Wow, that was amazing. I've seen a lot of stuff about UFO's, but some of that footage is entirely new to me. Very hard-hittig.
And that infrared footage of the "critters" introduces a whole new level of possibilities for ET life. Possibly living, invisible to the eye, miles wide, and moving around in space like critters in the ocean. That really pushes my conceptual boundaries. Now I'm not in Kansas anymore.
Posted by ChrisBowerson September 10, 2010 - 11:55am
I came across this the other day while researching Jose Escamilla (after hearing his name dropped in another presentation concerning UFO's), only it was labeled "UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied".
I think the best thing about this is that it will prompt many interested people to get camcorders with infra red settings and infra red binoculars, etc. And that opening quote from the Air Force is from that study done years ago by the AF to determine whether or not ET's posed a threat. It's the document that Bob Dean talks about in his presentations, the one that was dropped in his lap one quiet night by the Officer on duty while Bob was stationed in Paris.
It goes on to say (as logical reason for the determination of not posing any threat) that if they ever had any hostile intentions, there would be absolutely nothing we (the Air Force and military) could do to prevent it...
You all have come to the same conclussions I did after seeing this. Chris I saw that one too...very much similar information. This concept of the infrared visiblitly explains a whole lot of things we have not been able to understand. It also confirms some stuff that Gilleland has said about the visibility factor, and substantiates a lot of the sighting Steven Greer's groups have made with IR cameras.
Wow, much of this information was new to me. So, if I understand it, using nightvision goggles should allow me to see all these critters also.
Interesting that much UFO activity is seen around the "dark one's" activities... like the ETs zooming by the airplane making chemtrails. According to the channeled work of our space family has been helping to soften the affects of chemtrails, weather manipulation, space weapons, etc. Another good reason for the power thugs to deny their existence.
BTW, in case you missed it... NASA bombed the dark side of the moon in October 2009, but there has been little mention of it (even on the internet). I watched the live TV coverage, but the feed blanked out as soon as the bomb dropped. The official reason given for bombing was to discover if there were microbes (evidence of life) in the moon's ice crystals. They promised further updates, which never came. I'm sure the general public either missed it or has long since forgotten.
I have read in a number of alternative news sites that that "bomb" never made it to the surface of Luna. I was distroyed before it could impact!!! I at this point in time don't have the links to that info. Be that as it may that explains why the video was clipped just before impact. I didn't!.
In the last couple of days, I have been thrilled to read that New Zealand has released their UFO files to the public for inspection and publication. WoooHooo! They have begun the avelanche that will stimulate the rest of the major nations to begin to release or at least comment on the UFO phenomenon in each different country. Let us see what happens. Brazil and Mexico will be next, followed by France, and then UK, may....decide to relenquish their records which they like the US say are not substantial. I think that we are on the very edge of DISCLOSURE.
I recommend a book to all of you who are interested in UFOs ETs and Disclosure. It is "A.D. After Disclosure" by Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabel. I guarantee you that you will have a totally different perspective of what is going on at this very minute after reading this book. It was just realeased abouat a month ago so you can find it on Amazon or any of the good book sources. Also check which is where I got my autographed copy from, and it is the publishing company who Richard has worked diligently with to get this book published.
Merry Christmas all of you. I breathe sacred love to you as you breathe sacred love to me.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website "Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
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Wow, that was amazing. I've seen a lot of stuff about UFO's, but some of that footage is entirely new to me. Very hard-hittig.
And that infrared footage of the "critters" introduces a whole new level of possibilities for ET life. Possibly living, invisible to the eye, miles wide, and moving around in space like critters in the ocean. That really pushes my conceptual boundaries. Now I'm not in Kansas anymore.
Thanks Berry, that was excellent! I can't wait to talk to my husband about getting the right settings on our video camera.
I came across this the other day while researching Jose Escamilla (after hearing his name dropped in another presentation concerning UFO's), only it was labeled "UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied".
I think the best thing about this is that it will prompt many interested people to get camcorders with infra red settings and infra red binoculars, etc. And that opening quote from the Air Force is from that study done years ago by the AF to determine whether or not ET's posed a threat. It's the document that Bob Dean talks about in his presentations, the one that was dropped in his lap one quiet night by the Officer on duty while Bob was stationed in Paris.
It goes on to say (as logical reason for the determination of not posing any threat) that if they ever had any hostile intentions, there would be absolutely nothing we (the Air Force and military) could do to prevent it...
You all have come to the same conclussions I did after seeing this. Chris I saw that one too...very much similar information. This concept of the infrared visiblitly explains a whole lot of things we have not been able to understand. It also confirms some stuff that Gilleland has said about the visibility factor, and substantiates a lot of the sighting Steven Greer's groups have made with IR cameras.
Amazing find, thanks Berry
Wow, much of this information was new to me. So, if I understand it, using nightvision goggles should allow me to see all these critters also.
Interesting that much UFO activity is seen around the "dark one's" activities... like the ETs zooming by the airplane making chemtrails. According to the channeled work of our space family has been helping to soften the affects of chemtrails, weather manipulation, space weapons, etc. Another good reason for the power thugs to deny their existence.
BTW, in case you missed it... NASA bombed the dark side of the moon in October 2009, but there has been little mention of it (even on the internet). I watched the live TV coverage, but the feed blanked out as soon as the bomb dropped. The official reason given for bombing was to discover if there were microbes (evidence of life) in the moon's ice crystals. They promised further updates, which never came. I'm sure the general public either missed it or has long since forgotten.
More unanswered questions.
Live long and prosper,
Hi and welcome Noa,
I have read in a number of alternative news sites that that "bomb" never made it to the surface of Luna. I was distroyed before it could impact!!! I at this point in time don't have the links to that info. Be that as it may that explains why the video was clipped just before impact. I didn't!.
In the last couple of days, I have been thrilled to read that New Zealand has released their UFO files to the public for inspection and publication. WoooHooo! They have begun the avelanche that will stimulate the rest of the major nations to begin to release or at least comment on the UFO phenomenon in each different country. Let us see what happens. Brazil and Mexico will be next, followed by France, and then UK, may....decide to relenquish their records which they like the US say are not substantial. I think that we are on the very edge of DISCLOSURE.
I recommend a book to all of you who are interested in UFOs ETs and Disclosure. It is "A.D. After Disclosure" by Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabel. I guarantee you that you will have a totally different perspective of what is going on at this very minute after reading this book. It was just realeased abouat a month ago so you can find it on Amazon or any of the good book sources. Also check which is where I got my autographed copy from, and it is the publishing company who Richard has worked diligently with to get this book published.
Merry Christmas all of you. I breathe sacred love to you as you breathe sacred love to me.
Berry![Kiss Kiss](