I began posting this on a post in Bob Brown's forum post, and then thought I had better give it its own location as the collection of information grew, so here's more wild stuff from the seemingly bizarre, but very likely to be true..
The late Phil Schneider was at the Dulce firefight in 1979. Here is his last recorded speaking engagement in 1995 before he died in January of 1996 in his apartment in Wilsonville, Oregon (found "with a rubber hose wrapped 3 times around his neck") "Officially, suicide is now stated as the cause of death".
Phil's testimony about the 1979 Dulce firefight
Thank you Dear Chris I am finding this site very insightful
Peace and Love
Thank you, Chris! I am finding the
I am finding this movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFHa-ygkF_M
compliments the message of the allies of humanity.
The last link above is Phil's talk that covers everything mentioned in the other video, but is a bit better at delivery, as speaking is/was not Phil's gift, bless is ultra conservative patriotic brave heart. I mention this so that you can save some time, in the event anyone be interested in listening to his testimony. Notice Phil's left hand (missing fingers) when he is describing his involvement in the firefight at Dulce.
He really is worthy of a listen. I wish I could have seen him when he was in Post Falls, ID in 1995 since I am 5 miles from there. The video will just have to do.... God Bless you Phil wherever you are now. I know you are doing good work wherever that is... Holding your loved ones who must miss you very much in the Love and Light of the One Infinite Creator, Aummmen....
Final Words (from end of Q&A at Allies of Humanity)
Humanity is at a new beginning. It is faced with a grave situation. The need for a new education and understanding is paramount. We are here to serve this need at the request of the Unseen Ones. They are relying upon us to share our wisdom, for we live in the physical universe, as do you. We are not angelic beings. We are not perfect. We have not achieved great heights of spiritual awareness and accomplishment. And therefore our message to you about the Greater Community, we trust, will be more relevant and more easily received. The Unseen Ones know far more than we about life in the universe and about the levels of advancement and accomplishment that are available and that are practiced in many places. Yet they have asked us to speak regarding the reality of physical life because we are fully engaged there. And we have learned through our own trials and errors the importance and the meaning of what we are sharing with you.
Thus, we come as the Allies of Humanity, for such we are. Be thankful that you have allies that can help you and that can educate you and that can support your strength, your freedom and your accomplishment. For without this assistance, the prospect of your surviving the kind of alien infiltration that you are experiencing now would be very limited. Yes, there would be a few individuals who would come to realize the situation as it actually exists, but their numbers would not be great enough, and their voices would go unheard.
In this, we can only ask for your trust. We hope that through the wisdom of our words and through the opportunities you have to learn their meaning and relevance, that we can gain this trust over time, for you have allies in the Greater Community. You have great friends beyond this world who have suffered the challenges that you are facing now and have achieved success. Because we were assisted, we must now assist others. That is our sacred covenant. It is to this that we are firmly committed.
Hi Elizabeth and Viveka. Funny thing is, when Berry and I were first taking a look at the first volume about a year ago (PDF available for free on the A of H website) we both were pretty turned off by what felt like unnecessary grandiose grandstanding negativity that made us both feel almost ill. It felt like the epitome of sensational fearmongering.
But lately I have seen some other sources that sure seem to confirm some of the warnings and wake up calls that Marshall Vian Summers and others have felt led to share with humanity at this time. The Greada Treaty of 1954 alone is worth looking into. Why wouldn't there be not-so-savory service to self hive mind cultures peppered among the majority of decent ones in the greater community we are at the conscious threshold of? Given the diverse selection we have right here on our own planet.
As always, what interesting times we Be in!!!
In keeping with the Greada Treaty of 1954, here is a clip of a movie I'm looking forward to seeing soon
Elizabeth, I was curious, what was it about that movie clip of "The Box" that reminded you of A of H? Have you seen the movie yet (and maybe there is something in the movie that relates)?
Chris it is strange that you bring this A of H stuff up just at this time. I have indeed like you been inspecting some other information which has trended to confirm the fact that the Human Race needs an ally. And not just from some negative 5th density sts entities but from a totally unthinking source of danger for the earth, perhaps other planets in the solar system.
It seems that Planet X, Nibiru, Nemisis, whatever one want to name it, is not the chimera that we have been led to think but is a very real and threatening object in our local space which is preparing to rendezvous with the inner planets just about the time we are looking forward to the big shift, late 2012. Actually it is a brown dwarf star/sun which seems to be the partner to our sun. It is not something new as it has done its business with earth in previous times as its long eliptical orbit brings it into proximity to the inner portions of the system. It is not a visible star as its light is in the infrared section of the spectrum, therefore invisible to the naked eye, but quite visible to IR photographic telescopes. Nasa and the governments of the world have known about if for over two decades now and have been preparing for it, secretly, naturally.
You all know that I am not a fear-mongerer. It is not something I do casually to introduce something which can cause fear. But I am also not a mooncalf, naive enough to think that the coming change is going to be the peaceful smooth transition to 4th or 5th density with no bumps or bruises along the way.
What I am surprise about is the growing number of "possible" scenarios which could happen in the next 2 to 4 years which could cause a lot of discomfort and anguish in this transition. Since I don't believe that the human race is predetermined to become extinct in the near future, I am confindent that there will be an assistance at hand from our galactic family, or we'll have transitioned into the 4th density at which place the 3rd density mayhem will not affect us. That is the Law of One solution. LOL
I forgot to put the link to the information about Planet X.
The movie, The Box, I have seen. For some reason it was all I could think of while viewing the information... like there is a connection to the story within the story so to speak... so I shared the connection that I had made hoping I was not the only one traversing around in the outer left field--- LOL
I found the ally stuff to be interesting... it feels as if it is from a high 3D society or 4D society.. What I found interesting while reading the ally stuff was they are concerned that we learn to use knowledge, cooperation, unity and individuality appropriately and for the Good of All... So it is a fairly STO source... that is my feeling on it. I have to read and study it some more before I can offer indepth understanding--- The interesting thing about what I have read is they are saying the same things many of the channels are saying... humanity must preserve and uphold life, liberty and pursuit of happiness... All of this is unified individuality... meaning harmonious cooperation and peaceful action...
The Blondes (one of the many groups of Pleiadians) and the Browns (another group with in the many groups of the Pleiadians) were overrun by the Greys and ultimately their planets were destroyed. The Greys are a Hive Mind (and similar to the popular reference of the "Borg"---)
It is only through forgiveness, Compassion, Love and Scholarship that we will navigate the next few years... it will certainly be a bumpy ride... as bumpy as we collectively choose.
Also, in the Ally stuff... there is a reference to those who are not succeptible to mind control... these could also be termed Rainbow Warriors, Indigos, and Crystals. Strong Willed, Minded and Hearted.
This just came to me today: Seems to be the next step from the info that has been coming together very profoundly--
I heard that it is kind of a hollowed out planet that is about the size of Jupiter, is pulling debris in with it, and was scheduled for a time more like 2052. interesting times dear brother... Didn't think I would find myself taking another look at Marshall Vian Summers' work, but there's so much information coming in now that relates. Can't help but think we are on the brink of some kind of major deception campaign like Project Blue Beam.
I truly suspect that light show phenomenon over Norway was a test of this hologram technology. I hope there is enough of us seeing through the ruse when and if it takes place. Gonna be a lot of unsuspecting people being mesmerized if it goes down like I have heard, including a lot of new agers looking for saviors from other worlds.....
As always, the amount of help we can receive from the truly authentic and benevolent helpers is somewhat limited, as per Law of One and other sources (like A of H) explaining why that is the way it is (as well you know per free will and law of confusion)....
And when you say Chimera, are you relating to the Blue Star Prophecy? Or am I thinking of Kachina and confusing it with your Chimera reference?
and FYI, an excellent complimentary "balancing" source to A of H is the work of George Kavassilas.
AN ABSOLUTE MUST READ - George Kavassilas
George Kavassilas - Ascension and Beyond
and an interesting response to Marshall from someone in Australia
biggiaug2008.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Elizabeth, this is an excellent post. Presents much to think about. Thanks.
Thanks everyone, this is a fascinating thread. I am new to the idea that there is an alien presence in the world and still have a hard time accepting that aliens are in control or are the problem here. I definitely believe Phil Schneider's testimony but have to wonder if he wasn't the victim of a set-up. Perhaps this sounds crazy but I prefer to believe that our problems are all a result of a very humanly created monetary system that should be better called a theft system.
Phil Schneider's testimony is compelling but I really need to know about grey's living here in underground bases from other sources and I need more information about how this all fits with the worlds problems today. Otherwise, I can make sense of our messed up world and explain it all with human greed and human desire to control, excepting the Phil Schneider testimony. Is there any chance that the humans controlling things want us to think there are aliens in control? A fictitious scapegoat is one of their proven methods, as we can see by the war on terror. Believing aliens visit us from time to time is different than believing they are living here and directing the top of the pyramid. I have a hard time beleiving that without more evidence.
As far as Alex Collier goes, right on! Let's start our own societies, our own governments that only exist to protect rights, not control the way people choose to live their own lives. I think this is the best way to side step the power structure we are stuck under. I posted about this a while ago, they are starting a society in Juno Alaska that is just basically sidestepping the traditional government.
Great fit to this forum thread Elizabeth. Was interesting to hear both George Kavassilas and Alex Collier speak about formation of a holographic society... And the Q&A is extraordinary! Lots of intriguing synchronicity going on lately...
What Alex says at approx. minute 63 may be of interest to you Wendy...
I feel similarly to you, Wendy, but I do accept the involvement of ET's in our world. That much seems evident, given all of the abundant evidence, including Crop Circles. My main difficulty at this point is deciding whether to believe Alex Collier and others' contention that there are negative ET's who have co-opted our system and are using it against us, or Stephen Greer's assurance that the only ET's involved in our affairs at this time are friendly. I listen to Greer and get the gut feeling that he's 100% sincere, and the same for Collier. Maybe it doesn't matter which story is true because in either case we obviously have to turn a corner in the way we think and act, as both Greer and Collier say, and the truth of things will be manifest at some point. But still, the difference bothers me. There is disinformation somewhere here, intended or not.
It can be all of the above. It can be that we are our own problem and we need to collectively realize that, take response-ability, take back our power in the process, and all the while there can be other alien civilizations living in underground facilities, and there can be a breakaway civilization that possesses technology 1000 years ahead of what we are aware of today, and the Andromedans can be communicating with Alex Collier and others, and so many other variations of that type of limited intervention communication.
And then there can be Project Blue Beam where a somewhat unassuming world will be duped into believing that evil aliens from outer space are attacking, and then some others who pose as the good guys here to rescue humanity, but are actually the "bad guys".
I heard you asking for proof, but are you asking for someone to lay that proof at your feet, or are you saying that you intend to do some research on the subject?. The reason I ask is because, if I understand it right, the good law abiding service to others helpers will not force proofs upon anyone, for it breaks the law of free will and sovereign right to one's own preferred brand of confusion.
If someone comes along saying they have the proof you seek, that may actually be the time to be a bit wary because deception may be just around the corner. This leaves us, each of us with our own seeking and finding, the only thing that ever really works on that deep personal level that brings real evolutionary progress.
In light of that, a request for proof can sometimes look like clever method for avoiding and/or dismissing something that makes the seeker uncomfortable at the present time. I don't know for sure if that is the case with you Wendy, but if it is, sometimes it just plain helps to be perfectly honest with yourself and others and to just plain scream out something like, "all this crazy nonsense sure seems a bit over the top peoples!" LOL
All I can tell you is that I understand how you feel if you feel anything like that. I ridiculed so many for so long, right up to the time I was convinced myself. It is a very personal realization that transcends desire for "proof". And that will drive the rational analytical left brain crazy, as well you know, not to mention the fact that an offering of "proof" can actually be a very provocative and hideous deception. I used a blend of left and right brain and much personal research to come to my own conclusions, just as I did in Architecture.
And in fact, Alex Collier addresses this to some degree during the Q&A at approx. 1:34
Just noticed I forgot to add this link in the main forum post (concerning the Jason Society's "Alternative 2" approved by Eisenhower involving underground cities cohabitated by the elite and off planet cultures)
Chris, Webster's definition, ...an imaginary monster, an illusion or fabrication of the mind. I was refering to the Nibiru/Planet X for which so many have put it into the category of imagination, as scary nightmare image. It seems that it is not so imaginary. What I am currently debating with myself about in that reference is the big difference in ideology between Zechariah Sitchins Sumerian motif and Immanuel Velikovsky's interpretation of the same historical or I should say pre-historical astronomical cataclysms. Sitchens claims that the Deluge, the Red Sea crossing and other early biblical instances were due to the approach of Nibiru, the home planet of the Annunaki. Velikovsky on the other hand give all of those instances to the interference of Venus and Mars before they became standard planets and were making close encounters with Earth. An interesting study. But who is right? Both can demonstrate somewhat valid evidences. I'll go into Velikovsky's information more fully in a later post.
Thanks Chris for your links to these other souces. And FFG I appreciate the Alex Colliers offering thanks for that too. This is becoming a fascinating thread with much to consider.
Although not "proof" per se, here is one of the most provocative and convincing testimonies I have ever had the pleasure of stumbling upon. It is Randolph Winters telling the story of Billy Meier.
Here is part one (all other 11 parts in right hand column of youtube page)
and a Coast to Coast interview with Michael Horn (about Billy Meier)
and the movie M. Horn made about his research into the matter
Thanks Berry, I looked up those definitions too and saw what you are talking about.
I just posted The Silent Revolution of Truth Project Avalon link in post above, but found that it has been removed, same at other locations like Youtube. Found it at Vimeo still working so if interested you better watch it fairly soon since it could be removed at any time...
Hi Chris-
You are right, of course there's never proof - I'm just looking for more data. I have heard other people speak about political meetings with aliens too so Shneider's testimony isn't all we've got to go on. I already know that so I suppose there's an element of just not wanting to believe or finding it all a bit too complicated. I'll take a look at these links over the weekend.Thanks, I was really just hoping people would post the stuff they found most convincing.
Thanks also Bob, I agree, I suppose I really shouldn't care, you are right that the conclusion is basically the same - either way human change and responsibility is called for but I think if aliens were really controlling things from the top that might change things a bit. Yes, I can more easily accept that these guys visit in their ships and perhaps do abductions from time to time. It's just the idea that there are some living here and influencing our politics - it seems like we would have heard from more people if that were really the case.
I love all this information and am happy to be at this site!!! I think I need to quit my job so I can have more time to read and study all of this information lol!!!
Little spirit brother, don't do that! It won't move you any further forward than half an hour of meditation every night or morning. You could spend all day on the internet chaseing these bundles of information and it is not going to make you advance spiritually. That comes from seeking inside yourself what the truth is. This is what the Gathering Spot is all about, taking the information that each of us garners and shares and digesting it internally.
Blessings of love and light to you little brother,
Hey, Todd.
I remember when I got onto this site, and I'd spend hours reading and trying to absorb everything. It certainly felt like a full time job just to get caught up with where everyone else was. I'm sure you were kidding about the job thing... just take your time with all this reading. I'm sure we'll be here when ya catch up. :)
Much love,
I see what you mean now Elizabeth. What an interesting movie!
And I know you are kidding Todd, and were just saying how much you appreciate all the new and exciting information to ponder in your spare time. Better than watching TV!!!
Love and Light, Chris
Thank you, Chris! I am glad I am not the only one!
Chris, how did it line up with the Allies of Humanity stuff and the Alex Collier Stuff? What scenes--- This is something that I am working on understanding and would appreciate all discussion of the connections that I have made and yet do not fully understand.
I'm posting the below links here even though they have been posted before, for the benefit of people newer to this forum.
I'd say, for sure don't miss any of the following presentations; they are some of the best ones I've seen:
First, here's a direct link to that talk of Alex Collier's posted by ffg above: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR46QjXjLH0 The whole thing is an hour and 43 minutes, in about 10 minute segments. As each segment finishes, the next one comes up to the top, but you have to click on it. Also,here's a brief article on him: http://hubpages.com/hub/Alex-Collier-The-Adromedan-Compendium-alien-abductee
And here's Sergeant Major Robert Dean, who has a military insider's background. Collier sometimes cites him. His excellent address is titled, “Dean's presentation, European Exopolitics Summit, Barcelona, 25 July 2009", and is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ngvIP0Za9M
Also, this presentation by Dr. Stephen Greer got a standing ovation at the same Barcelona conference: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1874942 I also especially recommend one of his books, "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge" available at www.disclosureproject.com (click on "Shopping" and then "books.") It kept me spellbound from cover to cover. The really positive stuff comes in the second half.
Lastly, this is a pretty astonishing interview, also at Barcelona: "Project Camelot - Futuretalk 5: Alfred Webre, Bob Dean, Henry Deacon" at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weIRM37iuuE At least one of these men was deeply involved in black projects involving incredibly advanced technologies (for example, stargate technology that has apparently been secretly in use on this Earth for a while).
One last word: Dr. Greer is at variance with several of the other people who also speak with apparent authority on this subject, in that he says outright that all of the ET races now in contact with the Earth are friendly and trying to help us. Collier, for example, says that there is at least one ET race that is actually controlling the NWO elite and doing terrible things, as well as several who are helping us. Who is wrong here? Greer and his group have had many ET contacts, they say, and all of them have been friendly. (Anyone can join his CSETI contact expeditions.) Maybe there are others who are not friendly, whom the CSETI groups just haven't met. Or maybe the hostile ET scenario is just disinformation to keep us afraid and divided. The jury is out on this as far as I'm concerned. But one thing remains the same no matter which ET narrative turns out to be accurate: We have to wake up and actively intend something different from the "reality" that's being pushed on us. The above speakers are quite clear about that. I especially liked Collier's take on how to proceed.
Thanks, Chris, I'm listening to it now. Ironically, I have never read or heard anything by Dolan or met him, even though he lives in my own town!
That is too funny!!!
Thanks you guys. There is so much fascinating stuff here - I have to say I've been sacrificing sleep and OBE practice time to go to links here - I feel like somewhat of an internet addict at this point so I think I will have to cut back and may not post much for a while.
Thanks again-
The Box just mentions the "Employers", so I can't say that it lines up with another source, but that it obviously alludes to some outside hive mind entities who are interested in curing the planet of an out of control species. What I love about "The Box" is the way they go about doing it. IF those presented with the opportunity care about others more than their own personal wants and desires, then they will not push the button. If humanity, out of service to self, continued one by one pushing the button to receive the million dollars, we would be exterminated by our own hand.
What came to mind for me was "The Day the Earth Stood Still" where Keanu Reeves' character, representing some kind of galactic council, is here to rid a precious dying planet of an out of control species that show no signs of changing for the better concerning the damage they are doing to Mother Earth.
Alex Collier's stuff relates a lot to George Kavassilas' stuff, with a few contradictions. Allies of Humanity's stuff relates somewhat to the hive mind "Animus" in the WingMakers stuff. The Central Race in the WingMakers sounds like what one of the others (I think it was Stewart Swerdlow or Phil Schneider) relates to as a deceptive off world group that appears to be helping, but has a not so benevolent agenda.
What I get from all of these many sources I've come across these last so many years is that there is a high probability that we are dealing with some interaction from some off world cultures that are obviously more advanced than humanity on earth or they wouldn't have the ability to be here. What I also get is that there are so many different stories, many conflicting with portions of others' testimonies while confirming parts of the same testimony.
The confusion does not make me throw it all out in frustration because I have heard some of these sources speak of how difficult it is to communicate with humans because we are so far removed and distorted in our illusory world views due to our attachment to our bodies and the physical universe.
This makes room for there to be confusion, even when dealing with the most apt benevolent communication, and also leaves much room for being so easily deceived by not so friendlies. I was put off by the Allies of Humanity at a time that I was reading the Law of One which alludes to Creation being populated by an overwhelming majority of service to other benevolent types, but even Ra in the Law of One sessions was very carefully and very specifically assisting Don, Carla and Jim during the channeling sessions because of the very high probability of not so friendlies causing trouble during the channeling process.
In spite of all that careful preparation, Carla was still sorely bothered by some Orion types who's interest it was to interrupt and end the process. She called these difficult episodes "psychic greetings". What I get from many sources I've come across is that channeling is not as easy and problem-free as many of the new agers engaging the process would like to believe it is, so there is much faulty information coming of it due to egos lured by smooth talkers with deceptive self-serving agendas.
What all this means to me is that we have to learn to trust ourselves, a process of intimacy and personal sovereign response-ability (the divine ability to respond accurately to what is real and what is not). And that all the confusion may very well be the catalyst for moving all of us in that spiritual evolutionary direction. Because no matter how many unfriendlies there actually are, we are still sovereign agents of the Divine and are under some one's or thing's thumb only by being willing to be there, even when we are deceiving ourselves (victimhood mentality) about why we are "there"....
So I now make room for Allies of Humanity, and am psychologically positioned with eyes wide open, suspecting it is very possible that we could see what appears to be friendlies cloaked as saviors of humanity misleading the unprepared masses to some form of slavery in some other location. Could see some form of Project Blue Beam in cooperation with some kind of service to self hive mind entities. In any case, I am not getting on any ships at the behest of some psuedo benevolent ruse that might end up being like jumping from the frying pan to the fire. I am riding this out on Dear Mother Gaia, for She is what I am part of now, even if my ancestors were allegedly from Lyrian, Pleiadian, or Andromedan descent...
In general, I highly doubt that all we have heard in testimony concerning this subject is all unfounded unauthentic illusion of overworked imaginations. Much may be, but not all in my humble opinion... The rest, how to parce it all, what resonates and what doesn't, is a very personal thing, as it should be in a very personal, sovereign and intimate journey of discovery...
Holding us all in the Love and Light of the One Infinite Creator....
p.s. I would love to hear what specific connections came to mind for you Elizabeth during your viewing of the movie...
So glad you linked Robert Dean's video Bob! It is by far one of the most thought provoking and seemingly authentic I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing...
Also, UFO's and the National Security State, volumes one and two by Richard Dolan are a very good and sound source for investigation. Also, Richard's talk at the Awake & Aware Conference...
And Michael Salla has done some great work and written a book called "Exposing US Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life". Here are two Salla presentations
And Wendelle Stevens website
you have to pay to live on a planet you were born on." Simplicity at it's finest! What a profound analysis of what's going on here. Thank you all for your great posts, I'm still playing catch up.
I found another nice little coincidence related to Collier's statement about the signing of the Declaration of Independence here:
Take it for what it's worth. Also, the March 9, 2010, wake up call from St. Germain at treeofthegoldenlight.com had a(n?) unique perspective and way to look at all the sensational stuff that is happening all over the world:
Nancy: St. Germain, what can you tell us about all of the talk of what is going on in the world today, the financial situation, the people being promised large sums of money, the leadership positions being theatened, all of that sensational stuff? We've been hearing/reading this kind of thing for years, and still it goes on. Please comment on this whole thing.
St. Germain: There is decidedly a lot of influence going on around the internet, and some of it is true and some is old energy that keeps swarming through the various channels that keep it going because it feels familiar. What if I told you that it is all true and yet none of it is? Would you understand and go from there? . . . there is much to be said for the discerning mind. This is a grand exercise in discernment is it not?
Hmm . . . maybe we have more say in this than we realize . . .
But I digress. Thank you for the great posts!
Well said Francis. Reminds me again what the late Bill Hicks employed for closing his stand up comedian acts - "Its just a ride". Also reminds me of what Carla Rueckert said, something like, "if what you are focusing on right now will not still be true in 10,000 years, than it is not important now either". Something along those lines.
We seem to understand this phenomenon when we go to the movies. We are moved by what we saw, but realize that it is just a movie. Why do we have such a hard time making the connection between that movie experience and our temporal physical incarnation life experience?
Can you say, takes him or herself a bit too seriously? Sure, ah knew ya could.... "Well, isn't that special" (Church Lady reference alert), LOL
I love the posts on this thread! I am so impressed with Dr. Stephen Greer and his turning down big money and standing true to his ideals. We need more people like him. It's enough to make me want to donate to and support his cause at the orionproject.org. I remember reading somewhere that one of the leading things we could do to help bring about the real changes towards freedom from the ptb that we are all seeking is to support the engineers and scientists that are bringing in the new technologies, that instead of giving to the poor all the time (a worthy cause in itself) we need to begin donating our time and money to supporting these new technologies, especially since most of these scientists don't have the money and means to get these great breakthroughs through to the public.
On a more metaphorical note, I want to wrap up with a video that is a good portrayal of what the majority standing up to the few who want to keep us in fear looks like. I love this video and post it for those who may not have seen it yet.
Love and hope,
Thanks again everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that I've looked at everything here. Some posts I hadn't seen before - thanks Bob for the Weber, Dean, Decan interview - that's one I'd missed. Thanks also Chris for posting the Richard Dolan talk - I had seen that before but forgot about it. I think I really need to get Dolan's books. Anyone read those yet?
I have volume one, 1941 - 1973, and look forward to picking up a copy of volume two sometime. Best I've seen for being exhaustive and very factual/credible on the subject. Greer's book Disclosure is similar, like a best of best encyclopedia on the subject.
Francis, what an incredible video! We do have so much more power than we, as individuals believe we have. If I were not in my office while watching this, I'd probably have been cheering out loud!
Hi Everyone-
I thought this Richard Dolan presentation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaB82ML3aGA&feature=player_embedded) was even better than the one given at the Camelot conference. For me the real question is who's in control of what?
Richard Dolan has the take that David Rockefeller or at least the Bilderburg group chooses the president - I agree with that. So my question is, is Rockefeller/Bilderburg in control of all the black ops projects (what Richard Dolan calls the break away civilization)? I know Senator Rockefeller from West Virginia is on the intelligence committee. It appears that George Bush senior seems to be the top manager of the break away civilization, or atleast the CIA portion of it. Does he report to David Rockefeller? My guess is that he does, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is keeping a few tricks up his sleeves or perhaps he has actually gained the upper hand over Rockefeller in recent years by withholding information from him. It seems to me that the main point of this discussion is to figure out what influence do alien or non-human folks, either living on this planet or just visiting have or choose to use on Bilderburg/Rockefeller/Bush?
Here's another Richard Dolan lecture. This goes back to the original topic, underground bases.
Please do not quit...rest a little...we or I enjoy you far to much to lose you from this site....
Here is Dr. Richard Sauder, THE man for talking about underground/undersea bases and black budgets
True or not...I agree with what he says about we should know......
Extraordinary interview on Veritas Radio (on youtube) with Pane (paan-ay) Andov. All I can say at this point is that I believe wholeheartedly that the critical information shared is of paramount importance for understanding what is happening as we approach 2012, and what the real origin of the human race is, as well as the program of systematic suppression in progress for a very long time now and is being ratcheted up at present with MSM sensation/distraction/disinformation, flouride, electronic/microwave noise, chemtrails, etc.
This is not fearmongering - it is simply critical information intended to make aware the unaware, a hard sell these days to those comfortable with the "blue pill", and an even harder sell sometimes to the presumably enlightened community (blue pill "light", LOL). We can't keep blindly writing critical information off as mere fearmongering just because it is unsettling to our comfort zone.
Not everything is wine and roses concerning the situation humankind is in at present, and concerning the ET neighbors humankind shares this planet, solar system and galaxy with (remember, they were here first, and we are the result of their genetic experimentation, as are so many species on this planet). Indeed, much of it is very inspiring and assuring, generating hope and exciting anticipation concerning the wonder of all that is!
Pane Andov is a walking talking compilation and comfirmation of so much that has been covered in this thread and others. Be forewarned, the interview is 4 hours long and Pane is very difficult to understand at first (East European monotone accent), but if you are patient you will find that you become accustomed to his accent after a few segments (well worth the effort).
His testimony makes sense of chemtrails and underground bases (Phil Schneider), Atlantis, Mu and Lemuria, and so much more. I ordered his book today, "Extraordinary Powers in Humans", on Amazon... The interview begins at the 3:00 mark in segment 2 here
listen to what Pane has to say in the first few minutes of segment 16, so right on the mark
here's an interesting video about alleged starfleets (ours or theirs?)
And this one on free energy development in the works
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart ...
........Who looks outside, dreams; Who looks inside, awakens."
........~ Carl Jung ~
Hi Chris-
I listened to most of this earlier. I thought the chemtrails comments made sense. I thought his take on 2012 was off a bit. It sounded like he really beleives the world will be destroyed or close to destroyed by a galactic superwave. I agree that when there's bad news on the horizon it's better to look at it long and hard and study it but I don't think the PTB really know for sure if and/or when a galactic superwave will hit or how bad the devastation will be. I don't beleive they would be trying so hard to kill us off if they thought the superwave would do it for them. I think there's quite a bit of uncertainty - hence the need for underground bases and the need for all the eugenics programs. I think there's a very good chance that the superwave will be a major disaster and probably kill off more than half of us but I think Pane said you could never survive it in your basement - I really think there's a very good chance that many who are lucky and well prepared will.
I loved the Richard Dolan interview you posted - that was absolutely the best. The Sauder 4 part peice was also great. I just love the White Rose Society. I just saw the Alex Jones Police State 4 last night and my friend was talking about buying guns. I was just thinking that we need to bring out the hearts of the policemen - that I would defend myself against a police attack with a gift of apple pie - similar to the white rose tactic. The Sauder on coast to coast link no longer works - let me know if you find it elsewhere.
Thanks for all the great leads - this stuff is all facinating.
What a shame about the Richard Sauder interview being removed due to "terms of use violation". What does that vague boiler plate reason mean? As for Pane Andov you have to admit, he sure makes for some pretty interesting conjecture. I heard some time ago that the southern hemisphere has the best chance of surviving the wave Pane mentions, so no surprise that he is now located there.
Regardless of the particulars that Pane may or may not be right about, segment 16 of that interview is a real gem for how to deal with the ruling elite. Concerning the Richard Dolan interview you mentioned, if you are talking about the interview with Mel Fabregas on the Veritas Show, that is my absolute favorite Dolan interview. They cover so many other things that comprise so much of my learning curve since 9-11, including the very interesting discussion about the attempted Reagan assassination by John Hinkley Jr., black sheep son of GHW Bush's very dear friend John Hinkley Sr.
Here's a talk by Sauder at video.google, along with what looks like a decent set of offerings in the right hand column...
And here is Sauder being interviewed by Mel Fabregas on the Veritas Show
Joseph Farrel recent interview on dreamland radio:
Stewart Swerdlow says that too, and much of what Richard Sauder's research uncovers supports the hypothesis. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. That's what makes all of this a bit difficult to parse. So many of the UFO sightings could be our own black budget breakaway civilization in progress in plain sight so to speak.
First time I heard of underground bases with advanced craft capable of half the speed of light was in the channeled information of the Ra Material, Humble Messenger of the Law of One. I was so impressed by all of the other transmitted data that I took that information from book 5 to be very likely true.
Interesting to get the info from a rather far out source like the Ra material, and then have it somewhat validated by other more conventional sources later on. Backwards, but nonetheless impressive (or impressionable might be a better word). In any case, there are so many seemingly credible sources relating to some form of breakaway faction of humankind now, I find it difficult to think they are all suffering from some form of synchronized mass delusion...
Thanks for the info Wendy
also appears to back up this breakaway theory. This interview is a little discomforting but has some good info if you can make it through (because of the clashing egos not the subject matter involved).
This starts with Katherine Austine Fitts, then Gerald Celente - I think you have to go to part 3 to find Richard Sauder.
Oops - part 3 is missing Richard Sauder is here at part 4.
Talk about over the top in tendus interruptus guestus! Kerry Cassidy has always been a bit difficult to take in her interviews, contantly attempting to upstage her guests, but this one takes the cake. And she appears to be a bit of a sensationalist junkie, which doesn't really help her "apparent" credibility. And watch how her eyes keep going to the camera, as if she presumes to be THE authority on the subject, instructor extraordinaire. Someone should mention to her that fixation and infatuation is "insidious", lol.
That said, it is one of the best interviews I have ever seen for getting sincerely interested parties to really begin to appreciate the inherent difficulty in parsing all the alleged UFO-ology information available for public consumption.
I can now see that even Col. Philip J. Corso (author of The Day After Roswell) may very well have been an unassuming duped innocent. While honestly and sincerely conveying exactly what he saw and the instructions he received, he may very well have been a pawn in MJ-12's method of distributing and monetizing diluted forms of new pure state technologies (developed in black budget ops long before 1947) without the public ever becoming aware of their true origin. Aliens & UFO's would be the false flag cover story, and then have a program of denying and debunking the false flag cover story.
A real clue in that book for what may really be going on (that we may already have had at that time, craft that looked and moved like UFO's and robotic creations that would look like "alien greys") is that even Corso and others in the military at that time were referring to these crashed "alien" creatures/entities at Roswell as "EBE's", acronym for Extraterrestrial Biological Entities. The term is still used to this day by some...
This would go a long way in protecting the real story, that we have a breakaway rogue faction of humankind milking this planet's people and natural resources for their own secret agenda. And if you read Operation Northwoods, you get a taste and feel for how they develop false flag stories with many layers to protect the real story. Even Col. Corso said that it is like 100 cabins. You get to the first cabin and feel like you have a large part of the real story, and then you find the 2nd cabin and its contents and find that you have a little bit more of the story, but there are 98 cabins to go, and you are not aware that there are 98 cabins to go...
If we are to not underestimate what this breakaway faction is capable of, we have to start thinking a bit like them, and since false flag agendas has been the key to so many of their operations, we have to assume that that is their MO of choice, and that with many layers to cover all contingencies.
At the 30 minute mark of the Greer interview, at the height of Steven and Kerry's debating, Greer makes an excellent point about seeing past our oversimplified dualistic tendencies. This is such an excellent point. If one were to have a glimpse of the primordial first thought of Creation's agenda, one might find that ALL experience is permitted, accepted and appreciated. This would throw the good v. bad dualistic notion right out the 3rd density experiential window, and maybe help us get on with it, past irrelevant judgmental determination and fixation to the inherent liberty and freedom of Divine Intelligent Heart and Mind.
As always, we are in an area here where words of another will never suffice. This personal unique journey for each and every one of us requires right brain guided intuition facilitated (without being dominated) by left brain logic and organizational skills. I would imagine that some of our most genuine experiences will not even require much from the left brain, other than the ability of recall for sharing and inspiration.
In any case, I think it is pretty clear now that the ET story and UFO's is more complex than we could have ever imagined at the time we first became interested in following it.
p.s. and am very surprised that Greer, during his intense debate with Cassidy, did not bring up the Air Force study on possible ET intentions, the hallmark of Bob Dean's testimony (given to Project Camelot) about his time stationed in Paris when that classified study was thrown in his lap for some late night reading by the officer in charge. The study concluded that, since there was and had been so much UFO activity on record, activity the armed forces had been completely unable to thwart to date, that if their intentions were truly hostile there would be nothing we could do about it, and they would most likely have already revealed such hostile intentions, and had not. The study concluded that the intentions of the visitors must therefore be benign...
two interesting/amusing personal responses to the interview
Don't know how many have heard of this guy, but his story sure fits here...
Gary McKinnon
While searching for evidence of anti-gravity and UFO technologies, 43-year-old Gary McKinnon hacked into the 97 NASA and Pentagon computers between February 2001 and March 2002. Besides finding the US military had a very lax computer security network, McKinnon found evidence of not only UFO-based technology, but of a secret American military unit operating in outer space. Read what else he found…
In 2006, McKinnon told Wired.com the following:
“A NASA photographic expert said that there was a Building 8 at Johnson Space Center where they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. I logged on to NASA and was able to access this department. They had huge, high-resolution images stored in their picture files. They had filtered and unfiltered, or processed and unprocessed, files.”
“My dialup 56K connection was very slow trying to download one of these picture files. As this was happening, I had remote control of their desktop, and by adjusting it to 4-bit color and low screen resolution, I was able to briefly see one of these pictures. It was a silvery, cigar-shaped object with geodesic spheres on either side. There were no visible seams or riveting. There was no reference to the size of the object and the picture was taken presumably by a satellite looking down on it. The object didn’t look manmade or anything like what we have created. Because I was using a Java application, I could only get a screenshot of the picture — it did not go into my temporary internet files. At my crowning moment, someone at NASA discovered what I was doing and I was disconnected.”
“I also got access to Excel spreadsheets. One was titled “Non-Terrestrial Officers.” It contained names and ranks of U.S. Air Force personnel who are not registered anywhere else. It also contained information about ship-to-ship transfers, but I’ve never seen the names of these ships noted anywhere else.”
What a great post-nuclear-missile-silo-arrest current update from Richard Sauder. This sure has turned into a great collection of source material for these provocative and intriguing subjects.
And very interesting trend research from Gerald Celente!!!
Thank you for finding it and posting it Wendy!
p.s. and his latest book, The Richard Sauder Briefing, sounds like a good summary compilation of current events not covered so well in the MSM
pp.ss. there is some confusion concerning pt.3. When I went to the link you list here it has Richard Sauder on it, but no pt.4 to be found in the right hand column. I noticed that there are similar listings for this Coast to Coast offering, one is August 10, 2010, and the other is August 11, 2010. The Catherine Austin Fitts part is in the August 11 one, as well as the beginning of the Gerald Celente part, but then no pt.3 available in the August 11 group.
I then went to pt.4 of the Aug. 11 group and it is the same as the pt.3 in the August 10 offering. I googled Aug. 11 pt.3 and got this, "is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Premiere Radio Networks, Inc. (who knows what that's about - would have loved to hear the remainder of the Gerald Celente interview). Hope this helps to clear up some anticipated confusion concerning this excellent offering well worth listening to...
I would suggest that interested parties go straight to pt.1 of the August 11 offering and stay with August 11, even though pt.3 is no longer available. As I said, the August 10 pt.3 is the same as the August 11 pt.4...
Again Wendy, am really enjoying the quality of this latest on Coast to Coast with Richard Sauder!!! What a wonderful mind he has! pt.7, the only way I can begin to describe it is "supremely exceptional" (or "exceptionable" if you miss Archie Bunker or The Bowery Boys, LOL)
and pt.8, Sauder emphatically comments on the very real possibility of using nukes in the next few years. sounds like one of those pet concerns that are more personal than relevant, but I am so impressed with his calm cool collected discipline that I have to consider the possibility he's right. So I wanted to share something mentioned in the Law of One Ra material and other sources,
the use of nukes is so disturbing and destructive in the other densities of life consciousness, they began to bend the rules of non-intervention and neutralize nukes at strategic moments (lots of interesting eye witness testimony on these episodes). I hope that information is true... I truly do..
For those of you looking for the definitive voice on the subject:
Not sure what you're getting at. Isn't that a .gov debunking website designed to keep the herd of sheeple from straying too far from the prescribed program?
When you say, "Finally, the truth", are you being facetious?
And when you say, "definitive voice on the subject", what subject are you referring to?
Please to explain....