, he sounds an amazing man and so very wise.
I really reasonated with his words 'Man must grow spiritually, the gods can only guide us in our growth. Spiritual maturity cannot be imposed...we must grow naturally, as we were created to mature, in our own time!'. There is no fast track to growing spiritually and no time frame either.................everything in divine and perfect order as always.
I need to remember that when I beat myself up for not 'getting it' quickly enough and whenever I feel that I am having to learn another lesson because I didn't get it the first time round, yet again
I am in awe of such loving, giving people, they are an example to us all. Well I suppose as long as I am taking one small step towards being more loving and giving then I must forgive myself for every time I sin along the way. Forgiving myself is so hard to do sometimes ................
Just before reading this I was beating myself up about something I had done, I guess it's time to learn from the lesson and to start forgiving myself and move on, thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
with love and hugs valx
see title, lol
that's the line that really caught my no nonsense eye...
(I only have one, the other is wacko craziee as a loon)
No valid argument to quell its quiet simple lived/learned truth...
Left only with calm surrender and sweet blissssss,
left and right brain balanced and happy...
pineal gland sQueeGeed off and clear as a bell
Ahhhhhmonnnnn RAhhhhh