Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Earth Alignment Sept. 22, 2010- And...Autumn Equinox Simultaneously

Hey my friends,

I have finally after ten days of not having internet connection on my home computer reconnected with the WEB.  Hallelujiah!!!   It is a real FAST not having the internet in the evening!!!!!  I seriously took this as a message from my higher self that I had become "dependant" or "enthralled" to the net.  It was a perioud of internal study of where I was at, and where I wanted to be going.  So I have agreed with my higher self that this was not accidental but a planned interference to bring me back to the Pathway.  (Read Kryon's book Journey Home ). 


Anyway I am very happy now that I again have a roadway which connects me to my friends and family.  The office computer is always infected with negative energy which totally influences any posts one make to his/her favorite sites.

I have something I want to share with you from Michael W. Mandeville.  Some of you may be familiar with him.  He is a true intellect and a spiritually awakened but humble teacher.  I would compare him to David Wilcock but don't find a lot of similar referernces.  Regardless here is the information I wanted to share about the upcoming several days.


Soaring For Jupiter

The Earth | Jupiter | Uranus Alignment is upon us and so is a major surge in Solar Activity in direct response.  The Sunspot Count rose to 50 on September 19 but did so on a rare Falling Flux (from 83 to 81).  Because the Flux is falling, likely the peak is at peak as of yesterday.  Today and subsequent days will see a rapid fall in the numbers.

So far only one small x-ray flare and one small optical flare has been generated about 72 hours ago. Fluxgate Monitor shows a flat line in magnetic activity (Earth’s atmosphere)  but a coronal hole, actually more like a giant crack in the Sun’s atmosphere has aligned itself nearly perfectly facing straight on the Earth | Jupiter alignment.  NASA expects a solar wind to gust up in about two days and currently projects up to a 25% probability of major solar disturbances during the next 48 hours.

I am cranking up my telescopes and binoculars to catch Jupiter’s close approach.  As the Sun sets in the west,  Jupiter will rise in the east, accompanied by Uranus (very faint to our eyes) about one degree away.  At around midnight Jupiter will be directly overhead so all the evening hours can be used to spot Jupiter in the eastern sky.  Can’t be missed, it will be the brightest thing out there (excepting the Moon).

Here is what NASA has to say:  “CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH JUPITER:  Tonight, Earth and Jupiter converge for their closest encounter until 2022. The giant planet will soar overhead at midnight, outshining everything except the Moon itself. At this time, even a small telescope pointed at Jupiter will reveal the planet's moons, cloud belts and swirling storms. Take a look!

If Jupiter is up at midnight, it must be opposite the sun: diagram. Indeed, astronomers call this "Jupiter's night of opposition." The effect of opposition may be seen in the shadow of Jupiter's moon Io, shown here in a photo taken last night by Anthony Wesley of Australia:

"Io was almost on top of its own shadow," points out Wesley. "This is due to the near-perfect alignment of Jupiter, Earth and the sun."

In a coincidence of interplanetary proportions, Uranus is also at opposition tonight. This rare double opposition of two giant planets is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Unlike Jupiter, Uranus is barely visible to the naked eye, a result of its smaller size and greater distance. It looks great, however, through a small telescope. Just point your optics at Jupiter and you will find emerald Uranus about 1o away.”

I am going to try to spot that shadow of IO….If I can’t I will try to get into one of Arizona’s observatories the next few nights.

Oh, by the way, Spaceweather dudes, there are absolutely no coincidences in the heavens.  All is the continual display of the synchronous proportions by which the  Great Architect writes the endless cycles of existence.


More or less the Moon is in Apogee passing over the Equator on its way to the Northern Declination half of its orbit.  This means the Moon will appear about as small as it ever appears and tonight it will define approximately the line in the heavens which is the Zodiac or celestial equator.

The Moon will be Full on September 22/23 to celebrate the passage of the Fall Equinox, the  moment when the day and the night are of equal lengths. 

Sooo, the Moon and Jupiter and Uranus will all be rising nearly together, though the Moon will be higher up because it will not quite yet have reached perfect opposition to the Sun (180 degree phase separation as seen from the Earth’s surface).

Check it out….may I invite you to experience this NOW of the Cosmic Frame and the synchronous dance of the All.


What an exciting event.  I am going to have a personal drumming / fluting/ burning the sage, dance the moon woman event all by myself tomorrow night as we enter this unequivacably unique Autumn Equinox.  How significant is this alignment!!!!  those of you who are astrologers get your ephemerises out and make some charts!  

Love and Light to all, in the Oneness of the infinite Creator


Berry's picture

I just realized after posting the above, that my internet FAST corresponded very closely to the period of  Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur.  Hmmm!  is someone trying to tell me something..  I don't respond to the Hebrew Mountain Deity YWHW.  Perhaps his corhorts are trying to persuade me otherwise!.  Nah,  stictly coincedence.  (no such thing!)

Time to go to bed my friends.


(I have been posting a lot of conspiritorial material on the web recently.......maybe the PTB energies have identified me.  In that case whoooppeeee!  I am making an influence!  

Oh, I know I am going on tonight, but I wanted to share with you all that Sunday afternoon,  I was one of over two hundred people from my church organization (seven churches all together) Unitarian-Unversalist who marched in the Dallas Gay Pride Parade.  It was the first time I have done this, and I was completely moved into a higher state of consciousness as I walked that mile and a half or maybe more of parade route.  We were handing out fans as the temperature was awfully hot and humid and the crowd was cheering us like we were the returning victors, as we were walking to support and affirm the rights of the  GLBT (Gay,Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transexual) community .  I discovered when you are doing something to uplift others, you loose the connection with self.  I found energy and ability to ignore the pain in the feet, the heat, the humidity, and the other uncomfortable physical feelings when I was experiencing the sharing of support and affirmation for those guys and girls which lined the streets of Oak Lawn Dallas Texas USA.   Especially since I identified with each and every one of them, being a gay man who has lost his life mate but intends to continue to  express his energy and independance and Sovereignty as a Free Person of the USA.

Sorry guys I got carried away but this was a new and invigorating experience for me.

L&L to all



Wendy's picture

Whoo hoo for you, marching in the parade! I've had the same feeling marching with 9/11 truthers in NYC and Boston, handing out DVD's and being with like minded folks. No getting carried away, glad you're sharing the joy.



onesong's picture

where your voice has been dear Berry! Glad to have you back with us. The alignment is very interesting, thanks for bringing it to our attention.  

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