Chris Rock and George Carlin are a riot in this clip as usual. The truth is funny and entertaining in this clip.


Wendy's picture

Thanks Billy, that was fun.

Here's the film American Drug War:




JaiMe's picture

The folks for "drug free america" represent tobacco and alchohol interests, and I can say with my history of addiction to both those substances they are some of the hardest, dirtiest, and most dangerous drugs available, on or off the street. Big issue that I have noticed is that some of these "schedule one drugs" open up your third eye, albeit artificially, and that must be a huge threat or they would not be so criminalized. As an example, LSD barely reaches the brain, I believe one consumes 100 micrograms and about 10 of those actually get to the central nervous system, totally benign physically. The real danger is being exposed to your true self when you have been so disconected from it, can be such a jolt it can put you into psychological shock if you don't have proper guidance in the experience. I also have it from our family physician that MDMA/Ecstacy is also fairly harmless in its pure form (side effects include dancing too much and drinking a lot of water lol), the real danger is that it is distributed impure illicitly because the FDA/AMA will not approve it as a legitimate medication. Again this can put you in touch with your true self, and again there is a risk of shock because of how unfamiliar we are with that state, partly because it is often done or available in situations unconducive to personal growth. Of course we should never need any substance in order to access our full selves, but we have been completely shut off from our natural state of being by artificial means, which these other artificial means can put us back in touch with. No wonder there has been a war declared against them, and actually a wonder there has been no war declared against yoga, tai chi, and meditation, although social propaganda actually does demonize those things in a small way as being "a new age waste of time". Thanks for sharing!

ksaulino's picture

We know all these things, and yet the hypocricy is so disheartening.  Interesting that the only people in media speaking the truth are the comedians - Carlin, Rock, Stewart, Colbert, etc...

lots of love,



onesong's picture

regarding Jaime's post...yes, why is it that yoga, tai chi, and meditation are considered 'New Age'...

I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing out loud when someone considers these things new at all lest I go off on a rant about civilizations past, and the value of things that have worked for centuries!!!

blessings team!

ChrisBowers's picture

unchecked/unrecognized ignorance is celebrated as if it were illuminating knowledge at times concerning these types of misunderstandings.  it is one of the things that really helps me to see that we (humankind) are so easily lured into a matrix type social construct that becomes "comfortable", taken for granted as being the "truth", when it is little more than adequate time of conditioning to create a world view that tends to almost automatically/instantly discard what is or could be very illuminating if given a moment of consideration or put into practice long enough to produce positive liberating results.

I saw this in action so clearly the other night during a Tuesday night poker session when I brought up colloidal silver and the positive effects I have experienced.  One of the older guys immediately shot it down as nonsense because he had been conditioned to accept only what the FDA says is okay.

I dropped it immediately because living proof of my own experience was not even appearing on the radar of his well-developed world view.  all of us are challenged by this kind of conditioning, what James of Wingmakers calls the "human mind system"...  No wonder mind altering substances work the way they do, or how scary it may seem to some to venture too far from their comfort zone...

As Eckhart Tolle says, "it is what it is", but there it is.....  a constant challenge for all of us...

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