Hi All-
This talk is pretty offensive but I'm posting it because it's showing where the U.S. military is headed in it's planning. I think it would have been helpful to see the PNAC documents before 9/11, rather than after. So lets take a look at this before a possible next false flag event - perhaps if enough people are looking at it, it will make it a bit more difficult for them to smooze us about it afterwards. I think it's interesting to note that this guy genuinely thinks he's doing what's best for all, and perhaps as many have mentioned, what appears to be evil in this world has it's place in God's grand plan to teach us all the lessons we need to learn.
...is entertaining and all, but it seems to me that he is merely stating the painfully obvious. I applaud his forward thinking in an effort to come up with a solution, but we know that the world's evolution is happening on a much faster scale than what he envisions. Before any of his ideas can be implemented, we will have moved beyond any need for wars or military. At least that is what I'm trying to create.
What causes war? Greed.
How do we eliminate greed? By learning to cooperate with each other for the greatest good of all.
How do we teach people to cooperate? People naturally cooperate when they realize that we are interconnected and interdependent with each other.
Maybe this is the power elite's role. Their aim is totalitarianism, but they underestimate the human spirit. The very systems they've created will be their undoing.
Whenever a huge disaster happens - Hurricane Katrina, Haiti earthquakes, Asian tsunamis... there is a huge outpouring of love, support, and cooperation amongst people.
As the house of cards begins to fall, more people will reach out to each other, developing new ways to live symbiotically.
The illusion of and belief in separation, the foundation of all other illusions to follow...
Agreed, Chris. And just to pursue what you said further: what causes separation?
Many developed teachers throughout history have said that what causes separation is the belief in the reality of "I", or "me." Does this sound too rarified or arcane to consider? Well, a little real-time experiement will bring it right down to everyday experience. There's an exercise designed to clear away belief in false "I". Anyone can try it. It goes something like this:
Look for a substantial "I", a self that has real existence, right here and now. That is, look for the observer-actor in yourself, that which "sits" behind everything, has all sensations, thoughts, emotions, experiences -- in short, that which preceives everything and is therefore beyond (or behind) all that it perceives and does. Who is it who has this body, this shape, this characteristic, this thought, this emotion, this idea -- who does this or that? Identify this "who" or "it" by looking directly, not by thinking or calling up images, memories, thoughts. As "I" sit here, who breathes, who types, who is aware of the environment, who has these thoughts, these feelings, this idea of myself? Pull back the curtain of all experiences as they're being experienced, and who/what is there experiencing them?
Well, anyone who does this carefully and honestly will find no self, no "I", at all -- just clear, empty Awareness. That's the basic insight, the basic view. From then on it's a matter of returning to that Awareness as much as possible. The more Awareness, the less separation. We still "exist" as individuals, but without the illusion of separation (a separate "I"). That's the "goal" of this kind of looking, if you can speak of a goal at all.
I agree with the idea of seperation, but the way this manifests itself is a desire to control what is not rightfully a person's place to control.
I think it's an illustration that the ptb are working from a desire to do good but have a misplaced idea about what decisions should be made by them and what should be made by others. When typing in the video description I almost used the words "control freak" to describe this guy but then thought I better not make that judgement myself.
Bob, u used the word "individuals" and it had me instantly searching for another way of describing what we have come to know as "individual", and "unique aspect" came to mind. Much like the fact that no two snowflakes are exactly alike.
With that in mind Wendy (relating to your post above), this made me think of what Bob was saying about increased awareness, and the effect that has on any one of these "unique aspects", such as the "ruling elite" or "powers that be" we so commonly make reference to.
They (the alleged PTB) are not separate from the "us" of this planet, but are part of "us", indicative of the collective "us". We are not "good" and they "bad". It all is a reflection of the "us" that we are at this point in our spiritual and physical evolution of this particular humanoid species. As they (the PTB ruling elite) become more aware, they might also change.
When we keep reinforcing the myth of separation by making something of "them" apart from "us", we encourage the individual and collective delusion of separation, the delusional notion that we all must surrender ultimately. In a way one could look at it as, the ruling elite don't have a chance of changing without the rest of us taking response-ability for the changes we need to make in ourselves, and the increased awareness that that will bring to "me" the projected individual, and to the collective "us".
The ruling elite are the direct result of the overall behavior and lack of "awareness" of the collective "us" at this point. They are not something that needs to be eradicated and then everything will finally be fine. In our present state of "awareness", if we were to successfully eliminate the PTB ruling elite, the vacuum left there would be quickly filled with replacements from the collective us that would, sadly, at this point in our evolution, begin to behave the same way given the opportunity...
At the same time, as more and more of "us" become more aware, the seemingly bad behavior of the ruling elite will begin to fade and transform as a direct result of the changing behavior and increased awareness of the collective "us"....
You're right, Chris. Putting someone in a box with a label doesn't allow them to change (at least in our eyes).
I have been practicing to see the ptb from their perspective. It would be easier to accept differences between people if they weren't purposely trying to annihilate life on earth!
Just this morning, during my meditation, I got the following insight. There is no "I". What we normally perceive as "I", that you are talking about Bob, is but a fragment of the whole of who we are, so we could say that there is no "I" but there is "WE" (or "US"). It could be said that "the Fall" was the event that brought us to this idea that we are separated, and it is in reality, an illusion. We've just been indoctrinated by our culture, parents, teachers, our "way of life" etc. into believing that we are separate, just like you say Chris. When we do the "Sacred breathing" exercise, we really are breathing together, not just metaphorical, but in reality, and not only with our little group here, but with countless others who are also waking up, from all walks of life, religious and political persuasions, nations and races. It is all "us".
As to what causes wars, the apex of the idea of separation, since it says that we can kill our brothers by the thousands or even millions, in the belief that can profit from it, that we can make our lives better by it, is a little more complicated that just greed.
I recently came across an article that made it clear for me. Many times I have said that "there seems to be someone else inside me". I've called it the ego, the interpreter, the shadow, and a few other unprintable things. But I have concluded that it is NOT my friend. It trips me in my goals every time. It lies to me all the time when it tries to convince me that it is me. And although its impulses bring me a lot of temporary physical pleasure and power, it is not the kind that I (we) ultimately want. I've seen it in action many times within my self. The article is called "THE GREATEST EPIDEMIC SICKNESS KNOWN TO HUMANITY" and it talks about a 'spiritual virus' that has been contaminating humanity for thousands of years.
The thing that makes it have a high degree of certainty to me is that the natives from this continent have observed the invaders as suffering from this malady.
"In the book Columbus and other Cannibals, indigenous author Jack D. Forbes lucidly explores a psychological disease that has been informing human self-destructive behavior that Native American people have known about for years...
“To a considerable degree, the development of the wetiko disease corresponds to the rise of what Europeans choose to call civilization. This is no mere coincidence.” The unsustainable nature of industrial civilization is based on, and increasingly requires violence to maintain itself...
"When people are infected by the wetiko virus, Forbes writes, they are “the host for the wetiko parasites.” The wetiko germ is a psychic tapeworm, a parasite of the mind. Just like certain computer viruses or malware infect and program a computer to self-destruct, mind-viruses like wetiko can program the human bio-computer to think, believe and behave in ways that result in our self-destruction. Wetiko is a virulent, psychic pathogen that insinuates thought-forms into our mind which, when unconsciously en-acted, feed it, and ultimately kills its host (us)...
"the spiritual teacher Don Juan, of the Carlos Castaneda books, mentions that the ancient shamans called this “the topic of topics.” Don Juan explains, “We have a companion for life…We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master.” This sounds just like the state of affairs being pointed at in the Bible when, for example, The Gospel of John refers to the devil as “the ruler of this world” (14:30; 16:11), and Paul speaks of Satan as “the god of this world” (Cor. 4:4). The Gnostic Gospel of Phillip, talking about the root of evil that lies within all of us, makes the similar point that unless this evil is recognized, “It masters us. We are its slaves. It takes us captive.” (II, 3, 83.5-30) Speaking about the predator, Don Juan continues, “It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so.” It is striking how Don Juan’s description of the effects of these predators is being enacted in our increasingly militarized society, as our freedoms and liberties get taken away step by step...
"Wetiko is an elusive spirit that is challenging to pin down and say it is ‘this’ or ‘that.’ At the same time, it is critical that we attempt to delineate its properties. Unlike a physical virus, the wetiko bug can not be isolated materially, but its characteristic signature can be detected and seen in the peculiar operations of a psyche that is under its spell. To not recognize the existence of the wetiko germ – ‘to say it doesn’t exist’ – allows the psychic infection to act itself out unrestrained. Being ‘always somewhere’ is to be nonlocal, which means that it is always around, even potentially, or especially, within ourselves."
I used to think that "darkness" was just the absence of light, but it turns out that there is a "dynamic darkness" that is willful and relentless in the pursuit of its goal, and it works by deception, through our unawareness.
Fortunately, this world being such a magnificent creation, the 'cure' for this psychovirus is simply AWARENESS. The virus is darkness. Awareness is light. We just need to be aware of where our actions are being originated from. As more and more of us becomes aware, the darkness that is war, will recede. Sometime, soon, even the fighters, the trigger pullers, will lay down their weapons and disobey their orders, for they too are our brothers. They too are "us".
This reminds me of a video I saw some time ago. Several times when I was being 'talked into renouncing all allegiance to that weakling, good for nothing entity called God' I remembered that there was something else behind the 7th and 8th veil. The article above makes it clearer for me now.
Thank you for that, Bob. I think Wetiko is the same phenomena I've long been describing as "people who lack the empathy gene." Reading Paul Levy's article finally gives me an understanding of the shadow side.
I've often wondered what the world would be like now if the American Indians had successfully driven those first European's out.
Good food for thought.
Thanks for posting that important video, Bob. I can say with confidence that I have pierced through the first seven veils and I have fleeting glimpses beyond the eighth.
I think the video underestimates the number of people (60,000) who have awakened to the truth. There are numerous groups forming to collectively raise the consciousness of our planet and to help heal her. http://awakeningasone.com/ is just one such organization. I have bookmarked many more such sites.
The numbers of lightworkers is increasing, not diminishing as the video suggests. I am amazed at the number of people I personally know who have pierced these veils. Many of them gather here at the Gathering Spot.
http://www.earthrainbownetwork.com/FocusArchives/MeditationFocus219.htm is another one. People from all over the world join together at the same time each Sunday in focused meditation for planetary healing. (They will email you the meditation focus if you join the list.)
Joining in meditation, prayer, and visualization by yourself, or more effectively, with other like-minded souls will help increase the light that has been dimmed for so long in this time/space we call Earth.
In love and light,