In the New Year, may the Divine Feminine in each of us rise up whenever there is anything less than Love happening around us. Ask Her in, recognize Her in yourself. Her Love, Her Peace, Her Light and Her sacred Love live within each of us simply waiting for us to open our Hearts to all that is in need of Her healing. Love is real. All else is part of the grand illusion. Let nothing diminish the Love we are! Happy New Year!
Beautiful, thank you.
Thank you Kristy. I have a few good girl friends but Mom and sister are both passed away and I work with almost all men. Like drinking lemonade on a hot summer's day.
To read and view what you choose to share out here Kristyne.
Thank you.....
With Love,
I have been talking to everyone who will listen for the past several months that we all need to find that feminine voice within to help us find balance, both as individuals and as a society as a whole. The feminine voice has been supressed for way too long, which I believe is part of the root cause of all the turmoil in the world. The sad thing is a lot of men dont understand what I am saying when I tell them this, but that is ok, they will understand some day (I hope anyway).
well since you're in agreement Todd, I'll tell you my idea for world peace. All it takes is a concerted effort by all the women on the planet~
if every woman engaged in a relationship involving sexual activity would abstain from same with the demand that until men sat down at the table together and actually worked together to end all conflict, they would not gain admittance to that most holy of holies, the Temple of women!
now I know there are problems with my plan, but hey, the one we have isn't working!
ok, so now you know i'm joking-but I do believe there would be less war, poverty, child abuse, genocide if the Divine feminine was a more active force in each of our lives.
A man in touch with both the feminine and masculine aspects of his psyche makes a better lover, father and citizen. Mama don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys...
We need to remember something here. Being a woman does not guarantee being in touch with the feminine. I see many many women these days that talk and act masculine and presume the "new attitude" to be "feminism", or "today's woman". The dominant patriarchal mindset "behind the scenes" must love that!
We all need to search for that divine feminine inside, dreams, intuition, true unconflicted liberation of the right brain, emotional magic, etc.....
I agree Chris. I see the women in political positions and they are too masculine and approach everything from that aspect...mainly because again it is a male dominated society and that is what they feel they need to do to survive in those positions. Kristy I agree with you too. There definitely needs to be a new approach to things! I have twin boys and I talk to them about this all the time, that it is ok to be emotional and intuitive and listen to your instincts...all the things that so many of us men were taught NOT to do. I look to women like Arundhati Roy and Kiesha Crowther (yes I know there is controversy over her, but I still like her underlying message) and others as what we need more of in this world!
You know, Todd, I couldn’t help but think that females also need to be told the same things that you tell your sons. That it is ok to allow the feminine energies – and actions - back in Females have been taught the same as men, and have suffered from being labeled as too emotional, thin-skinned, even hysterical - and the list goes on and on.
For many years I have tried to fit myself into this male dominated world, and struggled for what seems like forever, trying to figure out how to operate more from an emotionally detached state. In the professional working world, I continually felt handicapped due to my “errant” emotions that would embarrass me – especially if I really cared about the particular situation unfolding. And the more deeply I cared about things, the more my emotions got in the way. It was a vicious cycle with an ending result that I mostly stayed quiet on the things that were the most important to me. Disconnected is a boring and depressing way to live.
I am working to become more comfortable with the feminine, and it is with a sense of relief (not to mention wonder) that I progress in this new direction. I never was very good at trying to imitate the “male presence”. Learning how to embrace and balance both is a new adventure I am starting to look forward to. But I, too, need to learn more about the feminine – and I love seeing examples and reminders ( – thank you Kristyne!)
So very true Chris, that just being female does not mean that someone is in touch with the feminine. Many females may require just as much re-learning as males – but they have some “hard-wiring” that allows this to be assimilated in an easier or more familiar manner.
It is funny that for most of my life I thought I was disadvantaged by being born female… only to find out now… that it just may be – it is truly a great gift that I have been given. Thank you “guys” for showing your approval and acceptance. It helps.
With Love,
In one particular city I lived in, there was a large lesbian population whose culture was rather dogmatic. Feminine women ('fems') were expected to pair with masculine ('butch') women.
The butches adopted the same mannerisms and clothing as men. In some cases, it was difficult to distinguish them from men. Some of them were even chauvenistic and domineering to their feminine partners.
I had always thought that homosexuals had broken free of the traditional masculine/feminine roles of our society, yet in this case, there was little difference.
If you are attracted to women and all that that entails, wouldn't you want your partner to be more like a woman than a man?
What am I missing here?
You know, Mary, you bring up a great point and it makes me think about my own life and how uncomfortable I have always been being an emotional person. So many people label men like me as gay or weird and are ridiculed with jokes (go home and put on a skirt), so I too surpressed my feminine side due to this masculine dominated world so I could "fit in" and be like everyone else. It really has taken a long time to understand who I really am and be ok with it. I'm 42 years old and am finally ok with being an emotional person and being in tune with my inner voice and doing things by what it tells me rather than over analyzing everything before I do anything....What a great thread! Really has made me think and be grateful for this forum and all on it. It is nice to know that there are more of us out there than what we all once thought and we are all ok. I so look forward to the day when the consciousness of the world finally tips over to the other side. As Little Grandmother described it...it's like a fishing bobber in the water, bottom side red and top white and the bobber is tilting to the side but hasnt turned over completely yet...we are almost there but we just need to awaken a few more and get them to change their thinking so we can overturn that bobber!!!
Bless you all! I love you all!
I Love Ma Earth and the Sacred Feminine as I Love Pa Cosmos and the Sacred Masculine. Each supports the other... Strong and Sensitive is a place within the HEART and connected to the Mind. It is all good.
I bless you all with Love!
with love and gratitude.
Thank you,